Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Gaining Momentum!

MC Hammer...Classic Song! And yes we are!!

Well, earlier today, like in the 5am hour of the day, we seriously thought about tonight being the final post that we were gonna write in our diary....Yep, Austino Galaxia, had some visions of our retirement post with or without a video, had our suit picked out and everything.  I know folks are tired of us talking about hanging up the keyboard and all, but this is the semi-war that's going on within. Do we have a lot more to say?  Certainly...but we also, know that if u read our stuff from the beginning til now, that u really have a in depth insight to one of, if not the, goofiest people in the Galaxia.  But we're being led to realize, whether we want to or not, that this diary is not complete as of yet.  So for you, who have endured through this crazy ride, we're gonna continue, at least for tonight, to give u the best we got.  And see where it leads....

A guy riding a girl on a bicycle's front handlebars.  All the while the girl is lighting up a cigarette.  (We mentioned this before).  A guy on a bicycle, with one of those old school milk crate hooked up to the back of it.  What's weird about this?  This like a 2nd Grade girl inside the milk crate...on the phone none the less.  A guy and girl, seemingly boyfriend and girlfriend, arguing right next to us.  The girlfriend is so steamed that she storms away walking.  The boyfriend gets angry.  Austino Galaxia is thinking that he's gonna either have to call the cops, or become Captain Save-a-"Girl"....Next thing u know it...the girl walks over to the boy, and gives him a kiss on the lips.  Galaxia is left dumbfounded like is this ain't "Gangsta Lovin'", we don't know what is!

I'm in the supermarket, with my headphones on, and I'm dipping it low like Christina Milian, looking at this Smart Balance milk that's on sale.  All of a sudden, this woman comes like out of nowhere, and begins to talk about if the store has the 2% version of the milk.  Because it looks like it's sold out, but we're aren't sure.  Next thing, I know it, we're having a conversation about the labels, because both of us, were reading the nutritional info.  I'm checking out that fat, and sugar and protein content.  She's doing the same.  And we get into a conversation.  And as I'm looking into her pretty brown eyes, I'm like this is getting a little personal...next thing I know it she asks a girl to go into the back to check for the missing 2% carton.  We continue to talk, and she's discussing with us how many options u have, "Fat-free this, or low-fat that", of course I agree, and tell her how I spend almost 20 minutes in the supermarket, solely looking and reading labels.  I tell her how that's a good habit to have. She waves her husband who has a kid wrapped around him, with a full shopping cart.  I'm like, huh this is interesting, cuz I was halfway thinking about going down aisle 7 to pick up some "breath fresh" spray, and see if she really wanted to milk, or wanted to get milked!  I'm so bad, I know!  (*Editor's Note:  That will not be featured in the kid's version of our diary later to be released!*) So the girl who checked brought out another of her co-workers.  He comes out, and she's trying to communicate to go look for the milk in the back.  He understood, but didn't quite get her at first.  So finally he goes back, and as he's leaving, she tells him, "Two Percento!!"  I'm like this girl is going off, and getting sterotypical up in here!  She was like, I don't know Italian-American, but just how she said it showed me that she's used to getting her way.  I like that in a girl.  But I don't like that in a girl.  U feel me.  My hombre, came back...don't laugh...and said that he couldn't find that milk in stock, so I just grabbed the Fat-Free version, that's supposed to taste creamy like 2%, have 35% more protein than regular milk, and 45% more calcium than ur leading brand.  Heck of a deal for $2.50, I think I may go get some more since it's kinda organic too...Next time, I'm standing by the glass doors with roses and a tailor suit.  Do u think that will work?!!

This is what I'm running into down here in Miami...and down in our neighborhood of South Beach.  Just some wild stuff.  I don't know, our life is like a movie. I gotta say this....I'm riding on the bus today (It's a long story why I wasn't in our ride, so....), anyhow, I'm on the  120 Beach Max bus coming back over to South Beach, and this lady gets on with a Candy Cane.  I offered her my seat, but she decided to take the one right accross from us.  So the bus is going along, and I'm just checking out the scene of the Port of Miami, and Star Island and stuff.  And, I promise you, I turn and this lady is giving me the eye! I'm not joking...Now, she was a little older than us, looked like a cute and sexy Mamacita of Spanish descent...so I turn away, and I can feel this Mother The Sequel's eyes just fixated on us.  And I don't know what to do!  I'm looking ahead, in that in that beautiful guy/girl mindset...U know what I'm talking about...when somebody is seriously checking you out, and u know that they are checking you out, and they even know that u know that they are checking you out, but u do the best you can not too look that way, yet ur looking outta the corner of ur eye, but just so they don't notice!  C'mon now, I KNOW SOMEBODY out there, knows what I am talking about.  So I don't know why she was giving me the "I wanna freak you" stare, but she was and believe u me, I know tha look!  Maybe she was thinking about her daughter or something...or maybe she's been reading our diary recently where we've been talking about some sexy 60 something women, and how we dig them!  I don't mean, that literally...but if I had a the chance...let me bump into Raquel Welch at a Lil Wayne concert!...I need to stop...

As I said before, beauty comes in all sizes, shapes and colors.  Wasn't it the legendary group Pretty Ricky that said, "Age ain't nothing but a number"?  That's so true.  It's the experience factor with us...Man, we see some stuff down here, so of which, I wish I didn't see...This homeless situation...we've always felt that whenever we really, and we do mean REALLY blow up, this is gonna be our mantra.  But we have to think of something, cuz seeing people sleeping everywhere from benches to church steps to in front of clubs to library steps, it's really...today, it just got to me.  Like we have to do something.  We began to think about our lifestyle, and how blessed we are...hold on, my homegirl is calling...Ok, we back, cool talk for a little bit...

But we gotta do something for real.  Just make a difference, and sometimes, even on today, we think about our life, and how we have so much within our fingertips, all the glitz and glamour, people giving us free VIP tickets to concerts, but what about those that we can really help.  U know it doesn't take much for any of us to be on a curve sleeping...enough said, something will hit us, we're sure.

Well, it's time to relax a little bit.  I'ma put some cucumbers on my eyes, and just dream...

And somehow, I feel like it won't be a dream any longer...but a sneak preview!

How neat!

Austino Galaxia.

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