Saturday, October 26, 2013

Like A Movie.

Fingers, I'm letting u do tha work,
Whatever tha case, please don't fail me now.
Let this be a home run of a post,
Not ahead of this pitch, which will make it go foul.

Just relax on this Saturday Morning,
Wanting something special to be created.
Whether that'll make me loved like Mother Teresa,
Or whether I become Cyberspace's poster boy for tha Most Hated.

No idea what is gonna come of this today,
We're just writing from our heart and soul.
Somehow I think it's gonna be really, really good,
Get your snacks and popcorn...Matter of fact, make me a bowl.

Close ur eyes, Galaxia, enjoy tha peace,
A journey is unfolding as I see darkness bliss.
Guess I'm gonna have to write about this Star Wars vision,
And not a single detail, will I miss.


I don't think nothing can describe my life as good as this,
So much can leave you with so many battle scars.
Yet if I had to describe our life at this moment right now,
It would be in a Fifth Dimension...almost like Twista spitting 16 bars.

Don't understand where I'm coming from, that's ok,
Tha funny thing is neither do I.
I remember seeing those movies on VHS' back in tha day,
When movie theaters were cheap, and snacks cost no more than a dollar times five.

Now they want like twelve dollars to get in,
I mean, how can I do that with a sexy Miami girl?
I want 2 eat M&M's, or Mike 'N Ike's,
Six Dollars?...That price alone can rock your world!

That's why tha other day, I told this cute beauty, 
"Hey, let me ask can ur Louis Vuitton hold a Twizzlers bag?
I know u just got it on sale for $350, and ur gonna return it,
That's simply why inside tha zipper, u kept tha tag."

If that girl says, No she can't do it, it's 2 ghetto,
Then perhaps we should end tha date before we even leave.
There's only two things I want in a girl for a movie date...
One who can sneak in snacks, and who's arm I can cleave.

See, I'm a little scare-dy cat, when it comes to horror flicks,
Yeah, I'm a gangsta dude, but I can still scream at an opera level.
Blood gushing everywhere, a hack saw coming full throttle,
How can u not run, when u hear tha music and see Jason coming with a shovel!

It's too much, I know to handle, but it's me,
And I'm not ashamed of it one-little-bit.
Once we got tha hidden snacks, and tha hyped mind,
Then we have to stand in a long line, without causing a hissy fit.

The line be absolutely too long, it can be horrible,
Maybe I should lean on my date's shoulder to rest.
I got plans to buy that Tom Ford Black Orchid fragrance soon,
Hopefully the smell of Gillette Deo, won't ruin my bedroom chance to lying on her chest.

"The Best A Man Can Get", was my view when I asked her out,
Thinking, that even though it's dark, her presence will truly shine.
Told her straight up, I love Fandango, so I got these tix for free,
She smiled, with a sly kiss...with those diamond eyes that make her look so fine.

We got to tha loudspeaker, and we heard with a loud shout,
I tell them, 'Two', and that I already got our tickets printed out,

My date had to hold me back, cuz I was getting so heated,
'U freaking lucky that ur sitting behind tha glass!'
Tha worker, then gave me tha hand to tha face gesture,
Outta nowhere my date chimed in, "Don't get tha Fendi twisted, Gurl, I'll whoop ur ---!"

I didn't know she had that Ryde or Die in her,
The proud look I gave was one a parent would give a child.
She's dresses like tha model she is, has tha curves of a stripper,
But behind that face is a fighter who ain't afraid to get buck wild!

So we stormed off, with swag like we just hit tha Florida Lotto,
Got to tha ticket taker, and presented our tix, like..."Now What!"
He tore them up, and I got mad cuz I wanted tha momento of the evening,
I wanted something to recall tha night that me and this beauty had our first Director's Cut.

After tha unwanted "Rip", tha 15 yr. old told us softly,
To go up to tha third floor, to see this special movie of choice.
He said it like he didn't wanna be there, so rude, I tell ya,
Ain't my fault that he's working instead of at home watching Adam and Cee-Lo on The Voice.

Both of us go up all these stairs, they were like never ending,
This movie better be good, feeling like my second workout of tha day.
My date just grabbed my arm, and put her face on my shoulder,
For somebody I met at tha club, she sure has a sweet and innocent type of way.

Finally we get to tha 3rd floor, and we look around, 
And already I see my date looking at tha Concession stand.
Feeling my empty pockets, I already know what's about to happen next,
"Can we get some chocolate grasshoppers? U know I'm a big fan."

I'm thinking within, I only got six dollars left, and here she goes,
Knowing we can split tha Twizzlers we got in her bag of cost.
I was saving my money for dinner afterwards at the newly opened White Castle,
After this tha only thing I can now afford is 2 packs of Bar-B-Que sauce.

Being tha gentleman that I am, I say, go ahead gurl,
There isn't anything I won't do for a sexy and seemingly cool chica.
Now I've never made out with a girl after eating grasshoppers before,
Oh Well, that's tha price for dating a Dime Piece from tha shores of Costa Rica.

There was no wait in line, and step straight up to tha counter, 
My gurl places her order, with every guy worker looking at her like a fantasy dream.
One guy dropped tha popcorn maker, another spilled a soda,
I smile, cuz I'm so stylishly dress they think I like lollipops but not ice cream.

(See, that was a good line, see...Lollipops mean u could like...While Ice Cream means u like...Oh Well...Anyways, where are tha freaks when I need them!!  Back to tha story!  Wink!)

My girl then gives me back my change, all twenty cents,
Whoopee!  Now I can put 8 more minutes on tha meter of Parking time.
She's smiling, and begins to crunch away on her munchies,
Seemingly thinking about her childhood memories of family flicks and beach dine.

"You know this is tha first time, I've even been out in awhile,
All the guys who come around me seemed to be intimidated by how I look."
I tell her, 'Yeah, u are attractive, but so am I...
I've been around so many beautiful girls, that believe u me, I'm gonna write a book!'

Homegirl, offers a grasshopper to me, and I first decline,
But how she said, "Come On" in Spanish pulled me... so in.
She rubbed my arm as, I took my first ever bite into an insect,
It's amazing what a guy would do to see some lingerie and some skin.

'This is good', and I wasn't even lying about it,
It had tha taste of Godiva mixed with a little Popeye's 3 piece.
She gave me another, and I gladly accepted,
This night was turning mythical like tha story of  tha Golden Fleece.

She put the hoppers away, and held my hand, 
As we were looking for which door held our movie quest.
'Over There.', I said..."No, it's over there!", she responded,
I learned a long time ago u always follow tha girl, to make her think she knows best.

This time she was on tha money, and we walked in tha double doors,
Darkness was everywhere with a screen playing upcoming attracts.
Cameron Diaz and Penelope Cruz in "The Counselor",
I threw in a slick line like, 'We gotta go see that next.'

I was insinuating that there would be a next date, 
But before we get to even that we got to pick our seat.
I always take the last row, in tha middle, just for privacy,
She wants us to sit on tha aisle, since she has long legs and big feet.

For five minutes we're in tha middle of this here corridor,
Now arguing about what's tha best seat in tha house.
A few other couples began to trickle in,
No more is tha place as quiet as a mouse.

I just hate arguing over silly things, so we simply agreed, 
That we would take tha last row, and she'll sit on tha aisle.
Man if we argue over silly things like this, I don't know,
If we get married, perhaps I should keep some divorce papers in my cabinet file.

We walked up the stairs, and all eyes were on us,
Wherever we go, no matter where, we catch a stare.
Like people can see tha magic that we have with each other,
Wondering how can a lion be in hand in hand with an ultra sultry deer.

Tha last row finally, I walk in first,
My girl then sits on the end, and her legs then gently cross.
She had the most beautiful legs, absolutely toned perfectly,
Then she had tha nerve to give her hair a simple, but oh so flirtatious toss.

The coming attractions keep coming, so did the people, 
While my girl acted first, with a slick body bump move.
Laying her head on me, while my left arm wrapped around her,
One thing u can't say about me is that I'm not one of tha all-time Smooth.

Next thing we heard was an announcement to turn off ur phone,
She replied, 'I don't need to, I already did. Cuz I wanted no interruptions on 2nite.'
I looked at her, and then kissed her on her lips,
Then the place went completely dark...We both got lost in each other's sight.

In tha darkness, we could hear convos turn so soft,
But we keep acting like high schoolers, as the kiss turned French.
We finally stopped, wiping our face in pure embarrassment,
Realizing that we were in public and not on some backyard picnic bench.

Our Feature Presentation...That's what showed up on tha screen,
Tha Twizzlers and Grasshoppers came out, and we got ready for tha show.
The movie was awesome, beyond compare just from tha jump,
Amazing how each character and villain's style simply flowed.

Tha movie ended, and we waited until tha theater was empty,
Both of us wanted to cherish tha moment until tha very end.
Being together, without anybody knowing who we were,
Sometimes it just feels good to feel like ur twelve years old all over again.

We begin to walk out, and then we look at each other,
Knowing that this one night has turn into something speechless without verbs.
Hand in Hand we're now on tha sidewalk walking slowly,
But our stomachs are growling like we need some meat and some herbs.

Notice this 24 hour Organic place, but I begin to fret,
Cuz I spent all I had on those grasshoppers that brought her so much joy.
Before I could say something, she blurted out, 
"I gotcha, and don't worry...I know u don't like to be treated like a boy toy."

Got over, and I ordered chicken, smothered in honey,
Just how I like my baked chicken, and women for that matter.
She got down to some cage-fed turkey, with grilled veggies,
And  byhow fast she ate, I don't think she coulda been more gladder.

The check came, and she swiftly swiped it away,
With me grabbing my napkin and thinking, "This is so new school."
Thinking about all tha drama that others once brought me in my past,
To finally meet a girl who's smokin' hot, and more importantly...Just cool.

She said she had to go use tha bathroom, and I could understand,
We hadn't gone since I picked her up around 9 O'Clock.
As she got up, I couldn't help be take a peek at her silhouette,
My heart began to get excited, like looking at a tugboat I wanted to dock.

Something then happened, as 5, then 10...
Now we were working on 15 minutes going by without her sound.
I got lost track of time, as I was texting my friends, using silly syllables...
'I got 4 wds 2 describe what's bout 2 hppen...Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wow!'

The waiter then came out to me, with a note in his hand,
He gave it to me, and walked away, shaking his head in disbelief.
I don't know if he was more upset about what tha note entailed,
Or because me leaving my chair would give his waiting list some relief.

I opened tha letter, written on a napkin, and it simply said,
That my dream girl could not stay, she had to go.
How she was beginning to fall in love with me, so hard and so soon,
And how she got afraid of how much of the unknown she didn't know.

Disbelief...couldn't even describe the half of it,
Got up from my chair, and just walked away.
No tip left, didn't even say Thank-you to tha waiter,
This was tha cherry on my Fudge Sundae...What a freakin' day.

But when I got outside, I saw this wedge shoe lying on tha sidewalk,
Tory Burch, just like my former date had on this weird, inexplicable night.
Then I look ahead, and see my baby girl walking 2 me with one shoe on,
Please tell me that my presence didn't put her to run in tha name of fright.

I walk to her, and give back the shoe she lost.
Wondering why did she just ran out on me like that.
Earlier I wanted to call J.Lo to plan our upcoming wedding,
Now you ran out on me like Flo Jo running a 10 seconds flat.

She explained all she's been through, and other stuff,
Telling me that she was scared to fall, so fast.
I put my arm around her and said, We all have doubts,
After all I've been through, it took 3 years for my heart to remove it's cast.

We decided that day to give it a try,
Take things slower than usual, because of how we felt.
Our hearts were feeling something neither of us felt before,
It was a tad more weird than eating some duck in between a sandwich melt.

Now we doing better than ever before,
Like life has all just fallen accordingly to every single plan.
The fire between us is so hot, I can't describe it,
Almost like putting on an old record by tha group Steely Dan.


Pop!  I just open my eyes back up,
Did anythang good happen as I was writing?
Anything worthy of a Pulitzer Prize, Or a call from The New York Times?
Or at least a call from tha author Michael Crichton?

Yawn!  I guess I gotta go and work out on this Saturday,
Wondering if I could put what I just saw into text.
Just had this vision I was with this one girl,
Going to tha movies, having fun, without being perplexed.

Tha lesson I got was that,
Even if u love something, u sometimes have do a little sow.
It will come back to you, then u know without a doubt,
That it's yours...To love, cultivate, and eventually grow.

I've had some wild stuff happen, but now it's coming back for good,
Time was long, but now it has been worth tha wait.
So impatient, wanting to do things our way, all tha time,
Instead of just having fun, and leaving it all up to fate.

That movie night I just envisioned was so cool and so perfect,
Two people getting together, all in tha name of love and not tha dough.
And they won't ever forget that nite, I won't neither,
Where were you, when u first saw tha movie...

Tha Fun Kid Who Finally Learned 2 Let Go.


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