Saturday, September 15, 2012

Talking Straight 2 Tha Moon!

Mr. Jackie Gleason...a forgotten legend.

Where do we begin?

Gots some turkey burgers which are about to be gobbled up on tha grill.  Have to get some food in us before we go to workout later this afternoon.  It's only 11:23 am, but u gotta get it in right?!!

Trying to feel out what to write about on today.  We've said so much as of late in this special diary of our life.  Learning so much to cherish everything to tha max, dude.  U just never know.  Yes, we are still the goofy guy who is ALL about having fun, which could mean so much from going out on a night on tha town to a simple conversation with a stranger at a mall or street corner.  Speaking of which...

What ever happened to the art of talking?  Oh wow...back in the day, people used to not only meet and greet one another but does somebody actually remember when u used to know telephone numbers of friends and family?  I know folks who still remember the digits of ...I feel like we gonna get a little loosey goosey on this, because we miss those days.

Nowadays I don't even remember the numbers of too many folks.  Wait, I have to play Ayo Technology right now cuz that's gonna define this entire post on today.  Let's go JT and Fitty...hold up...I'm not in the club mode, just yet, so why don't we play this version!  Oh yeah, we can write now...But yeah bro, back in tha day it seemed so easy remembering phone numbers, now besides my home back up north and a few 1-900 numbers, I have no idea how to communicate with somebody if I lose my Whiteberry!  None...I write some down, but still, and even with that...It's so weird just the process of getting somebody's number...male or female.

Am I the only one who remembers how cool it was to get somebody's digits?!!  Like in the sense of, not only seeing your dream numerical combination, that you never thought you or anyone else could ever unlock, in your hands, but just what would you use to hold these special numbers.  Like, would you grab a napkin at a restaurant to be the keepsake?  Would you use the inside of the person's hand to have the number written on?  Or what about the inside of the wrist?!  I like those cuz those are just so personal, and u have to really be creative in how you live the rest of the day.  You have to run home and grab a Polaroid camera, to take a photo pic before the ink drys out!  U can't do nothing that involves sweating because any drip of salty perspiration will drip all dreams of ur future baby mama away.  And you really don't have time to decipher between, "Is that an 8 or a nine?"  That isn't cool...If you have the #'s inside your hand, u don't shake anybody's hand, u just say, "What's Up!" or if ur a doll, u give that Mean Girls smirk that says "Hello", but inside ur like, "I can't stand that (Female Dog)!"...Can I just tell it like it is or how we want to on today...Thanks for the go-ahead.

So ur how day changes just do to not only getting the number but how u get it and by what medium it is kept.   I love to keep notes, as u already know, so we use any and everything, from poster's from School dances...I know somebody thought it was weird when they looked up inside the party and saw a sign that read..."This party is sponsored by the Thomas Edison Sci... Club".  I had something to do with that dot, dot, dot, and it was me tearing down down a piece so that later I could possibly get a piece!  Get it!  But anything is game from back of weekly ads from the grocery store, to those small squres of paper that you find at ur local library (Has anyone ever mastered how to write with a 2 inch pencil yet!).  Now, u don't get that, do you.  This is how it goes nowadays...I gotta roll up my sleeve for this..

Whether it's romantically involved or just from making new friends, you say something like, "I would like to stay in contact with you, let me have your number."  So say, this person gives me their number, and then instead of me, saying "Here's my number...dah, dah, dah..." I usually hit them with an, "Ok, I'm about to call you right now."  And u dial the number, and u have to do it while they're standing there, to make sure it's not some number to Gino's Pizza or something!  U see it ring on their phone, and ur good.  But right there, u cut out a step of still is so much fun to be like, "Can I get your number?" or "What's ur number?"  You get it, but to have the other person be like, "What's yours?" and to see them put it in their phone.  That's mad cool....and can bring a visual memory that can make ur heart go pitty Pat Sajak for years!

Is this type of interaction obsolete?  Definitely not, but it now instead of it happening every sunrise, it occurs every blue moon.  Well, unless it's a Friday night and  you're a college dorm student who's looking for some cheap fun and happen to be hard up on money, and then every blue moon can mean every 3 minutes when Suzy forgets to name a city that starts with the lettter "Y" while playing the pilsner alphabet game!!  (I guess u can only use Ypsilanti so much!) Which is what we are talking about today, how we just don't talk like we used to...

We reside in the Sunshine state of Florida, more specifically in one of the glitziest neighoborhoods in the Galaxia, down here in the South Beach hood of Miami Beach.  We was chatting with a bus driver the other day, on how it's so cliquey down here, really.  Sometimes it's difference in the have's and have not's...and sometimes the difference is so crazy...I have the 2013 Maybach 2-door, and you have the 2012 limited edition Aston Martin...Or I can afford to get plastic surgery done down in Brickell, where you have to fly down to South America cuz u can't afford it like I's like, "Really?"  I still love the city, and sometimes I may have even gotten into that kind of thinking...Just because I'm running out on the basketball court with a new pair of Jordan's (That I didn't pay for!) on, and you have some shoes that you've worn since last season, that means I'm automatically gonna score 30 points on you, just because I 'look' better than you.  No bro...and this is coming from somebody who's thinks they are in the .5% when it comes to attractiveness!!  I mean, the other day, I was in line, jokes aside, in line at a local Publix supermarket and I saw a magazine that had something like "Top 50 most beautiful people under 40" or something like that, and I almost went King Kong in the joint and thought about knocking over every hand santizer , and all the Orbit chewing gum and Frito-Lay Peanut bags (That 2 for $1 deal is killer though!), that I could find just because I didn't make the cover!  So in my book, the list is already fraudulent!!

Now where was I....

But yeah, just talking in general has died down some with texting, sexting, and some chatting.  It's cool in some respects but it's nothing like hearing a person's voice.  A "LOL" is grand, if that's all u got.  But if u can hear that laugh, that's what u remember...I'm guilty of this, and I need to stop and really make a better effort in appreciating the things in life that money and technology cannot replace nor buy.  That's what are mission is right now, beside wondering if I should buy this Marc Jacobs steel blue wallet that is on sale right now...we're a crazy dude aren't we.   I know, but I rather that u know it...and as the old veteran's in life's game used to say...

You have to walk the walk...and talk the talk.

And if you can do both while chewing gum, u'll be alright!!

Austino Galaxia.

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