Tuesday, August 21, 2012

U Got Tha Look?

My man Prince...I can dance all night to this one!  Enjoy it for yourself!!

Let's see where this one heads on tonight...just have a feeling that it might get interesting...

Is looks everything in life?  For real...I mean...

I was watching this TV show earlier today concerning the life of the celebrity.  And I almost feel that not too many folks can tell me too much about this topic, because I used to be a "fame fiend" back in tha day, and in some ways u may still see me walk past a camera or two when they are taping a novela down here in South Beach, just to keep my face in the public eye u know.  But the usual talk about...I gonna write tonight...the usual talk about who's dating who, and which star's lovelife has hit the Twilight and all these photo shoots and premieres, in which I don't hate one bit on because I honestly feel like I'm probably gonna be in that same position very soon, as will some who's reading this diary post.  But what A. Galaxia...Freakin' moth in my place, ahhh...what got tha kid is when they began talking about all these Mom-shells and tha kiddos.

First, tha kids...kids of celebrities are gonna be in the spotlight no matter what, that's just natural.  I mean, u can live in a community of 5,000 people and somebody is gonna know u as such and such's son or daughter, is just how it is.  This show though went so far as to describe the outfit of these six year old kids.  What?  "....wearing a biking helmet, with pink shoes...and blue jeans...with their silver spoon in their front pocket!"  I mean, u telling me that some kindagarden, hey I may not know how to spell it but I passed ok....so young kid is going home and watching TV just to see what Beckham's kid wore to school today?  This is where I have a problem...let the kids be kids, one.  And let the parents be parents.  It's enough that they have to watch their every move cuz of cameras in the toliet bowl and folks Iphon-ing them blowing their nose out.  Some folks take 3 hours just to find out what to wear to get the mail outta the mailbox.  I mean...really...who's wearing a Burberry overcoat dress, with Versace leather skinny's from the '95 season, with Chloe sunglasses, all at 6am in the morning?  The sun ain't even out yet!!!  But that's the pressure that is put on looking hot 24/7 when that doesn't happen...believe u me, I know.

Dos-edly, this is the second time in a week I've heard this term Mom-shells.  I think, I may have even wrote about it a few days ago, I don't remember...but it seemingly is the topic of the week.  This New York Times article, was a intriguing read on how much pressure women have to shed the munchkin pounds after having a shorty.  It's not so easy to do...then again...u can't make excuses either about celebrities having trainers and nutritionists and all the time in the world either.  U want my honest to Tim Tebow opinion about the situation....Ok.  I gotta make sure I have my medieval knights shield up, just in case somebody begins to throw something at me.  Alright, here it is:

I think that u build habits before pregnancy, and during pregnancy, and that has an effect on how either ur body reacts after u have a baby.  And more importantly how ur attitude is going to be after u have a baby.  I don't have a baby, that I know of at least...I may get a letter in the mail from Maury Povich and even if I did, homegirl showed me her I.D. & showed that she was 18 and from the state of Atlanta so that has to be legit right?!!  I feel like if the Mom is determined mentally and physically to stay in decent shape while nursing little Jonah while he's still in the belly, and had that "fire" burning before the naked game of Twister landed on "Right Leg Green" then after she has the baby, she would be even more determine to get "her body" back.  It's interesting cuz sometimes the hubby or boyfriend doesn't even want the woman to get her old body.  Especially if the hubby likes the expecting Moms boobs getting bigger and hips/butt expanding just a little bit, sometimes the guy likes the whole process more than u think.  Am I too real tonight?...cuz I know guys know I telling tha truth.  Let me know if I need to stop.  No...ok...

That's a fear with some guys that once...don't know how or why I'm writing this but...fear with not only some guys but girls too, that unknown future prediction.  U know what I'm talking about...when u go out to dinner with somebody and u look at them and begin how they are gonna look 5 years from now.....10 years from now...after a baby...after the morning after...I raise my hand high cuz I've been guilty of it.  Heck, all of Miami should be raising their hand now!  If Columbus was spinning his square globe right now, he should be like "What tha fizzle?" cuz he should see nothing but hands outstretched from the globe in the South Florida region like a Heat fan at American Airlines Arena when it's time to shoot free t-shirts into the crowd!  But for real...it's natural, and sometimes u can see, but most of the time u really don't know.  Things happen...sometimes people actually improve themselves once they become closer to somebody.  Perhaps u are the Ying Yang Twin that will bring out the F Factor (Meaning fun...although, huh, it could mean something different after some A-la-zay with no ice!)  that would make them a better person.  Which brings us back to the initial question...

Is looks everything in life?

While watching this show earlier another tidbit stuck out.  Discrimination for....looking beautiful.  Huh.  Or handsome.  Guys can be beautiful, right?  Anyways...although we don't want to talk about...Of course, that usually means that I'm gonna talk about it.  Once again, have some insight on this issue as well.  (Wink, Wink!)  Ok, so this young tenderoni was talking about this show I guess that's out, or is about to come out with former contestants on the shows The Bachelor and The Bachelorette ...Alright, the show is called Bachelor Pad...And one of the girls on the show, I could tell in her voice was kind of disappointed that she hasn't found "The One" just yet.  She's an attractive girl...don't know her...but it got me thinking how many times, society deems somebody undateable because they look good or because they got smarts...Let me say this, nobody and I mean NOBODY is "out of somebody's league."  I absolutely cannot stand that comment, and I'll eat my pie in the sky knowing that I'm right about that.  U just don't know...

As a kid, I used to grow up watching all these dating game shows.  I mean like them ALL on WGN, MTV, USA Network when they had game shows in the morning....all that stuff, as well as Ricki Lake (Homegirl got a talk show again, ok I see u!) and the classic Jenny Jones.  Through all these game shows and definitely talk shows there were two topics that usually popped my interest, even at young age...

1. Geeks turned into Hunks/Babes...I'm putting my hands over my face for just writing this, but might as well embarrass myself some more, right...and ...
2. People who are too attractive to get a date.

Those two topics, I don't know intrigued me...perhaps it was some partial foreshadowing of our part...but it goes on so much all the time.  This pre-determined image we get just by how a person looks (remember that's the topic of tonight)....A blond, attractive girl who has a bubbly outlook on life, gets deemed an "airhead" or someone who just likes to party...A brotha of African-American decent who has a black on black ride, comes to a stoplight bumping hip hop automatically is a 'thug'...A girl who has a certain "thickness" about her curves means she dates inter-racially or only "brothas"...a guy who's in the office all the day long, working hard, never gets invited out to a night out, cuz people believe he's a workaholic when in reality he's a closet freak inside, and is simply new to town and doesn't know anybody, and will like too, yet nobody....

That is why throughout this whole diary, u read the future stories of legend, and a theme throughout is about taking risks.  U just never know.  But so many times we talk about being discriminatory to one side of the story, but what about the problems that those who strive to be the best they can be, or look the best they can look...that's just as a major problem.  "I hate that girl."...Why, simply just because she wears a size 2, yet not knowing how many times she sacrifices going out to a party for a night working out?  Or hating on a guy because he always wears the latest fashions, not knowing how many months he saved up just for that South Florida No-Tax weekend, so he could spend wisely and smartly.  Everything isn't what it seems...and as I have learned...

Believe half of what u see, and none of what u hear....period.

I've talked too much, but sometimes I just have to let go.  I wasn't even gonna write tonight, but the Great Editor in the Sky demanded that we do...so getting to the question about looks...

In actuality...huge blow...it does matter, but not to the overblown proportion that sometimes gets emphasized.  I think that someone's inside beauty can out-spotlight anything on the outside any day of the week.  Um...from my experiences what I'm finding out is that attractiveness unrealized is the most attractive of all.  Sometimes u have to play the game...but I think physical attractiveness is just a byproduct sometimes of doing what's right, or eating right and getting rest...and loving life.  I've seen some mature women, like 55-60 year olds that could give any youngin' a run for their money.  That's real beauty...

Say this and I'm done...when I mention byproduct...I mean, if u're taking the necessary steps to put urself in a position to succeed then everything will take care of urself...I see this all the time working out...if u going hard, doing the right exercises and not just talking about the club or a celebrity at a cafe, and eating right, u shouldn't have lift up ur shirt every five minutes to see if u have a six-pack or not...for real...it'll show....If u ask a girl out politely, being a gentleman, and not dissrespectful, u did ur part, now it's on her to see if she's interested...if not, at least u did ur best, and walk away knowing that ur still tha prize, and u didn't throw urself all out there when she may not even be worth it.  Huh.

More than ever these last few weeks, Galaxia, we've been trying to stay focus, not so much on the final ending, but not only enjoying the moment, but making sure that we are doing the steps that build to the place we want to be in life.  U can't pass a class without first attending it...So our focus is on maximizing the moment and let it build up.  Confusing...maybe but, as I relayed this unheard saying to a homegirl the other day...truly I'm learning by the moment that...

A watched pot never boils.

And for some reason...our life is beginning to get real hot!

Grandad, I luv you, 10 years ago today u past away....A simple thanks to the Rev. James W. Smith.

One rule to life...there aren't any!
Austino Galaxia.

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