Thursday, September 13, 2012


Thank The Lord For real Tonight is gonna be a special one in our diary We've thought about this and tonight you are gonna get the purest form of who we are Nothing more nothing less Gonna make this as real as possible so it should be interesting how this goes It should be fun So lets go

The last several weeks have been really tough in just about every part of your imagination We've been carried by the Lord above but it's been so difficult And a lot of it we just dont understand what is going on It's like what have we done to deserve all this wackiness scrutiny alienation Is this what it's all about when u strive to live life to the fullest I mean we just a simple kid who wants to have fun and thats it But in life u have to go through some stuff and exactly two weeks from today everything just about reached a tipping point

We was gasing up our ride at a Citgo gas station on Sunset Drive in Kendall Florida I was interacting with the shorty bee hop thats always inside on the register So I walk out the glass doors and everything just seemed like a dream All I heard next was a Lake Erie screech and knocking and worse yet my eyes are beholding the whole thing unfold I stop in my tracks as I see this Budget U haul truck absoultely crash into my car Yes the ride Yes my baby girl who I name Sasha I couldnt believe it cuz my car was parked simply at the gas pump and how in the world could somebody not see my car This was like the upteenth time somebody has hit my vehicle and each time we had nothing to do with it and the way our vehicle has been hit has been as puzzling as a New York Times crossword The weirdest angles It's just like our car attracts so much attention It's weird You have to go on a ride with us to really understand how different it is to be with us

So this truck bangs up my drivers side in several spots and I'm just standing there basically steaming hot but for some reason cool at the same time I guess when uve been through so much and seen so much things just dont surprise you anymore But we were a little taken back like Y now The guy got out and he had a girl and I wont get into all that But the last few weeks weve been without a ride Meaning that we have had to go from our beautiful showroom in South Beach and take the transit a la mode all the way accross town That included on average 3 buses of 2 buses and a train and coming back home the same The killer part was I work in the morning so I had to wake up at like 330 am in the morning just to get to work and we come back later so it was like I only had like 1 hour and an half of free time Even earlier today the most peaceful moments were during lunch where I was listening to some Joe I did rent a car for some time but still this was tuff and putting this on top of the month weve had up to date This was not what we wanted to happen

All this mustve been for a reason What we saw was as we aformentioned how others live We have such a lifestyle that I can loose track on whats going on around us I'm single dont have shorties nothing really that makes us like living as an adult we live a sorta rich kid lifestyle where we just want to have fun and share it with others even though we have been doubting whether its even worth the effort to bring a smile to others faces Sometimes u just feel like dude why am I even wasting a word of encourgement or an invite Why should me who has been blessed tremendously try to make somebodys day when u feel like folks arent used to that and would rather do the same things and go to the same places and hang out with the same people Maybe we are just different I know we are but I think the difference with us now than say four weeks ago or even longer is that we are willing to accept who we are as a person No need to try fit in cuz we wont and I dont want to really Does that mean be a big huge snob No But theres a certain lifestyle that we are living and want to live and we cant take everybody with us Just because somebody looks good on ur arm doesnt mean they are your wifey or the one or ur friend Real talk

Thats why we say you have to keep pushing even when u dont want to or receive some backlash or rejection If u believe in who u are and what u stand for then keep doing you and they will come It will come And everything will work out Sometimes u have to go through an era when it seems like nothing is working before you go through an era when seemingly everything goes right Thats tough to swallow as your going through that Time after time you thinking when is our time really gonna come How come Sally is doing this Or why is Bob getting this when I have to put in seemingly more work Work harder And yet getting less So this was just the thoughts going into my accident and then it was like u got to be kidding me Not now And not at this time

What doesnt kill you makes you stronger It does And after u go through U become better Thats why we believe in taking risks cuz one u never know and two even if things dont end how you want them to u learn from them and u realize that u wouldnt trade the experience for anything in the Galaxia Even though it can make u go crazy

We just talking real and as pure as possible Our diary is special to us Its entertaining just because of the unparalleled experiences that weve been through But behind all that u have to realize that this is the real life of a actual person I know Austino Galaxia can seem to be somebody out of an old comic book but there is some real time emotion surrounding our life and lifestyle Its crazy Its fun Its built on unforeseen expectations sometimes but thats ok Champions realize whats going on and lives up to the hype If u want to live the grandest life you are gonna have to experience the grandest challenges We said before how we used to pray for the most beautiful girl in the world Somehow those words used to come off our lips So as we think about it is it some weird correlation with all these crazy episodes weve had with girls absolutely not If you want to be the best you are gonna have to go take the toughest road for real There are no shortcuts in life None

Is this too much tonight Whatever We have to tell it like it naturally is Why hold back I mean all of us can relate somehow or someway to what is being said Thats why we wondered is anybody else telling it just straight up about like and love and relationships As we heard somebody say the other day Youre It Maybe you the one who has to be the one out of everybody in the Galaxia We have to just realize that sometimes u may be a trailblazer and just roll with it Huh What if everybody in the Galaxia said I'm gonna be the first instead of being the next I can just run off of that

A chance to play with the Beatles Mychal Thompson is silly That's personal there Ok special shoutout to Miss Irella and Big Carlos for looking out Thanks

Let the fun begin

New script, new cast Huh we now have a title for the whole thing and it doesnt get any better than this

Simply Pure

Austino Galaxia

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