Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Icing on The Cake.

A Cake of Marlins Park!  Yum, Yum!

Today seemed like a day filled with Animal Kingdom activity...eye was walking along this afternoon by this small lake, and I hear a Phil Jackson "whistle", and I turned, and it was this gentleman and woman standing by this small lake and he shouted to me "Swim at ur own risk!!"  I looked and it was an alligator just D. Wading in the water...kinda cool...then minutes later, I'm walking and I had a interesting yet crazy thing happen to me.  This bird comes swooping down and almost hit me...but it didn't stop there.  Please, please believe me as I say this...for the next 20-25 steps this same bird kept swooping around me and was literally following me.  It at first was like, "This is cool to have a bird follow u." Then it became, "This is becoming scary."  With it's pointing beak and all...what in the galaxia is going on?  Animals now flying around us, I almost felt like The Crow, waiting for the clouds to turn gray and have a platoon of birds to follow...kinda of glad that didn't happen.

I had a taste for catfish and spaghetti like all day!  Fish is something that I haven't eaten as much as I thought I would when I came down to the MIA.  Kinda surprising considering how much the water life and fishing plays down here in South Florida.  Water is like the sixth sense down here...From not only the beach life on tha sands but also wit jet skiing and boating...There's some huge yachts on these waters as well....wait a minute....

Ok...I'm listening to a very entertaining interview with the man himself, Iron Mike Tyson, on ESPN's PTI a few days ago...he's keeping it real, talking about his new Broadway show, the state of boxing, his cameos on the The Hangover movies, I just love folks telling real stories about real life.  And we know that Mike's lived the life...U know it's amazing to have everything in the world.  Fame, money, social life...and then some.  U go through some things, and then to be able to talk about it later in life.  It takes a lot 2 do that, and I got nothing but respect for that.

Oh, we're hopping subjects on today...does anybody sleep down here in South Beach?  One thing, that's mad krazy is how time seems just so different down here.  U can stay up watching informercials, or partying at a local club, or just hum bugging on the phone and look up and it be 3 am in the morning!...easy.  I'm starting to think that there is no such thing as night down here, and that there isn't no such thing as going to sleep for the evening, it's more like I'm about to take a nightly nap!  We've been waking up early in tha morning and still people be out and about or be banging music like folks are still in a college dorm.  It's amazing really...I've had some late nights/early mornings in the Magic City, and u'll be surprised how many nights just happen to slip by...Guess, funny how times flies, when u have fun, huh.

Things are really becoming interesting in our life.right now.  Remaining calm and letting things work themselves out is tha key.  I gotta say this...We all have to remain patient when things don't go our way.  It's difficult, especially when u feel that the rhythm of life has shifted in ur direction, and that now u think u got the Midas touch and all.  We've been talking about how all the disappointments, all the fake relationships and rejections will work for ur benefit...if u let it.  Now I'm not talking from a perspective from what I've heard, but from what I know.  It's all a process.  One thing that we've learned is that u can't put square peg in a circle hole.  I gotta talk some....

We have learned so much as of late.  One thing that we have come to complete terms on is to love urself.  Sounds real, but u can have all the money, portfolios, rides and people holding signs with ur name on it, and still not love urself.  I heard a line the other day that said, how did it go, "Standing with everything, surrounded by nothing."  Or something like that...meaning that u have it all, but u don't either.  To be able to love or interact with others u have 2 love urself.  With us, it's not a question if we luv ourself, but now we see that there is a deeper love we have of ourself.  And not settling for whatever...

That's been a sit-u-ation for us with girls as of late.  U thought I wasn't gonna write about this stuff...this is a diary, and for us to keep it real as can be, we have to share experiences that the Good Editor upstairs has taken us through.  As we were saying, how can we say this...everybody isn't made for you, and sometimes u just have to let go...move on...and embrace the strength gathered from each episode involved.  See...that wasn't so bad was it.  Trying to keep it far.  Everybody isn't like us, we know, but it's amazing how many different stepping stones have been brought to us as of late.  And each one, takes u up another notch to reach a deeper level within.

 Another thing that we've learned is that u can only do so much, and that u can lead the horse to water but u can't make them drink, even though u know they are thirsty!  That's for thing that has formed out of all this, is a standard that has been set.  Isn't it something when u set a standard for yourself.  But catch this part, it's even more special when the standard sets itself.  I'ma let it out tonight...cuz things are getting really good in our life.  And we've been through things folks wouldn't believe, how do we know?  Cuz I don't believe them myself!!  So as we go to the next and even more enjoyable stage in our life, I have to share what God has allowed me go through.  Some may hate me, but I got to...I freakin' got to, it's part of our legend.

It's almost when u think u seen that best of something, and then...we mentioned before with our work in the modeling industry, and how working runway shows and all, folks are walking around naked and stuff.  It's no big deal to us, but to others to see these beautiful, flawless, glistening, athletic, ab-defined, lithe defined, pieces of art  walking around it can be mind-boggling.  But once u're around it, u realize that one, we are all human...and two, once u've seen so much nakedness (Is that a word?), U still appreciate the physical beauty but on the attraction tip, u begin to look for other characteristics that define what beauty is to you.  This is what I'm talking about when I say that, the standard sets itself...

It's not meant for me to be everybody's friend.  That's what we've learned...just because u speak to somebody on a daily basis or they are ur "friends" on Facebook, or just because they share some similar interests, doesn't mean that u're gonna be best buds, or even hang out once.  It may just be meant for that period in time, u know...or for that simple moment.  It can be tough to swallow, but that may be ur purpose.  As I grew in our blessing in life, and in our resources, and in our love for fun, we thought we had to share with everybody we knew what we had.  This girls is feeling down, let me ask her out for a harmless night to take her mind away...This dude might want to experience a dream that he only sees on TV, but is our real life...I used to pray like, who's day or week could I make?  Got money, got hook-ups, let's see who feels like we do about cherishing life.  But a funny thing happened on the way...surprisingly, not too many were down...either afraid, still hooked on past relationships, shocked that somebody like us would ask what have u learned Galaxia...that's the most important part, what have u learned?

We've learned to not to run to turn the spotlight our way, and if we do what we do in having fun, and living life to the highest level, the spotlight will cut on and turn our way.  Just be's like the old folks say, The proof is in the pudding. (Man, this Faith is banging hard in the background as I write this!!)  I know our life is special beyond compare, this diary can't even tell the whole story.  So as we earlier wrote about loving urself, perhaps things don't work out in friendships or relationships because they may be good looking or good to you, but not necessarily good for you. Just because somebody is cute or can talk ur ear off, doesn't mean u should become buddy buddy or walking down the aisle with them.

My favorite baseball of all-time is Barry Bonds.  We've said this before, and he'll always would be.  What made him so special was that he saw so little pitches throughout a baseball game, and with the one pitch that was in his strike zone he didn't miss, and many times hit it out the park.  I don't think u got that, he couldn't foul tipped it, or hit a single, but he hit a home run...I'm fighting the urge to stop writing right now, but I gotta keep going cuz this is who we are...The BB approach.  Now another thing is that pitchers would intentionally pitch around Barry, so that had to be frustrating not getting a chance to swing tha bat when his teammates were allowed to play ball, so to speak.  I've seen with my eyes, BB being walked with the bases loaded...unbelievable.  So how does all this fit into this discussion tonight....

The tendency for those of us with supreme confidence is to show that we are the best or most beautiful or smartest.  Sometimes life doesn't present u with the stage u want, and u may begin to force things and swinging at pitches that aren't in ur strike zone just so that u feel like ur in tha game like EA Sports.  A guy has a little money and figures this is the way to get tha girls, so he talks a little more about his material toys only to find out that the beauty he's trying to impress isn't into those things.  Same thing with tha ladies, a doll thinks that all guys are into a girl showing an abundance of skin, and begins to overdress to get attention, only to find the guy she digs, doesn't dig that style and thinks she looks easy when she really isn't.  U have to remain true to yourself, which can be difficult with all the "noise" (Coach Spo word) that can be all around you, but u have to know ur strike zone.  I like that...

In our opinion, the only was to develop this special patience and letting the game come to you, is by actually living.  U may have to go to a museum on a Friday night instead of the club...or u may have to go to a friend's house party, instead of watching a rerun of Sex and the City...when u don't live life to the fullest and don't take chances, u begin to set the standard....that could be good or even dangerous...but....

If u go out and live it up, and at least attempt to know different people, and take risks to expand ur lifestyle, what then happens is that instead of you defining the standard....the standard will define itself.  I can run straight to Ocean Drive on that, cuz we KNOW it's so true.  In order to know ur strike zone, u have to at least step to the plate...u can't get patience and experience by not wanting to come out of the dugout.  So after u've seen pitch after pitch...watched a few go by....swung and miss at a few...swung and made some contact on others...never mind, I have to keep it clean tonight, but u sports freaks know what I mean by that!...Once u, see those pitches, u then develop an eye for what is gonna make u successful and what pitch is good to swing at...and sometimes u don't even have to swing, u simply get hit by a pitch.  This is some good stuff, we're talking to ourself 2nite....

Everybody's strike zone is different...but once u feel prepared and ready, u can confidently step to the plate without any thoughts except "now the fun part."  Preparation builds confidence, just like taking a test in middle school.  If u've studied the best u can, the test should be a life, sometimes Our Teacher, allows us to go through more difficult training camps, just so that u can be so prepared that the actual battle seems easy.  That's why practice is so easy, cuz u can't skip steps.  U may wonder why u're going through what u're going through...just perhaps u're in the batting cages of ur life, so that when u get called up to the Major Leagues u can be as prepared as can be, and look back at all those long days and nights when it was just u and the crack of the bat hammering away in blind faith that u'll get u shot at The Show.

Yeah...that's what we've learned to answer the question...and now there's a new air surrounding our life.  And even though it's the end of June, we have a feeling of a new season, and I hear in the background a welcome and a get-ready-ness like never before.  It's gonna be a whole lot of fun...and I get chills when I thinking about that we've reached this moment that we've been prepared for, and have endured for....and if u keep pushing through it all, u'll one day be smiling to get to that moment as that can be only be defined by two words....

Opening Day.

Austino Galaxia Esq.

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