Monday, October 7, 2013

Playgirl Crush.

Warning:  Please forgive me Ms. Diary on tonight, but I'm gonna write this like it's me and you.  Meaning that I'm gonna let loose in a personal way that will illustrate what really going on in our Galaxy.  We're writing this like nobody else will read it, so it's just u and me.  Alright, from our heart....

Oh boy.

Today I woke up with a feeling,
My first words were, 'It's gonna be a good day.'
Who knew what drama would follow on,
I mean it's poured down raining through tha sun rays.

But there was something in tha air, I guess,
Words are difficult to even find.
A feeling like we need to get back to being me,
And go through life wearing our 'S' for Swagger sign.

Not to sound selfish, not at all,
Just know that tha time is now to show.
Been through the experiences, and tha trials,
Now, it's the Opening Act after that "Best Kept Secret" Intro.

While working out today, one thing was on our mind,
"I'm Tha Best", preceded by a "dunkin" with a 'F'.
U get tired of feeling like u've proved urself over and over again,
How come when I shout, all ears go deaf.

Crank it up a notch, I guess,
As if my life DJ was homeboy Soulja Boy.
He'll tell me to fly like Superman, I get it,
It's just that I prefer the quiet confidence of my Batman toy.

You know, just standing there, in grey and black gear,
Knowing that he's the greatest superhero there'll ever be.
Then under the mask, he lives the life only dream upon,
Wealth, A good name, and a sexy lady, well make that three.

I'm gonna get into our love life in a momento,
Cannot go through 2nite without even a pure mention.
Right now just getting this new us off our chest,
Feeling kinda a homeboy who just got outta detention.

Love and Fun is tha name of tha game,
And I hope that one day somebody will truly see.
That even though all this 'hype' surrounds our life,
When u define Galaxia, those 2 words truly sums up...Me.

So much is going on, right now,
We've been really and truly picking our spots.
Been low key, in a way, on purpose,
Almost like a secret criminal hiding to ploy his next plot.

You need that though, to get ur mind right,
That way nothing will stop u from ur dreams.
Whether that's a day at Disney, or a long shopping spree,
One of mine is getting no pimples while eating sprinkled Ice Cream.

Enough with all tha serious stuff,
Now let me get to this crazy love of date thang.
Nowadays I feel like I do FBI background checks on girls,
Purely because my life is cool, and eye have no time for flings.

(Whew...Here we go...)

So do opposites attract when it comes to love,
Like can u have nothing in common, but still feel an attract.
I asked a homegurl that on today, and she says she thinks so,
And by what's been going on inside of me, I think it's a fact.

Even though we've gone through episode after episode,
Almost feel like our love life has more twists than Stephen King.
For the first time though, I got an itch like this is different,
Like hearing Lil Jon rap, and on a song hear him actually sing.

The funny thing about this whole thang,
Is that the girl, I don't believe, has any absolute clue.
Which is funny, cuz even as I shared a few words with her 2day,
In my mind, I was thinking, what really should I do?

Ladies, it's hard for any guy, especially guys who are like us,
Who've seen it all, to actually be impressed and approach.
U figure it's so many girls who dig u, or who ur just cool with,
Ur ego is so big that only God can be your coach.

Yet when somebody kinda has an excitement about her,
She becomes The Apple, when everybody else is a compare.
That girl is hot, or that Senorita is mad cool,
They only get an glance, while Ur Apple makes ur soul stare.

One thing, I think hot guys look for, at least I do, is this,
Can a girl provide an "Awe" factor, every-single-time.
Baby girl can be rockin' PJ's, or Ugg's with jeans shorts,
But can her presence make u think, "One day she's gonna be mine."

So as I let it all out on tonight, I be thinking,
How can she be created like like a Masterpiece?
She's cool, muy sexy, and has that MIA gangsta style,
Even though she used to live where u rock mittens and a fleece.

I'm cool, in a way, it's just so weird,
Like I can see things getting closer by each encounter.
Things are lining up, but not fast enough for me,
Which is why I'm writing tonight, to get a clear ponder.

Is it crazy to feel this way?
The feeling of she's so different, but we're both so alike.
Like if we were to hang out here on tha sands of tha beach,
She would be tha string, and without looking I can feel her tug at my Kite.

Or that uneasiness is in tha air, when u two are around,
Almost like Cupid is up top shining that glowing spotlight.
Both of u don't wanna say anything, but u both can't help it,
Sometimes a surprise brush, can even cause a "fright".

Now I'm in tha most difficult test of my life of Amor,
And I thought that I've really and truly been through them all.
The test of being patient, not rushing things,
I don't think I can wait until the end of Fall.

When u know that ur close, to anything or anybody,
With all the fun that ur life purely beholds.
U see tha laughs, u see tha late night giggles,
U see a drug store stop, to help with that silly cold.

Inside I know what type of person I am, just been wondering,
If my feelings inside mean I've met my match.
Like could a girl, who's even younger than me,
Be so seasoned, that I need a big net for this catch.

Could her demeanor of being around a lot of guys,
And money, make her feel like she's invincible.
Like the only way to get her attention is if u had ur own show,
An unlimited bank account, and a Premium gas tank always on full.

There's no way, I should be sweating this like I do,
But how can I runaway from that flawless smile.
I'm the ultimate Playboy, perhaps the last true one standing,
Yet I pull out her folder with her face, whenever I dig into my Best Candidate files.

I shouldn't even release this poem on this evening,
Cuz it's just too much of my raw emotions stated above.
Now I'm really "out there", so much vulnerability,
Especially considering my most sensitive subject...Love.

Maybe though, this poem and other posts are playing a part,
Got a feeling, that this is turning into the 'Greatest Story' told.
When I got started with this diary, u got so much of my past,
Perhaps it's fitting to end it with a tale of a girl that's so cold.

We wanted our diary to be one that would be talked about for ages,
One that u can tell ur friends and kids, that I once knew....
Tears sometimes come to our eyes, cuz we've been through so much,
Almost too much, holding our breath until our cheeks turned blue.

A day when all the "Boy Toy" moments were over with,
And we can just live like everybody else...just with our own spin.
I want to be tha Best.  Ever.
Never knew that having aspirations could alienate u like an unforgiven sin.

Now I know what it takes to reach tha point,
What experiences u need to bank in ur soul as fuel.
Learning tha relationships and dating are more like partnerships,
And aren't some kind of competition or even white glove duel.

Whoever ends up getting us, is gonna get a treat,
Those dreams u talked about with ur doll since tha age of four.
Unconditional Fun, Every moment is ever so special,
And don't tell me that there's still somebody willing 2 open up tha door.

Who knows what the upcoming days will entail,
Maybe this episode is just another to stockpile with tha rest.
Perhaps the lesson in the end, wasn't to get tha girl after all,
But to grind out ur patience...That could be this simple test.

Destiny has a way of working things out that u don't understand,
In my heart, I just gotta move along as if everythang's fine.
Could be tough, especially if I think on her, and how special she is,
Our near misses could be blinking brightly as a "Not Her" sign.

I don't think so, as I leave my heart in this post,
One thing I've learned is that our life is one of u never know.
Don't even like talking about this stuff, too personal,
And to be honest, there probably be somebody else next week with that certain glow.

This one has been grown for months though,
Now it's reached it ever dramatic peak.
It's Do or Die, Make or Break,
Either u two talk, or another Babe u must seek.

It's different this time though, I'm not pushing it,
Letting fate have it's wish.
Not gonna lie, it's tha hardest thing I've EVER had to do,
That's tha price u pay for wanting to catch tha Big Fish.

If this is tha last time I write, cuz y'all I'm really tired,
Just know that this kid wanted to show a little fun.
Not on tha snob tip, Not just on tha Sex tip,
Just wanted to have his day in tha sun.

And if u think about our diary, and I hope u will,
Sure u think about all tha talk on love and different girls.
Hard to describe all that u've been through in tha open like this,
We talk because tha lessons learned are ones classified as little pearls.

In regards to tha gurl that we've spoke upon on tonight,
If ur reading this, u know we're talking about u, that I can feel.
When u see me, we can still joke around, nothing's changed,
I'm not a chump, I will let u know straight up what's tha deal.

I'm sure of two things in life, uh-huh...
This is only for this diary, so keep it silent.
One is that one day we're gonna be real famous some day,
Maybe even our own show, a season, and not just tha pilot.

The other I don't think I should even admit it here,
But she doesn't even know it, but that girl spoken of will play a major part.
She's gonna feel like tha most special girl around,
For we will connect, don't know how, but someway...heart to heart.

Playboys like myself, am timid to write like this, but I had to,
I took my time, kinda emotional,
But trust me, there was no rush...
Yep, there's no doubt that girl is gonna be mine,
And u have just read tha final episode of them all,

...Galaxia's Ultimate Crush.

With Love,
Austino Galaxia.

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