Saturday, October 27, 2012

No Doubt Bout It!!

No Doubt...One of my favorite groups! Remember this one?!!

Oh my...Oh my!!

Soooo much going on right now, can't explain it really...It's morning time on today, and we want to just jot a few real life items that's been going on.

It's so crazy when u're trying to re-organize where u live.  I mean this stuff can borderline make u grab some wine, light up a Cuban ciggy and just lay back in a chair wondering "What have I gotten myself in to?"  And all that drama is due simply to the fact that u can't decide whether u want ur TV in the left corner or up on the wall!  We all about color, we've stated how we feel about brownies and blackberries, we love life, and want a place where life lives and where love comes to life.  So in deciding...go ahead and smile, that was a great last sentence!  In deciding the layout we are looking for inspiration everywhere from HGTV shows, music videos, hotel rooms, to Barbie dreamhouse sets, u name it dude and we're on it.  We don't have an unlimited budget per se, and being one of the most wealthy yet frugal people u'll ever come accross...Ok.  I'm in some ways cheap.  I mean these cats want like $1.99 for a light bulb, and can only guarantee me like 40 hours of light.  C'mon, man I can get two stick candles, light them boys up for an hour a day, I may have to eat in the dark, but at least I can get them for a buck instead of missing out on a McChicken sandwich for tha week!  Today is our deadline.  It's been set, we'll finalize everything and the fun will come to life in a few.  It's gonna be nice...

What else is on our mind?  This is our quote unquote birthday weekend, since our birthday is in a few days on the October 30th.  Don't like to even look ahead that far, but u can't help but reminence on what this birthday cake year has brought to us.  I'm not gonna lie, it's been probably our most difficult in recent history.   The lessons kept coming, the craziness was like a daily basis.  I think what really helped and molded us was realizing how close we actually are to where we want to be at.  But right when we thought this or that would happen, it still didn't come to fruition.  Now, we become so immune to getting our hopes up so high, that it's just like, "Ok...Whatever...When it happens, I'll celebrate."  But until then, it's just something to pass the day...Has anyone else reached that Championship or Bust mentality?  Where it's like, tha other things are super cool, but u know deep within u won't ever be truly satisfied until u get what u really been working for, and what u're really be desiring.

This is all not to say that all we've been blessed with has been a total waste.  Are u kidding me?  I mean, like...seriously?  Just saying that when we say that it's hard to stay motivated at times, and keep pushing when u feel like u've already been down this road before and have come up empty.  U have 2 really dig down for those times u were denied or rejected to get some motivation.  That edge...I ALWAYS seemingly am talking about dating.  So for example, u meet a girl or gal, and u two go out and end up in a relationship.  U find that u two have everything in common.  Romance each other for like 3 years all heart, body and soul, and then u break up.  It'll probably hurt, and then u wonder, "Why did I waste all these years and Groupon bucks on this person if I have nothing to show for it!"  So one, it's tough or it'll probably take some time before u open ur heart again.  And then when u do meet somebody who's cool and pretty, u almost don't want to go through the preliminaries..."What's ur name?...Where ur from?...U shower at night or in tha morning?  Yada...yada..."  It can seem boring, and u can begin to think within, "Are you tha one or not?"  If u don't feel like they are, on tha first date or convo, u just push them to tha side.

That ain't the right way to go, but it's what's happening.  Not just in relationships but in life.  When u've been down all to familiar territory and when I say that, I'm not talking about like a few months, I'm talking about years of putting forth the work, effort and faith of simply being, "You."  When u've experienced that road, and if u've had no success...or if u've had some wins too, just the process can be tedious.  Gotta write these two quotes:

"Success is relevant to expectations."
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

Those two gathering of letters defines our who outlook from tha present, past and future.  Our expectations on our life are quite big.  I mean who names themselves after a whole Galaxia, duh??!!  But in our heart we know that the world is a playground, a stage, where u can do whatever u want, and be whoever u want to be, even though u have to go through a lot to get to that point.  Saying all these quotes, and for some quoting all these Biblical scriptures is super cool and fine and handy dandy, but when u actually try to put those principles into ur life, and don't see immediate success...It's like the Lakers going 0-8 in the Preseason, u don't think that's not a motivating factor or may even create a mini-seed of doubt...Or studying for an exam for two weeks, sacrificing and all, saying "no" to tha girl of ur dreams, (Now u definitively know this is a fictional example!), and taking the test and still coming up with an "E" on it, tell me that doesn't get 2 u just a little bit.  Maybe I'm just too competitive or too much of a perfectionist.  But we've just reached a stage in our life where it's like why should I expect anything else.  Why else strive to live a life full of fun, if u aren't able to not only see ur cake but eat it in the end?  Or why eles go through all these things when it comes to love, if we aren't gonna get somebody who's tha creme de la creme.

I think sometimes u gotta thank The Great Motivator in the Sky for how he keeps you.  And I also think u have to look in the mirror and say, "Hey, after all we've been through...we're still here."  And not only that, but if u look back, a little, u find that u're bigger and better than ever.  U can walk past a person that would have made u clip trip their feet back in tha day, and now be like, "What's up?"  Or U can walk into a place of employment that once gave u a rejection letter, and not even feel a bit of guilt.  I need some help, Miss Estelle, tell them how I feel!  It's so true.  I don't mean to write this long and real at 10:32am in the morning, but I gotta say this...

As of late, and really this previous week, I ain't gonna lie.  We felt just plain old spent.  Like a dollar bill at a strip club.  Tossed around, flying through the air, then gracefully falling to tha ground.  Having the exhilarating joy of being inside the home of a beautiful pair of twins and a rarely seen pussycat.  Only to have that perfection taken away and given to someone in exchange for a simple stick of gum.  Left with a bewilderment of, "Aren't we worth more than this?"  Oh...I'm starting 2 feel this now...I absolutely KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that pushing urself to the limits everyday in some way, shape or form, can really test you and work on u some.  Especially when u are pushing towards and idea without a true visual to run to.  It's like somebody say, "If u run up to Palm Beach, and make a left turn on Worth Ave, away from the beach, u'll have the prize u've always wanting, waiting for you outside the doors of Saks Fifth Avenue."  U're running, just with the expectation of something cool, but u really don't know what it looks like, or what it feels like.  Just going on the idea that's it's a dream come true.

But that's what makes the special ones so special...I wanna be...I am special.  Why not be confident?  U have to push even when u don't know where u're going or more specifically where u're being taken.  I was driving in Downtown Miami off, and I was coming to this stoplight.  I was jamming out listening to some music, as usual, and I looked to my right, where it was this corner like Quik stop type of store, and as I was pulling up to this stop sign, these two guys were hugging the wall of the store.  But as I just simply looked out my passenger window, BOTH of them gave us some love at the exact same time.  Felt like I was in a car commercial or something...  One of them, held up his fist at us, in a sort of  "What's up" kind of way.  While the other, pointed our way like, "I see ya!"  I gave a head nod, just to say "What up".  Now I was like 75 feet away...I continue, to go pull up, and I hear, "Hey, What's Up Killa!!...What Up Killa!!"  I could hear it like, 3 or 4 times, and I know they was shouting that to us.  Not in a bad way, but just in a baller or "big time" kind of way.  I was on my way somewhere so I just played it off, cuz I know they wanted to talk or something, and I had a feeling in my soul, like "u have to go."  But...these type of things happen to us just about all the times if we're driving or when we're walking, just so many absolute complete strangers coming to us or acknowledging us, it's weird.  I just want everything about us to be about fun.  Want that to beem from our's just when so many unique instances keep on happening, u wonder, why and when.  U getting the rock star experiences, and the stage has been set.  Believe u me, it's really, really bout 2 be on.  And tha game just won't ever be tha same.

Didn't mean to write all this, but just us being us, I guess.  Our life is reaching new levels and new experiences...just want u to feel how it feels to be in our shoes.  It can be scary cuz we know we're about to have what we've been working and prepared for.  That moment.  

Now that moment is upon us.

And u'll gonna see us like never before...

And Em aka "B-Rabbit" told me best how act in tha middle of all this...


Lose Yourself.

And I will.

Austino Galaxia.

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