Friday, June 8, 2012

Reality Boot Camp: A-Team

Mr. T...Oh, the classic show The A-Team.

Today was interesting...very much so.  When ur life is so active as ours, when sometimes 5 minutes of quietness is a gift in and of itself, u need moments where u can let ur body regroup.  Late this afternoon, I had a brief moment to do such, and take a nap.  I know, I know, it doesn't sound like a big thing, but when u've been on tha run for days (Not from the police, let me clear that up!!), but just on the go, it's so refreshing to be able to lay down without having to think about waking up at the crack of dawn or anything.  Not gonna write super long today cuz I'm just gonna enjoy (cough, cough!)  this Friday evening.  Oh yeah!

What about those Heat on last evening?!!  It was refreshing to see tha boyz go out and show some great heart. Bron' went off for a classic playoff performance, which we haven't seen since D Wade did something like that against the Pacers in the 2nd round.  So now that all sets up a Game 7 down here in the MIA.  That should be wild.  A lot of folks really think tha Heat are gonna pull it off, but I know from experience not to count a win a win until it's a win.  Sports are so special...sometimes they reflect your mood, or teams can really represent the entire city.  I think the Heat are in many ways the epitome of...yes, I did just spill that word on u....they're the epitome of Miami.  Sometimes we are glitzy, at times folks can get jealous of us, at times we look like the most beautiful city in the world, while at other times we look like we don't know what's going on in our mind.  Our city loves the "star factor", and at times it seems like we don't care about anything but money, fame and sometimes sex, but deep down all we want to do is win.  That's why I enjoy watching this team (oh, I wish tha Lakers were still playin', but...), cuz when u have to go through an "us against the world attitude", u want to come through.

I was talking to my guy Frankie Stacks the other day about the city.  Miami is considered like a "mini-LA" (Los Angeles).  Its unique in every single way.  Today, I was driving, and I saw with my own four eyes the temperature drop 14 degrees in a span of like 45 minutes.  It was like 94 degrees and then hit seventy-seven degr...wait, that doesn't even add up to 14 does it...that's another thing, Miamians tend to exaggerate things down here...Exaggeration is a part of everyday life.  From saying temps reach the 100s, to how we dress (A V-Neck tee actually dips down to the navel down here!), or the size of heels gals rock...6 inches, huh?!...Or how we say stuff like, "I'm gonna call u around 6." and really don't call until the next day saying, "I said I was gonna call u."  Just the way of life.  Am I the only one who believes this stuff is actually going on.  It can be too much for some, but like we always say, as much as some say they hate it down here, once they leave, usually they miss it and want to come back.  For the Cuban cuisine or just to get a cavity looking at some eye candy...always remember, no matter what, it always comes back 2 Miami. (Wink!)

We have so much fun to get into, I tell ya...u know tests comes in so many shapes and forms, and u just never know how a negative episode can spur u into an entirely new realm of life.  Our patience has really been tested...I've been saying that for 2 months now, haven't we!!  I'm still an advocate of embracing the struggle, and though we have been doing that, as of late we've been getting a little weary of the process.  It's almost like fruit or vegetables growing in the garden.  U plant, and have to wait, and have to get some rain, before they really become ripe for the pickens.  I know others have experienced moments where things seem like, they just are, and no matter what u do it seems like there isn't much growth or advancements.  Even with all this fun we've been fortunate to experience, we still know there's another level our life is about to go to.  Have to trust the process, and all it entails.  Learning that u cannot skip steps.  U can't get a wife/husband without first getting a friend.  It may seem long and tedious and u feel like u've already paid ur dues beyond measure, but I guess there's still more to learn.

I'm gonna say this and then I'm out...U can always become better.  Sometimes in my egotistical self, I can know that, but sometimes not realize that when adversity comes knocking at ur door with wearing nothing but a bath robe, that is still part of the equation.  That usually happens when u look, my freaking roof had a small leak in it.  One word:  Quizzical. ...I stood and watched how it looked like, well it didn't look like, Mother Nature was literally taking a leak through my roof in my kitchen!  So as I was watching this Weather Channel/Bob Villa collaboration  performance take place in my home showroom, I was getting a little perturbed.  Guess I expect everything to be a bowl of Quaker's Peaches 'n' Cream  in my Galaxia, but who doesn't!  But when u feel like u're doing everything u do think is right or doing what u're being told u should do, and things still go heywire, that can get to u a little bit.  That's when u begin to think, "This isn't worth it, anymore." or "Why am I working so hard when I'm not seeing the benefits of the sacrifices".  Those are the thoughts that creep in...and that voice inside to stop pursuing a life of excellence becomes louder...if u ever strive to become something or somebody u gonna face adversity.  It rolls so easily on our lips or through the keyboards of our computers, but when ur in tha remix 4 ur own self, it can be a fight.

I said this was gonna be short tonight, but whatever, I gotta speak real, bro...How deep are u willing to dig to reach ur goal?  Whether socially, I hope nobody goes into a bank and begins to shout, "Ante up, and give up those diamonds of De Beers."  Sometimes the battle depend on who's first or last, but actually to those who simply...last. I think about our experiences and how much we've been through.  And a lot is used for personal ammunition, we aren't bitter towards anyone or anything...may not talk ever again, but no bitterness.  And the sooner u move on, and realize that u gonna use this as moments that will make u better in the long run, the more polished u become.  For real.  Maybe, I'm the only one who digs this type of thinking and stuff, but it's true.  We've been many situations where u see somebody who done u wrong and u don't know whether which of the 3 C's to do...Cry, Cuss them out, or Cut 'em!  Am I being 2 real rite now! But if u are true to urself, and take the high road, even if it wasn't ur fault, sooner or later they will come around.  I know this for a fact...I tell of all this episodes with girls and females, and there are so many that even though we didn't talk for a Rumplestiltskin spell, we ended up being cool, and things worked out and I told my "goon squad" to take them off the hit list, they ok.  Things have a wild way of working themselves out.  They can sometimes seem boring or unfulfilled, but the process of growth takes time and trials.  Guess this post was for me.

Huh.  I don't know why we even writing on this tip, but it's in the books now.

Let's have some fun...oh...before we forget.

Live the life u want.

Austino Galaxia.

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