Wednesday, August 1, 2012



Just got done watching and listening to a very entertaining press conference featuring Mr. Chad Johnson aka Old "Ocho Cinco" of the Miami Dolphins down here. I absolutely love the attitude and confidence or swag, presented...on how u sometimes just have a ruff go, but that doesn't mean that u're done or that u've lost a step or anything.  Great stuff!  Keeping it simple....Just heard a Assistant Coach, this time of the Chicago Bears, Mike Tice, mention "everyday just get better at something."  I love it!  I'm getting into our football mode, but so much of this talk in sports can translate directly into life.  It's amazing...

What 2 right?  Ok.  Today I heard a song by Nickelback called "If Today Was Your Last Day".  Check out the video.  But those lyrics hit home so much on just how what would u do if u knew today was the last day on earth.  Wow!  That's a heavyweight question...ain't it?!  I'm guilty of being patient, but would that attitude change if I knew that this was it.  What would we do or what would we even write about?

Earlier I was thinking about how some of my best times in our life, we're those in which we just went in 4 tha gusto.  Most of the time, just taking it one moment at a time, not frightened or even thinking about the consequences, just living it up.  Buying things that u know u ain't gonna see on sale again...asking out certain gals who were super cool and pretty in their own way...going out in the middle of the night just to get some flapjacks....That stuff was fun.  Sometimes u can lost into the hussle and bussle of life, and be so concern about doing things to tha Alicia Key, and be afraid of making mistakes.  Or be concerned about what other people may think about u.  I was talking to my Moms about sometimes, or not sometimes, the feeling of being blackballed by some people...simply for being urself.  I feel something coming on....

Ok.  Let me see being blackballed means what, being denied, let me see how the dictionary defines this thing...Reject is found in that third definition...Interesting.  I cannot help but think about the game of pool.  8-ball in particular...Hold on, I just rememebered...Eva Mataya Laurance...she was tha homegirl back in tha day.  A beauty who can shoot that stick, what?!! Good ol' days...but thinking about the game of 8-ball where after u get through the solids and stripes knocking around the cushions like a dorm party, u have the goal where u have to knock in the black 8-ball in order to win the game.  So isn't it interesting that the one ball that's in the middle of everything, the one that u try to avoid all throughout the game, is the one u need to! That's good when u get blackballed in life, that's actually alright cuz in the end, u're gonna be the one...

I love to take pictures and the other day I had some flowing on my computer as tha music was banging, and a picture of this 'certain someone' popped on the screen with us both hugging each other.  And I was thinking like, we don't even talk to each other...and I PROMISED we've did nothing wrong.  Matter of fact, if tha chick would to see me, she wouldn't even look at me or would and not even speak.  Didn't Brian McKnight write a song about this exact situation...And even though we've TOTALLY moved on, it's just amazing when u can talk and smile and kick it with some folks, and then like weeks later, it can change.  And I think sometimes...should I bite my tongue...nah...sometimes it can happen when u begin to spread ur wings like Troop, and then it's like...I didn't know...They claim 'Misery loves Company'.  That's old school there!  Sometimes u have to watch who u let into ur circle...that's why we are learning...

U have to be true to urself, no matter what...U do...If u do that, then u can hold ur head up, and have fun...on ur terms.  What we've learned is how to do thangs on our terms, of course with the Big Party Planner in the Sky directing us, but...if I'm gonna have this life that we've dreamed about then u may have to take certain stands or go in directions that folks may look at u like ur crazy.  "U're passing up a night in VIP" or that girl wants u so bad, but u rather rest ur mind and body cuz u know u're following day is super busy.  U have to do u, dude and dudettes!  That's why I don't get too concerned over who's dating who, or all this "they don't even look right together" talk.  Don't have time, cuz we've realized that for one, I'm not the one laying in the bed next to them at night, so it's unfair to even have a judgement about a relationship where I don't know what happens behind closed doors.  We also know that love is a crazy thing where people fall head over Jimmy Choos for people sometimes on the simplest of actions or words.  It happens!  Different races, different religions, different financial backgrounds...everything.  But the most important thing is to let a person, whether friendships or dating stuff, fall for the real you.  And not just an image that u want to project.

So going back to our initial point, if that means u may get blackballed from certain circles for simply believing that "anything is possible" or for saying "u can make it" when u rather hear somebody join in ur pitty pat party...or for trying to change the Galaxian Stratosphere, then so be it.  Cuz sooner or later, the same people who diss u or push u to the side, are the same ones who later on in life would be like, that dude was on the money.  That's why we say, keep pushing in school...School is nothing but a preparation for your life.  I know I'm not the only one who's wonder when am I really gonna use any of this stuff.  I know H-Two plus Oh-1 equal Carbon Monoxide, and I realize that Jamie Kennedy was the President who said, "Ask not what u can do for ur hood, but what u can do for your homeboys.", and I know that u can catch tha coodies from sneezing on ur left hand, and that u can get rid of it by simply licking some table salt shaken specifically on ur right hand, but what does this have to do with life.  It's all about time management, getting along with people, and actually learning and doing some things that u might not want to do, but never know when u're gonna need that information.  All junk aside....but u have to be at ur best....cuz u never know.

We was working out today...I can write this like a real diary can't we, and not some kind of Chinese Monk who has figured out life, cuz we haven't...But...As One Was Observing This Imagery of Beauty That One Had Been Drawing Mental Photographs Like A ViewMaster Camera Since The First Time That One Caught Eyes With This Goddess...Today That One Realized That Everything Isn't What One Thinks, And That Everything That's Good May Not Be Good For You.  (Gong sound!)  But for real, we saw this one girl, and I don't know, timing is everything, and sometimes u may be looking to ur left when the right is really what the future holds.  I'll leave it at that.  Nothing bad, just when u've seen so much...constantly...u learn not to "throw" urself at somebody who u don't really know is worth throwing urself at.  U learn to get to know somebody, and not force things.  Take risks...sometimes u need to.  But u have to be true to ur practice and's just like a gymist realizing that now all the time spent practicing can now be seen on a global stage, so they try to do something out of their usual routine in order to make a splash.  U can't do that male or female.  We've spent many a nights in tha past, planning what we gonna say or what to wear or how to get somebody's attention, instead of letting things happen naturally.  It's tough to resist the notion of just being disrespectful of certain situations and conversations, and just be like, look at me, u need to put down whatever u doing and listen up cuz this and that...or give all these silly lines (Don't do that guys, be straight up and honest, no matter if it works or not...cuz in the long run, it works and if it doesn't then u might not want that girl anyway!)....especially with an ego of ours where we believe that the world is our playground and we have the confidence that we can do whatever, whenever...

But we just have to be ready for whatever or whoever comes our way.  Not sweating anything too much cuz we know of who we've developed to become, how fun-filled our life is, and how goofy and funny it is.  U can't give everybody the keys to the Bentley just because they look at it and like it.  After a little time u realize who can handle it, who'll put the right gas inside of it, and who'll drive it under control and not just to show off to their friends.  If u handle it right, u might just get more than the keys, and will actually get the car to have urself.  And then it's truly on til the break of dawn.  With u flying through the roads of life with nothing but stary skies ahead and the wind blowing in ur hair.  And nobody seeing nothing but the back of ur ride and ur personalized license plate...

Which for all purposes will aptly read...

8 Ball.

Austino Galaxia.

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