Thursday, September 6, 2012

What's The Worth?

My Pops still be collecting these things!

Well, alright...

First off...Thank u Big Alfredo and Ms. Cynthia, for ur help on our new look!  I think I know where to come now for some true salon stylists expertise, and I have a feeling I'm being touched by some future superstars in the beauty business, so much luv for that!

Now,  it's been quite a journey here...and we're just gonna write from our heart, eye got one of my favorite jazz musicians Boney James in the background playing one of my favs, called "So Beautiful", so u know we feeling alright...

So much...has been going on.  This whole entire week, and folks are gonna think we're krazy for saying this...but the rallying cry all week has been taken from a former Assistant Coach of the Chicago Bulls of old, named Johnny Bach.  He made a quote after the Bulls lost the first 2 games of the 1993 Eastern Conference Finals to the New York Knicks that has been ringing in our heads all week to keep us motivated...

"...No matter what happens we have to take them both times."

Meaning that as they returned to there home court of Chicago Stadium (I miss the Madhouse on Madison), they had to get the Knicks both game 3 and 4 for them to get back into the series.  The Bulls won those very competitive games on that Memorial Day weekend, and went on to win the series, after losing the first two games.  (We talked about that memorable Game 5 last year in our many remember when we wrote this?!!)

So what does this all have to do with our state of being in the 2012?

As we've stated before, we look or are exposed to some unique places to gather motivation in our life.  It could be from a book...from a non-acknowledge "Hello" in passing...from the memory of somebody doing us wrong in the past...anything really.  And we need that, cuz with the lifestyle we've been blessed to have, it's easy for us to get into that Valley High attitude where things become expected instead of earned.  When that happens we become snobby cuz we have a few dollars or because I can do a few sprints on the treadmill (Who cares really....), and that attitude can lead to disaster.  So every once in a while...let me change that, very much as of lately the Grandmaster of Life in the Sky, has put us through some very difficult tests.  How do u react when things happen in such weird ways that u're just left speechless?  Or how come when u are going through a thing with some folks of the opposite sex, seemingly everybody is making out kissing and hugging everywhere u go, RIGHT in front of u, like, "Here's Galaxia, let's show him how it's done"...tongue action included.  We have a wild life..

Has anyone ever had a point where they...we're writing from our heart, so excuse me if this isn't what is "popular"...has anybody wondered if they should go back and...they say anything worth having if worth fighting for...nothing good comes easy...has anybody else ever felt like, " more shot at this guy/girl?" Like, u know u've moved on...but every once in awhile, u see them smile, or bump into them and exchange a few words and u feel like perhaps this was just a test to see how bad we want them.  Or maybe it's all in the game, u ain't easy, but...

When u have those type of thoughts, I think that's when more than ever u have to believe in who u are.  Meaning, in life whether in jobs, friendships, bed partners...Wow!  That's deep, u can be bed partners but not sleeping partners...deep stuff.  But this is when u have to know that in all those things, u HAVE to be met half way.  U can't give 51, 67, 79% and then repeatedly get nothing in return, u know.  That's in anything....Maybe I'm writing all this from a sexy, singly guy's perspective (Blowing on our knckles as we write this!  Just joking!)  But for real...that's why I L-to tha O-to tha V-E people or gals who are up front and speak their mind even if it may be something that u don't want to hear.  If u happen to read articles or hear any interviews from some very successful people, has anyone ever learned one thing that is usually common for these unique icons?  I think truly successful people want the truth, and don't want people surrounding them who are afraid to speak their mind or disagree with them.   There are tons of people in life, and here in Miami, who haven't heard the word "No"...ever to them.  Just because they look good, or have a lofty position or what not...but I'll pinkie finger bet a box of Skittles that they are waiting for somebody to be straight up about their feelings, and that the person who does that is gonna be the one they'll have the most respect for, cuz everybody else doesn't want to or is afraid to.

I was gonna say something else, is all about having fun.  U've heard us say that from the beginning of this diary, all the way up to now.  Somebody out there is like, "Shut up" u don't know what I'm going through or life is fun for u since u have this or this or live this or this place...but let me say this.

To whom much is given, much is required.

And the reason we talk about having fun so much...and that engulfs a lot of because as we've stated before...that's all we have.  At least, I know that's what gets me going in the morning, or when u feel like, "Here we go again."  Sometimes the things that look so much like negatives could be the best thing that ever happen to you.   For real...U may think, "Fudge pucker, I got a D on this test in class, but perhaps u getting that grade may allow u to study harder, and be ready for the final exam which is 50% of ur overall grade anyway."  Maybe if u got an "A" , u may think u're already ready for the course, and u need not study or think, that "A" will balance itself out..."I get a F on the Final, I'll still walk out with a C, so I'm cool, and I can still 'get it in' some this weekend."  We write this, cuz we used to think this exact way.  I mean, ur talking to somebody who used to be outside of the dorm, waving "What's Up" to people going to the exact class that ur supposed to be in and going to, but are not because it just hit a Mark McGuire 70 on the temperature (Magic # for Midwestern Colleges in the Spring), and u need to get ur BBQ on and sometimes freak on if it's at night.  Just being real...

Now...after all that we've experienced in terms of living experiences, unforeseen rejections for no reason I guess...all those things have built up a spirit where it's like, "Ok, I'm gonna get greedy."  Meaning, that u wanna get better....and better...and better....And when u think, that's it...u crank it up some more...just to leave no doubt...HOLD IT!!!...I Love this song!!  Oh, yeah...It's my life....don't u's my nev...Oh, tha good old days!  But as I was saying, u get ultra-motivated, especially when u know that the things happening to u, don't make no sense!  I think that's what episodes in life can do, if u accept them, and use them in a positive manner.  Now have we ever walked past somebody and been like, "Dude, don't even look at me...I mean, don't even think in ur head of turning ur noggin my way!"  Yes we have...but u know what happens once there is more fuel added to the fire, right....I know I'm not the only person who feels this way...Maybe we are, and all this sounds like jibberish that comes from trying to eat baby food as an adult!  Oh, the lengths one will go to have perfect skin!  But if we are, I don't even care cuz I know that one day, somebody may be striving to go to the next level in this real life version of Donkey Kong, and they will realize that u get stuck in a maze, but if u be patient and relax u can get all the bananas u could ever dream of...or if u are a guy, all the banana pudding u can dream of!  (Wink, wink!)

Are we beginning to be too much?  Hey, we're a crazy dude, if u haven't noticed by now.  But...I'ma say this and then we're out...

Today, we had a little moment....In a day filled with riding on 7 Miami-Dade buses...a ride on the Metrorail train, which had to be evacuated for some unknown reason, and then have everybody re-board another train...a day which I wish this one girl who I think is mad hot would at least look at us...a day where we only had like 3 hours of half and half the course of all that, we just wondered if it's all really, and I do mean really worth it.  U have million dollar dreams...a billion dollars worth of experiences and a zillion dollar personality...Is it really worth it?  What is "it"?  It is the belief in having fun, trying to share that belief with others, and the hope that one day everyone will believe in the same...Is it really worth it, when it seems like the closer u get to Final Jeopardy, the harder the questions, and u feel like u have less money to bet, yet more to lose than others...Is it worth it, when u can see things happening, yet u feel like it's coming too soon, or that maybe others haven't endured like u, but are reaping full success with half the effort u have to put in...Is it worth it, when u wonder how many notches u can go until u reach the top of the ladder...Is it worth it?

And I feel like that Stevie Wonder song, "You Will Know" sums up that conversation within and above on this afternoon...the reoccurring theme was...

Don't quit now.  No matter what...Do not quit.

So I guess that's what we are Santa Monica Track Club relaying to the rest of the Galaxia tonight.  Don't quit.  If I'm holding on...then u are too.  Remember that tests just make u stronger and better...and later the best.  U may not understand everything now, but soon u will know...and see for urself, that ur personal journey was the best route after all.  There's many routes to Dreamland.  And for some reason, though it can look cloudy, I want the route that has crazy twists and turns.  Sure, u can get there faster through the fast lane...but a trip a trip to be told.

And as I have learned...

This has and is becoming one heck of a ride.

And there's nothing sexier than a sports car forced to go 15 mph every once in a while...

It simply makes the acceleration that more fun!

2 Fingers Peace Sign!
Austino Galaxia.

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