Sunday, September 30, 2012

When Seinfeld Met Galaxia.

Man hands...Name calling...Goody 2 shoes...Could any gal please this guy?!!

U just never know!...Absolutely never know!!

First off, have to give a big shoutout to The Big Gizzle up above for hooking us up...even when we don't know what's going on.

I'm not gonna get into all that we have been blessed to have placed into our arms on today.  Let's just say, we got some crazy deals on Italian labels...CDs for a $1 each, that literally had us in a missionary position digging and looking around.  Nobody would believe what we picked up.  Great unforeseen hookups on food and...just too much to name.  We don't wanna seem snobby, but we are getting hooked up!


Throughout this entire diary we talk about keep pushing through crazy situations...wild relationships...former friends turned...gulp!...into, well, former friends.  I heard a quote that quite possibly has changed my life.

"The higher you climb the mountain, the colder it gets."

The source of this golden nugget isn't important, but the quote is.  Sometimes, maybe it might just be me, so let me just be real...I feel that sometimes the more u try to crank it up another notch, the more u hit the pedal in this HOV lane of life, the more u figure that ur now gonna show ur true colors, the more...cold it gets on that mountain.  The more u feel alone.  The more u wonder, "How in the world did I get up here?"  The more u sometimes just simply think that, "I was better off, doing this or being with that person, cuz at least I knew what I was gonna get.  Even though I can't stand that they chew with their mouth open!"  Just being straight up.  U feel like giving up, and wondering as u look up and see all these Trish Stratus clouds which cover up the mountaintop, if u should of even began on ur dream climb.


I don't know what going on with us.  In this diary, we feel like we have to be more real, and in-depth than ever.  No matter who reads it now or 5 years from now.  We've seen a lot.  Sometimes while I'm doing a Derek Jeter number on the toilet (That's funny!), I just think about our life.  It's fun...yeah.  We've had some experiences that people wouldn't believe.  It's constantly filled with beautiful people...but we almost tear up thinking about how much we have to deal with, and how not too many can really relate to not only the burning fire within but also the pain it has takes to spark that fire.

We just shake our head.  I know others are going through their own thang, we just be like, "How are we still alive?"  As we mentioned very recently, u have to move on, which we totally  But it takes some time.  When weird things happen to you, it really makes you look within like are we on the wrong path?  Maybe ur on the right one, and that's why the things that are happening to you are, well, happening to you.

I think about how we've changed so...Ok.  The other day we had a discussion about our "standards" and what we can handle and can't I guess in terms of a relationships.  Here I go again, opening myself up, but...we all need to realize that it's the person inside that counts that makes a difference and not just what they do or what they look like.  Even though I only date 10's!!  But guess what, composite of a "10" can vary tremendously.  If u ever use the create-a-player on Madden or NBA Live video games u know what I'm talking about.  Just thought about that, perhaps God is a big Gamer and life is nothing but a video game, and everything we've gone through is just a process of Him "Creating-A...Player!"  See that's a two-fold joke...u have to either be a lover of life or a former pimp to get that one!!

This is gonna be so embarrassing, but here we go:

As we think back upon our love we go again right!!...We know it's been one of future legend.  And many times we have been a victim..Naw, wrong word...been a, heck let's just thesaurus 'victim' and you can pick one!!  Lot of times we've felt that we've done nothing wrong...this girl dissed us.."She lied to me"...This girl went from being 'The One' to not even talking to me in a span of 17 hours, for no reason!!  So much, and u can go back within our diary to get some juicy stories.  But perhaps...perhaps, we are the one to blame for some things not turning out the way we have liked.  Maybe in my expectation of perfection or at least a girl who is one third Kelly Kapowski...1/3 Babs Bunny...and 25% Jessica Rabbit has led us into some missed opportunities.

I live down here in South Beach aka "The Land of The Beautiful People" here in Miami Beach.  I think that it's safe to say that we are spoiled living down here in tha 'hood that we live in.  Our ego shows it sometimes.  Guys walking around with no shirts on in pitch black nighttime...Girls who don't even turn their head as they pass you, yet can tell u what ur wearing all the way down to ur socks!...Big ballerr rides everywhere...just on today, I was up near Bal Harbour and I was literally surrounded by a Red Ferrari in front of me, a white Maserati to my right, like three Beamers, a Mercedes who actually cut the drop top Ferrari off up ahead, a black Lambo about to come out onto Collins, another Mas...and our choice ride.  This was at the same stoplight dude!  Crazy life huh!  Getting to what we was saying, maybe some of the things, well I know, some of the things I used to trip over, wasn't something that should have prevented us from making out with a Shmoopy!

So let's see, some of the beauties that I didn't, how should we put this...explore.  Let's see, there was one who I didn't like how the bottom of her feet were dirty.  Sexy beauty, just didn't feel it at that time...Another was a seriously complusive smoker.  She knew hoops, like to have a good time, and had some sexy hair. But at the time couldn't handle it, now I think it may be different...Another girl was absolutely stunning, and used to come to the beach where I worked constantly.  A Baywatch look for real...but I found out she was a stripper.  Which threw me for a loop de loop...I can handle that now, but once again, not back then.  I know I'm gonna be hated for all this talk, but it's a diary, and perhaps u won't make the same decisions we made, and look at people for who they are, and not what they do, or how they look or their profession of choice.

Sometimes u can be more concerned at what others will think of u being with somebody, than the fun that u and that person can really have together.  "What if my dude finds out I'm dating somebody 10 years older than me?!  Or "My folks gonna trip if I bring somebody home of a different race."  We was talking to my Pops...u may wanna stop reading this, cuz it may be boring, but it's what's on our heart right now...talking to my Pops about the 'evolution' of dating and relationships.  We've seen so much change just in our life, and now u talking about from the 60's and 70's.  Oh boy!  I would be hung for half of the girls I would be found shooting the breeze with, u know!  But how u feel about a person is what counts...

There used to be this woman who used to be at the place where I worked out at.  Now I would see here constantly.  She was a "few" years older than me, had a curvy body (Might as well be real right!), and had a cute freckle face, with a goofy cute smile.  I used to talk to her, and all that, small talk.  But I could feel like she would be watching us.  Whether it was us playing basketball on the court, half naked or us just 'getting it in' lifting, we would see her, and she would give us a smile.  I thought with her personality, and her bump without the pumps, she was freakin' hot!  But u know the thang that got us to analyze instead of just approaching and going for the gusto?...She was actually one of the custodians or maids at the place.

So now everytime I would see this baby girl, for some reason it would be a "She's so fine, like the spring time morning dew, but..."  Here I am somebody who professes to be the ultimate fun, but letting this girl's profession get into a possible friendship or even a relationship.  U never know.  Everything isn't what it seems to be.  Who knows, this female coulda been just doing that to earn some extra money for her shopping habits or just earning some change so she could go on that European trip she's been dreaming about.  The point is that with her, and with some of those mentioned a few paragraphs up, is that I didn't even give 'the rhythm' a chance, and instead made a decision based on stereotypes instead of getting to know them, and letting them know us.  So in some ways, I cheated them out of an opprotunity 2 know us, and get to know our ultra-fun lifestyle, all because of what I've been taught or possible heard...I mean, just because the bottom of a girl's feet are dirty, doesn't mean she doesn't take care of her kitty-kat...Just because a gal or anybody smokes all the time, doesn't mean they aren't worthy dating material.  U might be the one who can calm her nerves and show her that u luv her for her....Or just because a girl's a stripper doesn't mean she's pulling tricks or isn't someone worthy of a good time.  Maybe she's going through a stage to help her in the future realize what she really wants in life.  Doesn't mean she's making tapes 2 be put on Utube or anything....

I have to be real, cuz when u lived a life, and have and are part of a lifestyle that we are in, it can be easy to compartmentalize (Sexy word of the day!) who deserves to be your friend and who deserves to be ur lover. Instead of letting things develop, u begin to mark folks off for stupid reasons...They ride the bus everyday, so they're broke.  No...maybe they're smart and are saving money, and have the peace of mind of not having to deal with all this Magic City traffic!  That girl always wears so much provocative gear, she must sleep around all the time.  No...perhaps, this is the most comfortable for her, and she wants to dress like her favorite Hollywood starlets.  I've been guilty of the dumbest things...but no more.  After knowing and being what we've been through.  We at least want to give a person a chance.  Just don't dismiss the possibilities before exploring.  That's why u have to take or like is a risk.  But we've found out through it all, it's been one worth taking.  And as we begin to get more into our Galaxia, and those who are gonna have starring roles in this upcoming season of "Starstruck Galaxia", we are determined to have an open mind, and not let anybody's definition of a cool person, or sexy person, define ours.

Cuz in the end, it's what makes u happy.
And taking a chance is one of life's most pleasurable qualities of all.....

I just hope they doesn't snore!

Shout out to Big Butch, great to see u dude!  We'll catch u up at the Triple A.  And Tonia, I saw u homie walking over by The Fountainebleu joint.  It's too early to be lining up to hit up LIV girl!!  The real party people don't arrive until around 1 am...or at least that's what I've heard!!

Austino Galaxia.
(If u haven't, check out our music playlist on the right on the homepage.  Please do...It's all about the ladies in our life!!)

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