Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Click Squared.

The most famous shoes in Movie History!  Dorthy's pair in Wizard of Oz (1939).

Ok.  Just got in from doing some running around here and there.  I tell u, and keep saying, just driving around this Magic City of Miami...u can learn so many things.  Of course, driving is still as wild as usual.  We talk about it all the time throughout this diary, but when u can honestly say that u were almost smacked up like, say, nine times, just this afternoon, there's something that's just not random about that!  But we made it back to our home showroom alright, which is a victory in and of itself.

So much has been going on, that now at 5:50pm, is like the first time we've actually felt a small break in a few days.  Going here and there...flying on planes, then immediately punching in the clock...taking care of errands and...whew!  Almost too much...I can see how some folks have Personal Assistants, we may need one in the future, we shall see...One of our upcoming projects, and we gonna have to actually 'work' on it, is to..Ok, I like to take pictures of things we randomly see.  I think one of our upcoming projects is going to be to take pictures of all these mascots we see advertising for businesses.  U know, they hold up signs, and usually they have nothing to do with the business itself, just to grab ur attention.  U have somebody outside, in tha heat mind u, dressed up as a dog similar to the Slush Puppie advertising furniture.  The other day I saw freakin' Mario (Not Molto or Chambers or Lopez either), but from the old Nintendo video game and I have no idea what he was doing in the middle of the street dancing around and stuff.  There was NO video game in sight so I guess he was advertising some kind of pizza place or something.  But I see the wildest get-ups.  Seen a cow in tha rain....Gators....Bunnies...Well, we always see that (smile), but I got to do some kind of exhibit on this, and we just gonna see what happens.  It'll be fun, and u know we have no bones about approaching people and clicking away.

That brings up a story...when doesn't it.

Ok.  A little bit ago, we was down here in South Beach, our home aka "Tha Land of The Beautiful People".  I just got done with a workout at David Barton Gym when it was located on the Flamingo South Beach property, so this was a few years ago.  It was nighttime, the moon was shining perfectly and I needed to go to the Spaceship aka the Publix supermarket several blocks up to pick up some stuff.  I call it the spaceship cuz it really does look like one.  Check out the pics for urself!  So I go to West Ave. and like 15 Street.  We chill, interact a little bit with folks walking by, seems like we always talking to strangers.  It's a small break and next thing I know it....

I look across the street and see this young man come streaming down the steps of this house, one of the few in South Beach it seems...not really, but the hood is filled with nothing but condos and apartment I look up and see this guy running down a set of stairs headed to street level.  I'm watching all this transpire in complete 'awe'.  Dag gone had a grin on my face like Eddie Murphy in the movie Bowfinger!   So my guy continues from the upper level to the house, to the ground and then he Usain Bolts  his way through the grass...and we thinking, "Is this really happening?"  This was almost better than watching when my homegirl Winona Ryder got caught stealing out in Hollywood a while ago!...Speaking of which, I once had a beautiful Swedish looking baby girl tell me that everything she had on, was actually stolen.  And I mean  e-very-thang!  And then she went through the process of showing me what was 'hot'.  From her sweater to her scarf to her jeans...all the way to her actually pulling down her jeans and showing me her pretty little panties on her milky tan skin.  I promise u I'm not making this up!  She had money, looked beautiful, don't know why she woul...

Anyway, where was I...Yes.  So this moment continues and then the moment happened.  My dude then runs in the middle of the street at the crosswalk and jumps up to his pinnacle  and double clicks his heels in the air and continues running.  I was thinking that this type of stuff only happens in the movies and when a groupie scores during Super Bowl week down here in Miami, but I have never actually seen this occur with my own eyes.  It was pure joy at its finest.  So after that I was thinking what made him so ecstatic.  Uh-Oh, tha kid is using that Pizza Hut "Book It" Vocab, Oh shoot!!  Immediately I thought he must've either just won the lottery or since it was late at night, just had...well...Robert Kelly u know what I mean.

What was even more funny was at the time, I needed to see that.  Sometimes we...well, I can only speak for myself, can get caught up in all this fantasy life, u know.  How much money I got in the bank?  Does the toenail polish on this babe match or clash with her Valentino stilettos?  What am I gonna do tonight, chill, eat out or dance the night away?  And more importantly, after the night on the town...when I pull up to the luxurious Mickey D's are they gonna let me get my Grill Chicken snack wraps with no sauce are they gonna be giving me this mumbo jumbo about "I'm sor...cough, cough...excuse me...I'm sorry but we are now on the late night menu and are unable to fill that order."  Heck, that's more important than wondering if they gonna let me in 2 tha spot if I rock my J's tonight!...But jokes aside, I can get carried away and sometimes forget those little special moments that don't involve spending dineros, or Urlacher bed sacking folks, know what I mean.

So after witnessing all that, and going to the Spaceship, coming just hit us.

I gotta write.

Meaning...a poem.

And looka here, after some digging in our place, we just happen to have what was in our heart from that special late night.  So I haven't looked at this thing in a while, but perhaps we all might just take something from it.  Life's about having fun.

So, for some strange reason, we are about to release it to the rest of the Galaxia.  We aren't gonna look over it, just write as is.

Pinkie Bet.  Alright.  Hope u enjoy

A Galaxian Premiere....Our poem from that very special night in our life...aptly titiled:

"Click, Click."


"Click, Click!"

Oh boy, we gonna enjoy this one,
Personal beyond words, filled with a little fun.
It was a Wednesday night, how this all begun, 
Came out of the gym, more hard work done.

You just never know where,
Your inspiration may be.
Could it come from a kid?
Sometimes it can come from TV.

Ours lies from a street block,
Waiting for a simple bus.
Thugged out, with hood up, 
Chillin' with not a sound or fuss.

Wasn't too cold outside,
The hood was up just for sight.
Have to stay warm, even in Miami,
Or a cold we will fight.

This woman walked by,
She was sexy with her own style.
Held a dog with her hand,
She agreed he was wild!

We stood there thinking,
Which Publix should we go to.
The old school one on Dade,
Or the Spaceship on West Avenue.

All, out of nowhere,
We looked to the left,
And what did we see.
Our eyes fixed on a man,
Running so excited,
Filled with ultimate glee.

We've never seen anything like this,
Almost in shock, there we stood.
Our eyes have to be playing tricks on us,
This is from the pages of Hollywood.

He danced across the street, 
With all the grace of a Great Dane.
Thing was, cars were still coming,
So it was like watching a Frogger video game.

It then happened,
The Moment we'll never, ever forget.
He jumped, and hit his heels together,
Think I saw the words glow, "Click, Click."

He had a car waiting for him, 
And he pumped his arms like,
"Yes, we gotta go."
What in the world just transpired,
Did we just see the winner,
Of the Florida Lotto?

Still in shock, 
With what our two pupils behold.
It brought a grand smile to our face, 
Worth more than a brick of gold.

What brought this man such joy,
We will never know.
This was the heart of human happy,
Those leaps were not for show.

So whenever we think about,
Tough moments,
Or love soap operas that make us sick.
We can always TiVo our mind, 
While believing we too, 
Shall have the joy of "Mr. Click, Click."

Enjoy ur evening,
Austino Galaxia.

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