Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dealt an "Oh-63" Card!!

If u play bingo 4 fun or whatever, a card with 0-63 is a winner!!  

Time 2 get serious right now...

2day as we were driving along we wondered if we should stop keeping our diary online or not.  The debate raged inside of our heart and mind, just because there is SO much stuff going on, and I may have to call some names to really make this thing authentic.  If I kept a personal diary, I would be writing about Bob or Jane, u know...but since our diary is for the Galaxia to see now and forever more...ain't gonna lie, we are becoming a little nervous because some of what we wanna write really involves people who might actually read this.  I don't want 2 short change our life by any effect that it's really jumping off...just a little nervous about what might be written.  It's so real, and even though it seems like a fiction reality TV show, we promise u, all these stories are real!  We're gonna just live in tha moment 2nite and write from our heart.  Here's goes...

Our birthday was on yesterday.  It was quiet...and that's how we wanted it.  I'm not one for jumping up and down to be in a "look at me" type of thang.  I get enough of that anyway...But with us actually waking up early, to earn some ducketts (Ugggh...) and with all the "morning" held, it was...interesting.  As the day moved on though, into the late night hours it became cool, and perhaps even legendary.  See this is when I want to write about me and this girl but....not yet.   So many lessons we learned throughout the day.  We're such a kid though.  Age really isn't a factor for us.  Matter of fact, we are confident that we are the youngest person ever to walk this globe at our age.  For real...not kidding.  And we'll say that with a straight face.  Been blessed in so many ways...just too many to name.

Still so many wacky stuff going I'm walking down 8th street here in South Beach on today about to go to my showroom, when this guy popped out of nowhere, and I could sense this character walking behind us.  So I got my headphones on listening to some jams, when I could feel him coming closer to our back.  I move over to my left on tha sidewalk, and begin to think upon all the Kung-Fu I learned in like a  3 mini-course back in a H.O.P.E. Summer Camp me and my bro took like 15 years ago from The People's Champ "Super" Neil Singleton....Next thing I know it, this dude comes Prancer, Donner and Blizten right next to me.  And as I began to get mentally ready for a battle by thinking about all those Jerry Springer shows I've seen, my guy like yelled out, "How u doin' bro!!"  We say, "Alright, What's up!"  And in a snappy type of voice, he replied, "U know, just out walking."  And how he said it, and the fact that he kind of slowed down to walk next too us had us thinking, "This jabroni is about to try to rob me for my Magic shaving cream I just bought!"  I ain't lying...I couldn't let this happen especially since u can't find this shaving cream in the Beach hardly and I just paid like $6 for it, oh hecky naw, we gonna have to rock 'em sock 'em today and after thinking about how the Lakers played last night, I'm ret-2-go!

So we walk about 4 and half more steps and how his tone begins to verbeeate (a Galaxia term), I also began thinking that this guy was about to not hit on me, but "hit" on me.  Not making this up y'all, this is how we were thinking.  I'm straighter than a lightning bolt and I have no problem being Cruel Intentions seduced by a guy, just don't go and try to touch my lips and try 2 kiss me like that guy at the library down off of Alton Road here in tha beach, a while back.  Just because u like pudding doesn't mean u don't get tempted by a lollipop every now and then!!  Boy...if within the next three years, I don't get my own seminar at the Miami Book Fair...heck, I might just crash somebody's lecture this year, just because...this is some good stuff we're reading!!  Back to this he's like, "I'm looking 4 this Mercedes on sale for $600...that boy rides smooth."  Once again, I didn't know what the pumpkin he was talking about.  I didn't know if he was talking about him actually wanting a new ride or if he was talking about his secret Halloween night fantasies out loud, either way, I decided to pick up tha pace a little bit, and try to do a "Hey, look over there!!" move, and "fa-umm" like a Ferrari back 2 tha spot.  Kinda weird, but like I say some of the most interesting people are coming up to us bro...right after him, I past a Hispanic couple dressed as Thomas Jefferson and Mother Theresa or who's that woman with the...Betsy Ross.  After all that within a three-block radius, I think I needed some straight Egg Nog, hold tha ice and easy on tha Egg!  Get it, see at breakfast u can have ur eggs over eas...Ahh...maybe I'm the only geek...anyways!!

Even though, our life has changed dramatically, the one thing that remains the constant is our appetite and bloodline to have fun.  It just comes a time in ur life when u don't think, but know that things are about to come you way.  And u realize that all that u've been allowed to go through, but The Great Maze Designer in tha Sky, has all be a test to mold, and re-create u into something that u couldn't even remix if u tried.  U have to push through some of those moments where u feel like "When is it ever gonna end?"  Or u have to ignore sometimes when somebody u, and ur thinking, "How do they have the inkling to even approach me like that, when they got untied shoelaces!!"  That happens like, "Dude,  u got tha nerve to act unkind, when I got this, this, and that, and u got..."  U don't wanna say all that, but u get tested.  Can I just keep it real.  I mean, let's be real peeps...How many times during a day does somebody... a) tell u something u already know...b) gives u advice from somebody who don't even know u...or c) talks nonsense like they are all that, when in tha back of ur mind u done did that 3 years ago!  Didn't Jigga say, "I'm already home!"...while u're just rounding second base!  Once again, that's tha A. Galaxia alter-ego talking...but if u want to approach somebody with a question, for a date, for a job, do it with respect...Not on a "I'm better than u" tip, cuz u never know, whom u're talking to, cuz they might just have more than u.  Inside...and out.

Man, we really wasn't even gonna write tonight.  I'm thinking about doing our own secret book like diary along with this one.  Whaddaya think?  We'll see, as much as we think this diary is complete, seemingly it isn't not just yet.  The best is yet 2 come...Matter of fact, the fun is just beginning.

And that means this diary is gonna be at a whole new level...


Austino Galaxia.

U know's a little bonus feature just for just hit let's continue....

We were just putting the finishing touches on 2night's diary post and it's title.  And some profound hit us.  Now I'm not a gambler, unless u're talking about love or leaving to go to work 15 minutes before u're scheduled and actually thinking u'll make it on time here in Miami, but as a kid our fam like to play bingo just for fun.  Now I'm not necessarily a professional Bingo player.  I don't walki around every Wednesday night with a green halogen visor on, or I don't carry a special book bag to hold my personalized bingo chips, but I do know a thang or two about this funny game of B-I-EN-GEE-OH...and Bingo was his name oh!  That's old school...but we have a lot of fun passing the time away, spinning this make believe wheel with the balls inside.  It made u almost feel like a showgirl for those televised Illinois Lottery or Florida Lottery drawings..."And the seventh number for tonight's Pick-6 drawing is...172!!"  Just fun as a kid.

Now after much experience, calculations, and let's be honest, cheating I found one number to be, not only my favorite number in tha game of Bingo, but also, the winning number on any bingo card.  Ok, don't tell nobody, but it's...


When u see that number on ur card, boy, u might as well book ur ticket to Buenos Aires, cuz u about to win enough change to buy Paris Hilton a new....I'm sorry, I forgot.  If u see that number, u need to get excited cuz ur about to win a 12-pack of Kit-Kat bars!  But all kidding aside, whenever Tha Kid aka Me or vice versa, sees that 63 number under that letter "O", all I know is that I'm about to be happier than a Nielson rating after an announcement that ABC is bringing back Lost!!  It's about to be on and popping!!

But isn't it amazing that not only u don't get a card with that combination all that too often, but that the continual winning number could mean that u've actually lost 63 times before u became a winner.  Meaning that it took 63 times for u too lose, until u won on this 64th time.  A reach???  I don't think so...

I know personally that failure sometimes, heck a lot of times is a prerequisite for the course titiled Success.  U have to try and try and try again, hoping that ur card can someday come up.  U've heard about it, but to actually have it in ur hands is a whole nother synopsis.  Yeah, I spelled it right on tha first time, What?!!...The thing that keeps us going in certain areas in our life is that "hope" that the idea or dreams or visions that we have will come true.  Sometimes it only takes one try...other times it might just take 63.  I think the thing that gets us is when other people used to yell "Bingo" and they just showed up to the Church Fellowship hall..I mean Bingo Hall... while u've endured 3 hours worth of screams, yells and bad jokes about dentures, and on how "The Clapper" is the best inventions of the 20th century behind The CHIA Pet!  U've gone through all that, and u're number still hasn't come up.

At this moment in our life, I feel that all those 63 times were for a reason. Everytime u came close, gotten four numbers diagonally or whatever, helped u, even when u really didn't want 2 be helped.  It built resilience, patience, the willingness to not jump after every chicken dinner u see, all that.  When u got a little experience, and then put that with a fun level of talent and an open mind to continuous learning, that's a Moby Dick of a combination to be dealt with.  I might be just talking to myself, but that "0-63" does say something.  Like u're oh-four-63 times, but now it's ur time.  Now u finally have the guaranteed winning card in ur lap.  And if she can do this Elvira thang with tassels attached to her, cough, cough, that'll be even better!  That's asking a lot...but when u've endured, and survived, I believe it's ur RIGHT to expect nothing short of tha best.  When u've gone through so many bad apples, u want that last one to be as sweet, long lasting and as fulfilling as possible.  U don't want "Ok"...U want to be able to walk and say, "It was all worth it.  Just one bite, was worth it!"...unless u're eating from an apple given to u by a girl named Eve, then that's a different subject!!

That's all.  "Oh-63"....Childhood memories...that were more profound than a simple shout.

And guess what we have an idea about where 2 take this diary...

Get ready, it's really about to get good!!


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