Saturday, November 3, 2012

Vote Galaxia!

Just gonna let this thang loose on tonight, and see what craziness comes from our fingers, whenever we say that, something spe....

Ok.  This voting and election thang is getting like real serious down here in Florida.  Specifically down here in Miami.  The other day, eye had tha pleasure to vote.  We decided to go 2 tha North Shore library in North Beach than come to tha City Hall down here in South Beach.  Just wanted to avoid some of the dramatic-ness that politics in our neighborhood can bring.  Just wanted to pull my tab, and get out.  For real.  So I ended up getting to tha spot around, I don't know like 4:41pm or so, in tha afternoon.  As I got in, the only thing I was thinking about was if I would have to pay for parking and how long will this line be.  I was fortunate and blessed to get there just in time.  Cuz I got a nice spot in a limited space lot, and the line wasn't long...yet.  I got into line, and this woman and her friend was in front of me.  And she kept looking at me like she was about to get her holla on.  Like she would talk with her friend, say a little joke, give a "Ha, Ha!" and then  turn back to us, like we were supposed to respond or add a little " u go girl" to it.  I could tell that this Mamacita, back in tha day had many a men just going bonkers over tha simple sight of her.  But as for us, our mind was on hoping I could turn tha corner of this line in 10 minutes.

So I'm in line, it was suprising how many kids were in line with parents or grandparents.  North Beach has a more laid back atmosphere of retirees, and the "old money" of the Sunny Isles and Bal Harbour neighborhoods.  It was cool.  So after like 1hr and like 40 minutes I finally was able to get into that magic three, as people were admitted inside like a club.  "Ah...I'll take u, you, not u cuz I don't like ur shirt, and how about u...y'all can get in, everybody else has gots 2 wait!!"  We get inside Club UVote, and as I was hoping to see Monica Lewinsky distributing victory cigars on my way in, I was told to go to my right.  I walk inside the children's book area.  It brought back memories, cuz I was like this is where I used to steal some free Wi-fi back in tha day, I moved to this one table, give my driver's license, and was told to sign some stuff, and then moved to this other line, in which I was told 2 stand on tha black line taped on tha ground.  What woulda happen if I would have cross it?!!  I totally felt like the 1st day of school going from getting schedules to taking pictures to figuring out who had the hook up on fake hall passes for the semester!  All in tha game.

Now I'm in line waiting for my number and precinct to come out of this ulitmate copy machine.  I'm in line as are others, and one of the women who's sitting at the table is like, "If I get you, I'm gonna tell you something that my mama used to tell me."  I was just chillin' not even paying attention, and then it hit me that she was talking to me, and I replied, "Ok."  Our mind began to race like the tortoise and tha hare as to what she wants to tell me.  I had no idea what was about to go down, so all I could do was just have an open could be anything from "I don't like how u write" to "I got tha keys to the back conference room, how about I show u how to really rock tha vote!"  So my number got called, and the other lady besides this shorty got me, and home girl was like, "These rubberbands that you're wearing, my mama used to tell me that they stop ur circulation."  Gave me a tap on my hand, and I told her that I would stop wearing them...they're actually those kid funky bands that were popular that made funny shapes.  Mine were the Miami Heat version with hoops and Heat logos.  She acted as if she wanted to talk some more, but I had to go.  Holla!

I go to the "Boom Boom" room where the actual voting was to take place.  It was more quiet in there, than in an actual library day.  I open up my five sheets to circle in.  My first thought was, "How in tha world can President Obama not get tha top billing on tha ballot when he's tha freakin' sitting president??"  That's like Muhammed Ali being tha champ and getting second bill to a guy who lost to Rocky!  Anyway, I circled in our vote for who were voted for, skim milked accross the rest, and I was out.  The whole process from me getting in line to finishing scanning my sheets took like 2 hours.  It was ok...but it was kinda long.  Better then than on Election Day though.

Florida is like the biggest jewel of this election.  It's like that girl that every guy wants and does all that he can to romance her to go to tha dance with them.  The girl just takes all the gifts, knowing that these guys don't really care about her anyway, they just want her for a one-night stand, and then after they get what they want, they're never gonna call back at least for another 4 years...Yeah...that's how it feels.  So as I was thinking about having completed all this politics stuff, check out this story....

Alright, our life is I just got back in to my crib, from picking up some items at the grocery store and stuff.  I get in, and put all our stuff away, and strip down like Magic Mike to go use tha bathroom.  So I'm in tha first stage of my number 2...u can call that stage 2 point one, when all of a sudden, I hear, "Knock, knock, knock!"  I'm like, "Who tha heck?"  I was hoping it wasn't anybody from Best Buy or Sallie Mae, if so I was gonna go dead into my Mad Tv broken Spanish routine, but then again 86% of everybody down here in Miami knows Spanish so I that won't work.  (This Notre Dame/Pittburgh football game is getting wild!  All tied up at 20 with bout 2 minutes to go.  I know my Pops and bro are going crazy right now in Indiana!)  All right, back to this story....So I hear tha knocks, and I'm like I guess I gotta get outta hear and and see who it is.  The problem is, I'm butt naked, literally with nothing but my black Emporio Armani briefs on...Fall season 2010, by the way...Now I gotta wash my hands, throw on some sweats, and open tha door...

I open up the door, and it's this guy and girl from the Obama camp, standing there like they just arrived at a Christmas party at Tha Hamptons, asking me if I voted.  I told them that "I had" and that...well, I told them something else, but I won't was all good.  So the girl who looked like a mini-Salma Hayek, she like checked us off her clipboard list.  We say 'bye' and that was that.  But I walked back into our showroom, like, "How did they get inside my apartment building?"  And more specifically, "How they get the 411 on Tha Kid's address??"  As we said before, it's getting real serious...or as we say in tha hood...sirreeous!!

So many stories to tell, just since we've last written...I went to my spot Fresh Market to get me tha best 2% milk $2.49 can buy.  BTW, I tried some Fat Free milk the other day.  I got three words for that...Hey-Tid- It!"  Horrible.  So after scooping up my half gallon, I go to the check out line.  Folks was getting their shop on big time yesterday.  Folks scooping up carts full of stuff, which I know tallied up to like $250 up in Fresh Market...easily.  Two of the lines were full, and full of Soybeans and lettuce type stuff, so I gave a head nod to my girl who rings me up a lot across tha way.  She indicated that she was open, so I slithered across to her register.  After greeting us and ringing us up.  She asks me if I want to sign up for this raffle the store was having.  I told her that I already did, but evidently it was for the last raffle that I didn't win.  Shucks! That's one thing I like about that story, it does feel like a sort of upscale family grocery store with wine tastings, turkey samplings, and pumpkin trail mix that I may have to try.

I asked, "What do I have to do to sign up?"  She gives me a ticket, that resembles something from the 50/50 raffle they used to have at my old high school basketball games, tells me to "write down ur name and ur number."  I fill it out as this lady comes behind us to check out.  And then...after I filled out this cherry ticket.  I give it to her in a "Here u go" type of way...and I put this on everything, she then was like, "Thaaank....Yoooou!"  But she said it in a way like a crook who just found a Black AmEx on tha street...or like a guy that just found out all the addresses of every Dallas Cowboy cheerleader since 2000.  I walked away recalling how she was studying my name and number on tha ticket, thinking, "I might have to switch to MetroPcs, cuz I can't be having this homegirl calling asking me if I want the hookup on Valencia Orange Juice."  Now if it was this other girl that works in there....

That's it.  Our life is getting even more fun.  It's so wild.  We just a kid who wants 2 have fun, now it seems that our life has something new every day.  And somebody new almost everyday.  Just live in tha moment...isn't it exciting!!

I think so.

Matter of fact.

I know so!

Austino Galaxia.

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