Monday, October 15, 2012

Strangers and A Cute Girl.

Who remembers this old Nickelodeon Show?

Our life, eye tell ya!  Just wish we had our own reality show, we really need it cuz we really believe that there's no life worth following right now, more than ours...and that's all jokes aside!

So we're walking down here in the sunny streets of South Beach this evening, and I see this truck parked, it looked like one of those trucks that are used for those who work in the grass cutting or landscape business.  So I look over and see this girl come out of the apartment complex, through the gate to the sidewalk.  I look and notice one of the workers just stopping what he's doing and is just mesmerized at this visual of this woman.  He was giving that oh too familiar "South Beach Gawk".  Then another one of his workers got off the truck and was peeping this girl all out.  And then...another worker got out the driver's side of the truck, and walked over to the sidewalk to not even sneek a peek, but just blatantly get his eye candy on.  Now I'm all the way across tha street, and next thing I know it, I look over, and out of nowhere one of the guys is giving me the biggest smile, and is flashing me the "A-Ok" sign!  Indicating that he just witnessed something of top shelf quality.  I just pointed at him, laughing...all the way back home.  Wild...

See this is what we dream our Galaxia to be.  Now I'm not talking about scoping girls out like a piece of meat.  Oh no!  But just having different people of different backgrounds just sharing in the fun.  These guys were of Hispanic decent, but that didn't matter...Fun is color blind...gender blind (Is that a real phrase?)...all that we care about is having fun.  So much happens to many different interactions with absolutely complete many stories.

I recall one time being inside of the ATT store down here in SoBe off of Alton Road, and this gentleman was in there.  Somehow we got to talking, and he began to talk about how South Beach was built, and how all this dirt...I mean money help to build up this Fantasy Island, just interesting...Some silly stuff...Just the other day I was walking, and this Mom was walking with this kid in a stroller.  Everything was cool as I saw them approaching us, and then next thing I know it, this little kid in the stroller stuck out his hand to give us an high-five!  So cute, so what did I do?  Give the little Donald Trump some dap and kept going!  As we said, we want everybody to be involved in all our fun in regards to life.

We ain't writing this for bragging or what not, just to illustrate how it is to be in our shoes.  As we say, we really have a MTV lifestyle, even though we don't talk about it all the time.  Just sharing some of our stories...

A few weeks ago, we was talking about us getting our ride sideswiped, banged up, and turned into a crash dummy commercial all in one.  And to make matters worse, it all unfolded right before our pretty brown eyes.  Or do I have black eyes?  Or blue eyes depending on the tilt of our head? I had to ride  the mass transit systems down here in Miami.  Dun...Dun...Dunnnn!!  I could hear the organ playing that horror music in the background as I wrote that!  So I was on the Metrorail, just relaxing thinking about how I can get of the train and make it to my bus all in the long span of 1 minute and 30 seconds, not including the time spent telling somebody "No" as they are trying to bootleg Metrorail train tickets on the low.  So I'm sitting on these blue rubber kickball type seats, and this guy is looking at me.  Now I have no problem with anybody, even dudes glancing my way, it comes with the territory.  Some beautiful mama knows what I mean on that!  But he was just staring at us.  Now I got my Hollywood grey Armani's on, so u really can't see my eyes, but I kinda just turned his way.  So he smiled.  I know if I smile back this is gonna turn into one of those awkward moments that u only see on Channels 642-649 late at night around Midnight on your local satellite provider.  I for dag gone sure didn't order no pizza, and I happen to forget my lucha libre mask at home, so I took the easy way out and just gave a head nod.  Next thing tha kid knows it, this guy is like pointing at us, smiling and in his heavy Cuban accent talking about God.  Which I have no problem with, just wondering out of all these people on this train, he's done single me out, so I'm kind of embarrassed.  He shouting at me how "Nobody's perfect...Only God."  Which I totally agree with...I wonder what kind of body does God have?  Like does He have ripped abs or is He just living tha life reading the final edition of our diary...let me stop...I already got one strike for looking up the bio on Rima from the cast of  Bad Girls Club Mexico...I don't need another one!

My guy ended getting off the train, or we got off, don't recall, but we was just like, "This is getting weird."  I think that's when we can get impatient cuz we see all these signs of a fun and unique lifestyle, yet when u go through some hard times u just like, why is this all happening if it's not gonna jump off?  Folks stopping you in the middle of the street from their SUV to tell you, "One day you're gonna be a Millionaire."  To a cool girl who told us our name sounds like "a star".  We want 2 make a difference in folks' lives.  Yes, we have our days, where we may be like "not today" but we try to limit those moments.

We all need some positive reinforcements in our lives.  Sometimes as we've said before, u just have to either draw back on some positives from ur past or two u just have to talk to urself, and make urself feel good.  U can look smokin' hot and still not always feel like the prettiest in tha room.  But that's when u just have to continue to push, and make it through.  Life sometimes can get a little cloudy on what way to go.  But everything has a quirky way of working itself out.  I learned that sometimes you have to let it all play itself out, and living down here on the sexy sands of Miami Beach...that can be dag gone hard...

I remember...  (If u've been reading our diary u know what that means...a girl story!)

When I first came down to Miami, one of the main reasons I came down was to get a wife...Sorry, that was a Galaxian get a good education.  I was attending MIU (Miami Int'l University of Art And Design) to get another degree, this time with the tract being in Fashion Merchandising.  With the location, and with the major, you could already bet ur high-ney that we had a lot of interaction with the opposite sex.  That was NOT the goal, but just like a hardy, "You....ARE the father" on Maury, some things u know are inevitable.  (Huh, that's a cute word.)  I'll be down here for days talking about all the cool peeps I met during those days.  Some just like us getting more education...others it was their first time around.  We had folks from all over the globe, and all over the state of Florida.  I recall this girl who was from Naples...let just say that I almost moved over there!  She was attractive with her dark tan, black/blond pepper hair, and some very Playboy cover girl type eyes...but she always used to come to class like red-eyed out, and she definitely wasn't coming off of no flight!  That was the only thing with so many of these beauties, definitely not all, but...Miami is in love with beautiful girls.  Guys gawk at them, as we earlier noted....U get to go into parties and clubs for free...And with the beauty that so many of the girls possessed  along with some very unlimited checkbooks, these girls were living the life of dreams, and showed up 2 class with it written all over their face.  (U'll be surprised how many times I saw somebody wear the same outfit twice or come to a night class ready 4 a night out on the town!)  I had my fun too, believe u me...but I was trying to get my thang if u know what I mean.

It was this one girl.  Today is her turn...She caught my attention, because of her coolness, but she was just so down to Earth.  With the school being so small, u usually had many of the same faces in the same classes.  Which could be bad, if u can't beat tha Blackberry Curve set by these pocket protector wearing geeks (We're one of them!) or in this case super good cuz u really get to know them.  That's the important part anyway...right?!!  So I had this girl in several of my classes, and I recall just being like she's mad cute and cool.  She was kind of short in stature.  She was from South America, if I recall correctly she was from Chile.  She was the kind of girl who was so chill, and had a sexy laugh.  I'm always trying to paint a picture of what these girls looked like, so she looked like...the best I can come up with is there's this girl on the Spanish station Univision, who is acting crazy and always having fun which stands out when I watch her.    Her name is Lili Estefan...and she looked similar to that beauty.

We would talk here and there.  But then it came this one class.  And at that time after talking to her, and seeing her stroll into class after class I kind of developed some early stages of "tha coodies" for this dame.  So it was during this one class where we had a partner project.  A guy's dream right?!  So I believe she was sitting dead behind us.  And after the teacher told us about the project and to pick ur partner...I simply...or let's be honest...Immediately turned behind me and asked her if she wanted to team up.  She flashed her perfect white teeth and gleamed her smile, and said "Sure."  So how were we gonna handle actually being in tha company of tha girl that we actually had our eye on?  Boy is this gonna be interesting....

Of course, there was one catch...She had a "boyfriend".  Now, this girl was pretty, ain't gonna lie, but she had a slept on attractiveness about her.  Something happened though...Now we would meet, I think something like at least once a week, and sometimes exchanging phone calls.  The toughest thing...which is why I say that sometimes life just gets complicated....the most difficult thing was she would be hair up, and like no make up in her daily travels.  But, dude...all I can say was "Oh my!"  On the days that we would meet up...this girl would get all Paul Mitchell up.  She would put on these sexy outfits.  Low cut blouses, she had cute boobs which made her even look more like a doll ( I gotta tell it like it is.), I recall her wearing these jeans with high heels.  The first time I saw her like that for one of our meetings, I was literally like, "This girl looks un-believe-a-bull!"  Then after seeing her normally and then whenever we would meet, and to have hear and see her high heels past RIGHT by me to take her seat behind me.  I was like, "She's getting dressed up for us."  But she has a boyfriend...but whenever I look into those eyes, when we're sitting so close to each other that I could read each other thoughts...Whew!  And that look she gave, and laughing at each other, I don't think we were even studying.  What were we 2 do?

The most difficult night came one night we had to stay...Is this too real?  I know I'm getting all detailed, if I'm not supposed to be talking about attractions and feelings, please forgive me.  But u know, I'm as real as they get...So on this night.  We laughed, did some kind of work, if u call giggling and glancing in each other's eyes, and me soaking up every bit of her Spanish accent...we had to walk out the school to our cars.  On everything, I thought something was gonna jump off, and as I we were walking together in that slow...somebody knows what I mean...u know when u're out with that "someone" or talking with that apple of ur eye, and u walk in a very slow, swaying way, knowing u have to go somewhere, but not wanting 2 get there just yet.  That was us...Her in those jeans dude...And how everything was going I could tell that I could hop in her car and go with her over to Doral and do some homework for real.  But I just couldn't...just couldn't...Not when she was "taken" supposedly.  But if she was taking, why was she on us like that...and if we knew she was off the menu, why did I not only want to still look, but also wanted to have a taste?

So we ended up doing the project, which had us in front of the class.  Both of us going back and forth to explain our whatever...I say that cuz I don't remember the project, but I remember this girl and her actions and her very enticing looks she wore and gave.  Afterwards we still were cool.  Even had her in some more classes, and I recall just how she would stare at us when we had to make presentations.  When an angel gives u some of the looks we've gotten...It ain't easy.

Why did we write all this tonight?  No idea really...Maybe, sometimes as in love, life presents you with some situations to test your will, and u have to decide whether to stir up some feathers or to simply stand still.  Yes, this was an opp to be with a super cool girl, and the way she was acting indicated that she wanted to ride a star in our Galaxia.  (I'm gonna have to save that one!!)  But when in life u don't know what to do, sometimes the best thing is to do nothing at all, and let the situation answer itself.  I'm talking to myself on that on.  If she wanted me bad enough, she woulda broke up with her man...simple as that.  I'm not gonna go Captain Save-A-H...on somebody.  Not our M.O.  She was a cool girl...unique experience of many...never to be forgotten.

It will work out.  That's what we're hanging our hat on, and so should you...Now...

I gotta dig through some papers.  I really hope I can find that girl's number!  And the first thang I'm gonna say is...

"What's up!  And please tell me ur wearing those snake teal high heels!!"

Austino Galaxia.

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