Monday, June 18, 2012

Tha Curtain's Up.

Bugs putting on a show like only he can!!

Saw an intriguing site 2nite...eye saw a black cat hobbling across the street.  Look like it had its back right leg up in the air, as it was prancing on three legs...almost looked like it tore an ACL or something...interesting, when we live in a day and time where black cats are getting bad luck, eye guess!  Interesting...

I was at the Citgo gas station on Sunset in Kendall today...First I parked and went inside to get my debit on ($3.27/gallon, I shoulda took a few canteens home wit me!)...Shorty beehop working inside said that she didn't have any regular gas, and we noticed the big tank outside, she said give her "5 minutes", and I shoulda said, "That's all I need!", but that would've been a little...unprofessional of me!! So I sat, finally homie was done dumping some gas into the sewer (U know the other day, I saw this guy lifting up a sewer top down here in South Beach!  I mean, what was he looking for a Ninja Turtle or something?!!)  I walk back to pump two, briefly say "How ya doin'?" to this gentleman who walked past.  So I'm pumping away, and literally out-of-no-where I hear, "U go around Melbourne, Florida ?"  I reply, "Not really."  It was the same gentleman..."U know where it is?"  "Yes sir."  Then this gent goes on to tell me about this gas scam they got going on up there.  He says that if u use credit to pump ur gas, the price is actually higher.  I've seen that before, especially at this BP gas station on the back roads of UM...but the way he was telling me, was that they weren't even telling people...So I'm guessing as u were getting ur $20 on pump 5 on, u ended up with like 3.4 gallons worth of gas!  That jacked up dude! He was telling me that the only legit gas station up there was like "Road track or Runner" or something....He asked me if I knew about that station, which I said I did, because the name does sound familiar....but he then went back over to his car to pump his gas.  But it's amazing, how many people, complete total strangers approach us.  It's weird....

Tha game last night was cool.  The Heat pulled out Game 3.  The Triple A was's amazing how serious folks get about these "White Hot" T-Shirts...It's like Do or Die...Some interesting things we noticed...We were around a LOT, and I do mean a LOT of Media personnel...U could just about name every sports broadcaster/side reporter/writer that u see and/or read, and we saw them up close last night...Another interesting sight was when I saw this baby girl walking right on the north side of the arena with these high heels, but the shoes didn't quite fit, so the heels were actually dipping inward as she was walking.  We've never seen that before, ladies and their heels.  No Comment!

Then u got the OKC fans...this one guy came in talking about "It's starting to get a little cloudy's cooling off....It was hot earlier but for some strange reason it's beginning to get a little windy around here!!"  He was clearly talking smack about gametime being close and the Thunder were now in tha house!  He continued talking about the forecast is, "35% showers (Durant's Number)...2% this (Sefolosha)...0 % that (Westbrook)"  Dude was hilarious...another thing that was funny was how quickly the OKC owner was ushered into the arena with security tighter than pantyhose worn on a Friday night!...One person I met...He came up and asked for some help on something, then he was like, "Here's my card...u look like u like to be swagged up!"  I just had on a red v-neck Benetton sweater with a purple striped tie, gray dress shirt, gray/black peppered slacks, with my Sunday traditional Miami Heat red Nike cortez shoes, complimented by my gray/red/blue striped socks from H&M...So on today I looked up his card and his website, and I'll be darn if he's not a personal stylist to several NBA players and athletes.  Huh!!  Guess he's the stylist for Kevin Durant, Mario Chambers of the Heat, Derrick Rose, Manu Ginobili, and others...very interesting.  Could we be a future client of his??  U never know for real...I like to dress myself though, it's more authentic, but like I said, u never know.

Talked 2 my Grandmother up in Michigan on today, that was cool...we have to remain patient right now.  Sometimes when u see what and who u want, u can get a little rushy with the journey, especially when u know ur right there where u want 2 be.  It's almost like not getting out of character just because things have shifted in ur direction.  Many people talk about how it's the journey that's important, which is true to some extent, but on that journey do u try to take shortcuts to get to ur's almost like when u get closer to a huge metropolitan city, like Miami for instance.  Oh...let me start a new paragraph on this one..this is personal.

Like when u get closer to a huge metropolitan city, like Miami, what usually happens?  U got it...traffic gets heavier as u get nearer to ur destination.  I like this, so what do u do?  Do u just turn up the tunes or give that special friend a call as u wait in traffic?  Or do u try to cut everyone off from the left lane to get over to the far right to hit a shortcut on the nearest exit?  Has anyone else ever done that?  I know we have done it, quite a few times, and it don't take much for me...going South on I-95 near Aventura...What!!!...or further down I'll trick and treat 'em and take 125th to Bal Harbour (Man, I need to hit up that mall to get my shop and dine on!! Like yesterday!).  But u know what the funny thing is when u do that, especially down here in the Magic City...sometimes u end up with more traffic than if u hada kept ur happy go lucky behind on the Google Maps route u were originally on!

That's such an absolutely perfect example of what I'm going through, as well as others are experiencing, right now.  Once u see that beautiful skyline of fun and success, u can get a little excited and antsy, u don't wanna go through any more unexpected traffic, especially if it's already been a long trip.  But sometimes it happens...Right now we're just about having fun and sharing our lifestyle with others...if they want it.  We have a gang of, what's the right word, have a lot of "fun" surrounding us right now.  And our past experiences have molded us well, even though we didn't want to go through them at the time.  Now we can handle certain things that we woulda been down and out before about.  Once u see the finish line, u begin to give that extra push...and u see how things have turned...

I remember this one girl, gonna say this, as seemingly I feel like I'm talking about some female experience...but hey, if ur a girl, would u rather be with a guy who had no experience or some?  I didn't say too much, cuz there's no such thing...but then again, there may be, but that ain't the story...we think about this one girl who back in the day, like years ago, we had a mad crush on.  And I know she didn't know it at the time.  But now we can talk, and I respect her situation and all, but life is just funny...we was thinking about that, like how for a time I didn't even know if she knew my name really...(Note:  I've done the same as well, the other day I spent like 2 hours trying to figure out this girl's name...I don't know if I should have wrote that, but once again our diary is half-genius, and half-insanity!!)  But u go from that, to talking about jobs and life, it's just mind-blowing...I guess that's why u have to remain open-minded because even though u look to the future and live in the ever present, u just never know how the tides from the sea of distant memory can turn.  Perhaps the timing wasn't right back then....and the timing is all perfect...right now.

I can deal with all that so much better now, than I could before.  No grudges.  May not talk 2 u anymore, but no grudges.  Just live and move on.  Sometimes u realize that ur future is really bright, and the fun band has warmed-up and is about to perform.  The only question is whether it'll be a group performance or a solo act....

Somehow, and I couldn't say this before...but the joy is just to be on the stage.

What better way , though, than to have a dream ensamble by ur side.

And Ladies and Gentleman...I now got 'em!!

Austino Galaxia. 

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