Friday, October 19, 2012

What A Night!

Amazing!  Simply Amazing!!

Definitely have to give God ALL the credit for tonight.  Thanks!  I tell you we really don't deserve all these cool things happening to us.  We are simply just a kid who wants to love and have fun in life.  That's it.  Our life is getting really wild y'all!  So many unique movie like twists and turns...We're just gonna write from our heart and just have fun tonight.  Here we go...

Today was an interesting day.  U never know the sacrifices that you have to make.  U may not want to do them, and sometimes u may have to share a tear or two or three while driving down US-1.  (I'm totally not supposed to have written that right?!)  But in life u have to follow where u're being led, even though u might not understand it at tha time...

If u give, it will come back to you.  Pinkie promise it will!

I forget about that sometimes.  I get so caught up into the "next thing" or the "next girl" (Second thing I'm not supposed to say on tonight!) that I forget about not only all the super things that I do have, but also that sometimes u have to sacrifice dude.  That's something that can be hard especially when u don't feel like you have any more to give.  Why sacrifice your last 1/20 when u don't have that much anyway or u feel like guarding what you have.  That can be money, wisdom...that's why if u've been brought through tough times, or bad relationships, tell ur story!  Ur still standing after u caught that guy humping that girl in front of you...U're still standing after that teacher had it out for you since the first day of school, yet u still got a high passing grade...U're still standing after u got pulled out of a game for no reason, but yet in the end it was you who made the winning play and effort.  All of us need some inspiration.  As the old street saying goes, "Game recognizes game."  And by u putting forth ur positive energy within this world, and more specifically Our Galaxia, then u help us all out.  Even me.  Boy, I need to take up some kind...u know what I'm gonna add a Yoga class to our Love Seminar at the Fountainebleau next year!  On this weekend retreat u'll We'll show u how to bend ur back, and how to have someone "break your back" all for the low price of $69.99! Too much...we're just too much!!

So I got a headache in the middle of the afternoon today.  Been a lot of stuff going on, so we're gonna get our beauty sleep tonight fa sure. Ok.  Let's get into today's festivities...

Around 2:30pm or so, we were over in the Kendall area and headed up to one of our "secret" places, that Deal$ store off of like 137th and Kendall Drive.  Inside that K-mart plaza...We had to pick up some 'Nick Nacks' (Haven't said that in awhile!) inside.  Toothpaste...toothbrush...toliet paper, using those white napkins from McDonald's kind of get old after awhile!....What else, Kleenex, Hand sanitizer, stuff like that...I was checking out, and this lady from the next register over was trying to return something.  But she got hit with that Flea Market "Gotcha Gotcha" cuz my girl hit her with that "Exchange only" line.  I though that only happens in Foreign lands?...Ok.  I know nobody got that joke but me, but...Anyways....I thought something was gonna pop of, and somehow I forgot my shank, I would have just had to go back to my thug days when I used to throw my fist of fury where u just throw until u either hit somebody or hit urself, and let it all play out.  Thankfully, for the paper towel display in the front of the store, and for myself it didn't get La Familia Mafia up in there!

From there we headed up north.  Straight up the Palmetto expressway.  Man, I might have to start wearing a helmet when I drive!  These cats be out of control dude...Not only u have to be focused like Cyclops in front of you, but now u gotta be just looking in ur rearview mirror to make sure nobody's gonna try to hit it and then dip like a French Au Dip sandwich on you behind.  But...our next stop was...

To a bookstore.  Yes.  I said it...we hit I-75 and got off on Pines Blvd. in Pembroke Pines, and made our right over to The Shops at Pembroke Gardens shopping area, which let me tell you is a really sexy spot to hang, shop, for a date, check it out if u're in tha whereabouts.  We went to the Barnes & Noble over there.  It's been awhile since we've been inside an actual bookstore, we're married to the local library, but we decided to get our creep on some, and see what's going on.  Just enjoying the moments of fun, at least being in that environment is fun to us, and just walking around.  Found some goofy deals on some items.  Got this...we said, in our diary too, that we're starting to collect the Pop Rocks! small dolls for our showroom...Well today we got a Marge Simpson one to start the collection...for...$2!!  Couldn't believe it, it had a red dot on it, and we asked, and the woman said everything on the table was $2!  Say Whaa...And just like my homeboy in the beginning of Missy's "One Minute Man" video, I was like, "I'll be right back!"  (I still know that dance routine too, don't get it twisted!!)  So we went back over to see if we found something else....Ended up with another doll, this time of Batman...Go figure...also picked up a magazine I can't find anywhere in Miami, it's Dime Magazine and we really wanted this one.  Cuz it had Kobe Bryant on the cover, and more than that it talks about the best sneakers, players and stuff from the 2000th century.  A real keeper...blessed to find that one.  Walked out like, this was cool, and we were very thankful.

Not done yet though...

So our next stop was to this Salvation Army store over off of Pines Blvd. and University Drive.  Led to go and get our vintage shop on...We chilling listening to Janet Jackson's 'Damita Jo' album...or CD.  Relaxing and really just enjoying the moments we have to ourself...sort of.  We say that cuz, we jamming out with our windows down playing with the wind...When all of a sudden we hear a woman's voice...."EXCUSE ME?!!" We turned and look over to our right through the passenger window...and mind you we are on the ever busy Pines Blvd., DRIVING!!  We aren't at no we turn to her, as she has a guy in the passenger seat.  We're in the left lane, she's in the middle...She then yells out, while looking ahead trying not to hit the car ahead of her as she and I are doing about 45mph...She yells, "What's the year of our car?"   I look ahead to make sure I don't hit anybody as well...I yell back the year...And she yells back over, "Thanks...It's nice man!!"  And then proceeds to roll her tinted window back up, and zoom off ahead.  I was a little... embarrassed.  Just because our life is so, keep on saying it's a movie, and so "celebrity like".  I felt like my guy Steve Nash in this video from earlier this Summer.  Our life's one of a kind.  To put it simply...

Still not done....

So after getting stopped by the quickest stoplight we've ever seen at Pines and Palm Ave..  That trash was mad "Green Light-Red Light".  Heck, if we were playing that game bout time I woulda thought about lifting my left leg, I woulda lost!  Just on a thought!  We did this semi-whoop de whoop to through the backside of the entrance.  Once again, just enjoying the night, not looking for anything in particular.  Heard our that Jon B. ringtone, and it was my brother Ant Skeezy!  I took a plop on this comfy rocking patio chair and we got to talking about life, A-Rod getting phone numbers from the dugout (He must've learned from me, I thought I was the only one who used weird objects to get them digits!)   and the Yankees horrible end to tha season, the upcoming hoops season, about Midwest weather, just brother talk...

After talking for some time, we decided to get up and 'dabble'.  We go over to the book section first (See a theme in regards to our life!), and then we go over to the Men's clothing section.  Go back and forth between that and the home section.  We decided to really dig tonight just because we had some time, and it's fun to find upscale hidden treasures.  We go back to the Men's section and all of a sudden we hear...

"Hello, Salvation Army customers due to our Happy Hour, all clothing is now 50% off, all shoes are buy 2 get one free..."

I stopped and was like, "This can't be real can it."  I then walked over to this cute Redhead girl who was working, and asked her about it, and she was like, "All clothing is 50% off until we close."  And she added, "The clothing section is a good place to start."  Next thing u know it, a Road Warriors rush came upon me, one I haven't felt since the Barney's Co-Op store had the "crazy" sale a few years ago down here in South Beach.  That left me calculating how many meals I could make out of 3 hot dogs and 2 cans of Baked Beans!  (Let it be noted I could have gotten more cans, but since I'm into this No Salt Added thing, that's all I could afford!)   Feeling this natural high, I go back over to first the dress shirts section...found some really high end stuff, then to the t-shirts in tha back, and then to the jean section.   And I put this on Tom Ford himself, I went over, and then I looked and saw, wait let me get my Kayne voice ready....Ah-heem..I saw..."Racks on Racks on Racks" of jeans.  Bro, I literally almost passed out!  Not joking.  I don't know if it was the sight of all those beautiful fabrics pressed together, just hanging perfectly on those clear hangers, all sized up or what, but I almost bit the dust.  We were getting blessed big time...Then we looked to our right...and they had a "Boutique" section, with nothing but designer clothes.  Armani Exchange, Faconnable, Polo Ralph Lauren, it was crazy dude!  All...u got it 50% off.  Amazing!

I'm not even gonna get into the brand names we walked out with, but...we're getting our Bruce Wayne wardrobe together, definitely from our Stylist in the Sky!  This was the place to be, for it was quite of few folks in there, (Not poor folks either, that's a mis-stereotype about vintage or consignment stores.) arguing over furniture that's been in there 20 days and what the price should be on that, folks trying to buy toy horses, it was cool.  And guess what...

Still not done...

So we are almost exhausted from that.  Decide to look for some jewelry, more specifically an engagement ring for my future wifey, whoever that may be, but wanted to go all out, ya dig!! We glancing around the jewelry counter, and ...the Galaxia came to a stand still!  Cuz what did we see...

Three small bookcases full of music CDs.  Oh man!  I really needed an inhaler now!  We go over, and I got all this stuff in our hand, but u know how we get down and dirty when we look for deals, especially when it involves music.  Man, we found some stuff we've been wanting...Britney's second album, Robbie Williams, the soundtrack to the movie Boomerang, an old chill CD from us3, a classic from the singing group Brownstone, and the ultimate in our book. The Chris Gaines album by Garth Brooks.  Been wanting that one for over 10 years....look at God!  So we spent not that much $25 and some change for some mad cool items.  CDs were $1.99 and homegirl gave us 25% off of them, that's a great hookup.  And the clothes we got were 50% off, so....Awesome with a capital 'A'!!!

I hope this don't sound like we bragging, but it is still a diary, not just entertainment u know.  This is what's happening in our life.  We just want to have fun, and share it.  Still believe that....

Give and have fun.

Nothing more than that fam.

Have a fun night.
Austino Galaxia.

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