Monday, October 21, 2013


The feeling of a loss, 
It truly cannot be put into words.
Empty, unfulfilling at best,
The yelling of the other team shouting, "Yes Sir!"

Walking back to tha locker room,
Contemplating if I'm ever gonna simply...Win.
Is this tha reward for those early morning sacrifices,
Or looking at tha playbook late night in tha basement den.

Why does one have to go through so much pain,
Just so that he could get just that one.
How come life can tally up the loss column in triple digits,
While letting tha win column tally up the number...None.

Has tha game changed so much, beyond belief,
That fundamentals no longer even mean tha same.
Is tha quick highlights or one night thrills more important,
To have just tha one minute, instead of 15 minutes of fame.

Where are the cheerleaders, shaking their pom poms,
Have they become more concerned with who does their nails?
No more, "Go! Fight! Win!", just whispers about tha after parties,
Everybody has their own agenda, no wonder tha team feels like it's fail.

The fans in tha stands have grown quieter, by tha minute,
When was tha last time you heard a "Good Game, bro."
Doesn't anybody realize that those few words make u work harder,
Winning tha respect of ur fellow man is more than any kind of dough.

Maybe playing this game, may not be worth it after all,
Perhaps I'm a player cut from an entirely different cloth.
So what if I'm as dedicated as Milhouse Van Houten...
And so what if I want 2 party like David Lee Roth.

I've been in this game for a long time now,
Seen it all from buzzer beaters to flat out blow outs.
Been in tha gym when it's nobody but me working on my game,
Also, experience moments when everybody knew we would win, without a doubt.

Right now, it's late night, and practice has just ended,
I'm all alone with these thoughts going through my head.
Tha leader of the team, must stay after to be tha most ready,
But it's my spirit right now, that feels like it's tha most dead.

This guy is on tha cover of this magazine, that ain't fair,
Last time we played, I scored like thirty, without even a sweat.
How come he's tha one everybody's drooling over, then,
His attitude is, "I show up to tha game's with a fur, cuz tha ladies like 2 pet."

I don't even look at my Instagram anymore, it makes me sick,
Seeing this girl with this guy, when deep in my heart she should be with me.
When she comes to tha games, she used to inspire me to newer heights,
Now she brings her man, which is alright, but I just wish that homedude could just flee.

My Coach is really getting on my nerves nowadays,
He's like trying to make me be more patient, like that's ever worked.
I feel like this is my Senior year, and I got no time for all this waiting,
Especially with all tha sacrifices...Heck, I even gave up eating pork.

The system this team is running, in my opinion stinks,
What ever happened to tha joy of simply playing and enjoying it all?
Other teams are playing with tha times, and winning like crazy,
They are playing in tha fast lane, when I feel like we're just holding tha ball.

I'm supposed to be tha captain of this team, been that way for years,
There's no way, that I should be thinking this season is a pure waste.
But there's no other way to put it, we haven't won one game all year,
And earlier I was voted Pre-Season All-American, now I got mud on my face.

So angry right now, that I don't even wanna talk about it anymore,
Everyday I cringe coming into this freakin' gym.
No new equipment, the bleacher are all ratty beyond compare,
Heck, I can barely see where I am cuz the stupid lights are so dim.

What do I have to do to change this season around?,
I need to do something quick or this team and me are gonna be a huge joke.
Last year, we ended feeling like this season we were tha team to beat,
Now this year, I couldn't even get my blow-up doll Jackie to give me sexy stroke.

This has been tha worst season yet, and that's by far,
And everybody around feels like everythang is A-Ok.
NO!  It's not, that's not how I was raised,
Losing is never acceptable, and I'll preach that everyday.

This week is tha biggest part of our season yet,
We have a game scheduled against our cross-town rivals.
It's an away game, and their joint is gonna be jumping like never before,
There's nothing like seeing Galaxia and his boys look like a broken tribal.

 A loss to them would end our season of high hopes,
And if we lose I might as well just ride into tha sunset like John Wayne.
Feeling like these last few years has been nothing but lost hype,
Wondering if all that surrounded me was for selfish gain.

I hate to even think about this part, cuz I've been disappointed,
But what if somehow, we pull out a huge victory for tha gipper.
Like what if out of this seasonal cake of let downs and disappointments,
Pops out a beautiful victory, wearing all lace like a Bachelor Party Stripper.

Let me see, I'm in this gym alone, but I got all tha keys,
First let me take off my jacket, and run over there.
The AD gave me keys to every door in this whole school,
I guess sometimes tha perks of being a future star can seem unfair.

It's this skeleton one, that's funny cuz it's almost Halloween,
The birth of Galaxia is tha day before, and I know what I want for my birthday.
First let me concentrate on opening up this here door to start,
Then I can talk about that calendar gift featuring, "Tha Hot Girls of Calle Ocho Way."

There! Now I need to find that freakin' light switch,
"Click!"  I can see up in here so much clearer.
Soccer balls, Tennis Rackets, Golf clubs,
The only thing missing is...Ooops, there's tha Homecoming Queen's Golden Mirror.

That blue bag, there it is, that's what I need,
Out of all that junk, this bag of balls tops all these toys.
I know Senorita Carmen is still hear cleaning up tha school,
Hopefully she won't drop her mop by all of this bouncing ball noise.

'Bounce!  Bounce!'  I just love tha flat out sound,
I named one of my basketballs after this flat out angel, Julie.
She had perfect caramel skin, who wore suspenders like no girl I've ever seen,
Meeting her in tha office of my Adviser, as I was conducing my semester duty.

Her hair was sexy curly, with eyes like I've never ever seen,
All with a smile that seem so perfect, and believe u me, u could tell.
Yet, she was LITERALLY an Angel walking on Earth, and I'm NOT KIDDING,
To be so close to Heavenly perfection, and now u know why my standards have never fell.

So what if Julie was sitting in those bleachers over there,
As I'm thinking about quitting tha game that I love so much.
Would she cross her curvy body, and just let me give up,
Or possibly would she get up and say no words, but simply give a...Touch.

Oh, I can feel her presence in this gym,
Let me take off my shirt and get loose a little bit.
I know I'm not supposed to scuff up these new Jordan's but,
We have to get move around a little, no way I can simply sit.

I got a Spanish Mid-term in tha morning, But the only reason I took tha class is this,
So that I could sit next 2 tha future Miss Venezuela, tha sexy Valentina Gomez.
She's tha hottest girl in school, and she always flirts with me,
Maybe I should just cheat and write tha answers on my D Wade Dispenser of Pez.

Can't think about her right now, I'll call her when I get home,
This here is tha most important moment perhaps of my life.
Our hoops season has been so disappointing up to now,
And I got one more bullet to shoot at that gangsta named Constant Strife.

Gotta take off my chains, and lay them softly on tha gym floor,
It takes a lot to have tha look of somebody who's gonna be a star.
My whole closet is filled with names that I can't even pronounce,
I'm gonna wear my Green Seven jeans to tha prom, that'll definitely raise tha bar.

Shooting around with no shirt on, I love this,
Folks don't know how I'm really a huge beach kid.
The calmness, tha water, I've always been attracted to it,
Wrestling girls in tha sand...Oh, if I could reveal all tha fun I once did.

Let me shoot this one up...'Swish!'
Maybe our team does have a chance after all.
Tired of nobody knowing how good our team really is,
Losing is embrassing...That's why I put a hoodie on when I'm in tha mall.

But before you accomplish it, you gotta believe within,
'Swish!''...Just have a funny feeling like this is about to turn.
'Swoosh!', there's another shot through tha net,
Maybe all this adversity was just to make our fire simply....Burn.

I can see it all so clearly though,
Us winning this game, and our season turning like never before.
I can see our team going all tha way, and winning State,
Then at tha after party having Valentina show up naked at my door.

Well, maybe not naked, but she'll definitely be there,
And all this pain would be put in tha past.
Somehow I forgot what they once told me about living,
Enjoy life to tha fullest, cuz tha enduring pain will never last.

'Swish!', I'm really starting to feel it, I think we're gonna win,
As crazy as that sounds, everything is about to change.
The city is gonna be in a frenzy like never before,
Funny how I never seen balloons and "Go Team" painted on a Range.

That's gonna happen, and I'm gonna tell tha boys at practice,
Right now is tha beginning of our new season of fun.
Forget about what happened earlier, that was just a test,
Now our season is gonna be as sweet as a Cinnabon.

One more shot, cuz I got to go,
4...3...2...1..."Swish"...And tha crowd goes wild!
I always come through in tha clutch, believe that,
Not even a strain, that's just part of my style.

I'll leave that ball over there, we got an early practice,
Nothing like some alone time in gym with nobody but you.
Dang!  I forgot I got an eye exam tomorrow too,
Those two weeks of trying new contacts definitely flew.

Let me turn out these lights...with a...
Well, well, well, this is quite tha suprise.
The girl who's gonna be my future wifey,
All dolled up in Hudson's, Marc Jacobs, and her sexy eyes.

What brings you hear to my house,
Girl, I make things happen here at tha bleachers at mid-court.
If you want, I mean I do have my shirt still off...
"Stop it boy, you are always such a silly flirt."

"But I stopped by wondering if you want to study for tha test,
I know how Spanish has been tough for you to catch.
My Grandma is making a big dinner, it's my Papi's birthday,
Maybe I could introduce you to my familia, they are a crazy patch!"

That would be awesome, but I gotta ask you one question,
Valentina, how did you know that I was in her getting up some shots?
I mean, I love to go around this whole entire city,
I coulda been at tha beach, or hanging out at GreenStreet out in tha parking lot.

"Well, I just had a feeling that you would be in here,
I know that this season has been nothing but a huge test.
Losing is never bueno, or excuse,
But an artist always goes back to work on his craft to prove he's tha best.

Sometimes in life, you just have to push through whatever happens,
Even when you feel like there's no hope it would change.
That's when u dig down deeper, and I know you,
Remember when we first met and u ask me to borrow a notebook page.

I have faith in you, and now you will see tha reaps of tha hard work,
And never again will you feel like your so alone.
Besides, us Chicas always know where our men are...
Even if your mother forced me here by calling my cell phone!"

Ha ha!  She knows who will bring a smile 2 me, I guess,
Let's get outta her babe, and cut tha lights out, and pop tonight's fun balloon.
Got my future gal on my arm, and tha new season is now about to get good,
And as my folks tell me, Our time is coming...

Soon...Very, Very...Soon.

Austino Galaxia...
From Downtown...."Swish!!"

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