Saturday, September 8, 2012

Galaxian Lessons (Trois)

Lessons even Charlie Brown could appreciate!

"I've never seen that before!"

It seems like we say that almost every single day as we live down here in "the land of the beautiful people" of South Beach.  That's what I uttered as I saw a man riding a bike with a lady sitting on the handle bars.  The only thing was the lady was lighting up here cigarette as the bike was in motion!  I tell ya, u gotta love this life down here Fantasy's wild!

It seems like it's been a lifetime since we've written anything, not really, but our life is just filled with so much stuff, that's it's almost tough to get a few minutes of sleep.  I missed my homegirl's b-day party last night (Jen I'm sorry for that), but I was knocked out sleep, literally.  I guess when u only get a total of six hours of dreaming about sheep over a span of two days, it can catch up 2 ya.  I always joke about our Hollywood-ish, Ultra-high profile type of lifestyle, and how we need a Personal's not a joke, for real.  It's so many activities and so little time to fit everything into our schedule.  Life's about having fun, so u gotta do what u gotta do and fit in what u can fit in whenever u can and however u can.  Huh, we just said all that without using a comma.  That's kool!

So what shall fill up the diary post on's 8:24pm, and we have a little time before we get into something later...Our's filled with so much emotion and craziness, I tell u I wonder.  But if u ever keep a diary for yourself (And pleassse do, u'll feel better, trust us!), u know that each day is something different, and just as with us, u absolutely never know what u're gonna get.  People are one day gonna think, "This guy is loony!"  Which is right, but...hold on, I gotta put something on the stove, hold on...Ok, I'm back...a brotha is getting his cook on, so forgive us...but, we want this diary to be something...real.

It seems like our life has and is being used for some odd reason as a  movie in action.  Seemingly The Great Casting Director in the Sky, has chosen us to live through some wild experiences, and I guess to share them via this medium or just talking about them with somebody else.  Sometimes, and u probably see as we write, it cringes us, cuz we're just a goofy kid who wants to have fun....THAT'S IT!  But it's like, no matter what we do, things happen to us in some wild manners that can leave us a little breathless.  Things happen in life, and just because ur the life of the party or feel like u just want to share fun with others, doesn't mean that trials and tribulations aren't gonna knock at ur door.  Heck, they may even come at u harder, just because of that...

So as we go through photos of people we used to be cool with, and wonder how did things turn so weird, that we can't even look...or they can't look us in the eye anymore...or hear songs that brings back memories, we've learn some things about life...relationships...and love.  Hum???

We wrote several months ago in a two-part series on Galaxian Lessons...They were unique...If u hadn't read them, here they are in Uno and Dos parts each...In it we talk about life lessons and some of the things that we learned about...Gulp...el-oh-vee-eee.  Somehow someway, I think that even though we have two parts, that we, on tonight, need to finish off the trilogy. I got a playlist playing all the songs composed partly or entirely by Pharrell Williams, so as that is banging on our speakers, we gonna get loose some, and present our final edition of Galaxian Lessons. This could get interesting!!

Let it be noted that this wasn't our plans as we wrote this so we're interested what's going to be written upcoming here as much as you...u never know is Part Trois:

Girls are just as afraid of falling in love as guys.  Yeah, we're starting with this one.  I know somebody just threw down their computer after they read that, and said, "Austino, I hate you so much!"  But it's's just a part of human nature.  Us guys have been taught every since we used to play with G.I. Joe figures, and Micro Machine toys, that only guys get cold feet about committing to relationships or even taking that giant leap towards marriage or what not.  But we have learned that girls are just as nervous, when they meet someone who meets some of the criteria of what they've been looking for.  It's that, "I can't believe it, it's really butter" moment, when someone comes into ur life, and ur ready but not ready.  It's like, u are an Olympic Swimmer and are afraid to jump into the shallow end of the pool.  It happens to both sexes...I can recall times where we've met girls who were like everything we've been looking for...and when that happens u half think ur dreaming and 1/3 thinking I can't do this or why did it have to happen now.  I'm learning that attraction or love comes at the strangest of times and moments.  U can't hurry love...didn't Phil Collins cover that classic song?!!  Don't be afraid, give it a try, because good things don't wait around forever, others recognize a good things as well and u don't want to be saying years from now, "I wonder what if..."

This is "our last push" within our diary, we don't know how many posts we have left within our soul, so we gonna write from our heart, so just forgive us for speaking from our soul...What else?

A closed mouth doesn't get fed.  This one is for us.  It's impossible for somebody to really and truly read somebody's mind.  U have to speak up and as my Pops used to tell me before I laced them up before every basketball game, "Make them know who u are."  I think one thing about our life is that we are kind of quiet.  And sometimes too...humble.  Now we don't say that in a conceited type of way, but sometimes u have to recognize and be proud of surviving tough experiences or all the hard work u've put in during the wee hours of the night to get to a certain mindset of success in this life.  As of late, we've been wrestling with this, and begin to think, maybe I should begin to live in that South Beach swag...u know, where we always talking about "Me, me and me" and walking around showing off all our muscles and talking about who we are about to meet up with in a few hours.  I don't think that's the way...all the time at least.  I think about some of our past and we like, "We have a dream life and should be on the Stage A on Saturday Night in this global concert."  I believe that if ur cool and beautiful and talented in something, somehow it's gonna get recognized, if u just stay with it.  But sometimes u have 2 show folks that u have it...It's like my brother Anthony and myself say about our hoops skills, "It's not that we can't's just that we choose not too."  Now, the scary thing is that we are starting to shoot, and how will the world react to that.  I hope they're ready....

The best parties are sometimes the most simplest.  Since we live down here in the Magic City of Miami, I have to write about this one.  I understand how folks have to get paid, and I don't hate on that....but sometimes I wonder when places cost like $150-200 to get in.  And if u're talking about New Year's Eve, they asking for like $450 to get into a joint, and ur thinking, "I just paid $15 for this Antipasto the night before, and now that they got a mariachi band and a few glowsticks, they wanna hit me up for my rent money?!!"  I'm not hating one bit cuz I know about how the business goes...I also know that u can have super fun for cheap, just by sitting on a porch or in somebody's basement talking about life experiences, and having a 1st generation Apple Ipod, streaming music til the sun comes up.  If u spend a lot, at least get ur money's worth.  I used to snap up north in the Midwest when the money handler be like, "That'll be $7 to get in."  And of course me being the "J. Paul Getty of the Ghetto" would scream, "Seven Dollars?!!  For this???  Ain't nothing jumping off except them two dudes over in the corner, by the dart board arguing about a putt shot as they're playing "Golden Tee".  Now that I live on America's Rivera, I think hard when places charge so much just to walk in.  If I don't have a hook up, I really think hard...let me see...They want $75 to get in...huh.  Most of the real party girls in Miami don't show up until that means I might have four hours got like 3 hours to get my groove on.  And really one hour, cuz it ain't until 3am, and u begin to hear  "To-ny Mon...tana...To-ny Mon...tana" on the speakers that the joint gets jumping, anyway.  So that's like, what, 20 cents a second...It can be worth it...sometimes it can not be.

(Is this too real tonight?)

A walk, run or drive can do wonders for your soul.  Sometimes in life u just need to take a long walk.  That's all Richard Simmons aside on that....I love to walk.  I'm blessed to be able to walk to any and everywhere down here in the beach area.  But even if u don't live in South Beach, u can just walk somewhere, and it can clear ur head.  The other day, I had this guy literally walking circles around me.  At first, I thought he was trying to make those type of circles that u only see out in like freakin' Area 51 out in Nevada or somewhere...but it was cool.  I used to drive just to see new places and get some new air.  And no Frankie Stacks, I don't go up the Florida coast just for some "Dick Tracy" escapades, although a lot of the dolls in Boca Raton do have that Stepford Wife type of beauty...But that's not the point!  (Please don't let me be in trouble for saying all this!!)  Although gas is higher than my collegiate g.p.a, doesn't mean that u still can't get out somehow....someway.  I think walking or running always u to see the world in it's natural beauty and u notice different things as well.  Sometimes that's all u need to make a life-changing decision or to prevent u from punching through a wall or something.  Give it a try.

Two more and that's it...

True beauty and greatness can defy time.  Has anyone ever seen a work of art, and just thought, "That's mad tight."  Only to realize that it was made like 50 years ago!!  That's what true beauty is.  It goes with any era or time...Sometimes I watch an old movie and see somebody dressed to kill or looking "right" and u realize that if u are true to ursel...I don't think I'm the only one, but I recall this one time years ago, well, two times for sure, being out shopping and being in a checkout line on two separate occastions, and having my soul, just get a little extra warm because I was next to two women who just exerted what a woman is personified.  Once I was in like Value City (Folks down in here in Florida don't know nothing about that!), and this woman was amazing with a low cut blouse and whew...and another time, I was in the checkout at this store, and this female had just this spirit about her, that was so enticing, and the funny thing about it, the first one had to be about 60, and the other one probably in her late 40's or 50's...which is what I'm talking about, that true beauty (Within and/or physical) has no age or distinct place in time.  It fits in during all eras and moments in time.  I've always wanted, if I had a choice of money, fame or presence...we would choose presence.  I want to give off the feeling that goofy fun with a little sexiness is about to occur everytime ur near us or around us.  (U'll only hear us talk about that in our diary...that's a definite exclusive.)

And the final thought on tonight...

Make ur own rules...and break ur own rules!!  I believe that the only person who can define ur life, is you, urself.  We have been through it with all these so call rules...Don't call that girl until two days after u get her number, so she won't think ur desperate...I'm gonna read 2 chapters of this book and then eat and then read some more...I promise to never use the F-Word again...I'm gonna be low key in Church, even though what the Pastor is saying is right on the money...All these pre-determined thoughts that we make up.  And guess what...In reality, they all stink!!  Yes, we do all have some standards and outlines of how our life is gonna be.  U talking to a guy, who's been writing what we need to pick up in terms of clothes and showroom decor, and guess what...I haven't pick up jack!!  What we are saying, and have learned is that u can't live according to some list or rules u made in the 7th grade of Middle School.  Never study past 12am...but what if it's a big Final Exam?  I'm never gonna have a piece of cake ever again?   So u tell me u not gonna try a slice after this dame went through all this effort, and it's her way of showing appreciation and love for you?...I'm done dating stuck-up people, even though every time u see some type of ultra-swag personified, it keeps turning u on and out...Live each moment to the max.  We learning life is so short, and u cannot really plan for what's really going to happen.  U can prepare, but plan...two different things.

I'm giving u all of me in this's getting close to hitting "E" on our gas tank.  Until we get past that red slither, we'll keep pushing.  But why do feel that we are about to get a fill-up...

Just saying it...but we have a feeling that some things are about to happen that we are really gonna want to write about...

Stay tuned.

Cherish everything...including these moments reading our diary.
Austino Galaxia.

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