Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sweet Dreams.

I Miss those 80's....Remember this classic from Eurythmics?!!

Oh Diary!  Where do we begin on today.  Lot on our mind...but tonight we gonna hit this thing running.

Expectations.  That was the word that was on our mind early this morning.  Those thangs can be lofty, they can be low, they can be reachable, sometimes out of the Galaxy...well, not really, but that just sounds good.  We are probably one of the most compulsive dreamers there is around.  I really don't know if there is anyone who believes like we believe that the impossible can be possible.  Now does that mean that we don't encounter self-doubt or those dreaded moments where we just wanna throw up our hands and grab a liquid vacation of Malibu and just drift the night away...no.  But all in all, we still believe that things can work out.  No matter what...and that even though u may think its too late or that u've been on the trail mix for so long that u're going nuts (Oh, that's good!), u still never know when u're time may hit.  Just gotta believe.

I'm tired of mediocrity.  I really am.  Tired of it in my life.  Tired of seeing it on the highways.  (Cutting people off...so mediocre.) Tired of seeing things that don't effect somebody positively being acclaimed.  Just fed up.  I don't know why.  But u know what...I'm not the only one.  I know others are living around the globe feel the EXACT same way, we do.  I ate out the other day, they served me some cold black beans...now, I wondered should I go "yacht club ghetto" and grabbed the waiter by the neck and forced fed the beans in his mouth.  Or do I ask him to take them back and warm them up, taking the risk that this was a restaurant that's going to be featured on a future episode of Kitchen Nightmares, and hope they don't do the hookey pookey in my bean bowl!  I just ate it, but believe u me, a mental note was inscribed in our mental notebook.  But this is what we're exactly talking about.

I don't necessarily expect perfection, but I do expect perfection.  That's what keeps us going in a way.  Now, one thing...I'm about to get personal.  Does anyone watch the show Seinfeld?  And do u remember all his things involving his love life?  Yeah...we going there.  My brother, who's a teacher, once told me that there is a scientific theory revolving that character on the show.  It was like the Seinfeld Theory or sumthin'...but it involved Jerry always finding something wrong with the beautiful or sexy gals.  One time it was "man hands"...another time she was too nice and spent time with charity events...then it was this one girl, who I used to have a mad silly crush on when she was on In Living Color...calling Jerry "Shmoopy" and wearing it out...there was always something.  Even that one time, a girl used to always be naked, and Jerry found fault with that...gotta be a TV show right?!!  But sometimes even in our life, we looked, with an "e-d" for the perfect opportunity, with the perfect girl, wearing the perfect outfit, having the perfect body.  We talking real tonight....

But u know what, I don't necessarily have any regrets, cuz I have NONE, but what we've learned is that what makes someone sexy or unique could actually be their "imperfections".  And those imperfections actually is not a 01 but makes them a 10.  Whether that is in the beauty industry where many of the top models have a "unique" look about them.  (I.E. - Alek Wek) Or have u ever heard like a wife or boyfriend talk about their mate.  How they trip over themselves or they "can't dance" yet that's what they found attractive about them.  Society tries so hard to "cookie cut" the dessert of sucess when there really isn't a super concrete recipe for it.  I think the most common ingredient is being authentic.  I speak from experience...that's why I dig folks who rock 2 their own beat.  The guy who asks a teacher questions in class to debate the Pythagorean Theorem or the girl who looks mad hot in a red Valentino dress but carries a clutch purse that she found at the Goodwill Store.  Yesterday, I was at G Dub, and I was like "Oh Em Gee...eye no they did not pack up my purchase in a white Hefty trash bag!"  But guess what...when I'm low on bags, I'm gonna go straight down there, and pick up another  Carlton Banks tie, and I'm gonna be straight until like Calle Ocho 2013!

Expectations can sometimes breed unexpected perfection which can work in a negative way.  But if u use it right, it can help u reach levels u never thought possible.  Sometimes in life, we all just have 2 embrace ourselves and let our unique ways work to our benefit.  In a world where everybody wants to be like everybody else, eat at the same places, or dress the same way or whatever, it can be refreshing to run into somebody who is just...them.  I love it!  Every once in a while we run into somebody who just doesn't give a flying frisbee, and is gonna enjoy life to the fullest come rain or shine.  That's another reason why we say "be you" cuz if when u do that, u inspire others to do the same.  I'm a guy who gets a little stale u know and needs a unforeseen laugh or taste of individuality to keep us focus.  That's why I respect those who have blogs or write autobiographies, cuz they are giving and sharing a piece of themselves with the rest of the world.  Which can propel others to not only do the same, but to also "step there game up."  And if everybody could just raise their level of expectations a little bit from not talking on cell phones when u're in the middle of a dinner conversation to practicing a jump shot even though the Coach said "take a day off", this world would be a better place.

That's a dream.  How in the world did we get 2 talking about this???  Whatever.  Now it's out there.  And hopefully the Galaxia is a step closer ...

Expect Greatness.  Live Greatness.  Dream Greatness.
Austino Galaxia.

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