Sunday, October 13, 2013

Joy Ride. The Conclusion.

(Huge Blow)

Previously Recorded on The New Adventures of Austino Galaxia...Click Here.

And now the Conclusion of "Joy Ride"....

Great...Just.  Freakin'.  Great.


Well, Can I at least zip my pants back up, Geez!  I go out just to clear my head some, and right when I'm about to really push it out.  A freakin' Copper.

"Ok, Sir, u can zip back up ur pants."


"You do know why I pulled you over right?"

Not really.

"A Smarty-Pants, I see.  Well, I've been following you for some time now.  Every since u flew tha coop back in South Beach.  Let's see...You are using tha bathroom or springing a leak in public view.  I clocked you going over 90 miles per hour for tha last 20 miles in a 55 to a 65mph zone.  Let's see, you ran a Red light back near Star Island and..."

Hold up, Officer.  That light was yellow.  It wasn't red.  That's one of my pet peeves, people running red lights, so there's no way I would something like that.

"Now, Now, I don't wanna hear that.  Let me see ur Driver's License first."

Here u go.

"Burberry.  Huh.  Nice wallet.  Let me flash my light on this thang, it's so dark out here.  (Click)  Wait a minute.  Austino Galaxia.  Hey, aren't you that fellow that be writing all that lovey dove stuff in that diary online?"

Yes, Sir...That's me.

"My wife loves that stuff.  She reads it every night while she lays in bed.  She says it speaks upon what a real man is about. If only I knew what that means.  All I know is that it makes tha bed of roses just a little more sweeter, if u know what I mean....Hey, man, ur usually low key...Hold on...(Ka!) 'That's a 10-4.  No need for backup, the subject is under control.  I repeat no need for tha blue squad, the subject is under control.' (Ka!)"

(Roger That.)

"No why Galaxia are were you driving so wild?  You're usually a cool guy, but what has u acting like u just broke outta jail.  I mean this is not tha 4-0-5 in California, you almost had me call tha ghetto birds in tha sky to track you down!"

Well, Officer, I just went out for a little drive on tonight.  There's been a lot of stuff going on, and I just needed to get away from the maddnes..

"Hold on, Galaxia.  (Ka!)  'Where?....(Ka!)....That's a 10-4, I'm on my way. (Ka!)'....Sorry, Galaxia, but I just got a call, and all backup is needed up near the Broward County Line.  Hey, I'm just giving u a verbal warning on all these things.  Next time...Slow down!  You can get somebody hurt out here on these here streets.  We don't need a fallen star, u get me?!"

I got it.


(Whoop-Woop!  Screech....Whew!-Whew! Whew!-Whew! Whew!-Whew!)

Cop was cool.  Guess sometimes it is nice to be me.  You know what I'm just gonna turn around, and head back home.  I need to calm myself down, but nobody knows really how I've been feeling lately.  It's like everythang is cool, but there's a part of me that is truly not satisfied.  Life is moving too slow for me.  Like I'm always tha last one to get what I desire.  Mean, how many dues to you have to pay?  Speaking of which, I gotta stop by that library to renew my card.  Heck, I hadn't had time to do that.  It's like super late or early in tha morning, let me put on some music.  I'm feeling this Lil Wayne "Dr. Carter" right now.  Shoot, I might need one after all this drama...And we're back on tha road....


Ok.  I'm about to make some real changes in our life.  Lately I've been feeling so like, fired up.  Almost wondering if living life by ur own rules really pays off.  Like if u do what u think is good and right, does it ever pay off?  Freakin'...It's starting to rain.  Let me let these windows up.  But I feel like I'm a once-in-a-lifetime type of person.  And if you miss out on us, u really gonna miss out on something special.  Then I'm thinking about our diary. I'm way too personal.  Like totally way...Starting to feel like, I don't know.  Not sure people realize how unique our diary is.  You won't ever see anything like it again...  For three reasons...One ur talking about personal episodes about ur past, so that takes guts.  Two, ur writing about things ur going through in tha present time, meaning feelings as ur...(Honk!  Honk!) come people down here in South Florida can't drive in tha rain.  Anyways, we write real time as we're going this so call "top", so there isn't a blueprint.  Then lastly, we speaking about tha future that we haven't lived...just yet.  So for some strange reason we don't become legendary, or have our own era or date this 'most beautiful girl in tha world', then we could be looked upon as a fool.  Fudge, maybe I should just stop everythang, and become normal.  Let me get off on this exit...

(Whooo-Whew!  Whooo-Whew!  Whooo-Whew!  Whooo-Whew!)

I need to get these windshield wipers fixed.  That Rain-X ain't getting it done.  Why don't people see that I just wanna have fun in life.  All this other stuff, don't really mean anything right now.  Learning that I'll never be able to shake tha "Boy Toy" label by girls, so whatever, just roll with it.  Need to find motivation...need to find motivation...Wait, let me pull over to this empty parking lot in front of this bank.  Alright, hope nobody sees me, I think I keep some napkins in tha glove...Ah!...Yeah, got a whole stack.  I need to write something, just to get me back home, cuz I'm really p'd off, frustrated, u name it, I feel it right now.  Tha rain...Tha rain... Usually, this one tonight is gonna be just for me.  Let me see if this purple pen works....(Scribble, Scribble).  It does.  Close ur eyes and just let it all flow...

The end marks a new beginning, 
At least that's what I was taught to believe.
Somehow I'm the one caught in tha rain,
Wondering where's tha headlights so I can see.

Pulling over here in this vacant lot, 
Right in front of where the keep tha money.
Thinking about what our next move will be,
Perhaps I should make a crowbar withdrawl, wouldn't that be funny.

Tonight I'm just hearing tha drops of rain,
As they glide through this night misty air.
Things have to change, they must, 
Had enough of thinking and praying about what's fair.

The closer that I've gotten to my dreams,
The dimmer the tunnel has now become.
U started with so much innocence and desire,
All this craziness has left me feeling like a sucker or Dum-Dum.

I gotta write smaller, I just ran outta room on this side of tha napkin.   Alright...

How much fight do I have left?
Boredom seemingly has taken over with it's ugly head.
It'll be nice for somebody to make our day at least,
Feel like a cook who's the best around, yet never gets fed.

What I'm gonna do is simply this,
Use every single instance for fuel to become great.
Every rejection from a job, every girl who did us bogus,
Dig down for that Black List that's longer than 8 X 88.

People don't realize how hard it is to keep going,
Like they think I'm a robot or some kind of machine.
How hard it is to suppress ur Ego, for tha good of tha team,
When ur light is tha one u believe should be on a permanent beam.

It's like u just reach a point where u had it, for real,
Enough of all the talking, with that I can't take no more.
The time has come for doing and living it up,
Doing it as consistent, as this rain is increasing in it's pour.

Need another napkin.

In terms of Dating, I'm not gonna just settle for whatever,
Amazing how now I know for me who is best.
Our lifestyle is just about as good as it gets,
No way u can forget about us, and choose the rest.

Think it's a joke if you want to, don't laugh,
From now on, I'm only going after girls who are fine as Diez.
Ones who are ready for me, on every single level,
Whether that's in tha bedroom, or being talked online by Hilton Perez.

Someone who knows what's real and what's fake,
Dolls who are party heads, but are ready for tha fun game.
We're gonna be one of the most unique guys who ever lived,
After this poem, I know I won't be looked upon tha same.

Motivated, ain't even tha word for how I'm feeling,
More like obsessed with proving a flat out point.
2 show what living really means, and tha next level,
Just tha thought of us, makes u want to hit it like a new found joint.

Let me use the inside of this napkin.

So u gotta go though all this, I guess,
To get tha best lifestyle that anyone could ever conceive.
Rainy nights, Days u feel like it just ain't worth it anymore,
Moments where finding the joy is so tough 2 perceive.

Maybe that means that I'm close, Yeah...
Closer than ever to every goal I wanted to reach.
This had to be an hands-on learning experience,
No books or outlines could ever so perfectly teach.

The time is now, then, to let loose,
Becoming tha ultra and never duplicated version of me.
Really don't care anymore about a whole lotta things,
I just want to live, and let whatever be...just be.

Remember the best, always have to take tha hardest road,
That gets lost within all tha South Beach glitter and glam.
U can get caught up in tha temporary hype of it all, 
Yet Determination is tha jewel, found in tha middle of Fame's clam.

Who knows what's about to happen next,
Most of my life seems to be that ultra point of insane.
But that's ok, though, cuz I still and always will believe that,
The most successful people are always known for how they react in...Tha Rain.

There.  This has been one heck of a night.  I'm using every single thing to motivate me.  From the thrill of success to girls to folks cutting me off in traffic, no stone is going unturned.  I'm reaching for tha ultimate level of me.  And I'm thankful that I'm experiencing all this "junk" cuz now it's on.  It's so...Freaking on.  Now let me back outta this parking lot, and go home.  After this ride, I'm never gonna be tha same.  NEVER!

So let's roll...


Austino Galaxia.

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