Saturday, June 23, 2012


Galaxia X Air Jordan 1...What a collaboration! 

Ok.  Feeling a little...emotional.  Huh?  Is that the right word to use right now?  It's the afternoon on this Saturday, so to speak, even though our life is such where the names of days don't really mean as much as they once did anymore...We have a little time, so we are gonna write straight from our heart, this stuff may insult some people or whatever, but we have reached a point in our life where we gonna just speak tha truth. Others may feel the same we do, while others may not, but when u've had to endure through the things that we've had to go through, and the people we've had to go through, just to get to where our hope and dreams lie, u reach this point of no...

D. holding my baby!
Tha boys won the NBA title on the other day....The Miami Heat.  So awesome, the city was in a true frenzy over the championship.  They went through so much this season from all these expectations to not having any true size, meaning folks having to play out of position.  It's just so difficult to win a championship.  2day we read a great article from on how it's the little things that end up showing up when the opportunity comes.  The misconception in life is that when a championship is won or when somebody becomes a star after a blockbuster movie, is that all this happened overnight.  I feel we are about to get loosed today, just feel it...It's the nights spent in practice, or the days that u wonder why couldn't that person just say 'yes', or it's the emails u get from a company saying, "Thank you for your application...but...", it's in those usually never to be seen moments where a true champion is born.  Many times it's not those moment while catwalking down the runway where success is born, it's in those long days and nights where u spend hours on end, trying to keep the faith when nobody but u truly believes in tha product and when u walk around and see all ur cut-up fabrics laying around ur make-shift showroom, only with the belief that if only one day I could make it to Fifth Avenue.  That is what makes this Heat championship so special...The Juwan Howards, and Shane Battiers that have toiled with losing teams and not being able to taste the thing they so much desired...Even D. Wade mentioned how special this one was, just because of all he's personally been through since 2006.  I think the whole city of Miami is different...

Back then, u had the real estate boom of the city, the Brickell skyline was still in construction.  I used to drive by on the Vespa almost everyday, wondering if these buildings would ever even get built.  There was no Marlins Park back then either, they was still up in there arguing over tax payer's money and location....U had the spirit of the glitzy Miami return with seemingly everybody wanting to hang down here in the MIA.  So many clubs have come and gone (Prive, Karu & Y, The Fifth to name a few...).  We've seen two Super Bowls down here, two MTV Music Awards (Kells talking to himself included!)...

Then u had those down years...Heat getting blown out in playoffs against the Bulls...real estate going ka-put, and folks wondering why they built the buildings in the first place.  South Beach was going through a invisible transformation as well...more franchises coming to tha neighborhood, restaurants, Pollo Tropical got chicken wings...Publix came within walking distance on Fifth Ave. and Alton Road...just saying this to say, that now Miami is becoming even bigger than it was back then...through the ups to the down now even a bigger up...

Before I's a great Lebron James commercial from Nike.  Maybe his best one and definitely one of our all-time classics from Tha Swoosh...I can relate.

Why?  U think about how many times u've been close...and how u can feel the energy surrounding everything going on in ur life...u get a raise on tha gig...u go 2 tha store and everything u want is on sale...u've been eyeing that special someone and they give u a sexy smile back...u think that everything is just howdy donkey just 2 come up...short?? (Gasp!)  Now some people have gotten things thrown to them, and don't know what we talking about.  And even with all our life entails, it's one of the most blessed ones around, but...when u know that there is another level u can go to and u KNOW that through it all from diary's to fun to changing the Galaxia, that u really, really haven't even gotten loose yet.  U get a little wound up....

We have learned so much about not only life, but people that it's not even funny.  Everything isn't what it seems.  I'm going back to my roots where I "believe none of what I read, and half what I see."  Wow!  It's amazing I'm playing this R. Kelly song while I'm writing this, boy if tha King of Pop was alive to sing this...Considering all that we've experienced we are one of the most harmless guys around.  I think and laugh just wondering how in the Galaxia am I still alive?  So much confusion can surround our life...the things we've gone through would make anybody start to hit tha crack pipe or begin to have severe venom towards every person u meet.  U know it's a thin line between sanity and insanity.  People wondering, "Oh, how can a person kill themself" or "Life isn't that hard to make u do Speed or X", but let me tell u, things can get difficult, and sometimes it's in the times of success, that can make u feel like not only do u need another push or u get bored or u feel like nobody can relate 2 u, that forces artificial factors to help suppress ur urges.

I was reading an article and a word popped out of the page cuz it perfectly describes us...

Monomaniacal.  (Click here for definition.)

That's such a perfect word to describe our life, our lifestyle, this diary, how/where/who we's personified in 12 letters.  And it goes with our obsession in having great fun in life.  I don't know what it is but, it's becoming consuming...I just want to enjoy life.  Whether that's going to a museum, or shopping til I drop, or having a conversation with somebody who came to the Miami 31 years ago, our thirst is so strong...and the difficulty we have is finding others who share that same F-Factor.  I think God has put us through the ropes and pains of finding that not only in love but in true friends.  I have some, and they all like that thrill of life...we the type of person who just wakes up and is like, "Ok, we going to Naples today...and coming back that night."  Or be like, "I need to play mini-golf today, I'm up, and so are you..."  I really don't...I mean, really don't have time for "Ahh....let me see." or "Let me get back to you..."...I say this with ALL SNOBBERY INTENDED, cuz I know the life I have, and I know that when the urge hits us to contact somebody or when it hits us to go to a joint or concert or  whatever, we go with it, because we believe in our heart that wherever we go, it's gonna be a great time.  And that once that moment is gone...u won't have another chance again.

It took me a while to get over this when it comes to dating and relationships.  Sometimes when things don't go ur way, u begin to look in the mirror and question urself, "Man, I did everything I knew, yet this today it still didn't work."  And that can blow ur mind...U asked others, u prayed on it or them, and still...nope.  But after it all, we have embraced that sometimes everything and everybody isn't made for you.  U can't go into ur closet and just trash every thing u have cuz one or two or 50 people don't dig how u are.  Just because u didn't click with a Calvin Klein gal doesn't mean u're tha problem.  She might be a Ralph Lauren type of doll, u accept that and move on!  So when talking about my life, and I don't know why I'm saying this in this forum, but u just have to realize that perhaps there's a greater force that's working to ur benefit when something, and in this example, somebody doesn't hop on ur bandwagon.

We truly believe that our life is one in such...let me see, how can I say this...I'm the type of person, and our lifestyle is such that we are the pot of gold at the end of the Lucky Charms rainbow.  I say that with all confidence...cuz I know.  Perhaps u can be kept from becoming friends or lovers with some people because it's not that u're better than that person, but perhaps it's because they might not have endured through some things to be able to live like that or because they might not really know what they are getting compared to somebody who has gone through the Saturday nights alone while there friends are out or the times at a party when they are the looking the hottest in the room, yet nobody approaches them, and they go home shaking their head wondering, "Why God created them so beautifully and gorgeous?"  (Thanks Double A)  Meaning that the later person will appreciate it more than the former.  It's like going to the Lakers and u win a championship in ur first season there, compared to those who struggled through the ups and downs of regular season and playoff failures and then win that Weezy 'bling bling'.  As my Grandpa used to say, "There is a difference."

So as we've taken so much to the face, we've learned that we have formed an iron chin.  And when that happens in anybody's life...look out.  Cuz then that fearless attitude kicks in and u really live by rules that are heavenly designed and humanly created and dream drafted.  That's why I don't hold any grudges.  I keep saying that, but it's true.  Now will I be cool wit some folks like it used to be...perhaps not.  But I know how much power something said or what somebody did, can crank ur lifestyle up to whole level u wouldn't realize if that didn't happen.

Our life is about having fun.  And we have become re-invented, with a purpose to do that.  When u know u've been through it, u just now anticipate when it all comes together.  The signs are all around us that our uber-enjoyable life, is going to another level.  We're close.  But u know what u reach a point in ur life where close isn't satisfactory.  Maybe two weeks ago, not really, but...we now want our chip of a life.  Like others around who feel the same way...u've been through the trials...u've taken the high road without pimp slapping people...u've looked in the mirror and all the questions have been u want it.  U want what u've been asking for, reading about, praying about, sacrificed for, and have endured for...

What is that 'it'?  That's a personal question that cues different responses to all...But I do know, as for us, it's just constant fun with fun people doing fun things.  Sounds simple is, but it's all that it takes to get to that 'it', that has been so complex.  Which is fine, cuz now it's on like never before, and we gonna max out this life like never before.

I didn't have a topic before we got 2 writing, but I guess it's only one word that can describe today...


Austino Galaxia.

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