Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Letter Inked In Gray.

Dear Sir Austino Galaxia:

How much are you willing to pay for greatness?

That's the absolute question of the moment in our life.  How much Austino Galaxia are you willing to sacrifice, and more importantly willing to go through, just to get to the level of life that u've always dreamed about.

 I have no idea where your diary is gonna go.  I could begin by talking about so much from this guy playing the drums with a drumstick and cow bell, all the while driving in a Range Rover.  I could begin about seeing a new form of workout here in South Beach that involves a guy with his shirt off and pushing a car in a crowded parking lot.  I could talk about going to a gas station across town only to find this Mamacita that used to work at another gas station, now employed at this one.  One in which has a heart of gold, and if she was a few years younger...I could talk about being part of an ULTRA-select few who was allowed to get a tour of the new Hyde Lounge being built inside the American Airlines Arena.  When I say ultra, I mean that in a basically nobody has seen what this place looks like.  But let me tell you that this is a full blown club, right in the middle of the arena, and know that Miami Heat ball games are gonna be the place to be on and off tha court.  (You have no idea! I will be under the strobe lights dancing the night away after a Heat victory!)

I could begin by talking about how I doubt that anybody not only in tha Galaxia, but in the WORLD has more new, unheard CDs than we do right now.  (Btw it's over 20 right now!)  I'll list them at a later time, but it goes from Harry Connick Jr. to Britney Spears to The System to Wham! to Lady Gaga to Kelis to......I could talk about being in the store on today, and having my hopes up to finding the "perfect" loaf of bread to be sent off for a price check.  Only to find the gentleman come back and hit me with the outstanding price of $6 dollars plus!...I could talk about me running around trying to get my voter registration all taken care off, on the last day of eligibility of course.  Running from home to the library to the Post Office, all in the name of our country.  I could talk about me eating some Chicken Fried Rice and realizing that our bodies are attuned to a specific standard once built upon, and any mega-mini-ounce of anything different from the premium can throw u off.

Yet, I need to talk about how we feel at the moment.  I could talk about seemingly every, single beauty imaginable being around us wherever we go.  I need to talk about how sometimes that makes it difficult to decipher what's real or fake attraction.  I could talk about how we know we have a life and lifestyle so special that we are getting everything we could want.  I need to talk about how we feel like nobody can really truly relate to us anymore.  I could talk about some more stories from our future fame past of how life is so crazy.  I need to talk about us wondering if we made a wrong turn somewhere up the road.  I could talk about some of our boys and how their love stories are so awesome to hear.  I need to talk about sometimes u just wonder if their is a such thang as a love potion.  I could talk about how the struggle can make u stronger beyond words, and how if u can survive "this" you can get through anything.  I need to talk about how sometimes the journey gets too long, and you just wonder, "When?"

I could talk about this ultimate journey to the top.  I need to talk about wondering how would it feel to have no dreams and just be happy with..."Ok."  I could talk about being a trailblazer in a sense, and setting a standard.  I need to talk about once the standard is set, where do you go?  I could talk about being so grateful for all the blessings that keep coming our way without us even asking for them.  I need to talk about being enthused, yet feeling sorta empty because...that's not what we asked for.  I could talk about how our road is so off the beaten path that my jeans are plain dirty from all the bumps and falls.  I need to talk about how those dirty jeans are just a sign that you got back up.  I could talk about the sense of hate and under appreciation I feel sometimes, from people who don't even know me, from us just entering a room.  I need to talk about how one day our name will soon be followed by, "...he once was here."

I could talk about the good ol' days, and how things have changed so much.  I need to talk about how no matter how things change, things still remain the same.  I could talk about giving up, and how u feel like we've ran our course.  I need to talk about the toughest moments are RIGHT before things are about to change.  I could talk about how we're even thinking about moving from South Beach, and do our own thang and move out to Los Angeles.  I need to talk about remaining patient and following The Great Personal Assistant's grand plan.  I could talk about, we've been at "this thang" for so long, and we see no huge changes, so why not just stop.  I need to talk about how those moments when u don't see anything happening are actually the moments to your success.  I could talk about us being on the road and just wishing the drive wasn't so long and crazy.  I need to talk about at least we're driving, and in the land in the living.

I could talk about us writing our final poem in this diary titiled, "Our final at-bat."  I need to talk not about the stroll to the plate, but the crossing of the plate.  I could talk about why do all the good girls have to have a boyfriend?  I need to talk about how all the good girls aren't taken, you're just getting an opportunity 2 hear about love from a "taken" point of view.  I could talk about us wondering will this world ever really, I mean really get to see us at all that we are and could be?  I need to talk about us realizing that our time will come...period.  I could talk about us being so bitter over some past relationships and how we've felt kind of burnt by so called friendships and how it'll never be tha same ever again.  I need to talk about how you can't judge an apple basket, by one or two or thirty bad apples, when u're really only after that one apple that's truly ripe, which makes all the digging worth it in the end.

I could be writing from a future standpoint of how it will be.  I need to do that, but relay the standpoint of what is.  I could make this diary post into a "Me, Me, Me."  I need to realize that others feel the exactly same way I do, and this is for them.  I could say, "Hey, be normal, being yourself in this world just ain't worth it in the end."  I need to talk about when you don't feel comfortable in this world, u create something even bigger, like a Galaxy.  I could talk about hasn't the points been made time and time again that you'll never see anything like this again.  I need to talk about we still have something to prove, and no matter what is said, we won't be satisfied until... I could talk about how life never changes.  I need to talk about how life is as wacky as me watching Dusty Baker managing against your childhood team the San Francisco Giants, the team he was in charge of for so many years.  

I could begin by saying this is it.  I need to talk about us always being tied together no matter what.  I could talk about everything that you've been through, and survived all with tha feeling of Groundhog Day.  I need to talk about "slow and steady wins tha race."  I could talk about the silent responses and the feeling of alienation.  I need to talk about you always have somebody with you, even if you can't see them.

Have I made my points clear.  Maybe I should have written this letter to you a few months ago.  I've always been with you since the day you were born.  On the basketball court, I mirrored your moves, just so you could see poetry in motion.  While driving in the car during those early mornings and late nights, I gave you company just so that you'll have someone.  All the times you celebrated in joy, to all the moments where you knelt down by your bedside and cried, I was with you.  It's been so difficult for the both of us how's it's been.  Even though you may have said the words, I was a true reflection of how you felt.

On this day, though I need to make my presence felt.  I need for you to know that now is when you don't give up.  Now is when you kick it up even to an higher level.  I know you have it in you, cuz I've seen you do it before.  Never let anybody dictate how much fun you have in ur life.  Never let how girls have treated you in the past, reflect upon all the dolls you now are encountering on a daily basis.  (I wish I could be you!)  I know what type of person you are, and even though some may follow, and some may not, u continue on...

Things have changed in ways that you can't see, but in my viewpoint it's been amazing.  Think about how far you've come.  I heard all those conversations that you had with yourself.  Now I'm telling you to make urself known, and show how you do things.  If you do that, I guarantee that others will see the fun and joy you have, and nobody, I mean nobody will be able to resist.  You've been in the background for so long, but now Sir Galaxia, is your time to show out.  I know it seems like I'm only around when you're doing good, and I seemingly fade away when your life turns dark, but I'm still around.  And I know that now is your time.

I'll say this, and then I'll let you go.  Remember when you stated this the other day...let me see, I recall you saying..

"No matter what happens or what's going on around us, there will come a time before this world passes when I will have my own era of time."

That's a huge statement.  But I believe in you, and know what you have to offer.  And just like the Rat Pack or Jordan or Jackson or Elvis, there will come a time when the spotlight will shine brighter than you can imagine in your direction.  And as crazy as it sounds, that time is now.  Only one catch...

Share your fun.  Don't ever be selfish and conceited.  If you do that, it'll all disappear.  If you remain true to love and that fun thang, u will see things happen that no one has ever seen come true.

All this is from my heart which dances from the same beat as yours.  I may never ever talk to you like this again, so keep this letter.  And even show it to some of your friends.  I only write once in a lifetime.  Now I will go back to being seen and not heard.

Remember I'm always with you.  So never be afraid...

Let's have fun.

Let's do this.

Lil' Austino Galaxia.

But all my friends call me by something even more special to you now...

U.R. Shadow.

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