Sunday, June 24, 2012

Maxing Out The Fun Card.

Oh Rebecca, I need your help! (Confessions of a Shopaholic)

Let's roll...

Our life has been getting more intriguing by tha moment.  Which is mad many many's just been a movie script that seemingly is getting more intense by the moments...these are the times that really let u see what u're made of, and how u have changed so much as a person...

As of late, we've been on this "Keep ur head 2 tha sky" kinda tip...but with this being our diary, we just have to keep it as real as possible.  We really don't know how many posts we have left.  I keep talking about retirement like I'm Sugar Ray Leonard back in '87, I know, but this diary is filled with so much  Sometimes we feel like it's just too much being told of our thoughts, our lifestyle, our love interests, our brain...don't even know why we keep writing, really.  Cuz in some ways, I feel like if u go from the first post even into now, u'll find enough material to last a lifetime...and then so.  But deep in my heart, we are being led to believe that there is still a need, somewhere, whether it's now in 2012 or sometime in tha futurama.  That's what this is here for...sometimes I put myself out here too much.  We be thinking, "Why am I relaying this story that cause us so much pain."  Or "What's the use of being ourself and showing how we really feel about things and be so open, when seemingly everybody else is keeping their true feelings to themselves?"  Through all of that, we are still finding letters to put beside letters to describe a life that has been unique.  And's only getting better.

Every once in awhile, we feel the need to talk about who we are really about.  I tell lots of stories, but for some reason, tonight I feel like talking about us.  And to lay all drama aside, and wonderings about who we are as a person, and what we are all about.  So get ur popcorn ready, cuz this is gonna be personal 2nite.

Today we spent a lot of time up in Palm Beach.  Just kicking it for a little bit...then we made our way back down through Boca Raton, before getting back here to South Beach.  It's always good to just get some change of "scenery" (wink, wink!!).  But let me tell u, we got caught in that Tropical Oppression or Depression or whatever it was.  It was a storm like no other, just raining, and raining, and raining...lightning flashed and I thought the Paparazzi was dead on the hood of my car, cuz I felt and saw the flash inside.  U couldn't see that far ahead, and we kept wondering "What did we get ourself into?"  It ended up clearing up after some time, but that's not cool driving like ur on the movie set of Twister.   But as we sit here right now, it got us to thinking...

Sometimes u just have to go through it...

One thing that we have learned is that there is no shortcuts to shortcuts to true shortcuts to having a lifestyle of fun.   If u want to be the best, u almost have to expect the toughest road to get there.  We have a life full of 'fun' (And I'll define that in a little bit.), and we know there's an even higher level of fun that we are getting to.  With that has been some challenges seen and unforeseen that really are tough to be put into words.  Self-motivation...the reinventing of ur goals...perhaps even self-doubt, as all been what we've been going through at the ultimate level.  I'm still tha goofy guy who loves tha beach, and will dance in the middle of tha mall, whenever they play this....but as we've examined all that's been going on we find something building up inside of us....I guess u can call it a fire of sort.

I know we aren't the only one who's felt/feeling/will feel's the kind when a teacher says "u'll never pass this class" even though u're a straight A student...or the kind where a coach refuses to play u even though u've been the one "bangin'" in practice...or the kind where a woman becomes obsessive about looking her best after an "ex" claims that she's fat and ugly....throughout this entire diary of ours we've been talking about how u just never know where the inspiration to 'kick it up a notch' can come from...Austino, relax bro, and 'breathe", don't get wound up...yet...I'm a competitive person, more than what the human eye can ever imagine...u may call it a perfectionist...u may call it living with expectations...but we are the kind of person who believes if u do "this and this" then..."this and this" will happen.  Life isn't always like that, but that doesn't stop this dude for believing in that scientific reactionary belief.  It's just weird...the toughest thing has been to contain ourself, and not go "southside" when things don't go our way, or when people have done us wrong, and keep going like everything is strawberry milk and cookies, when it's not.  That's when the depth of who we are has been tested 2 tha max.  

I know those who were my basketball teammates in high school and college know how I can get...and now it's just amped up even more.  Just like we say...the difference between us and other guys or people is that, yes, they may rock the Prada suit with all style and grace, but we rock it not caring if I get dirty or grimey.  We don't care about getting wild and crazy in tha name of fun.  Hold it, let's stop right there.

So what's our definition of "fun"??  Sound so like I'm a guest on this fun meaning spending money? Or bagging every sexy gal u find? Does that mean u partying it up til the break of dawn?  Well our fun can be a little bit of all of that, except for the girl part, but then we was at Men's Warehouse getting measured up for my boy's wedding...and this cute mamacita was literally measuring me all up and down.  Then she messed around and measured my booty....and I'm like, "Did u just measure my butt?"  She gave a smile and said, "Yes I did!"...I don't think that was protocol, but I didn't complain...she shoulda measured the front of my pants!!  I betta stop b4 I get into more trouble, but u never know I could be the best she'll ever have...u never know.  Now where was I again...oh yeah.

As we were saying, fun means so much to us...and we are sorta innocent, maybe not I guess, when it comes to that.  Fun to us is just enjoying the moment and getting lost in the thrill of it.  That could be simple conversation, it could be at a concert, ball game, trying a new restaurant, whatever fills that definition that is what Fun is to us.  And yes I did use a capital "F".  All this is the ground work for where our life is taking there won't be any surprises with what u see, cuz u'll know what is at the heart of it all. 

Looks like somebody had a South Beach nite! 
We've had many people call us "weird" or "\strange", but that's alright...I mean just because I smell new shoes before I try them on, or just because I've never seen the Lion King or just because I sleep with a Hong Kong Phooey stuffed animal lying next to me doesn't make me all looney!  It's simply who we are...I know it seems like I joke too much one minute, while the next I get into those "Take that freaking camera outta my face" type of modes, but that's who we are.  All of us are unique and special in our own ways and it's tough to stay who u are, especially when u feel like it makes u seem different or whatever, but that's what the world needs...I know the Galaxia needs it.  Besides, Wilt Chamberlain in his autobiography, once said that "Different is Sexy."...and he claimed he slept with over 20,000 women so...I guess he knew something huh!  Is this PG-13?...

Think we've written a little too much on tonight but like the salmon have to go with the flow right?!  Sometimes we just want to clear the air a little bit, because our diary is going into another direction, one that we don't even know right now, but we just feel it.  We have some ideas, but we know this thing is special.  And it's 100% real.  We don't make up this stuff.  We write about the reality of the fantasy life that we live.  Plus, we just want to bring others into our Galaxia, if only for 5 minutes.  Sometimes in life, u just get I'm the only one.  U surf 'n' swim through all the websites available that u like , and u don't feel like watching the television, and u just want something real...perhaps goofy, but a perspective about how life should be.  That's where this comes in.  We've seen other blogs and personal websites, and they are really laid out, let me tell u...but there still is something different about this one.  Not tooting our own horn, but we know when something bigger than us is occurring.  Sometimes we have to go through some pain, to get the true human emotion translated on these virtual be it.  I think that's why God has/is teaching us so much so that we can can u change the Galaxia if u've never been where others have been?  U can't tell me how to swim if u've never been in tha pool!  

I think that's something we all should share...our experiences. We been just about everywhere...from not knowing how we gonna get through a week without cash to spending money without any conscience except hoping u have toll money to get home ($1.40 to be exact)...we know how it feels to pass every course with flying colors...while we also know how it feels to have a professor give u a test, and u start laughing cuz u know u're about to fail it, and u're just calculating how long should u stay in tha class before u turn it in, so u're "F" doesn't look so obvious...We've seen a lot, and hopefully all these posts can one day make a difference...if one person can feel empowered through our stories of dreams, rejections, parties, hoops, band days, booty slaps, and whatever hits us in that moment, then that's a success.  I promise u this only comes along once in our lifetime.  Hopefully somebody has this on DVR...cuz once it's gone, it's gone.  But until that day...

I'm gonna make sure we max out Life's credit card!  

And since our spending has no limit...there's only one thing left to say, and in my best Wilma Flintstone voice...

"Chaaaarge It!!"

Austino Galaxia.  

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