Sunday, September 9, 2012

Get It While It's Hot!

I just need some sugar to sprikle on top and I'm good!

Another day...Another moment...Another Post.

Just got done talking to my brother, and reminiscing about life and how krazy it is.  Talking about sports, and those college days we were fortunate to experience.  It's funny how time flies, and how things work out in the  fashion that it does...U know we gonna write fun tonight....for real.

What awaits upcoming here?  We've been saying that we feel the winds of change coming into our life, which is good.  U think it's time?  I think so...I believe that anybody who knows they have paid their dues in one way or Vogue fashion, believes that they want to see what they have been prepared for.  Speaking of which, the other day we ran and got that Mega-issue of Vogue Magazine with Lady Gaga on the cover.  We really wanted this one, since it's the 120th year Anniversary issue, and I know that within these pages, there are gonna be a lot of memories from fashion icons, and supermodels that we used to admire back in the day.  So I definitely wanted to get it before it got off the shelf.  But...912 or 916  pages?!!!  This thing is thicker that Robin, and as we are like 1/3rd the way through, is cool.  It's always cool to see past generational heroes meet or come together with others of their era.  That's cool.  Now where were we...

Oh, yeah.  We are getting ourself prepared for some changes in our life.  If u've been reading our diary, u've probably been seeing a dude writing from off his punk rocker.  But that's just who we are, this is our real life diary, and not something of pure entertainment, so what we write, the pictures u see, are really in some way or another, literally a part of our personality.  So as u read this, u are literally getting a piece of us.  We may never talk, or meet face-to-face, but our goal over the last year in an half, is to present a piece of work, in which u actually are living in our shoes, and feeling what we feel, and all that we've either gone or are going through, as we are climbing the Chutes and Ladders to a fun lifestyle.  This isn't a "Ha, ha!  Look at me now, type of thing"...but we felt like many of the lessons we go through, somebody can use to help them...whether it's to avoid some of the boobie traps of life (Man, that's a good analogy for our love life!), or to see that if u are attempting to become the best u can be, u are going to go....there has to be a price paid.  How much are u willing to pay and sacrifice?  I think ur answer determines how far u can go in life.  For real....

I have to say this...I talk about life and parties alot don't we?  Life is a party in our book, no matter what anybody tells u....that doesn't mean that we aren't trying to hone our craft...which is fun.  My brother and myself, was talking about this, how back in the day, the folks who used to "party" the most, or who were somewhat the most "gangsta", were actually the ones who were getting straight A's or in the AP classes or making Honor's lists.  It was wild if u think about that...Now, I don't think folks put in the effort into the other end of the spectrum, u know.  We just focus on the one side of life filled with the fame, and free clothes, and sipping on Nuvo, not really thinking about that many of the people u see doing this and that, are behind the scenes working there tale off, making sure they get their work in.  I think that's another thing we fail to realize, just how much sacrifice and pain is put into somebody getting to the level where they want to be.  I think, that's another reason, for some strange odd reason, it was led for us to release our life on a Galaxian scale, because we believe it'll be cool to see the stages and what u REALLY have to go through.  It's alright to hear the story after the fact, but what we want to know about is how it really goes down, when stuff happens, either real time or just telling stories before they happen.

We've told a lot...really as we think about it too many stories surrounding our love life, and how movie like it's been, and the funny thing is we still have stuff to write about if we choose.  But, as of the moment, we are single, and living the life as we have met so many beautiful guys and especially ladies.  So as we just said, after we have met "the one" or two or three, it'll be cool to hear from all that person's perspective.  What I think makes a good piece of a...r-t (I almost said something else!), is what is a person feeling when they are still in the process.  How does a guy feel after he's been cut off for no reason?  Or how a gal feels after she's put her heart and soul into a relationship, only to find somebody knocking the boots with the babysitter...this is what we wanted to capture.  Many times we wonder why we tell these stories, perhaps they can effect or affect, future relationships or employers, but I rather have somebody like/love/or respect me for who I am, not only through a diary, but in person, and meet the real me, than for me to waste rollover minutes on my cell bill, and spend $2.99 for an Original Chicken Sandwich at Burger King (Not even gonna talk about the fries...), and me going through the effort of getting tickets to Disney on Ice, and still not really know the true person within.  That's why we say, be up front from the get-go.  No matter what...u never know...

I think that's why us guys are afraid, to tell a girl, "I'm interested in dating right now, and not looking for just a single girl."  I think that's because if we be upfront, we might be shy in knowing that the girl now might either a) be thinking the same thing or b) it gives her a license to date whomever she wants as well.  It's easier for a girl to handle a guy dating different girls, than for a guy to handle a girl seeing different guys...Oh, I feel my Facebook friends dwindling by the moment, but guess what...It's true!  That's what our fore parents back in the 60's and stuff did anyway, they actually took risks and tried to meet as many people, not bang, but meet different people and cultures, that way they knew what type of person they were inside, and what type of person they are attracted to.  That's not called being a "playa", it's just living.  A playa is somebody who plays games and tries to trick folks into believing they're the only one when they are not.  A "Player" is somebody who's straight up with people from the get go, and let's them decide what they want to do.  And by the way, for the record...I'm not just a player, dude...I'm a Pro Lover!!

Boy, we letting it loose tonight aren't we?  Feeling kinda good bro, cuz I know that these experiences aren't for naught.  And if one person can take their life to another level, as we are taking ours, then, hey, these hours it takes per night to write a few lines aren't for naught.  It comes a point in ur life, where u know that everything that u've been taught and all the things u've endured has made u up for the moment u've been waiting for.  It's tough to remain confident through the struggle, especially when u feel like u're the only one who feels a certain way, or nobody is really encouraging you, that's when u have to really Karch Kari dig inside to keep going.  This is for the fellas:

Always remember, just because a girl knows she's beautiful, doesn't mean that she doesn't want to hear it every once in awhile.

What ever happen to giving complements.  U know that works as a form of encouragement, right.  "Hey, girl I like how ur dressed today." or "Brother, I saw your painting, keep at it"...I think we lose touch and now think that every compliment has to be used as a pickup line or as a "He knows he looks good, I don't wanna fill his ego."...but...U never know, what a person may be going through.  Maybe, hearing a encouraging word  is what's gonna get a person through a week or month, let alone a day.  It's about making a difference....Man, I just almost got choked up!  Not because of all this Jerry Lewis telethon talk, but because I just burnt up some my toast for my Turkey Burger sandwich.  I want to throw it away, but this Multi-Grain bread costs like waaaay too much...besides, I need to save up for this Gucci backpack that I want...But yeah, it's about making a difference...And yes, u read that right, I'm cheap when it comes to spending $3 on a BK Chicken Sandwich for your date, but am willing to eat toast the color of tar, all so I can save and spend about 2G's on a backpack! Now u see why we say we're the most interesting person in the Galaxia, right?!!

I'm in a Tupac type of mode where I feel like we have to get all of this out of our system while we have a chance.  I don't feel like we are about to die or anything, but I feel like I may not have to time to write all this upcoming.  So while I have, sorta some time, we'll talk a little bit.

We just want folks to have fun.  We keep saying that, and we'll keep saying that til we die.  See new new people from everywhere, and realize that what you are going through will pass...and you will be made better for it.

Tha horn is going off for me to stop, so we will.

Find ur fun.
And we'll holla.
Austino The Galaxia...Now and forever.

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