Friday, October 12, 2012

A Hero's Order.

Count Duckula.  One of my all-time favorite cartoons!!

Gonna write just a little bit, not too much, but u never know, as we're watching the Yankees/O's Game 5 here in the ALDS Playoffs...

New York City.  The big stage...we've actually never been to Broadway.  Could you imagine us kicking it in the city of Big Lights?!!  Oh my!  Heard a saying a while back that if u want brains u go to Boston...If you want power, you go to Washington D.C....If you want money, that's right you go to The Big Apple...And of course, it ended by saying if you want sex, well...u come to tha MIA!  Interesting quote, but I think it has some validity to it.  Oh, validity, we pulling out the big words!!  We've been putting away all those comic books and have actually been doing some real reading about life, and just expanding our horizons.  Life is to be lived, and we're making sure we live it up.

Let's make this a little more personal...Ok.  As we write so often in this diary, we're experiencing a life like no other that we know of.  And just all the wacky things we see or happen to us...I was driving on Sunset, boy that so sounds like a California novel, but we got to this school zone.  This happened yesterday...So while we are driving with our windows down, seemingly without a care in the we're going our legalized 15 mph in this Sesame Street zone, I hear a "Yo!" or something like that, I turn to my right, and this guy who's in a, I don't know, like a old school Explorer, is like, " wanna buy some home stereo equipment??"  I'm look over and he's yelling out his window...I tell him, "Naw..."  But he keeps going and says, "I can give to you for a really cheap price."  And I mentally detach myself from the scene, like an episode of Touched By An Angel, and begin to think...Here we are in the middle of traffic, driving mind you, watching our speedometer making sure we don't go over this limit thang that might result in a stun gun incident, and my homeboy is trying to sell me something, which I haven't seen, and more importantly with no place to pull over to do this duffle bag doughboy deal!  I tell him, "No bro..." He drives ahead, and of course he doesn't ask anybody else...just wild.  But that ain't the only solicitation...

"New York, New York" by Frank Sinatra, does that song ever get old?!!  The Yanks just  Giants in the NLCS too...I'm gonna have to alter my party schedule this weekend.

So we're walking through the golden streets of South Beach...just past some officers hemming up...I mean, placing some cuffs on this guy, in which truly looked like a scene from Juvenile's  "Set It Off" video...I'm walking thinking about this upcoming workout we have coming up, and as I'm a street up from Espanola Way, I see this gent to my can-a-corn right walking up on me.  Now, I'm incogneed as usual with sunglasses on and stuff, but this guy is like, "Excuse me, what are you listening to?"  So I tell him, "Curtis Mayfield."  (This has to be the only place where someone talks about Sinatra, Juve The Great and Mayfield in a two paragraph span! U gotta love it, right?!!)  But he then goes on into Mayfield being one of the greats of R&B, and then whips out a white CD.  I first looked around wondering if this was the missing information in regards to if Bigfoot was still alive, but I guess it was one of his mixtapes.  He goes on to talk about the Wu-Tang-Clan, and stuff...He asked for some money for the CD.  His price was initially $10, which although I smiled outside...inside I was just thinking, "For $10, I can hit up Burger King for that twofer Original Chicken Sandwich deal, and still have some money left over to put into piggy bank for any future tickets I might get speeding!"  I know I'm not the only one who sometimes is like, "I don't even care about tha ticket, I'll paypal it later, but I gotta get to this chick's house before Vicki tells my secret!!"  I let him go through his spill, cuz I know how it's like to be on that grind tip, but I decline.  He gave me a kind, "God Bless You" even though I didn't sneeze, and we both shared some bro pounds and we were good.  I walk away cool, but yet again, wonder how so many people approach us, out of the blue, and especially when we are in the ultimate "Don't bother me" gear.  We're cool, but I still say nobody, and I mean NOBODY gets stop more wearing headphones as we do...maybe it's some kind of sneak peek into our future...

Today I almost saw somebody "Snap" in the grocery store.  And I'm not making that up, as she was asked one too many times, I guess for a plastic bag, shorty bee hop, walked away literally saying "...I'm about to snap..."  This woman behind me asked me, "What in the heck is going on around here?!!"  She came back, and I was next in line.  So as I crept up there like a kid in the dentist office who just heard screams and a drilling sound .(Is there anybody else who used to look forward to putting that double mouthpiece of Bubble Gum fluoride in your mouth, all the while rocking that sliver chain bib that seemingly never caught any of your drool?!)  I ask homegirl how she was doing, and she gave a "Just kickin' it."  with her head down and in a tone that would of made Bon Qui Qui proud!  I tried to tell her, "Don't let them get to you"...but I've been there, where people just be tripping!  Sometimes it can get to you.  U have to do ur job, but some people can just go overboard, "Let me have the new one dollar bills in synchronized order" or "Why does it cost so much?"

When I used to work at the beach, man we used to get it.  People driving, and borderline trying to take you out with their car.  We've went face-to-face with a lot of people.  From us giving tickets out for illegally parking their space car to walking in on folks having "intercourse" in sand filled bathroom (If u been at any beach u know that u really have to be a freak to be in these stalls and getting busy!) Just so many stories which we may relay upcoming.  But in any service type job working with the public, u can get tested...

I recently been thinking about this, and I may put this to the test.  But, u know what the ultimate way to find out what kind of person somebody is?  Any guesses, no it's not if a guy scratches his toes, and then puts his fingers to his nose to smell them either!  I know somebody was thinking that...but me personally is starting to believe the true tale of a person's personality is.....

How they order a sandwich.

Now I know somebody is looking at this like, 'Galaxia, u're crazy!'  You're right, I am a few bouncing balls short of becoming a champion in Jacks...but if you think about's true!

For instance, if you go to Subway (Free advertisement...from here on out all checks can be mailed to my address at 149,597,870,700 Meters lane.)  But if ur in Subway or Jimmy John's or just at a sit-down, how u place ur sandwich (or lettuce wrap order, forgot I'm in South Beach) says more about u than asking, "What do u like more...The Jetsons or The Flintstones?!!"  Now I'm just your normal egotistical, u better toast the left bun and leave the right bun room temperature type of guy.  So, say I go into Subway...I don't have my request written down.  That's a sure giveaway for..."High Maintenance".  Guys if you go inside and see this fine mama standing there looking like Tyra Banks when she was on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, don't approach right away...if she pulls out a piece of paper, then u better have ur Enzo parked outside, cuz this dame knows what she she wants it...and when she wants it...I see this all the time in Miami (I wonder why???!! Ha, ha!!)...I know this is gonna get me in trouble, but "Oh, well...".  If ur a girl, and see a guy with a list, standing at the counter, then this guy ain't tha one for u, cuz he just won't remember a dag gone thing concerning you from the first time u met to ur nine-day anniversary to the first time u used that 'Cops n' Robbers' set u guys bought at the dollar store...nothing.  So either way, carrying a list, no matter if ur relaying somebody else's order or not, can I guess sometimes be...skeptical.  (That word is so Harvard.)

So Galaxia is in the joint...I like the Egg and Cheese Omelet.  So I order that with Egg Whites, and on Whole Wheat bread, of course...just because if a brotha orders anything else, that extra .26 grams of saturated fat, just might put me over the edge, and since I got a photo shoot coming up in 2014, I can't go out like that! What we then ask for is for our bread to get toasted, but ONLY after all the veggies and add-on as been put on like Young Jeezy!  So right there, that shows that I have a little or a lot of Canon Rebel inside of us.  Going against the 9-grain...Get it?!!  Oh, I need to have my own stand up stage at next year's South Beach Food and Wine Festival!

Alright.  So what do I put on next...threre's a method to any good sandwich, and u must follow it to the exact order of condiments.  Any deviation in the specific order, can have ur sandwich all messed up.  And u may feel tempted to help the person behind the counter by descibing you wishes in terms of proximity to his or her's plastic (Hopefully..) covered hands...but abort that choo choo train of thought, and follow ur plan.  So in this specific order we order...Lettuce, Tomato, Pickles... Spinach...and Pepper.  Now that brings up another great point, if you order some kind of condiment that isn't in the open view of the "normal" public, that means that you know key secrets that could get u ahead in life.  U know the "real deal" and don't tell them to too many other people!  That could be a special cheese to knowing to by ur Summer clothes for next year here in October!  Ok.  so all that gets put into a the toaster.  And you wait those 1:30 seconds for it 2 get toasted.

Now after it comes out.  It can get tricky.  Whatever u do, don't ask the person to cut ur sandwich into little pieces.  It makes them mad, and it really makes u look conceited and snobby ( I just saw this and the sandwich maker was "hot"...She was that too, but in this instance, she was not happy.)....If they ask if u want something else, like a combo or not...go with ur heart.  I'm not gonna touch that one...cuz sometimes u do need so fries or Sun Chips to brighten ur day.

But jokes aside, how u order ur sandwich does make a difference.  What u put on it and how u mix it...Banana Peppers may mean u slip and fall a lot!  Mixing mustard and mayo may mean you're from the West Coast and like to trick out ur ride while listening to E-40!  Ordering ur sam-mich with nothing but the goods on it, may mean u like life simple without all the additives.  Go with ur own personal taste buds...but just know when u place ur order, u are describing urself!  So eat away....

Ok.  Now I'm gonna chill and watch this Heat game from yesterday as they are in China and we have it on DVR...Don't u love technology!!

Anyhows...Bone App E Teeth!

Austino Galaxia.

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