Sunday, June 3, 2012

This Iz Y I'm Hot!!

The South Beach View

It's Hot!!  Flat out...U know, no matter how many years u live down here in tha Magic City, it just never seems 2 amaze u how warm and humid it can get down here.  It borderlines makes u upset...u know, when u just step out of the shower, all sparkling clean and such...get ur hair right, pick out and put on those clothes that's gonna make u look like Daddy Moneybags, or a Real Housewife of Dade County (Now that would be a Emmy award winning show!)...Speaking of which, how come a reality show has never won a Emmy?  I know Flava of Love shoulda got sumthin' right?!! What about Beauty and the Geek?  That's just pure blasphemy...but for real...u get urself all together right, and then u walk out the door and then "Bam, Boom, Ping!!"  Like an old pinball machine at the corner arcade, u're now hit upside the head by this old friend called Humid A. Tee.  U begin to sweat, and ur thinking about those days up in the Northeast or Midwest weren't so bad at all.  I mean there's nothing wrong with cool temps, 20 plus inches of snow, invisible black ice or having to walk backwards and practice ur Moonwalk to avoid a the wind pimp slapping ur face.  Is there??

I still wonder how in the world did this country kid from the great land of corn (Indiana) end up down here in the land where the cool are cooler, the rich are richer, and the beautiful are well...u know.  What tickles us still to this day is the amazement u get when u run into somebody who was actually born in tha 305 and actually remains planted in this Garden of Eden.  U be like, "Really!!!" or sometimes u be like, "Really???"  Ha, ha....funny but so true.  I always love talking to people who have been through the Pitbull Renaissance era here in Miami.  I ask so many questions, I'm like a ghetto Alex Trebek...wait, doesn't Alex give the answers instead of...never mind.  But I ask folks straight up about the happenings down here.  You'll get us asking about Hurricane Andrew (Wow, the stories still I hear.)  Or I love to ask about the club scene down here in the 90s (It was jumpin' of course.).  Or was South Beach really a slum filled with drugs and prostitution back n tha day?  (It was.)  There are still a few things I would like to know about, u know, very important stuff like...What would Crockett and Tubbs choose as their Miami Vice?  Or what was it like to have Sly, Daisy, Niki, Gianni and Madonna all hanging out at tha same party?  Or was Trick Daddy a magician before he became a rapper!?! Somebody has to get 2 the bottom of all this...somebody.

I really don't know how this became what we're writing about, but as with any diary, u have to write what's on ur mind at the moment.  Miami is a special place.  It truly is the Republic of Miami.  I still get tickeled when people separate South Florida from the rest of the Union.  I mentioned this before Miami has it's own color to it.  Tough to explain, but it does, especially if u look at Summer videos or pics, the water is a different blue, the city has its own hue it seems.  Then u have the aura of "Sex" that just fills the air...especially down here in South Beach.  Its like the moment that plane pulls into the corridor at the MIA, folks automatically feel like they can drop hun-nits and strip off  clothes from the Nun outfits to a doll trying out 2 be a video vixen.  That's the allure of the city, I don't think that will ever change.  I don't know if folks actually want it 2.

We've seen some wild stuff.  Wild bro...the other day I walk out my apartment building and I just hear the sound of seemingly bed springs squeaking.  It was early in the morning, and I know nobody's having a Slinky  tournament at that time of the day.  So obviously somebody was working out some multiplication and dividing problems.  It's great to know that the future of our country studies so hard...I'm still amazed at me seeing this cat jump like 5 feet straight up in the air off of vertical.  I was like, "Did anyone else see that?"  (Note:  South Beach is the capital of black cats.  CAPITAL!! ) I even think I saw their president, Sylvester J. Pussycat, Sr. walking the other day!  Everyday there is something new that u haven't see before.  Whether it's somebody riding a bike with a parrot on their shoulder or somebody else riding a bike with a storage unit, u get some great shots here...

Read a mini-article how Miami is like the number one city when it comes to tattoos in the country? Or something like that...I believe it.  We've wrote or is it written, about it before. I was on Lincoln Road yesterday, and I saw this pretty looking girl.  She had a brown top on, with some jean cut off shorts and some cowboy boots on.  She had a Parisian glow about her face though, heck, she might've been raised in Paris, Kentucky for all I knew!  So as I began to look for my fresh breath mint spray, to get my squirt on, she passed me.  But I "happened" (Wink, Wink!!) to look at her booty, and she literally had a tattoo on her right buttock wrapping around her right hip.  I've never seen a butt like that before!  Oh, I'ma gonna get myself in trouble when all this is said and done!!   But it was a unique spot.  The article was talking about how so much emphasis is on the physical or as someone eloquently put it, on the "cosmetic" here in Miami.  But if u think about it, all that goes back to the 1st two words of this diary post..."It's hot."  U really don't have no choice but to dress light, and colorful. (Thumbs up if u not afraid of colors.)  Cuz if u don't u gonna be sweating so many Scarface bullets that u gonna wish somebody would just shoot u!  U get used to it, but that doesn't mean it goes away.  That so sounds like a slogan from the IRS.

Ok.  That's it.  Tha Heat about to play the C's in Game 4 tonight.  That should be a good one.  It's kind of nice to have South Beach back to the locals.  Not better or worse, just least I can find a parking spot, and not think about putting old parking tickets on my ride, so I wouldn't get another one while parking illegal.  Like I'm the only one who does that?!! One time I left a parking ticket on there...and they slapped me with another one!!  I could almost hear Diddy in the background like, "Take that, Take that!!" True story...But as ur finding out, with us, isn't everything!

Have fun, and please...laugh!
Austino Galaxia.

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