Monday, October 29, 2012

Electricity Es En El Ehere!

Louie The Lightning Bug...This guy literally saved lives in tha 80's!!

Alrighty then....all of the sights and sounds that our life brings.  It's really wild!  So we'll try to tell them all the best we know how...hope we ain't too honest when writing our diary, as u can tell, we are really writing this thang as if it's just u and me, and nobody else.  It's really gotten to that point, which is probably why we've gone through all these crazy experiences.  It's just what's in our heart, not for entertainment, just!  So let's enjoy...

Today had a lot of krazy things going on, when does it not.  Seen some wild pictures, from an Audi SUV pulling this U-haul type truck...Saw a Domino's Pizza delivery sign on the trunk of a small Mercedes Compressor 2-door, u don't see that too often.  Driving up on Collins, saw this couple making out like dead on the corner, right in front of the Fountainebleu signage.  I have to pause right here, cuz as of late there's been a lot on the street and in celebrity news about all this PDA (Public Displays of Affection) going on.  Folks making out, holding hands, hugging like a bunch of Care Bears...u know we have no problem with it.  We just don't care anyway...We've been saying that for so long, if u have a love interest or are cheating on somebo....better not say that, but if u're with somebody, ACT LIKE IT!  I cannot stand all this hiding folks in tha closet, don't wanna go out, or let even ur best friends know ur dating somebody or what not.  No need to be ashamed of who u dig, if u like them, then Cee-Lo Green what everybody else thinks.  There's so many uniquely assembled couples out here nowadays.  No need 2 hide love or ur love.  As for me, we gonna continue 2 preach that, and u know we are gonna be a living example of how to get ur swerve on in public view.  It's so fun, right!

Ok, getting back 2 today...I had so much running around to do, and most if it revolved around our car.  I had to renew my parking pass here in South Beach.  I had to also renew our license plate tag.  Lots of travelling...Let's begin with the Parking Pass thing...

If u live down here in South Beach, u know that going to renew ur neighborhood parking pass in the final days can be a flat out circus just because how many people can pack the office.  I recall going one time when the office was at the old location, man, I walked up in there, and it was straight up like a club!  Not kidding...All these dudes, and gals everywhere, folks sitting on the carpet like an old #occupy Wall Street thing.  (What ever happen to those?).  People I was hoping I could catch them in between afternoon hours before it gets outta control.  So we got to Meridan Ave., after taking some back routes through the beach area.  It's a lot of people down here.  Traffic very heavy for some reason, it's becoming that Fall/Winter hotspot so there are gonna be a lot of stories to tell coming up, promise u that.  So I got to tha office, and did a u-turn into a driveway so that I could back up into a metered spot that was open.  Dude, only in South Beach can a quarter get u only 9 minutes on tha meter!  I mean, "Are u kidding me?"  I think if I would to put a penny in, the machine would probably either laugh or spit it out!  I threw in, what felt like $5 just to get me 48 minutes worth of time.  I hope this would go quick...

I get inside, and it's semi-packed.  Just chilling...then this guy comes and sits next 2 us.  I watching CNN talking about this Sandy thing going up in tha Northwest.  All of a sudden, my dude begins to vent about how the office needs more help with all these people waiting.  He tells me he works for the Dept. of Veteran Affairs, and tells me about folks coming back from the war and stuff.  I give some small talk...Then he continues to talk about him having to go up to Alabama to help his parents, he asked where I was from (Indiana in tha hizzy!! Whoo Whoo!! Raise Tha Roof!)...He told me he was from Chicago, "South Side" ...very interesting talk.  Got to talking about our line of work, and he told me about him working at Neiman Marcus up in Fort Lauderdale, in the Women's Shoes department.  How this one girl was flirting with him in their cosmetics department, but he flat out told her he was gay.  We then...mind u they are still calling off numbers to go up to the windows.  So we in tha office and he's talking bout how much money some people make, not only working shoes, but how bartenders, and valet, and more specifically hairstylists are making a lot of money through tips, but they aren't reporting them to the government so it's straight cash homey!!  We got to talking about that, cuz we went to a hairstylist and it's almost like an expectation down here to give a big tip.  A $35 cut needs like a $15 tip.  It's not so prevalent up north as it is down here.  But sometimes it's like paying for two blowjobs...Ooops!...I mean blowouts!!  Sorry... Just interesting conversation...this is what we want though.  We're constantly talking bout how many strangers come and talk to us.  It's weird.  Yet that's what we want, our fun level to perminate (Is that a word?)...we want our fun level to glow in a way that all different types of people races, gay-straight whatever, just wanna have fun.  Period.  Cool experience...

After we got our new permit, and after our convo continued even outside of the one-stall bathroom with this gent (Don't ask!), we went out tha door and headed out to our next stop.  We stopped by tha bank to pick up a $20 piece and headed up to North Beach to hit up this tag auto office off of 71st street.  They got this new Publix grocery store they building up there...believe u me, it's really a sexy construction.  That's one thing I like about the North Beach area, there are so much activity that's literally like 100 feet from the sand.  From the library to the restaurants to the everything.  It's a hidden gem!  I pulled into a parking lot with some meters that I didn't pay cuz I was short on time.  (Shhh!!  I'll get them back when I park in Coral Gables on a Sunday!!)  Ran in, and hollared @ this girl who says she was "really hot" inside.  I don't know if that came when when we walked in or not, cuz it was a cool 73 degree chilly outside 2day.  Got our tag and was out tha door...on my way back 2 SoBe, I was coming down Collins, more specifically Millionaire's Row, when I saw this girl jogging to our right, on the sidewalk right in front of the bay where mega-mansions .  If u live down here u know what I'm talking about.  It looks like an HGTV TV show theme montage...anyway, I see this shorty jogging.  This truck comes in front of me, and the guy in the passenger seat does something I've never seen before.  He stuck his head completely out the window, and turned at a 180 degree angle to look back and utter something to this doll!  We've never seen that before...and we've seen a lot when it comes to guy/girl interaction.  But this Warner Bros. cartoon wolf, was completely out of control...Oh, u gotta love tha beach.

Few short thoughts...Hair is like the "it" thing.  We got our 50s/fade/mohawk thing going on.  I ran into this guy at a UPS store, and he had his hair like slid or mini-mohawked to the right, moosed up.  It's was "hot" and I told him that I liked it.  That might've been the first time we've told a dude, that we liked his hair.  Interesting...but everybody is doing something with their hair, showing their personality and uniqueness and we like 2 see that.

How can I go any further without recognizing our favorite childhood baseball team, them G-Men from San Francisco for winning the World Series.  I don't even believe it bro!  2 championships in 3 years??  We think about all those late nights staying up to watch them play back in tha day...With Bonds...Nen...Snow...Santiago...Willie McGee...Russ....Becks...Richie Baby....Strawberry...Jeff Kent...Darren Lewis...can u tell that I'm a fan?!!  It's a different group of guys now, but those memories will always, always be in our hearts.  They came up short after so many great seasons, but so much fun watching Dusty and tha boys!  I miss those days, but I'm so happy for tha squad this year, especially considering how many times they were counted out to even make tha playoffs.  Sounds like a life lesson, huh...It's never over, til its over.  Congrats bros!!!

Tha League is hours away...Can u dig it!!  U know we gonna be on tha Heat and them Lakers this year...Gonna be a lot of fun.  A LOT!!

Alright, our final one before tha official holiday of Galaxia!  We feel...we've been saying how our life is gonna change, and it has.  New experiences, new beautiful people entering into it.  I wanna write bout someone in particular, and I should since our diary is ever so personal right now, but we're gonna be patient, and let everything fall into place.  One day we hope somebody would read our online version of our diary from the beginning to now.  U can read today or perhaps in tha future and see all the fun, which we always have, but the present day fun we're having in life.  But there's been a backdrop to that story...

Now it's time to let loose.  And if u think we've been wild so far....u have no idea, what awaits.

U know how we know...

Cuz neither do we!!!  (Ha! Ha!)

But we guarantee ya...It's gonna be fun!!

Good Bye...And Hello!
Austino Galaxia.

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