Friday, August 17, 2012

Summer Kleaning.

Rosie The Riveter...Iconic image from the 1940's

First off, u have to admit, that Summer Kleaning will be one heck of a name for a beautiful girl!  I may just date her just off of her name!!  I like that one..I just had to say that, don't mind me fantazing about her mop, and how she uses those sponges of hers and how she can use a broom stick!  As u can see this is gonna be a wild one tonight!

There's nothing like some good ol' Summer cleaning, is there?!!  Getting that broom out...soaping and spraying down ur bathroom...keeping things so fresh, and so clean...just brings a glow upon ur face doesn't it?  Having ur own place/house/dorm room/street corner, takes a lot of responsibility just in tha up keep of it all.  If u have the pleasure of ownership, u have to really take care of things cuz it's yours and if something happens u have nobody to look to but in the UK Daily Mirror.  Same thing goes with having a ride...u have to take care of it.  I think we've been forced to, just how we were raised.  My Pops didn't play when it came to cleanness and stuff.  

I'll be sleep on a Saturday morning, and it'll be early as heck, and u still recovering from the night before whether that be staying up all night watching a West Coast basketball game or that could include coming in a little later than usual from a bon fire party on the beach or something...but when ur where I'm from, the fast lanes of Indiana where all we do is shuck corn and flirt with farm girls (No wonder I love straw hats on a babe!), Saturday mornings can mean only one thing...cutting the grass.  So I would be in my lovely bedroom  abode inside the crib surrounded by Gabby Reese Niketown boxes (Talking about a crush!), Starting Lineup toy figures and San Francisco Giant teddy bears...we would be sound asleep away in our own fantasy world when we would be awaken by the omnipresent sound of the lawnmower going off.  We would Joey Crack open our eyes and would cringe when we would look up for the time.  7:15 am!!!!  "What tha...?!!!"  And we would then lay our head back down knowing deep inside, Pops is setting us (my bro included) up big time for the waka flocka flame!  Here's why....

Once u hear that sound u have two options, really only one but since I'm telling this story, I guess I'll spruce it up some.  Option #1 is to put on some clothes, maybe brush ur teeth, and go outside and help with our now developed family lawn care company.  Option #2...I still have to look over my shoulder just to write this, cuz it's the unthinkable option, so I'll just whisper it...the other option is...gulp! stay in bed and not go outside, and just close ur eyes acting like u didn't hear a thang!!...Is it safe for me to continue....Ok... But u don't wanna do that...believe u me.  If u do that...Pops would a) Wake u up and yell for you to come outside.  b)  That back to school shopping trip u've been looking forward to all summer will be completely hand tossed out the window like a Tombstone Pizza, which is fitting to say cuz u might as well be dead!  So there wasn't any option.  And then when u finally get urself together knowing that u have to start ur day with the rest of the American Farmers Association, u open up the door to go use the bathroom and u might fall over cuz there would be a trash can RIGHT outside ur bedroom door just screaming at u like teenage girl at a Justin Bieber concert, "Take me out!"  Crazy lifestyle...

But when it comes to being responsible, we've been forced fed into it.  We've had to wash our old car...In the dark!  Just because...Being a beach boy by day didn't mean a thing...U still had to get that Turtle Wax out and soak it up in the driveway.  At least I hope it was my ride that I was washing, once again, it was at night so if not, somebody just saved themselves $15...excuse me...$20 if u live in South Beach for a ride 'n' shine special from Galaxia himself.  Wow...that would be a great phrase for a special for a Honeymoon suite at a hotel, wouldn't it!!! I know nobody gets that joke but me...But u see, on ur honeymoon...and it's ur wifey...and instead of rising and shining...u ride and...once again, the Freaks of the World fan club is shrieking so...I should become a spokesperson, like Mickey is for his club!  He had like JT and Christina  in his club...How proud I would be to have the FF's (Future Freaks) of the Galaxia grow and....let me stop!

It's crazy...Earlier today, we was talking and I was talking about how I'm a mini-germaphobe or whatever u call it when a guy doesn't want to touch anything and eats his food through cyber-connection just because a waiter holds the plate and u don't know where his hands have been!  Yeah...that's us a little bit...Let me get this out the way...Wash ur freakin' hands after u use the bathroom.  With us guys it's becoming an epidemic...I be in the public bathroom doing my thing with the Christmas catalog from  JC Penney in my hands...Flush...and come out...wash my hands, and check out the mirror and all...Next thang I know it, another guy finishes his #1, and walks out the door.  Grabbing the handle and all...And I get a look my face like Jerry in that classic scene from Seinfeld, like "Did I just see what I saw?"  And I'm seeing it everywhere...And it puts u in a weird position cuz now u have decide how to get outta the bathroom without touching the door handle.  There usually aren't any shoops or ducks to climb out of like Catwoman so, u have to decide as u hear the background music from Jaws get louder...I usually ALWAYS grab a paper towel to grab the handle...but what if u're somewhere where they don't have paper towels.  Soap with nothing to wipe ur hands...Blasphemous!! ...It gets so scientific then, cuz u have to rewind ur memory to try to remember where this dude touch his hands and what spot, according to compubox numbers (Still can't believe they robbed Manny Pacquiao in that last fight.), is the most likely to be clean.  Usually it's the upper inside of the top handle, but how do u grab it.  Use ur not!!!  I ain't germing up my Goodwill red dot special for nobody...So u just have 2 a quick whip, pull, and walk...which is the new Stop, Drop and Roll of the 21st century.  See all this drama that coulda been avoided...Wash ur puppies ladies and gents...

But before I got into all that...u have to watch what u touch.  Talking about gas pumps and stuff...small kids coughing on u...If I had a choice between an ex-flame hacking my Facebook wall or sending a sick kid over to my place, with the only sole purpose of me opening the door and him coughing on my 7 times, I may just choose the Facebook thang!  It's not that bad, u may get some interesting photos of chick u don't even know...and ur Fcbook friends all my get personal messages to try some new diet weight loss vitamin developed in India, but I'll take that over having Charlie Brown's play cousin, Linus, coming over with his mukus's m-u-c-u-s...ok..coming over with his mucus filled blue blanket getting his sneeze attack on tha kid just because Kristina bribed him with a pack of Now 'n' Laters and a Spiderman Halloween costume.  I can't take that bro...Did I just call out a name?!!  Hey if it wasn't for the old cell towers of PrimeCo we woulda still been together!  Aw man...I need to stop....

Ok.  It's a Friday night.  I need to get ready to enjoy my evening.

Have fun, and We'll holla!
Austino Galaxia.

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