Saturday, June 16, 2012

An Animated Vision.

A prototype to the future???

Bonus.  U always love these.

There are gonna be many more of these coming up, just because our life is getting to the point where we are seeing so many things, going to so many new places and time is of the essence.'s a bonus entry on today.

So the last few hours have led our life once again to seeing so many new things and places.  I promise we feel like our life is really turning into one looooong party that I don't ever want to stop.  It's not about spending a lot of cash or getting plastered or anything of that nature.  It's all about livin'.  We've seen some great talk about success from some unlikely sources.  The rapper 50 cent is one who discussed his thoughts on true success, and a great compilation of interviews featuring Will Smith.  The wild thing about what we've been hearing is that much of the same stuff that they are saying are what we've been saying and writing about as well.  It brings a smile to ur face, and makes u realize that u aren't so silly or out of this world to believe that the impossible is possible.  Or to think that u trying to share the sermon of having fun no matter what, isn't in vain, even though it seems like nobody really feels u on this.

I know I'm a crazy dude.  I ate glue when I was younger.  I can pass any taste test, still to this day, when it comes to knowing the difference between red play-doh and blue play-doh!  Who wants to try me!!  But, becoming who we are gonna become, and realizing how to reinvent ourself, and learning to love ourself...huh, gotta pause there....Sometimes no matter how good u look, or how everybody says u're so sexy or cool, u still have to look within and see how u feel about urself, and wonder if u're on the right course.  When things start to change at such a rapid rate, such as our life, u can get a little lost in the remix and lose focus on what is important to u, and what will make u happy, and what would lead u 2 the great bowl of Lucky Charms in the future.  This is what they call, "Grown Folk Talk".  Cuz it's real...maybe I'm the only one who feels like this, but whatever....

Last night, was wild as well.  Spent some time up in the Miramar area.  Had a chance 2 catch up with one of my dudes "K Square" and had a opportunity to hang out in the area.  That's a nice spot up there.  U know South Florida is really unlike any area in the country.  Folks wonder why I like to travel so much, considering I live in South Beach aka Fantasy Island...aka "The Land of the Beautiful People" ...but I like to get a dose of real life so to speak.  My neighborhood is so wild and crazy kids, that's it reminds me a little bit of home when I see so many nice homes and freshly cut grass.  Life seems so much simple.

So up in Miramar, I never seen so many complexes filled with actually homes and not just town homes or apartments, although they have those as well.  Gated communities with gates in the front and back areas.  Seemed kind of new up there as well.  Lots of hang out spots to shop and eat at small cafe's or restaurants, see that's the type of person we are.  Like 2 learn about new places and where to go...especially if nobody else knows about them.  That's sexy to me!  And believe me, I know of a LOT!!! May hit up some tonight...but I didn't know that Miramar was so big area wise.  Right next to Pembroke Pines and in the middle of Miami and Fort Lauderdale, a cool area.

One thing that seeing new places can do is 2 give urself a "break" of sorts from the u's-u're-ral...We're becoming more comfortable in our skin.  I think that's largely due to the knowledge that we know we have a life designed like no other (As we all do) and knowing that we have to Max this thang out!  Make sure we order every burger on the menu!  (That's a Saved By The Bell joke for those TNBC kiddos!)  I'm not snobby, but just ultra-confident about the fun that's experienced with us.  I'm gonna let u in on a little small secret...please don't tell.  But this is a bonus for reading our diary.

They say keep ur dreams to urself...and even though I had a interesting one last night involving the line "If I asked u to be my wifey, would u?" (Please don't ask any questions.)  But here's a vision we've been seeing as clear as a glass of water with alka-seltzer....

We've been saying how we need to and probably one day will write a book on our, cough-cough, experiences...We also been thinking how great it would be to have a movie about all these tales of love and life which, in our opinion, is bar none (Remember that candy bar?!!) of, if not the most interesting ones u'll ever read...but in our thinking about making a movie, how about making the movie...u ready....making the movie...

An animated one.

It hit us while we were driving that, that would be absolutely perfect. Almost like Toy Story meets Deuce Bigalow...I sound so "Hollywood" don't I right now!  But for real...I think about our name Austino Galaxia, which still amazes me how that name came about, but that name would be perrrrfect for a animated character.  I can just see him dressed as James Bond in a suit and stuff, yet still rockin' Nike's and J's...basically dressed how we would be...the storylines would be awesome.  If u read our diary from beginning to the end u'll see that a movie script has been secretly made.  Kids would be able to relate cuz it would give some hope...adults would like the stories because of  "realness" associated with it, but also it would bring a youthful aspect to our life, in which we say we are nothing more than a kid anyway.  I think it would be cool, and something we haven't seen in our lifetimes.  Which is what we're all about anyway...

U get tired of doing the same ol', same ol' least I do.  I want to hear about real stories about the intricacies (Yeah....Yeah...we wrote that without spell check!).  That's a goal for this diary, and how ever long it's gonna last.  I'm not into "Kissing and Telling"...meaning that when u go out with me for a night, that I'm not gonna go home, make me some oatmeal (Lower Sugar, Maple-Brown Sugar, with Sliced Almonds, of course!), and start to expose every single detail of the night.  "I stopped the car...we looked at the stars...she began to whisper in my ear...I told her I got a travel size bottle of Hershey's Chocolate syrup in my glove compartment....she then told me, "This is gonna be a Sundae u won't ever forget"...I then say, "The mailman does deliver on Sundays!"  See...I actually used to be a mailman in college...and u can say Sunday or Sund...which have different mean...but delivering can also mean laying down the pip....oh, never mind!!

But we aren't like that.  We to live a life just full of diversity and fun.  And we're doing that.  Want to share that fun...but sometimes it might not be for u to share.  It's like going around giving all ur money away...but u never know perhaps the Great CFO in the Sky wants u to save some and invest it in another way or medium.  We learned that we just have to be us.  It can seems out of can seem too much like, nobody can believe somebody can be so open and real....but we gotta just enjoy every aspect of this life.  I keep saying that, and I know somebody wants 2 hear about something else like what we're about to get into tonight or another silly tale about our love life, and all those things are cool, but when u get to the heart of who we are and our bloodline, it begins and ends with fun....If somebody at the end of the day, thinks they loved us or even hated us (Insert confused look here)...I'll still betcha they'll be like, Galaxia was fun.  It may not hit them til the diary ends or after they see us up on some billboard or on TV, but one day I promise u, that thought will hit.  Hopefully one word will one day be associated with everything involving us...from 2-minute conversations to the diary entries to playing on teams with us or even just hanging out...One word...


Austino Galaxia.

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