Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today's Guest Speaker Is...

I used to L-O-V-E this old 80s show

This should be very interesting,
If this day already hasn't hit me with some spite.
Now I'm being led to write a poem,
But our mind is blank with nothing in sight.

May be our last one we'll jot,
So we'll follow orders and give our best.
My heart is full right now, a little nervous,
But I've already past all the tests??

So for one more evening, we'll relax,
And see what our fingers come up with.
Fame, Money, we talk about it all,
And that Sex thang...I plead tha Fifth.

But what if I just go all out, and show,
Once and for all that there's no compare.
I mean, for all our time writing this diary,
We've chose "truth", now it's time to choose "dare".

No need to wait any longer,
Let's just write away with a sexy flow.
Get ur popcorn ready, and DVR ur TV,
Sit back and simply enjoy tha show.

I feel change y'all big time,
And it's really hard to explain.
I feel like jumping up and down while walking,
But that'll just throw me in tha Asylum of the Insane.

We want so much out of life,
No joke, but I'm not tha only one.
Some dream of reality shows or headlines,
Our dream has simply been one

Why do we get up in the morning,
If we feel like we don't have a fighting chance.
Might as well stay tuck under the covers,
There's no use in doing ur Diddy dance.

Sometimes we even feel that way,
Like haven't we learned enough.
It's almost like learning ur ABC's all over again,
Man...I been knew that stuff.

The frustrating thing about all this,
Is the feeling that it ain't effort but about time.
When others are dropping them left and right,
Seemingly I got to get one penny at a time for my dime.

I ain't even gonna get into that...yet,
But u know we have 2 say just a bit.
In order to write this poem of a lifetime,
We must let a few nuggets simply sit.

We have such an ultimate life in many ways,
Everything is within our reach.
Been through the pain, and hardships,
I guess now it's our time to teach.

So Professor Galaxia, I have a question,
What's the sexy lesson of the day?
There are several to speak upon,
Keeping it real is our only way.

Not giving up.  Huh, wasn't expecting that one,
That's kinda of NWA hardcore.
But in order for this class to begin,
U have to be thrown in the fire....
As soon as u enter the door.

We all, I don't care who u are son, feel this way,
Like, "What's all this really worth?"
Work hard. Be resilent.
Simple lessons taught from birth.

But what if u feel like everything u been taught,
Was wrong, like this way doesn't work anymore.
Seems the lessons of old are out of date,
Like going to an hotel without a 13th floor.

Life can really test you, and make you wonder,
Could I've been born in during the wrong time?
I wanna dress like the 60's,
Love like the 70's,
And oh I wish Carmen Electra woulda been mine.

"Ahead of our time" that's the phrase,
That's what describes our soul's cry.
It's like we've already Peter Panning  in our Galaxia,
While everybody else is wondering if man can ever fly.

Yet, despite all those feelings, U have to be strong,
And believe that the tides have turned.
Sometimes u have to close ur eyes and clear you head,
Just so u don't remember how u've been burned.

That's the only way you can make it nowadays,
I speak for myself, but I believe it to be true.
Just like we've been saying since 1994,
You still have to do whatcha gotta do.

So lesson number one class, I guess,
Is a tough yet easy one to digest.
Never give up.  No matter what it looks like.
That's the only way to be tha best.

Class is in session on tonight,
I hope somebody is taking some classic notes.
We're just hear as a guest speaker for this hour,
After all this you'll think we're trying to win some votes.

These words are being mirrored right back at us,
Our reflection looks real as can be.
Let's all continue to see what's next,
I feel another lesson or two...or three.

The past is tha past...Huh,
I feel like it's about to be on now.
I sense tha class scooting to the edge of their seats,
Hopefully this will be worth a standing oh and a bow.

People don't know how hard this is to do.
Especially when you've been really hurt.
We're all are different, it could be a cuss out,
A boss trippin', or a misconstrued flirt.

Heck, the other day I was at The Triple A,
Just chillin' until I saw this chick.
Man, this rush hit me like no other,
And the middle finger is what I wanted to flick.

It was like, "U didn't believe in me."
And even if u forgot, u're my fuel.
U're one of the reasons why I now glide,
No longer moving at the speed of a mule.

Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm too sensitive,
Yet still I recall who did what.
That's what keeps us motivating in tough times,
Just seeing those names and faces,
Gives us that needed kick in the butt.

What I have learned though is that,
Being angry can only take you so far.
Sometimes that emotion can dim your light,
And nobody can see the gleam of a faded star.

We have decided that, "Alright, it's there when we need it",
Now move on to another stage.
That's what they were being used for,
Not to trap you, but to open up your cage.

And let me repeat that's tough dude,
It's so much easier said that to be done.
But nobody said it was gonna be simple,
And with each step, u can't skip,
Nope, not a one.

Let me just add this,
And please forgive, but this is for me.
Sometimes u can't believe everything you hear,
And u dag gone sure can't with all that u see.

I can get caught up with tha flash,
And all the glitter of a life in South Beach.
Everybody looks hot.  Luxury is abundant,
You can even call your Nanny without a simple arm reach.

With that you sometimes wonder,
How did all these folks get all that?
This chick is eating 3 Whopper Jr.'s, with large fries,
And she has no pimples nor a slither of fat!

Image is reality.  Yes.
No matter what you think, it's true.
Please don't hold your breath thinking it'll change,
Believe u me, your mug will turn a Smurf blue!

What needs to be said it this,
Don't worry about others, just be you.
I see it all the time.  Almost makes you wanna change,
But as The Roots say,
Never do what they do.

I'm starting to get warm Galaxia fam,
That last tidbit was supposed to be for free.
I'm listening to that song right now, which is so perfect,
So let's make that lesson number three.

Everytime out we pray that u feel like ur a part of something special,
Knowing that u'll never see a diary like this again.
We want to stir up every emotion,
From laughing to living it up,
I want this diary to be your hidden sin.

What else am I learning right now, at the moment,
Something that needs to be shared.
I've never talked about love right?
I mean that topic is so rare!!

Yeah...right.  We gonna speak upon it,
Cuz we feel like we're the last of a breed.
Living the ultimate bachelor life,
One, who unlike others, doesn't want to be fed,
But gets joy out of the act of tha feed.

Told my Moms the other day,
We might be the World's Most Eligible Bachelor.
Now before you chuckle, just realize,
That doesn't mean I'm a wolf in lamb's fur.

I'm confident in that cuz of what we've been through,
And simply how we've been molded.
The hand dealt:  a 2 of hearts, a 3 of clubs,
With that card shuffle a many would have folded.

We always still believe it ain't how you start,
But how the end softly sings.
See, did you just hear that whip sound...
I just got a Joker, an ace of Spades,
And a Diamond worthy of a King.

Love is something I think this diary is written for,
It's part of the Hollywood flick.
If I don't talk about it, that would be a disrespect,
And I'll be writing stuff that would make me sick.

Man, I'm sorry, that's that egotistical side of me,
I'm talking about me being the sexiest thing since they've kept score.
I really have to aplogize about that, super sorry,
Cuz I need to be talking about lesson number four!

This lesson is tough to write but I'll do my finest,
It's one I'm taking note on every day.
You've probably heard it before, but it's worth repeating,
But love will always find a way.

Tonight this black hair, blue eyed beauty passed me on Washington Ave.,
She looked at me so hard, she was giving me the Eye-"Funk".
If u change the 'n' to a 'c' , and u'll catch my drift,
But I still wonder if this was an exam I flunked.

If a girl comes toward you leading with her legs,
And just stares at you, C'mon you'll have to be impressed.
Unique face, cute green low cut top,
And I'm not even gonna talk about her bre...

But that's the thing when you're, how can I put this,
And I know other guys and girls will agree.
When u've seen a lot, u can sometimes look too hard for perfect,
Which can be like looking for a rose in a forest full of trees.

The thing, and this may be just for us, but,
We are just letting it all simply develop like a Kodak.
If we do that, we can save a whole lotta trouble,
And we won't have to hear no unwanted "Yippty-Yap".

I will say this, as we're in our dating years,
That the Gaga Lovegame is no cinch.
The thing now is some folks are playing,
While in many ways the best players are still on the bench.

No somebody has to give me a "Amen" on that,
Cuz that is just like a Ronaldo goal for Madrid Real.
Sometimes just because someone's playing doesn't mean they're good at it,
U can't skip steps, love is more than sex or a tingling in ur Levi's feel.

That's why we talk, some may call it reckless,
But we call it with some conceit.
When u're prepared, and endured the trials,
You can Crip walk with all three feet!

Love will find a way,  No need to worry.
Sometimes we wonder, have we seen too much.
I know I ain't the only one who's feels like that,
Think and hope u can meet somebody who will actually go dutch.

Not pass it, that's on another tip,
Though once the love is good, it's a drug.
French kissing.  Squeezing the booty.
Some just like a fireplace with a little snug.

These are the moments where u get our heart at our purest,
So we just letting it flow.
As our life is changing, we must admit,
We don't have that much longer to go.

Let's recap.  No give up. Forget the past.
Be You. And Love will find.
Some other stuff is thrown in there,
I don't think you will mind.

This isn't about so much talking to others,
As we mentioned earlier, this was about me.
No fathom where this would go,
Guess some lessons for the I see.

That's it.  This may be our last...
At least before we talk on that new sphere of strat.
Looking forward to that one, big time...
One filled with fun, dancing, and an unlimited cereal bowl of Smacks!

If nothing else, just remember,
Galaxia always said to have fun...
Matter of fact, it's was something of insist.
No homework class, No final,
Just simply the words you've been waiting for me to utter...

Class dismissed.

Dr. Austino Galaxia
Masters and Ph.D certified in "Amore"

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