Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Only One Letter.

Remember this movie..."O".

One diary post at a time...

Only our Publicity House in the sky knows when for us to stop.  But until that day, we're gonna write.


O's a nickname that was givin to us while we were in college.  While participating on the old alma mater's basketball team.  I think it was either our guy Coca Bean or Big E who gave us that name.  Perhaps it was because how we played or what, but we like to have fun, so hopefully u'll see some kind shall we say...some consistency with a wink, on today's post.  Let's see how this one goes.

Oh, my!  U know I'm gonna write this thang real....if we are gonna talk about my life, and what we see then let it let me repeat...

Oh, my!  Living down here in Miami, and more specifically South Beach, there really are a lot of attractive looking people.  I guess that's why so many from around the globe flock to our beautiful sands.  Just to be near the action.  Everybody can look , and more importantly feel good under the Miami sun, and sexy Miami nights.  Every "once" in awhile we are like...Who is that?  That happened to me, as we were walking from the Publix on 5th and Alton Road, going back to our showroom.  I was walking, and as I was turning on Jefferson Ave, I saw this girl, who was very lithe in build, and obviously just got done running or something.  And next thing I know it, we happened to glance at her legs.  I shouldn't be saying all this stuff, right?!!  I mean, guys don't ever talk about girls, and girls never talk about guys right?!!  But I have to say, she probably had the prettiest pair of legs we've seen.  Which is interesting, cuz from a nationally scene, u don't hear too much about the appreciation of that body part.  From girls definitely...Seems like yesterday when ZZ Top was crooning, "She's Got Legs".  Like in tha 1950's and 60's that was the attractive body part that tha ladies were trying to get right.  Believe u me, this Tina Turner symbol is gonna come back into style.  I think just because u can't really Dr. 90210 them, and it doesn't matter what size u are, u can work them, and...I'm talking to much.  But old girl, with her sun tan, and shorts, caught me.  And then we walked parallel across the street, I'm wondering how I can drop this handful of Ronzoni pasta boxes, to catch up to her.  But guess what?  This beauty lives directly across from us, so we shall see...If so, cool.  If not, cool too.

Ode to fun.  I really feel like getting super real.  Playing some songs, even about that above story.  I guess we're...u know what, let's tell it like it is.

Ok.  I literally almost got run off the right lane of I-95, this afternoon.  And when I say, I almost got run off the side of the road, I'm talking in that Mafia "U mess with my daughter, and left her standing at the alter" kind of way!  So I'm going north on I-95, checking out the girl on the billboard for the "Sex on the Beach" adult expo they are gonna be having down here in the hood of South Beach, all at the same time talking to our Travel Planner in tha Sky about if it's time to try something new (I PROMISE I'M NOT MAKING THIS and God in the same sentence, u gotta love this diary don't you!!!)...and just as I was mentally getting off my knees, that's a big time joke inside of there but I won't go there...or maybe I already have!  As I was completing tha thought, this red car from my left side tried to take tha kid out!  I sweved over to the right shoulder, hoping I didn't hit any nails, pieces of mixtape CDs or some chicken bones, u know all the things folks throw outta car windows down here in Miami!  It was happening all so fast, and so quick, I was trying to figure out what was up...I mean just because I like to have fun, doesn't mean that u have to run my off into the George W. and/or H.W. and/or depending on the price of gas back in '06, F. ain't that serious.  And the guy in tha passenger seat was looking dead at me, like Jessica Alba when she had that staring contest back in tha day, so I know it was nothing but a failed attempt at a hit on me!  Now on top of me, saving up for this Gucci backpack that we want, and figuring out some scams to see Madonna, Kayne West, Bob Sinclair, R. Kelly, Jill Scott and Sean Paul in the upcoming months without spending over 2 Lincoln's and a quarter, we now have to be on the lookout for peeps wanting to see my obituary on a limited edition of Mad Magazine!  Geez...

Oh no!!  That can't be good when u turn the knob of ur stove on, and ur lights go out can it?!!!  Man!!  What kind of life are we living right now!?!  I mean...maybe we should cut the TV on, and maybe my shower will turn on!!  This is all, real time, as we writing this...Can u imagine, my having some "company"...wink, wink...I think I forgot to add another wink, just so u get the picture.  Have some company over and she wants some popcorn, so as I turn the microwave on, the A/C goes off.  That'll be a tough decision..."Ah, homegirl, would u rather get eat some popcorn, and we'll be sweating like a guy about to take a Mid-term when he didn't even buy the textbook for the class...or would u rather be at a nice a comfy temperature, and we can skip the popcorn and go straight for the dessert!!"  I think living in Miami, option B would be the choice.  See, u have to b a single guy or girl to get that...see I really didn't mean dessert like an Easy Bake Oven strawberry custard pie, but I mean dessert in terms of...never mind...

Oh you so nasty!!  Hey we're writing this diary as we always wanted unscripted and unrehearsed.  Life's all about having fun.  I ran into someone while I was in Target today.  It's amazing how direct...I can't tell this story, should I...Ok..Ooops...almost forgot...

Ok.  So I went to Target today, the one in Midtown Miami, which by reading this article, along with the Design District is gonna look like a fashion paradise in the upcoming months.  So after I picked up my trail mix of choice (The exclusive and many times elusive...Chocolate Cranberry Mix), and some let me see, pasta sauce, Arnold's 100% Whole Weat..or Wheat bread...and like some Vanilla Cake Icing fragrance for my ride, hey this bad boy is in a mini-jar, that u hang from ur rearview mirror.  It's my favorite cake so, it just may be our birthday every day...I check out, and of course, there's like 25 people in line, but only 3 registers open.  But hey, just like Mylie Cyrus' new hairdo, u get used to it! So I sneak around to the one register who was about to begin and finish quickly her ringup.  Am I the only person who looks at what other people are buying?  I mean, I saw a family having two carts full of stuff, and then on BOTH of the carts they had hangers full, folks of clothes hanging from the carts' handles.  It looked like Mariah's closet on MTV Cribs, pre-Mr. Showbiz. that wasn't even tha story.

On to the this girl is in front of us.  Doing her thang.  She leaves...I do my thing...and I leave.  I then  go to catch an elevator...she hits the button and one of the four ups and downs comes open.  I chase...I mean follow her and she happens to hold the door open for us to get in.  I say thanks and that was that.  Now, one of the most awkward moments in life, is that absolute silence when it's u and somebody else on an elevator.  Am I lying?  Well, u know us...we can't stand that, so we sometimes say something either to put folks at ease or just to talk...especially we happen to notice her bag hanging inside the doggie bag portion of the cart...This handbag thing in Miami is epic!  We've talked about it before, but it's like a reality show for real...but anyways, we asked an honest question..."Let me ask u...Is that a Longchamp bag, u have?"  The elevator open up to our third floor option, and she began to talk to us while walking backwards out the elevator door.  A mad cute girl...she went on to say, "Yes...."  I asked her, "I've always wanted to know what's the big thing with this bag?"  She then in a very Miami-like way, told us...telling how her friends ask her about the bag, and how the bag is light...doesn't get dirty nylon...she was talking kind of fast like in a...tough to describe.  I wasn't gonna rob her, cuz I just picked up some cheese literally from inside, so I had mine!!  But, I don't know...she was cool, and broke it down to us.  After this gymnast model gal told us the 411, and we told her to "Have a good day."... I walked away thinking two things.  One, I know she's looking at me to see what car I'm gonna get into.  Two, perhaps I shoulda went a little Romeo a la Georgy Porgy on her.  But it was glad I didn't cuz when I got home.  I noticed some paper stuck to the bottom of my shoe.  Not cool!  And to make matters worse, I looked in the mirror and noticed a mini-snake eye dice roll in my nose!  I the one who looked crapped out! Talking about embarrassing...that rarely happens that u catch the kid not in Hot as Hollywood status.  Oh, won't happen again.  At least I hope not!!

Okekie Doke!  That's it.  Enough with making a fool of myself.  Time 2 eat and get some rest.  Bye and have fun!

O Dizzle.

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