Friday, June 22, 2012

23rd And Collins.

Where it all went down tonight!  

This was a very wild night!  Very wild...

We have a lot of things gonna on in our heart, and we may write about that...later...perhaps.

Ok.  So there is absolutely nothing like rain in the neighborhood of South Beach and Miami in general...

So we decided to have a go at it...we had to go 2 get our workout in, and before I walked out the apartment door I had that typical "Rainy Shower Pause", where u open the door, and look out into showers raining down onto tha pavement...but whatever, so we got our track jacket, and decided to act tuff and take it all like a champ!  We walked out and it was raining medium light, and then it truly picked up....I didn't have an umbrella either, so this was gonna be a wild one....

The funny thing was that I wasn't the only one walking in the rain...I guess people down here just don't really care about a little precipitation on tha skin (does wonders for tha glow!!)  So I got to the joint and got our work in...and then we walked out and it was raining again.  I ended up posted under the covering of The Perry South Beach property, and what I saw, was truly something that will one day be an episode in which we will never forget.  Things just kept on happening that just blew our mind...hopefully everyone will realize that this is all true stuff...our life is unique, we keep saying that, and just one day....anyhow...

23rd and Collins.

Now all throughout our diary we've been mentioning that the intersection of 6th and Meridian Ave., is the hottest spot to see what South Beach is all about.  Real people, beautiful people, hard-working people, models, u see it all right there...but perhaps one of the top places to see the glitzy side of South Beach is 23rd and Collins.  Lots of visitors, the beach is RIGHT THERE...The W Hotel is a block away...Walgreens is on the corner, and everybody needs thangs right?!!! A little deo...little milk...a little Magnum P.I., if u catch our driff, so it's a great location.  I'm just waiting for it too die down....and die down...and die down...when all these krazy sights and sounds unfolded right before our eyes.   What am I talking about?  Well....

(Please keep in mind that all of this is going down as the rain is pouring super hard!! )

-  We saw these two guys riding this scooter while passing by...what's so krazy about this, u may ask? The guy riding behind the other dude had a two bag of groceries sandwich between them both!!!  Brown bag and all...  Wild!

- Boy, it was like every gal had there rain boots just sitting by the door!  Saw so many types from the usual  Hunter Boots to Leopard boots to Hot Pink ones, it was like I was in Milan during rainy season...Do they even have one over there?!!  But there were some cute outfits to go with the Charlie Browns!

-  Speaking of shoes, I saw this girl rockin' these Nike Gladiator sandals.  I once saw a doll with the gold ones, but the black ones she wore looked super hot to us!  My type of girl...  Take a peek...

- One of the most amazing sights was to see this guy run across the street toward us, and literally not get wet!  This dude had not a single drop on him.  We've heard Jigga sing about it, but to actually see it...Nice!!

- These two dolls were running across the street and one of them dropped their shoe in the middle of their Olympic sprint!  That's a no-no on Collins Ave., fa sure!  She ended up picking it up, but traffic was rearing to go in typical 305 fashion.

- So...a lot of stuff happened with girls it seems, when doesn't it huh?!!  But this girl walks and is standing right behind us...and she has on one of those Hawaiian type dresses with no straps and just her boobs holding the dress up. (How do u ladies do that?!?)  Man, next thing I know it, ol' gurl is going putting something directly into her breasts.  I'm like, "What?"  Now we know some folks keep money and sunglasses and stuff in their bra, but to see someone dig directly and put something into her nipples was another to add to the list of bust-ling sights!

- Folks were just walking like they didn't give a darn!  People rockin' clothes and kicks that cost 3arms and 3 legs...It's raining peeps!  But in true glamour flava, people are just going about their business in pairs of Jordan's and Louis Vuitton duffle bags, do people have any regard for money?  Rain ruins wardrobes...hey, I think we need to patent that!

- I'm chillin' stalking these girls crossin...I mean watching people cross Collins Ave., toward me, when I look in the street, and all I could say was, "What Tha...?!!"  Next thing I know it...ON A RED LIGHT, mind you...this huge semi-truck does an illegal left turn over another lane, and then stops just shy of hopping tha curb, and  running up into the front doors of Walgreens, Dukes of Hazzard style...This guy then backs up in the middle of Collins with traffic basically in 'shock' of what they are was I.  The backs up into this alley way right by the W Hotel, and this Mercedes CLS zoomed by, just narrowly missing becoming some expensive scrap yard metal!  He stopped the entire block during rush hour...unbelievable.

-  So this other dame was in front of us...getting ready for the truth or dare journey of getting across tha street in this pouring rain.  She quick-draw McGraw'd her umbrella, from her side.  Ok, I see u girl!  But then she opened it up, and I was halfway like, "Oh heck naw!" and "Oh-no!" (Possibly with our hands over our face.)...she put her umbrella up and it was "Tore up dude!"  but I don't even think she knew...The umbrella didn't fold over, the metal rods were as noticeable as bell bottoms at a summer picnic...I know about ghetto umbrellas, cuz I used to have one!  But this wasn't good, it was slamming rain, and to have a parallel octagon 'bella...just too much for the night....

So that's it....Or perhaps...there's even more.  Telling u our life is like no other...

- All throughout this rain delay, this woman was sitting behind us around the corner.  She was talking to herself, throughout it all.  She had a bag wrapped around her feet...I really don't know what was going on....but I got tickled, cuz when the rain showed a slight sign of letting up some, I could just hear her saying, "Alright Now!  Alright Now!"  With the clapping of her hands...I thought I was at a Heat game!  Silly stuff...

- This one guy literally almost got hit by a car...twice!  He tried to pranced across Collins without the blinking hand or man walking sign being lit dude was trying to be cute, but he heard that "Zoooom!" And took a step back from being in the street...then he tried to test the law of life...again...don't they know, we will hit u, and keep going down here in South Beach.  I've seen it...all u hear is an "OW!!" and look and see somebody picking themself up off the's real down here.  So this time he takes several steps out, and saw no slowing down in these cars, and hop, skipped, and jumped back to the Blackberry Curve, and waited.  Tha MIA don't play!!

- I thought this girl was gonna go off...she had some flip flops on and stepped into a puddle of dirty south water...she gave this ugly face like she was about the crack somebody's wig!  It was kinda funny though!  Ha, ha!!

- This guy was crossing the street with an unlit cigar in his mouth and a shopping bag and stuff in the other.  It still is nothing like that sight wit tha cigar.  Then I looked over to him, and he had this look like he just ate some bad White Castle on his face, all the while with the Ciggy just stuck in his mouth...unlit homie!!  Old School style...

- It was amazing the attire we saw people wear to stay dry.  Saw raincoats, jackets, caps...but the capper, was this guy, who absolutely didn't look poor or anything...this guy had a white plastic bag from The Webster wrapped around his neck!  Now by the clothing of sold at The Webster, I'm sure that wasn't what they had in mind whenever u make a purchase!  But this deserves a, "C'mon Now!!"  Only in tha M.I.A.

- I'm chllin' getting my tunes on with my Whiteberry when all of a sudden I'm literally surrounded by four attractive women...that's not really nuthing to write about, but what was, is the fact that they formed a upside down Kool-Aid smile around me, so that I felt super enclosed within all this beauty...they then stood in front of me, in a line, none of them friends with each other, all different looks, and I felt like I was working the Miss Indiana pageant once again!  Oh boy, what is a guy to do?

- Guy walks out gym.  Guy sees rain.  Guy takes off shirt.  Guy is in buff in pouring rain.  Other guy coming from other side.  Other guy has umbrella.  Other guy sees buff chest guy.  Other guy then yells, "Yo, white boy...put on ur shirt!!"  This guy laughs!

- This girl is chatting away on the phone, and is dead in front of us with her white tank top on, and grey sweats with 'aeropostale' on her butt...What got us was that this baby girl was rockin' a pink shower cap...In public!!  So I don't know what's more crazy, that she was wearing a shower cap out or that the shower cap was in Minaj Pink?!!  MIA style at it's finest!

- Homedude walks out with his stiletto rockin' companion...they looking for a cab, but nobody is stopping....he then begins to get hot about not being able to catch a cab here in Miami.  I feel it comin' 5....4....3...2...1....and yep!  Next voice we hear is this guy walking back to the curb and shouting at the top of his lungs, "R U Kidding?!!!"  I thought I would just fall out laughing...he finally caught one, but whenever somebody lets out some's just so...uplifting!!  Our life....

- And finally...these two dudes, who looked and talked like they were from overseas... walk up to us, and was like, "Are u from Miami?"  I tell them, "I live down here."  They reply that they are just visiting...Then these cats, then hit me with , "Do U know where we can get some herb?"  I'm like, "No...I don't smoke."  They were cool and just walked away...I must look like somebody who does drugs...I mean just because I love snow bunnies, don't mean I dig the snow parties, or heck the snow itself!  Maybe I should begin to sling...naw!!!

As u can see our night was wild...being delayed on our trip home for hours just waiting outside...but with all this drama, seemingly it was meant to be.  It's another scene in our every special real-life movie...

Today will be always known as simply...

23rd and Collins.

Toodles from...Austino The Galaxia.

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