Tuesday, August 7, 2012


It's Showtime at the Apollo!  My Aunt Ring Loved this show!  

Let's talk...

Gonna write a little bit here, maybe not as lengthy as some of our patent ones, but we'll see what spills out of our heart and mind on tonight.  Oh My Gosh!  There's just sooooo much stuff going on within our life right now, that it's tough to even comprehend.  U change clothes like 4 times a day to go to this place and hit up that place.  Our lifestyle has really transformed...which is good.  It's still all about having fun.  Just now we are at a transitional state...

Should we keep this diary going?

That is the question.

At least, should we release all these intimate details of our life, involving love, fun, sex, God, sports and whatever else goofiness comes to our heart and mind and fingers...Should tha kid keep on letting the Galaxia into this special life we've been blessed with?  Is it even worth it?  This is the question that was on our heart the last few moments in our life.  We've said all that we could say, I mean, we could end this on today, walk away and be like, "We've gave our best, and everybody has an insight, whether they chose to read it or not, into a kid who simply wanted to have fun, yet had to go through such a trying process to get it."  We have just about left no Joss Stone unturned.  We've kept it as real as one person can get allowing folks, some of whom, we don't even know into some very personal stories of success and struggles.  I mean, who talks about the times where things didn't go there way...nobody wants to relive those moments...Yet u find some crazy episodes like never before in this Galaxian Diary.

It's never easy to write about ur heart, especially when u think that it may separate you, or makes u go even more crazy in knowing that u have a life that not too many can relate too, even though they think they do.  From beginning to end, there is more than enough material to make a book and someday movie.  Like there's concrete evidence of bestsellers and blockbusters, if someone would just read in between the lines.  We've said this before, that we can't look so much at the short-term, but perhaps, even as we write this, that this diary is being written not for 2012, but for 2015, or for a day whenever we reached our pinnacle, or whenever someone needs something to read that's real, and that was written as it happen.  Every emotion, hopefully, can be felt...which is something that we want.  What more can u ask for right?

We've contemplated hanging up the keyboard for some time now...Just because the more u release urself, the more...it's tough to explain.  And then another thing is that, perhaps this hasn't blown up like we think it can.  Like, folks spend all this time reading junk that just makes up space, but what about real life stories of fun, pain, and thinking that could inspire somebody to go just a little bit further when things in life makes u want a do over and throw the red flag on life's field for further review of what actually transpired.  We have so many experiences, and this is definitely not gloating or thinking that we're bigger than life or anything, but we've been through some unique things and people.  Situations of the heart and mind, that have become somewhat the norm in our life, whether we wanted them to be or not.  Maybe we're the only one who wants 2 crank things up a notch and really live this life to the max.  It's so difficult to find those type of people who just want to let loose and let go and take chances and really mean it when they say they like "meeting new people" and it's not just lip service.  One thing, that has happened is that...this is personal tonight...we've changed so much since releasing our life through cyberspace.  Have we sometimes gotten or felt jaded by this journey we've been on?  Sometimes we have, cuz at times we've felt like we have an engine to go a buck 60 and we've been forced to go 55.  Like..."Not Yet....Not Yet."  Almost like the timing hasn't been just perfect for showtime to occur just yet.  All of us, and I mean EVERYBODY has some kind of skill, whether u have white, cream, dark or brown skin, all of us can make a difference in one way or another.  What we've learned is that sometimes u can be ready for the world, but the world may not just be ready for you...

Until now.

So as I was talking to the great Editor in the Sky (U should know who that is by now!), the message that was relayed to me was to give "One More Push".  And even though we said that before...we mean it.  "One More Push" to make sure this diary is something will be talked about for ages and generations to come.  It's like a doctor to keep telling u to "Push" when ur having a baby.  U wanna stop, and the pain can be too difficult, but perhaps it's that last push that brings so much beauty into the Galaxia.  We still have some wild stories to tell, and mean that in and of itself should make one think about the kind of life we have...still have stories about enjoying life, and our relationships with so many beautiful lovergirls...and it's not that we kiss or tell or anything (Never that!).  But if a lesson or something can be taken away from it...then we share, to help somebody male or female know that if we can survive all the craziness, and situational examinations one has to take on the fly, then u can get through whatever u're going through as well...it can be....

Here's another one, if u think I'm joking...

Sometimes we cringe when a girl says she has a boyfriend or a man.  Cuz sometimes we are put into some weird situations....We've had "supposedly" girlfriends like hold our hands, give us kisses, show us there boobs...Wow!  I just thought of another story, just as we writing this, so this may actually be a two for one-er.  Matter of fact, it is...folks gonna really hate me for all this stuff we say, and the episodes.

Wait, I need another one from Miss Teena Marie to get me through this one.  We doing it old school tonight.  C'mon girl, sing one of my all-time favorites, girl!!

Ok.  I'm gonna try to make this short, but we'll see.  I don't by no means, shape or fashion, try to take girls from their men.  Let's get that straight.  I'm a very firm believer that if u want to get at me or anybody else while ur in a relationship, then u need to break up with that person and then we can make reservations to the Love Suite at the heartbreak hotel.  So I was working at this one place, down here in Miami, and it was this one girl.  She had a very rare combination of...how to describe this...street beauty out this world, with some serious swag to match.  She was very real, I mean like, if u wanted to throw down, though she didn't look like the type, she could throw them thangs...probably shouldn't be telling this but oh well...Who did she look like?  U know we always trying to paint a picture.  Ok...she had a face very similar to the actress Kate Winslet, but her body was built more like a smaller version of the late Anna Nicole Smith, and I'm not kidding one eye-o-dah on both comparisons, she was pretty and more importantly, just mad cool.

She used to always come up and talk to where we were located at on the job, and we would just chat about life.  Giggle about life, talk about music, jobs each of us were working, just great clean fun stuff.  I would always know that she was "in the house" cuz she would stop by where I was a give me this sexy, 90s style dance directed dead at me, in which she would like break it down with both arms swinging, and her body bouncing up and down, she woulda been a great background dancer for Bell Biv Devoe.  And I had great respect for her cuz I love to dance ourself...big time!  And we knew it was just a hidden joke between the two of us.  But after so many times, and with some of the revealing outfits she wore...it's ok 2 tell it like it is, ain't it!...which she had low cut blouses and...anyway, she looked good and it was like a private show for tha kid.  And we began to dig her.

Except for one thing.  She didn't have a man.  She didn't have a boyfriend.  She had a HUSBAND!  Yikes!  I mean, that's cool!  Ha, ha!  And not only that but her man worked for the same company.  I knew, but really didn't know, and I was cool with him somewhat as well.  What is a man to do?  My and homegirl, and she definitely personified that word, talked about her hubby sometimes and our love life and stuff.  But from our perspective, we had to play it cool, cuz like we say, we could sense some fire a brewing, and I didn't know if was just me or in my heart or coming from below the belt, although that would be uncool and I would need a icepack if that was the case.  As usual, I was cool, until....

This one day, we were chilling sitting down and talking, enjoying each other's company.  Am I allowed to say that when I'm talking to another man's wife?!  So we're talking, and she's like, "I wanna go to lunch, I'm hungry, I want you to come with me?"  Now usually, I'm always game for an accompany partner in  edible crime, especially one who is a cool and foxy has she was.  But something wasn't right...and I declined....But she kept on like, "Let's go..." and she kept emphasizing us walking "together".  And all I could think about is her husband working in the same joint, and what if...just think about it...I'm walking with this dame, we joking and laughing (Cuz u gonna do that hanging wit us, of course!), and what if her husband sees us acting like we are on an old episode of Melrose Place, or what if one of his "boys" catch us doing the fool "2gether", and be like, "Bro, I saw ur girl, and she was hanging out wit ur guy Austin, and man, they were having a great time. U guys still together right?!!"  I knew that she wanted something or someone to just be there, and there were some things she was going through, and if her man wasn't within spitting a rock through a straw distance, I woulda gone and we all woulda had a ball.  But sometimes its just those predicaments life can bring...U chose the girl, but the girl has a man, but the girl is cool and digs u, u dig the girl, the girl wants u, u want the girl, but she has a hubby, she makes a move, what do u do?

I kept talking to homegirl, cuz she was my homegirl, but then something went down between her and her husband.  She even came to me crying about it.  I was trying to calm her down.  That was a tough day.  But I still remember her every now and a then...Sexy dame, mad cool, and boy could she dance!

Where is all this going?

So here's the two-fer for the day.

This happened like on freakin' Sunday.  That's just a term, that doesn't necessarily mean that I set aside the day of Sunday to get my freak on!  If u caught that!  Ha ha!  I just want to make that clear...If eye did set one day aside it would be Wednesday, of course...Hump day, duhhh!!!  Alright, so this weekend was horrible, cuz I was sick, and when the kid gets sick, it's not fun.  All I did was watch ESPN 30 for 30 movies on Netflix and look up and try to decide where I can find a great deal on a great Medi/Pedi for my finger and toenails.  Inside most of the weekend...until Sunday.

So on Sunday I had to go out, and although I wanted to kick it up north, we stayed in the city to get some things done.  We went up on Biscayne and after a stop on 123rd to go to Deal$ to get some nick nacks, we came back down to wash and vacuum our car.  The place's vaccum machines were broken, at least the main ones, so we just washed our ride, and dryed it in the usual Kmart Parking Lot.  (The things we've seen going down in that lot!)  We decided to give these other vacuum machines a try.  So we pull up.

Since we've been sweating in our Nike Montreal Olympic T-Shirt, and since we've been sick, we knew we didn't want that air to hit us, and that we needed to bring a new shirt, to switch into.  So we did.  After finding out those machines weren't working either, we decided to just simply apply some internal car polish and dip out.  Knowing us, and since we've been a beach boy like seemingly all our life, we decided to change clothes right out there in the open.  So I take off my shirt Baywatch style, and right when I do, I see this white car coming in, and then like on a literal brake, just slow down...I look up and I see this cute mamacita, like seriously, and I mean seriously "Eye-Fudging" me (Edited).  And she slowly drove by, glancing at us, bare chested and all...I'm like, "This girl here..."  I then put my new shirt on, and I see her do a small u-turn away from the washers, and somehow I just knew this cutie pie was watching me the ENTIRE TIME, and that thang inside of me, that my Grandpa told me about, began to click like, "Get urself totally prepared cuz she's about to come your way...fast."

So I play it off (Man, I wish I can play that Nelly and Pharrell track!)...I play it off and continue with putting my shirt on, and do what I gotta do with the car.  Sure nuff, this white car, pulls up behind me, but on the lane to my left.  Right as she comes to a stop...I decide to sneak a peak, and man o man...this girl was just STARING dead at me like she wanted to "vacuum me" (Once again, u gotta little freaky to get that one!).  But guess what, this beauty wasn't alone.  She had a guy with her...I turned away from the Senorita, and then...real guys know what I'm talking about when u wanna check a girl out but not make it obvious (i.e.- fake cough turn, hands over eyes, looking at a girl and being like, "that girl looks familiar...who...that one!!")  Girls do the same...so as I was gonna sneak peak at a possible future wifey, this guy...and I got to laugh...this homey gave me the meanest look, like "If u look 20 more degrees to ur right, so my doll is in ur view, we gonna have problems."  It was saltier than a pack of Planters peanuts!  So I begin to think...I probably can take this dude, I am undefeated still record wise, with only one draw, but all the commentators knew that that fight was fixed so that doesn't even count!  Is me getting the lust of my eyes fulfilled worth a brawl where every cop in North Miami circles around anyway....I think not.

I wasn't in tha mood, and I know that this girl was really like...if she didn't have a man.  It's always an "if" with us ain't it!!  But she was cute, but this is what I'm talking about...the temptations that sometimes u have to go through.  And I know other guys and girls go through the same thing.  Staying up all night debating if they should make a move or end relationships that are topsy turvy...it's not as easy as u think.  And sometimes they come to you...and believe u me, u better be ready.  Cuz if not, u'll be inside as the maintenance man, not knowing what craziness their love one is thinking about unleashing if he ever finds out.  It's a dangerous game...but don't break up happy homes.  I know sometimes u dig folks who have somebody, but if it's meant to be, and if they really want you, they'll break up and everything will be like butter...butter on a roll.

Ok.  Still telling these crazy stories.  Now I gotta go wash some clothes, yes on a Tuesday.  Then rest our heart and mind.  That's always nice.

Gonna give this our best...be ready for even more!  It sounds impossible, as in life, nothing is impossible!

And the fun will continue...for how long...til we hear a "cut".  But until then...

It's showtime.

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