Sunday, October 28, 2012

On 2 Tha Next Adventure.

Oh, another classic show!!  With the best theme song ever!

I really dig the European flavor!  I don't think people understand.  I've never been, which is kind of suprising considering how much we've watched from afar.  Right now, we're watching this Barclays Premier League football match between Everton and Liverpool, just watching the atmosphere gets u all hyped and wanting to be a part of that madness!  It's so cool...I looked up some information on the city of Liverpool itself.  And boy, it seems so exciting, and with the culture and arts and everything it seems like a perfect city for us to get that 5th Summer home!  Check it out....

We live in the beautiful atmosphere of Miami Beach.  I think Miami is almost as Inter...matter of fact, I know that Miami is as International of a city u can go, here in the United States.  While I know other cities have their own arguments, when u combine the Central and South American flavor, along with the European style, and now the growing Asian influence, dude, it ain't nothing like it anywhere. I guess that's where or why we ended up down here.  Our heart is so multi-(u fill in tha blank), that I have to be somewhere that is more than just pure Americana.  Don't know why we're writing all this, but we are at this "I am this" stage in our life, where u begin to realize who u are as a person, and what u like, and don't like...and really don't pay too much attention to what negativity others may bring.  Maybe it's all part of "finding urself" which is natural.  We all go through it, but we know inside that our life is not ending, but jokes's just now starting to begin.

We've read many an articles on life's fixation on being young.  Looking young, acting young, doing every and any thing to capture those Saturday mornings of our "youth".  I put that in quotes, because age is nothing but a number, bro.  Talking to my Pops on yesterday on how life has changed in terms of what old means.  I was thinking this the other day, on how blessed we are to be one of the only select few walking this Earth that can honestly say that, not only are we a kid, but am still living a kid's type of life.  Some people may say they're a kid, but we are fortunate enough to still do goofy things without all the so-call adult responsibilities.  That's not to knock those who may be married or have kiddos, but it's just different.  I know that whenever we have some of those aspects added to our life, knowing our personality, we are still gonna be a dude who's about having fun and talking crazy, and stuff.   That's real talk.

I've been really borderline out of control as of late, even though u may not see it.  Sometimes we forget that we are a trailblazer of sorts and get caught up to what society believes u should be at in ur life at a particular age or experience level.  I've worked for this long, so I should have this and that...I've gone through this many episodes with dimes so I should be married or shopping for baby clothes and pampers....What I'm learning is that sometimes it's not a mistake that u are where u are.  And the main reason that u haven't done something or someone is because of one thing....


And just as in photography, love, and career adjustments, timing is important in every aspect of life.  What's that old equation:  Preparation plus Opportunity equals Success.  Put short that's Timing.  U have to go through a lot of different things before u...Sometimes u want things, and they seem so easy, not knowing the steps u have to go through, knowingly and unknowingly before u actually see them come into fruition.  This is kind of personal, but I recall being like on our knees at the ripe age of 14 or 15 praying to The Great Gift Giver in the Sky about "I want to have the most beautiful girl in the World".  Now as u say that at that age, u think that's so Love Potion No. 9 simple.  That it's just gonna drop out of thin air wearing a Vera Wong maid outfit, and speaking in a French accent, rocking the latest pair of our Nike id shoes....This soccer game is getting wild!...But that's a very huge statement and request to be made.  And it was like we asking for it over and over, kind of wild.  As I look back on those Dr. Phil moments I see that we are gonna get that lifestyle, but u have to go through a lot before u meet that person.  Huh.

Nowadays we all want what we want, who we want, and more impactfully when we want it.  We don't want tha struggle.  I know I don't...but we've grown to accept it...sort of.  (With a smile)  The most difficult thing is in this day and Casio, having success delayed or even having to actually learn lessons of pain and patience is not as celebrated as it once was.  U win a college championship, u're expected to do the same in the pros, in 4 years max...U were a starlet in high school, a borderline local queen, and suddenly u chase ur dreams and go to Hollywood or Miami to be an actress or model, and ur supposed to be automatically thrown on the cover of Vogue UK or star opposite of Denzel or Brad.  I think I wrote on yesterday about success being relevant to expectations, and I'm starting to believe that it's best to not even have any.  Just trusting ur method of operation, and just letting things work themselves out. It's...

Has anyone ever like lost weight, and become super hot, but still have that little un-confidence about themselves?  It's almost as if u've busted ur butt to work hard, and get into super-James Bond shape and yet feel inadequate to show it off.  Boy we bringing the big words out 2day.  The last several months as our life has shifted to a whole new level, we still feel like we are in the "old" lifestyle, that wasn't too shabby itself believe u me.  But new options have occurred and we still are comparing ourself to things in tha past or other people and their lives.  That dude has a 8-pack of abs while doing just curls...I have a six pack by doing curls, pull-ups, and crazy circuits...but maybe u have better conditioning than that other person.  It's easy to feel like ur doing more and getting less than the next guy and girl.  But as in our aforementioned equation, maybe u are being built for a different race.  Maybe they are being built for a sprint...where u are being built for a sprint and a marathon.  That's why we keep saying that sometimes what ur going through in life, on ur job, with ur school work is just building u for a future that u may not even know ur being prepared for.  I know it's a deep way of thinking, but at least for me, I know it's right.  Now when I go out with a beautiful lady and the insist on getting cheese on their burger, I say "sure", but I then shyly slip a Pre-breakup contract across the table and add  "Will u please sign this first?!!"  Oh...I'm so wild...

So now as we're maximizing our lifestyle, and ur maximizing yours, we can go on with more confidence knowing that we've been through the fire, and now it's time for our Golden era.  Boy, if I don't get my own talk show by this time next year, I might just do a sit-in boycott on every station down here in South Florida!!  Just have fun, and live it up.  I don't know where our life is turning, but that's what we're gonna do.

And let tha chips fall where they may!


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