Friday, August 24, 2012

Sandy Galaxia.

Sandy Koufax

Whew!  Whew!  And...Whew!

Sneaking in a few minutes of peace right now on this evening.  Just gonna write a little bit...just a tad bit.

Is this whole diary getting a little too much?  Sounds weird since we've been writing a personal one for so long, and have been keeping this Galaxian one for over a year and a half.  But today, especially early this morning we was thinking that we should tame it down some....too many stories about much perspective on how to remain positive...maybe I should just dumb it down and just be along the straight and narrow without perhaps ruffling some feathers or releasing how we really are as a person. It's not easy, and sometimes u think that...

I just got done reading a book on one of the few athletes that relate to me in many ways.  The book was an autobiography on one of the best baseball players of all-time, Mr. Sandy Koufax.  I found this book Koufax (Written with Ed Linn), at a hidden vintage shop.  And to top it all off, the book is actually signed by Mr. Koufax himself.  See we just don't get autobiographies, we also get books that has actually been in the hands of the subject we're reading about.  I saw it and got it for like 50 cents or so...As u know by now, my favorite team is The San Francisco Giants, and although Sandy pitched for our hated rivals....the Dodgers (Still remember me crying the last day of the '93 season when Mike Piazza hit two homers to prevent the G-men from going to the playoffs!  Some of u reading this weren't even born then! )  But that's what sports, and definitely baseball can do, u just remember things.  Sandy pitched for Dodgertown, yet for many years we have heard his name, and just for some reason believe he would not only be a good read, but from what we knew about his career and personality...

It's just so nice to know somebody who can relate to ur journey or thought patterns.  I just got done watching an old episode of Drop Dead Diva (Great show by the way!)  A secret favorite of ours...well, not anymore!)...but it hit us about our life, and what type of people we are attractive to, from a friend standpoint and romantic one as well.  Goofy, Smart and fun....simple right.  But, that's where our magnet is directed right now...As we were saying about people who can relate, we sometimes have to dig deep into papers or books, just 2 find somebody who is on the same wavelength...and that's ok.  I think we all find our inspiration in various fashions.  Some look to family...friends...those they lay next to in bed...we do too, but sometimes when u are trying to go to a place where very few if any, have been, u really have to search out anything that those who've been there, any piece of info they might have left in terms of a book, or movie...anything.  That's a thirst of time for negative time for being on the fence about things...Somebody knows what I'm talking about...even though I'm the biggest kiddo u'll ever meet, we understand that our life is for all ages.  Fun is blind when it comes to age and race and size....just live it up u know.

Koufax.  Some may call him one of the greatest ballplayers of all-time.  But another thing that has been associated with this gentleman is that he has been called one of, if not perhaps the biggest "enigma" in the history of sports.  Great talent...but a lot of how he acted off of it.  His Jewish heritage played a major part in it, and as I read his book (Published in 1966  by the way), I found a gent who went through similar ups and downs in terms of wondering if he would ever be successful.  And also dealing with the steps...let me be more define...the steps of getting close...close...and then no...Then getting close...close....closer...then still no.  See that's why we ALL have to embrace the struggle whatever we're going through, cuz it makes u stronger. We're gonna keep saying that cuz that's what we've learned.  If we haven't given up, or spit hate throughout the air, then I really don't think that anyone else should.  Cuz we have gone through some puzzling things that should have us mad at the world for the rest of our life...but we decide to use all this energy...every "no" motivation like, "...ok...still not there yet, huh..." Just keep on knocking until u reach ur dreams.

Sandy.  He was a definition of baseball perfection in his strikeout records, his no-hitters...just amazing really. Yet, even now, he doesn't get the due that he should.  So dominate...but almost forgotten.  When I read books, I like to write down sentences or quotes.  I have like a folder full of quotes just from the books that we've read.  It helps us to not only remember but reemphasize the thoughts we want to put into our heart and mind, during those times where we need something to make us keep pushing when it seems like all those things about hard work and being patient seems absent and just jibberish.

Some include:

- Will yourself to win.

- How can a team finish seventh one year and be World Champions the next.

- Always feel that things are going to straighten out tomorrow.

- I had to ask myself whether I had really worked as hard as I could have, absorbed as much as I should have...given myself every possible chance.

- For once I was rather convinced that I didn't have anything to lose.  There comes a time and a place where you are ready to listen.

Very recently all these quotes have brought up great questions that we all should ask ourself from time to time...especially when u think that u've been....successful.   I might be krazy, but I'm starting to think that it's harder to look within when everything's going right.  U got money in ur pocket...ur the life of the party...text messages are going off every 10 minutes...just got a promotion.  Personally, that's the time where...maybe the wrong term...but u want to get even better and greedy.  When ur getting 98's on all ur tests..let's strive for 99's.  U just got ur girl the most beautiful Valentine's Day gift...and she loved it...but how about me doing something special the following week when it's not expected...That's what separates the stars and superstars...It ain't much, but it's a lot as well.  The extra mile...This is where our mind is at right now, and if this is going to be the most real diary u'll read...have to speak from our heart.

But those quotes above hit home...almost too much.  U have to push through things and just "will" urself to the next level.  Sometimes it's just the effort and fearlessness (Thanks Coach Spo!) that gets u over the edge.  The following one involve how u just never know.  Finish at the bottom one year, the next year pouring cham-pizzle over each other.  I think that's why u must take the positives out of situations and maybe even make up positives that will let u keep going.  I know we're making up stuff every day to keep us going.  Fantasy stuff...but I think that sooner or later fantasies become reality.

The next one is self-explanatory...the final two, made me look within.  Is it possible that there is another level that we can reach and aren't putting forth the effort or time?  That's why we say that from here on out, this is our "final push" with this diary.  Cuz we're gonna pour like a flask of lemonade every part of who we are, so when The Great Publishing House in the Sky tells us to stop, and it may be in mid-sentence...I can walk away knowing that we did our absolute best.  If we're accepted, so be it.  If not, I don't really care either.  Cuz I know we're true to ourself, if that

The final one is also deep in that all of us, no matter who we are reach a point my boy Billy Boy and myself used to say..348!  Which if u look on a keypad of a telephone, those numbers represent the letters F.I.T.  or "Ef it!"  Sometimes u have to have that attitude when standing up for ur beliefs or taking risks or giving a speech in class.  Preparation first...and sometimes that comes in various classes that u didn't even sign up for.  But after u took the hard tests then u know it can't get any worse, and ur confidence broadens and u really don't fear anything.  It's like embarrassing urself with seemingly all the eyes of the globe watching you.  Yeah, u may cry or tear up, but after awhile u begin to think, "I survived."

Gonna tell this story and then we're done, and this is for those who are in school or what not.  U know kids can be silly and cruel.  Well, I got teased a lot when I was in Elementary school...I was kind of husky, literally since that was my size of jeans...matter of fact I didn't even have my first pair of real jeans until like 7th grade.  I still can see us wearing those Unionbay stone wash jeans with the elastic band like 3 times a week it seemed!  Just so happy u know...Also, got teased a lot for the size of our lips..."Big Lips" is something we would hear.  And it kind of got to us, cuz now we already knew we were different but sometimes things can just seem bigger than what they actually are.  Now I learned for life, and from experience in the Modeling industry, that the things that make u awkward as a kid (Height, Eyes, Personality, Smarts) are actually the things that make u the most sexiest as u get older.  If u look at all the so-called celebrities spotlighted in our society, they all have "something" unique about themselves inside and out.  It's true...

Different is Sexy. (And don't ever forget that...Ever!)

But all that can inspire u to new heights whether that means working harder in class...or in sports, having a little more emotion and fire inside...I think u forgive people...of course!  But I'm starting to believe u don't ever forget those lessons and pain cuz u never know when u need those moments to crank u up just a little more, while striving and even once u've reached the top of the mountain.  So for the youngin's...Be yourself.  Don't let anybody else define you.  If u think it's cool to wear ur Elmo backpack while everybody else is on Spiderman, do what makes u feel at ur best.  If u do that success is inevitable.  For real...

I gotta go cuz I got some fun awaiting the back end of this diary...but...Mr. Sandy Koufax.  A good book with old vernacular and wording.  We're still all about having fun, and believe u me, there's a lot more we can say...we write from our heart, and as we've said before, there's a lot that goes on behind-tha-scenes into our fantasy type lifestyle.  Hopefully, u'll be brought into it, and have fun for urself with folks who share like minded dreams as u.  That's our dream.

And as we're learning...

Dreams do come true.

They do.

A. Galaxia

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