Saturday, October 19, 2013

Top Secret Thoughts.

I'm very anxious to see what we are gonna write about on tonight.  I had all intentions on going up North on tonight, 2 kick it a little bit...or a lot.  But things happen, so instead we are here at tha Crib watching "our boys" the FSU Seminoles play against Clemson in a big college football game.  Clemson just fumbled on tha first play, so it should be a good one.

Like we said, we really had no plans on writing on tonight, or even in the upcoming days.  You know its amazing how things can happen, and tha things that seem like...Let me explain.  I shouldn't really, but since it's our diary, I might as well.  


"Touchdown 'Noles!"...But there has been some absolutely weird things going on in our life.   To tha point where, it's like our life is being scripted in a way, that just don't make any sense.  When u live a life where up seems down, right seems left, flirtations are just well...flirtations.  Things can messed with ya mind.  So yesterday, to be honest, I really and truly just lost it a little bit.  Knocking thangs over, hitting things, dropping F-words after every syllable, just because sometimes I feel like I'm on a journey that nobody else HAS to take, nor a journey that anybody HAS taken.  I'm a very competitive person, I mean I want to live life at a very high level.  My ego can only take so many episodes or years of "junk" before u feel like, "This is some Bull S---", and why am I trying to live at a high level of excellence when it seems like it's hasn't nor ever gonna pay off.  Is there anybody else out there who wants to have fun and love in life?  Is there anybody in tha world, let alone tha Galaxy who can tell me straight up, 'No', instead of nothing?  Does anybody else want to cherish each day as their last and not put things off until tomorrow, when tomorrow ain't promise 2 any of us?  I've said that before, and maybe it's only me, but I felt like u are doing so much to remain patient or cool, when others are doing less and u feel like they are getting...more? Don't think people understand, I'm one of tha most egotistical people alive, and I was upset...Very, very upset.

But a funny thang happened on today.  Like I woke up feeling like...better than ever.  It was if, all the episodes that I went through this week whether with certain girls or jobs or whatever made me feeling like...We've always said, that sometimes u just gotta go through it.  And even through some crazy "stuff" I went through, that voice within kept saying, "U had to go through this stage".  If u want this, no matter if u want to or not, u must have gone through those moments, or even those girls.  Now ur ready.

This scene in Clemson is straight up like a night at Bamboo!  For shizzy, that's so freakin' awesome!...Learning that if u want to be the best or if u want tha best in anythang.  Job...Car...Wife or Hubby...Then u are gonna have to go through tha hardest route.  If it's super easy, then it just might not be worth it.  What I've learned is that u got to remain confident in who u are, even when things look like they ain't paying off, cuz those episodes could be preparing u for something greater up ahead.  I was thinking about some episodes with girls, and I just laughed a little bit, cuz I thought, "There isn't anythang any girl can tell me that I haven't heard."  It's almost like Lebron talking about his first game going back to Cleveland.  Him saying how nothing can be worse than that experience.  That's how I was thinking, u have a boyfriend, u are gay, u got a kid, yada yada yada...Once u got that mindset, u really become free, and live in a risk taking kind of way, which u need to lead u to success. U can apply for any job, u can walk up to anybody and be real, cuz u know they can't hurt u anymore than u have in tha past.  Real Talk.

Just gonna let go, since I'm here tonight.  Since I'm being real on tonight, and since I talk about dating and love so much, let me say this here and now...I think for me, tha most difficult thang to find nowadays on tha dating and friendship circuit, is somebody who's 100% real.  Not 75%, not 88%, not 99 and 1/3 percent, but a full 100%.  Somebody who tells it like it is.  Somebody who calls when they say they will call.  (I'm getting myself in trouble, but Ef-it, this is how I'm feeling)  Somebody who lives what they say, and says how they live.  I know I'm not tha only one out there who feels like this, if so, once again, I'd be more than willing to be tha blueprint of somebody who does.  So when u constantly meet people who seem down, but aren't really, it can be frustrating.  That's why so many sexy girls are so leery nowadays.  Because there hearts have been played with so much, and they have seen so many games and signs of potential, only to find a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Many guys feel tha same way.  Thus u begin to fight within, "Ok, if I want to be with somebody, then I might have to sacrifice who I am, just so I'll have somebody, even though that's not my style."  Same thang on tha job, u like, "If I want to get an advancement or promoted, perhaps I should just brown nose my way up tha ladder, instead of doing thangs right.  It is who u know right?"  I'm being way 2 real tonight...and I like it.

"Touchdown 'Noles...Again!"  Off a fumble...'Ohhhh....Oh...Ohhhhhh.....Ohhhhhh....Ohhhh....Oh...' (Smile)  Tha Tomahawk Chop still sounds as good as it did when I was kid. Which I still am? How can I live in Miami, and cheer for FSU?  Tha complexities of Austino Galaxia right?!  Getting back to this crazy talk...So what do u do when u are in this type of situation?  How do tha great ones react? Well...this is how I'm dealing with all this nonsense.  This is SUPER, SUPER PERSONAL, but there might be somebody who wonders if they are alone, and I'm here 2 say, u are absolutely freakin' aren't.  I'm gonna let u inside to how we think, and combat any negative energy.  This is just us, and time will tell how it works or not.  Don't believe I'm doing this, but here's Galaxia's mind when my back feels like it's against tha wall.

- Get Better Than Ever.  Whenever I feel slighted by a situation or a love episode, after I hire a hi tman, we dig down and take our life to another level.  I used those slights or disrespects as springboards to reach tha next level.  I can recall two times in tha last several years that were MAJOR bookmarks in my life's book.  One was in like 2007, when this girl who I thought knew, and she knew me blew me off, in a "I'm better than u" kind of way.  It might not have been that, but that's how I took it.  It made me think, that I'm gonna get in tha best physical shape I can be.  It spurred something that hasn't stopped since.  The other time was...yesterday.  I saw this girl I kinda dug talking to somebody in a way, that just hit me like, 'Don't tell me u look at me in a Boy Toy sense as well.'  I was controllably pissed.  At her.  (Sorta)  At life. (Definitely) And at God (Off Tha Charts) , for making me see and experience, not only that sight, but all that tha last months being around this chick has brought.  She's now tha springboard to tha next level.  I promise u, she is.

- Take Pride in Tha Tough Lessons Learned.  U almost have to make tha lessons a part of your badge of honor.  I be like, "Nobody else has to go through this, so I must be a really special person to have to endure this drama."  U know, like back in tha day in tha 'hood, when folks used to take pride in getting shot.  Folks be bragging, "Homes, I just got blasted like 6 times last night outside tha King Liquors, but guess what...I made it outta County Hospital in 3 hours though. They can't hold me down, Son."   That's tha attitude, u gotta take.  Cuz no matter how tough it seems, it will pass. Somehow...Someway.

- Don't Hate The Person Involved.  Oh, I can write until Que Pasa, USA comes on at Midnight, just on this one subject alone.  There have been so many difficult moments when somebody has done or said something bogus to my face, and I've been forced to see that person again.  Whether it was outside of a CVS parking lot, or on tha j-o-b.  And tha worse is when u wake up, and U KNOW u gonna have to hear their voice or see their mug, and when u do, they act like everythang is honky dorey with tulips in tha garden, when u for dag gone sure know it ain't.  A few times, I almost called my cousin up, to round up tha girl goon gang, to come down I-95 and take a few front porches out via an old Oldsmobile station wagon.  But what got me through, was not looking at tha person, but embracing tha episode as another step.  Now by no means is that easy, by no means, but the more u focus on tha person, the worse YOU feel, and tha longer it takes for u to appreciate tha motivation and help u need to reach higher than ever before.  Its amazing how many people who didn't want you, or give u a chance in some way or manner, later on, come back to you...Let me stop. I got an All-Star list of just those type of people.  Amazing.

-"Let's Get Egotistical."  Didn't Jane Fonda write a song about that?  Anyways, tha immediate human response when things or when people don't go ur way is to look within and think, "I'm just plain and simply not good enough."  Guess for me, lately I do tha opposite.  "I might be too good for that person, and us not hooking up, or me not getting that job, actually does me a favor in tha long run."  Just gonna tell it like it is.  I know sometimes I've wondered why this thang didn't happen, or how come this girl didn't take a ride on tha Galaxia rocket, but...Huh, that's kind of kinky, but anyways..but perhaps u were going beneath who u are and more importantly where u going.  Always date...Up!  And us guys, even myself can get caught up in tha money of a job, or the curves of a girl, and can feel like, "If I don't get this girl, there ain't nobody else."  Or, "I love South African Blonde chicks, who are short but have a nice booty, and she's tha only one I've seen in Miami, so I'm shook."  Not true...At all, my friend.  Maybe tha one u were digging, guy or gal, changes when they get in a relationship, or become stalkish after good sex, or can't handle when u become famous, and tells everybody including your Mama, all u all's business.  Said it once, and this past week reminded me in a strong way this simple fact...I live a unique life, and it's gonna take a special person who's been through tha struggle, and joys of life to be a part of it.  Once u go through all that, THEN AND ONLY THEN, do u get with a person like us.  U gotta pay ur dues to love...first.  That's just how I believe, and after u gone through crazy stuff, that's how u should believe too.  No matter who dumped u, or who doesn't believe in you...YOU ARE SPECIAL.  Next...

- Look For Others Who Have Experienced Similar Trials.  You have to do what u gotta do.  I love sports, so when I see things or situations that are comparable, I have no problem YouTubing a post-game with Kobe Bryant after tha Lakers loss back in tha 2008 Finals.  Especially this one...He used it as a motivation, and they came back better and won two straight championships. Or old Chicago Bulls moments with Jordan and Pippen when they were losing, and how they handled that..."Touchdown, Florida State!  72 yards!"...But anythang from stories from ur family coming from Cuba to Steve Jobs to TV shows that started with little viewships, but then got blown up. U Must Find Somebody!! Recently, I watched a recent Kayne West interview with BBC Radio. (Shhh....That's Sneak Preview into a future post!)  But he said something, a lot of things really, but he spoke on 'Peers'.  And the more u connect with others who have taken on similar tasks in their field, the more u look upon them as Peers.  And for me, at least, the more I look at myself being in tha same league as them.  So u don't get intimidated by tha moment, or when cameras are all around you, cuz u've been studying for it so long, that you know how or how not to react when those things occur. And finally...

- Raise The P-O Level.   That doesn't mean take out ur frustration on others...per se.  But u gotta get a mindset where it's like, "Screw Them or Screw This" I'm gonna show them and they are gonna regret it.  Big time.  A lot of things that happen in our lives are to make us crank it up a notch if we let them.  So I know I'm a super weirdo, but anythang and everythang can get us going.  "That job couldn't even give me a call back? WTF?" or "That girl thinks spending a night with a guy that's gonna use her just for her body, is better than being with me who's gonna give nothing but laughs...Ok, I see."  And even on a deeper level, I even use God as motivation.  This is really top secret stuff, but...Sometimes I think, 'U giving this wet behind tha ears kid of 19 years a cool wife, and I gotta go through all these ups and downs with all these pretty ladies?  So basically, God u saying he's better than me, right?  Or I'm not worthy?'  You have to play games with ur mind to elevate your game and level of living.  If u don't u'll just drown in ur sorrow.  And u don't deserve that.  Take tha motivation, work even harder.  When u do that, u even look even better inside-out...Outside In.

Ok.  This is my diary, but tonight was secrets I wouldn't tell any soul, but you.  Enough talking.  Now let tha fun really begin...And as I've been uttering 2 myself for tha last several moments...

"I'm ready to Play."

Are you?

With A Pound Fist Dap.
Austino Galaxia.

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