Monday, October 28, 2013

Prime Time Special.

Alright.  I'm kind of at a small crossroads as to what to write on tonight.  Part of me wants to be all cool, calm and collective.  While another part of me, wants to turn this diary upside on it's heels, and start calling out some names of some folks who have become part of...tha story.  What do u think we should do, hey???  Just gonna write from our heart and let tha chips fall where they may.  I got a feeling this is about 2 get interesting tonight.

Thank God!  Just to be here, just to be blessed in tha manner we've been hooked up, just to still be good.  Very good.   I have a really, and I do mean, really cool life.  Fortunate to be able to do and see and live a lifestyle that's kinda unique.  Yeah, this is about 2 get real tonight.  This could possibly be our final diary post before "Galaxia Day" on October 30th, so why not just reminisce a little bit on tonight.  We're moving forward of course, but tha last year has been...well, it's been wild.

First off, I have to say this.  There's somebody who may be reading this diary right now, and I need to give a small apology too.  She knows who she is.  I'm tha kind of guy who wants everybody to be a part of our life and lifestyle.  We have learned that perhaps its not fit for all, which is cool.  But this one girl who I thought was really cool, I asked if she had an interest in kicking it at this event, just on a friend tip, not on a 'I wanna knock ur boots' type of tip. I had NOOOOO idea that u had a boyfriend.  And I'm not that kind of person to just break up happy homes...I'm a guy who enjoys 2 see people happy, especially when they found a love one that they enjoy 2 be around.  That's cool, and I don't want 2 feel in any kind of way that I'm trying to break somebody up, or do this or that, cuz that's not how I operate.  Matter of fact, I don't need to be writing all this in tha open, let me send a text 2 this homegurl right now....

(I'll be right back.)

Ok.  Text was just sent...Whatever happens...happens.  I just REFUSE to live with stuff on my mind, especially when it involves somebody who I respect and think is cool.  I really don't care anymore, people don't feel me when I say...I JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN!  PERIOD.  I'm not into chasing pussy...I'm not into chasing money, we've been blessed tremendously in that area.  Well, both areas really...I'm at a point in our life, where I feel like "this thang" is taking off.  For real.  If that means making a fool of myself sometimes...So be it.  If that means, coming off snobby or egotistical, please don't take it personal, it's just that we're really focus right now...Beyond compare.  We've been...Next paragraph....

We've been through a lot of stuff.  And we are now at tha point where we want to be.  Where any person wants to be at.  That point is when u realized ALLLLL that u've been through, whether with jobs or money or women, and know that every-single-experience has made u better.  Yes, u may have had to cry some nights, like why did this person trip like they did.  And Yes, u got P'd off when a job u know u were qualified for didn't come to you, when u know u were tha best person for tha job.  But after a while, as tha old folks used to say, things become a little clear.  U think, alright, maybe I wasn't ready for that gig, when I thought I was.  If I hadda gotten that job, perhaps I woulda lost touch of life, and got caught up in "tha lifestyle".  Or perhaps God was putting me through all this and that with some girls not to know what I didn't want, but to make me realize what I DO WANT, and to treat her, or them (Cough, Cough) better than any guy has treated them ever before.  U know how it feels to have somebody of the opposite sex just be innocent and cool?  That's probably why many girls treated us like we do, cuz they know we just wanna have fun, and don't care if they are wearing pink undies or have or tan, or don't wear makeup or not.  This is real talk tonight.  Might as well get it out.

Life is to be lived.  And my Ego...or Pride or whatever u want to call it, has been programmed to want to live it at tha highest...somebody ain't feeling me...tha highest level possible.  But what I didn't know, as I began this diary over 2 plus years ago...What I didn't know, as I walked into tha Ford Modeling Agency  with a Mead paper resume years ago...What I didn't know, when I was interacting with all these beautiful girls, and having them come to us, was that a life of luxury and greatness comes with a big price.  And sometimes tha trials you go through, are part of tha process of creating a new, and improved you, that will allow you to reach that level u want to be at.  We talk about "tha house on tha hills", or tha "MTV" lifestyle, I desire or whatever, but there's a process to get those things.  Sometimes it takes months, sometimes a few years...Sometimes over a decade, but yet and still it's still part of tha process.

I talk about my love life...wayyyyyy too much here in this diary.  Way too much.  It's embrassing, it's so vulnerable when u discuss stories of love lost or never-had-beens, but I rather go through EVERY SINGLE EPISODE the perfect love deserves, if it means that one person doesn't have to do tha same.  If me telling a story about me and two roommates, helps one somebody or spur a thought, then that's freakin' awesome.  Freakin' Awesome!  Many days I don't even want to write, but something inside is like u gotta write.  Even though I rather be eating on Lincoln Road at tha time...or sleep...or at tha club...there's a need.  Thus, we write.  I used to wonder, why am I tha one going through all these episodes?  This guy doesn't have to deal with choosing between two or three girls?  This guy doesn't have to deal with dating outside ur religion, or somebody younger than you, or being attracted to somebody even taller than you?  But..u can't miss tha steps.  I wanted to skip some, but nevertheless, if u want tha best, then u gotta go each and every one of them...even when u don't want to...Even when u feel like u've been through it before...u gotta do matter how much pain and bewilderment it may bring.

I'm fired up!  Cuz I can feel that we are close.  I got that little red can of fuel, that I once talked about, sitting by my bed...inside my my locker at to tha Bosu ball at tha athletic club...And definitely next to this computer as I write.  It's everywhere!  And I'm figuring that it's time to put on a real show.  U think that stories can't get any better, well they can...You think that somebody can't be honest and real, and goofy and not age (Wink!)...That's possible...You think that no guy can make love to you, or treat you or read ur mind, like they know you better than u know urself...It's possible.  But to get to those levels, somebody has to face tha pain.  And after u face tha pain, embrace tha pain, learn from tha pain...Then and only then can u live.  And not try to holla at every girl that gives u a smile and pat on tha butt...Then u can not spend money like its water, even though u got 4 to 5 digits in ur bank account...Those lessons help you, help mold u to appreciate stuff, and once u go through those lessons and past them, then even better things begin to come your way.  Trust me on that!

As u can see, I have no idea where this diary is heading next.  I've written enought to last at least 1 year and three months I think, so tha time is getting short to when I'm gonna hang this good ol' thang up.  Then again, I really feel like this diary has to end on a good note.  Like an happy ending of some sort.  We're close...very close.  So until this thang ends we're gonna give tha best that we have.  In however form it may come.  Just talking, poetry, "Must Read TV" type of stories, whatever....Just want to have fun, and share tha love.  If that means that nobody reads this thang.  I'm still gonna write, cuz once again, this diary may not be for tha present time.  I appreciate all tha 24,000 plus views we've gotten, much love for checking out our crazy life.  But once again, we released our life to that tha public as a diary look within they are going through tha ropes of reaching tha top.  Some days stink.  Others I think I'm in love.  But it's 100% authentic.  Misspelled words...We want this 2 be real.  Not some okie doke type of stuff.  Naw...I'm blessed to be living down here in South Beach, which is one of the wildest...and coolest places to live on Earth, so there's a lot we see on a daily basis.  And even when we travel or whenever we move to LA or wherever, Lord willin', I'm gonna keep this as an updated look into tha craziest dude in tha Galaxy!

The Best is yet to come.  Our life is about inclusion with exclusion being its bodyguard.  We want cool folks around us, and people who are real. If ur not, we are gonna get along, just being honest. I can handle being alone, if that means that I'm true 2 myself.  Like I said, I may seem really snobby or arrogant, just don't take it personal, just realize that I know what I want, and have a spirit to get it by any means necessary.  If it means crawling and messing up my Diesel shirts and Joe's Jeans, so be it.  I want it....BAD!  And when u get to that point, that's when things start to happen...that's when u can help others along tha way...that's when tha impossible suddenly becomes too real...And that's simply tha stage when your....

Entering your prime.

Hugs and Kisses.
And Cheers!

Time to have sum fun!  Galaxia Style!
Austino Galaxia.

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