Thursday, August 30, 2012

Life Anew.

Life...How many know about this great drama?  So slept on...

Alright...snuck in some rest, we needed some big time.  Right now, we got an old episode of Real World:  Hollywood banging in the background, so I got some drama unfolding as we're writing this.  I've always wondered what it would be like for us to live in a dream house with some "different" roommates.  It can get wild when u're under the same house...I think it could be fun.  I honestly wanted to try out for a season not too long ago when the tryouts came down here to the MIA, but I was like a year or two over the age limit.  Could u imagine us on the Real World?  Oh my...u talking about wild one'll be fun.  Real Galaxia:  South Beach...Hey, u never know right?!!

We're easing our way into's just seemed like we've been living in a long dream, where I don't even know what's going on, or what have you...just don't remember.  Wonder if anybody else has been in that state of their mind where u almost need a break, or something just to get back to ur "new normal".  Tough to even write this, but we'll give it our best...

So they claim that we are in the quote unquote "last weekend of Summer"...except if u live down here in the Magic City, where it's Summertime basically all year round, although I do recall some days where I was bundled up to my neck in puffy coats and scarfs, just to stay warm.  What a Summer it has been.  What is the one word that I can use to describe it all...humm?  I'll have to say...Intriguing.  Just from all that we've actually learned this Summer season...from all the things that we've experienced...That's another thing about living down here in Miami, we are kind of spoiled in that there's so much going on, so even if u hit up a nice party or go to a cool concert, the very next night u might be doing something else, so the greatness of an event or evening doesn't necessarily last as long as in some other places.  I know back up north, up in the Midwest, shoot, if u have one of those dreamy nights where everything was clicking like a remote control, u be talking about that one night for months! But just this Summer, we've had so many times where we might be on the toilet or cooking up some oatmeal, or just sitting jamming away with to some great tunes, and it'll just hit us, ALL that we've done in a span of 24 hours.  And we be like, "Dag...that was just last night, but so much stuff has happened, even since then!!"  That's how u want to live, though, in tha sense that each day is maxed out and everyday ur making some type of fun...depending how u look at it.

Let me see here, what was the first day of Summer...I see this is what's on our mind right now...Thanks Google, the first day of Summer was on June 20th, 2012...I usually don't do this, but this is the beauty of keeping a diary, I want to know what we were going through on that day.  Let me see, here...Ok, we found it, here it is...Some cute stuff, but...Wow!  We've grown even since then, and so much has been going on...From the Olympics to different people...cough, cough,...girls making cameos into our life.  This has been one for the ages, and one we won't forget for one reason or another....

This diary has been a little too personal, the last few months, don't u think?  I mean, I think this Summer alone, we've told about 12 stories of embarrassment, used the words "crying" and "homie" like 20 times at least...talked more about "embracing the struggle" than we ever could imagine, it's been a wild ride.  But as we've said before, this is "one last push" so in knowing that we want to make sure that we are just speaking from our heart, and whatever comes through our fingers, comes through our fingers....

Ok, some very fun moments lie ahead, so much fun that it's kinda scary.  The only thing that's missing from our diary, are some pictures of us or where we've been at.  Once we get into the habit of doing that, u're gonna be like, "Say what?!!"  U'll be surprised, where u might be walking and driving past not knowing that u just pass by where we are dancing it up!  Very surprised...

Right now, I'm a little mentally drained, which is Ok, cuz we're going to get recharged up...big time.  If u're reading this, ur about to hear some more krazy stories about what's going on in "tha land of the beautiful people" and in our life...I hope it's not too much.  But as u read through all these entries, u'll find that we're really just a kid who wants to have fun, and it's going through all the steps just like everybody else...Our journey is kinda (Written with a pinch symbol!) crazy.  Which is cool...sometimes I like craziness.  It can be a lot, but as our lives move on, u take lessons and u begin to be amazed at what got u all Pat Riles up a week ago, no longer even makes u bat an eye.

Gotta go...this is our break day.

Get ready.  This diary is about to get even wilder...and whenever we say that...

It usually does.

Oh boy, I'm ready!...

Are you?

Austino Galaxia.

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