Monday, October 22, 2012

Santa Nose.

Hi...Santa!  What u bring me?

Today was absolutely one of those days.  You know the kind...where ur patient is just as short as milli-centimeter...Where u just felt like, "Uggh, I just wanna lie in my bed all day, pop some Sun Chips, turn on to the Soap Network, and just chill all the day long..."  Today was all about mental toughness, I don't think people really understand how hard it is to should we put be on ur "A" game, ALL THA TIME!  It's tough, dude.  I'm probably losing some readers right now, by talking about this, but u know what, "I really don't care" cuz as we've said before this is not only a diary, but it's our diary, and somebody somewhere at sometime is gonna one day feel like how we feel, so I need no apologize for anything that's gonna be said, cuz it's 100% real.

When we talk about the challenge of excellence or having to push through things, when u don't feel like it or want to or when it seems unfair, it can be challenging.  As we've aforementioned before...Oh, I like to use those sexy words!...We are starting to feel like the most difficult challenge is when u actually have tasted some success in areas of your life.  I'm gonna sum up my whole feeling right now...

It's like being a kid at Christmas time, and contrary to what you've heard, unlike Domino's Pizza, Santa Claus does come to the ghetto!  So the weeks and months leading up to that, u wrote Crispy Creme or...wait, that doesn't sound right?  U write Kris Kringle, that's better, u write Snow Dizzle a letter about all the things that you want on that December two five, and u state the cause why you should get those things.  U brushed ur teeth everyday...U didn't squeal on Moms when she was making out with Santa last Christmas Morning (That in itself should be worth an Xbox and a new IPhone, right!)  After u list all ur crazy demands, that special morning comes along, the one you've been waiting for as long as a reunion CD by *NSYNC!  U keep ur eyes close, after u heard a small tussle on the rooftop.  No need to risk coals in ur eyes, so u're squinting like I did one time when I...

Ok, I gotta tell this one.  So I'm checking into a hotel up north.  Up in tha land of cheese in Wisconsin.  A brotha had to use the bathroom, and I didn't want to make that "Oh" face that would have made it obvious that it was raining Mello Yello in my pants, so I asked Bernie Brewer at the front desk if I use a bathroom before I check in.  He was cool, and told me there was one around the corner, down the hall, on the first floor.  So I borderline walk/run looking for this thing, and almost about hold my crouch and go into that pose u do when "ride the bull" at a local bar.(Now, c'mon don't act like u don't know what I'm talking about!!)  I find the bathroom, and I twist the door to go in, an "My, My, My" was this lady standing in front of urinal,  cigarette butt naked, with her pants lying on the ground to her ankles.  Now under normal circumstances this would have been a dream scenario.  A beautiful girl wanting to take it to the bathroom, all glistened up, surrounded by Listerine and Colgate, and wearing nothing but dental floss, boy...don't get me started.  As I was about to take my sock off my ankle and put it on the bathroom door knob, I realized that my girl was kind of...mature.  Which I don't have a problem with, I would love to meet a dame who's been with Dean Martin, Elvis, Tom Selleck and Flavor Flav!  Heck, if she adds me to that list, then u got 5 of the 8 hottest sex symbols of the last century!  But even though I think Sophia from The Golden Girls is kinda hot especially by her off-the-wall comments, I had to pass on this girl, and close the door.  And to getting back to my original story...I had 2 squint some...

So getting back to our Wintry illustration...after doing all u can not 2 get ur eyes burn.  U finally decide to risk it all like a Vegas gambler and go downstairs to see what tha man that gets more fan letters than Susan Boyle in 2009, left for "Tha Kid".  U go downstairs rocking your Spider-Man underwear with the slip-proof rubber bottom feet, and u find three boxes left for you. They are all group together, with a note attached saying, "You'll need this.  K. Krizzle."  You open the first one, and it's a giant box of Golden Crisp cereal.  U then move on to the next box..."Please be that DVD set of California Dreams!"...U open it up, and find a cereal bowl, with a spoon with a picture of Betty Crocker on the handle.  This has got to be a joke right?!  Then u open the final box, only to find a 6-pack of socks.  And if u were paying attention above, u know what one of those uses are for, besides keeping ur feet warm, and for making one heck of a fake basketball while shooting shots with the folding laundry basket! Talking about diss-aaa-point-ment.

This is how we've been feeling as of late.  We are getting blessed in so many ways, beyond compare, so much that we expect Robin Leach to call us at any time.  For real, we ain't joking dude!  But the manner we've are being hooked up in, isn't necessarily what we've been looking for.  I'm looking to our right, for these ALL OUT miracles that are gonna have us set for life.  I've got the order form for my picket fence already filled out pally!  It's's like we're getting so many things we may need in tha future, but don't understand why.  Maybe I'm gonna need that sexy wardrobe for our unveiling to the rest of the world.  Perhaps, we found a CD by Sting, cuz our future baby mama is gonna be a fanatic of his, and absolutely loves that song, "Brand New Day".  That's one of my favorites as well...Hey, let's play that song. U never know...

Our life is so weird.  Things are happening so quickly, everything can change in just a second.  I just turned to write this, and as I turn back to the TV I see Jay Cutler of the Bears on the ground laid out.  We'll see what happens when this commercial break, but Super Bowl hopes changing in a matter of seconds.  That's why we are so...Cutler's back, cool... but life is so short.  And we've felt like we've already been waiting on some things, have paid so many dues that u just get frustrated cuz u're like, "Man, what else do I gotta do."  I know I'm being a little too deep, but...this is how we feel.

Guess this is when u have to dig down, and quiet all the noise surrounding our life.  It's a process, and you cannot skip a step.  Today was one of those steps, which is cool.  I want it so bad bad.  We're ready...the lesson for us.  Appreciate what u do have, and are receiving.  How you handle a blind faith need will determine when u get what u really want.  U just never know what's in store if u hang on, so u can't give up now.  U may be upset now about that 6-pack of socks, but perhaps Santa knows something we don't know.  Perhaps he knows that we are about to enter the coldest Winter we've ever gonna go through...


Or perhaps we are about to meet the freak of our dreams!

Austino Galaxia.

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