Saturday, June 30, 2012

Galaxia Spotlights...Usher.


This is a very special edition of Galaxia Spotlights.  For one it's dedicated to my brother, Anthony, who actually began today's topic several days ago with a simple text.  He texted me to name the top 5 songs of the subject of today's Spotlight.  Wow!  That was a hard one...and then the other day, I came home to my showroom, only to find out that there was a concert being held in London live via the internet.  Not only was it great to see a live concert in the middle of the afternoon, but what amazed me was that he had so many jams that he didn't even touch his "old" material.  So with all that, there was only one person to fittingly follow MJ in our revamped Galaxia Spotlights segment...and as my brother said earlier today, this gentleman might be the one of the few whose music can immediately take you to a particular year, moment in ur life, or even a particular relationship past or present.  His tunes make us dance the night away, while they also allow us to be with our special someone, and also gives us inspiration to think about what is true and real in our life.

Remember, these are our picks, and those songs which define our life.  We've included some of his videos if u simply click on some of the songs....Today is also special, because we usually cut out some songs that we spotlight on an artist, but for today, and perhaps for today only, we are gonna write all of the songs that were in consideration for this post.  I'm sure u can relate to one or two of them...some u may have heard...while others u may not have.  So without further's Galaxia Spotlights shines on...none other than....


"You Make Me Wanna" (This song brings back so many memories from the 90s)
"Confessions Pt. 2" (This video had Usher sliding on tha floor for a hug...purely epic!)
"U Remind Me" (The year was 2001, it was Summertime, and this song brought in the Fall perfectly.)
"Nice & Slow"
"Twork It Out" (A nice chill song that makes u just lay back and groove.)
"My Way"
"U Got It Bad" (Who hasn't felt this way every once in awhile?!!)
"Trading Places" (I actually forgot about this one...great radio cut.)
"That's What It's Made For"
"My Boo" (Featuring Alicia Keys)
"Caught Up"  (I really liked this video, and the song, well, sooner or later it happens to us all!)
"U Don't Have To Call" (The Neptunes produced this "going out" banger!  Sing tha song boy!!)
"Yeah!" (Featuring Lil Jon and Ludacris)

Oh boy!...there's a lot ain't there!!

"DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love" (Featuring Pitbull...You have to dance to this!!)
"OMG!" (Featuring
"Simple Things" (This song sums up how I feel about life...a slept-on classic.)
"Burn" (It speaks for itself.)
"Lil Freak" (Featuring Nicki Minaj)
"Take Your Hand"
"Love In This Club" (2008 is in tha house!)
"Pro Lover"
"Here I Stand" (This one girl I knew loved this song....I think I might cry off of this timeless beauty.)
"Wifey" (Featuring Pharrell...Unreleased,but a great personal cut.)
"There Goes My Baby" (Maybe my all-time favorite...a chill always comes over me as I listened to this.)

Some great memories from a great artist.  Hope u enjoyed a look through the years at the artistry of Mr. Raymond him...Classic stuff.  And as always as the Galaxia Spotlight shines, we may never see the likes of him again.  Thanx bro!

Austino Galaxia.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Hot In Herre...and Tharre!

Oh why not!  Enjoy Nelly's Classic Tune

A night in South there any place in the Galaxia that u rather be?!!  Just came in on this "laid back" evening...just walking around this joint can be a TV show in and of urself...u got guys and girls standing dag gone in tha street trying to get their "R-ship" together...u got folks walking around in "packs" while not wanting to get out of the way and taking up the entire's like, "Dude, please respect the scene." Duhh...didn't they see those City of Miami Beach ads around town with the Heat players the last few weeks.   I turned the corner on a block and I saw this black cat, and somehow I could read his mind, I don't know if he was trying to represent for all the other felines in the hood or what, but...this little critter, and I'm not lying as I write this...he tried to jump me!!  I'm not kidding...I saw him, and he then approached me, so I was a little startled like this looks like the kingpin around here...I then attempt to walk past him here on Jefferson Ave., and next thing I know it, he like wouldn't let me...then he's kinda, tryin' to cut me off on my right side like a bully in Junior High School...and I'm like, "This could get a little interesting."  I almost...almost got that feeling in my chest, u know when u know things could get a  I we go again, right!

Naw, but I remember this one time...wait, tonight could get interesting...we have had some wild experiences with us being involved, and most of the time it wasn't even our fault!  I recall this one time this young lady approaching me with a knife in her hand, questioning me like she was on freakin' NYPD looking for one of my best buddies...I just was sitting in my chair chillin' looking at her like, "U gotta be kidding right?!!"  So as this single white female episode unfolded, we didn't know whether to laugh or to hit the red button!  As I basically told her, "I didn't know where my guy was", I just thought how krazy this was, and why does this stuff have to happen to muah!

Let's see what else...of course, u had this episode where this girl tried to hit me, my boy, and this homegirl with her SUV while we were walking from class in college. Yes, she did try to take us out, and her anger didn't have anything to do with us...Then this other time in college, one of my boys got into it with another cat...He came to my penthouse suite (Yes, u did read that right, we did it big tyme!)...My dawg was hot, talking about he was going to go to his old ways and how "he don't know me", like DMX I can only assume...I was trying to calm him down...he wasn't hearing it, talking about he had to go 2 his connects back in his old life, and get tha got that sings better than Mariah Carey at the Grammys.  Next thing I know it as I'm laying on my bed, my dude lifts up his shirt, and he got that thang sitting in his sweats.  Once again, I was kool, but I was just hoping that the gun won't go off in my dorm room.  I already had like $120 or so in campus parking tickets accumulated, just because I thought I was a Real World cast member driving around after the Season in Review episode just aired on MTV, so this would have been just tha thing to get me off the BBall team, and talking to kiddos on Saturday Mornings...After some convo, he calmed down, but we've been in some krazy situations...that's why we so krazy!

Here's another one...why not have some fun 2night right...we resting up tonight for some fun, we aforementioned in Galaxia Diary lure (One day we should do a Best of, shouldn't we...)  Anyhow, we used to work at the beach, and we had so many moments where our chest skipped a beat or two, and it was like, totally surreal...let's see...Saw some krazy aspect of our job was to lock up the bathrooms at night. Now that can be dangerous because, u never know what weirdos or what not are lurking around garbage cans or inside lights in the bathroom ceilings, there was a door inside the Men's bathroom which had us thinking that the Marilyn Manson's lookalike would jump out at us or something...but on this one particular evening, I'm walking in, giving that traditional, "Hello, Hello, is anybody in here." greeting...and I go stall by stalls only to find this one with four legs inside...I'm inside the Men's bathroom, but one of the pairs certainly doesn't look like a dude...and believe me when it comes to legs the only person who knows more about that is probably Colonel Sanders, and depending if it's a holiday weekend on the beach that's even debatable!  So I go in...and this guy and girl are inside getting their freak on inside of the stall!  I'm like, "U gotta leave."  It just hit me, what would've I done if it was two girls and a guy? Huh...Mom, please omit that last sentence u just read!...I then go outside, and finally tha couple stagger out (Sans "Walk of Shame"...) and go about their I was thinking the bathroom at the beach.  Usually they can get pretty nasty, I mean like u wouldn't believe.  I used to see some stuff...and it's all sandy, and muddy from the water...but when the feeling hit ya, I guess u better move as quickly as possible.  But if I had a choice...not like I've thought about this...or have done anything to this nature (Cough, cough!)...but always play wrestle with ur "friend"  in the sand, at night when the sun goes down...don't ask me how I know, but just trust us on this one!  U'll be surprised what kind of freak...I mean, emotions can come out with a little sand in the hair!

Another little quirk in our beach job, was that we had the authority to give out parking tickets.  Yes, many a times it was "Ticket time!  Ticket time!"  I'm not gonna front I used to drive around on anything that had wheels and just when I was in one of those, "They ain't gonna do that on my Timex" type of moods, we would get them.  There was an area of the beach called "Fedder's Alley".  So this is where u had all the picnics, and the real party animals would come out to play....especially on Sunday afternoons and evening.  When u mix, BBQ, Alcohol, Music, Cars , Bikini's, and flat out heat,  u're bound 2 get some incidents.  The cops were cool, and helped, but every once in the while...good ol' u know who had to lay his foot down following in the footsteps of other great officers like:  Barnaby Jones, Barney Fife, and that one dude who seemingly was on every episode of Cops whenever  they were in Wichita, Kansas!  I go up there, cuz they hit me up, well basically people were coming up to me saying that Fedder's was basically out of control, parking wise, people acting like it was Club Space's last party before its renovations...just OOC for real...out of control.

So after hearing all these complaints about somebody needs to go up there and check it out...I decided I guess I'll do some work on today, and stop enjoy the sights and sounds of Baywatch myself and earn them thangs...First thing I did was look for my mode of transportation to get up there...don't take the Blues Brother-mobile cuz that might get flipped over like when a dictatorship comes to an end...we don't want that...I could walk, but they might not take me so serious seeing me sweating from walking for 10 I took something that would intimidate the heck out of them....a bike!  Tell me u wouldn't be scared?!!  Shoot, and I used to rock them thin sunglasses with violet lenses too...What!!  I had my Boy George swag up to the max on that bike!  And I had a ticket book as well...Couldn't tell me nuthin'!

Alright, so I rose pedal my way through the park area, and up the hill, anticipating what we would see just above the horizon.  I get up there, and it's as wild as it was told to us.  Folks got music bumpin' like family reunion style...People dancing...beverages spilling over, even though u're not 'posed to have open beverages in the I just pull up on my mini-Bentley and don't say a word...all u heard was the "Flap....Flap" of the pages turning over in my ticket book.  I might've even licked my thumb as I flipped the pages...Anyway...this guy, a "vet" on the party scene came over to me, and is like, "What u doing man?"  I'm just explaining, "U parked illegal bro."   He goes on to say something like how,  "everybody is parked bogus out here" All the while, this girl walks by me and shouts, "We gonna party all night!!"  I give her the "Whatever" look and begin to proceed...the guy is getting a little upset, but just like when u go out to a wack party, sometimes u just gotta pick one, right?!!  And he was it...I write through all his bickering, I snatched off the perforated ticket, gave it to him, I might've even hit him with that "Have a nice day", Judge Mathis style and began to go down the line...and let's just say, that I started to hear a lot of car doors slamming and engines being turned on!  And the last thing I heard from the dude was a classic line....

"I can't believe I got a ticket from a guy on a bike!!"

And that oxymoronic line describes us and our life...u just never know what to expect from us, but u can guarantee that u'll be left speechless and shaking ur head.

And if u don't believe us...I'll guess we'll just have to give u a ticket for that as well!!

Austino Galaxia.
There's only one.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Icing on The Cake.

A Cake of Marlins Park!  Yum, Yum!

Today seemed like a day filled with Animal Kingdom activity...eye was walking along this afternoon by this small lake, and I hear a Phil Jackson "whistle", and I turned, and it was this gentleman and woman standing by this small lake and he shouted to me "Swim at ur own risk!!"  I looked and it was an alligator just D. Wading in the water...kinda cool...then minutes later, I'm walking and I had a interesting yet crazy thing happen to me.  This bird comes swooping down and almost hit me...but it didn't stop there.  Please, please believe me as I say this...for the next 20-25 steps this same bird kept swooping around me and was literally following me.  It at first was like, "This is cool to have a bird follow u." Then it became, "This is becoming scary."  With it's pointing beak and all...what in the galaxia is going on?  Animals now flying around us, I almost felt like The Crow, waiting for the clouds to turn gray and have a platoon of birds to follow...kinda of glad that didn't happen.

I had a taste for catfish and spaghetti like all day!  Fish is something that I haven't eaten as much as I thought I would when I came down to the MIA.  Kinda surprising considering how much the water life and fishing plays down here in South Florida.  Water is like the sixth sense down here...From not only the beach life on tha sands but also wit jet skiing and boating...There's some huge yachts on these waters as well....wait a minute....

Ok...I'm listening to a very entertaining interview with the man himself, Iron Mike Tyson, on ESPN's PTI a few days ago...he's keeping it real, talking about his new Broadway show, the state of boxing, his cameos on the The Hangover movies, I just love folks telling real stories about real life.  And we know that Mike's lived the life...U know it's amazing to have everything in the world.  Fame, money, social life...and then some.  U go through some things, and then to be able to talk about it later in life.  It takes a lot 2 do that, and I got nothing but respect for that.

Oh, we're hopping subjects on today...does anybody sleep down here in South Beach?  One thing, that's mad krazy is how time seems just so different down here.  U can stay up watching informercials, or partying at a local club, or just hum bugging on the phone and look up and it be 3 am in the morning!...easy.  I'm starting to think that there is no such thing as night down here, and that there isn't no such thing as going to sleep for the evening, it's more like I'm about to take a nightly nap!  We've been waking up early in tha morning and still people be out and about or be banging music like folks are still in a college dorm.  It's amazing really...I've had some late nights/early mornings in the Magic City, and u'll be surprised how many nights just happen to slip by...Guess, funny how times flies, when u have fun, huh.

Things are really becoming interesting in our life.right now.  Remaining calm and letting things work themselves out is tha key.  I gotta say this...We all have to remain patient when things don't go our way.  It's difficult, especially when u feel that the rhythm of life has shifted in ur direction, and that now u think u got the Midas touch and all.  We've been talking about how all the disappointments, all the fake relationships and rejections will work for ur benefit...if u let it.  Now I'm not talking from a perspective from what I've heard, but from what I know.  It's all a process.  One thing that we've learned is that u can't put square peg in a circle hole.  I gotta talk some....

We have learned so much as of late.  One thing that we have come to complete terms on is to love urself.  Sounds real, but u can have all the money, portfolios, rides and people holding signs with ur name on it, and still not love urself.  I heard a line the other day that said, how did it go, "Standing with everything, surrounded by nothing."  Or something like that...meaning that u have it all, but u don't either.  To be able to love or interact with others u have 2 love urself.  With us, it's not a question if we luv ourself, but now we see that there is a deeper love we have of ourself.  And not settling for whatever...

That's been a sit-u-ation for us with girls as of late.  U thought I wasn't gonna write about this stuff...this is a diary, and for us to keep it real as can be, we have to share experiences that the Good Editor upstairs has taken us through.  As we were saying, how can we say this...everybody isn't made for you, and sometimes u just have to let go...move on...and embrace the strength gathered from each episode involved.  See...that wasn't so bad was it.  Trying to keep it far.  Everybody isn't like us, we know, but it's amazing how many different stepping stones have been brought to us as of late.  And each one, takes u up another notch to reach a deeper level within.

 Another thing that we've learned is that u can only do so much, and that u can lead the horse to water but u can't make them drink, even though u know they are thirsty!  That's for thing that has formed out of all this, is a standard that has been set.  Isn't it something when u set a standard for yourself.  But catch this part, it's even more special when the standard sets itself.  I'ma let it out tonight...cuz things are getting really good in our life.  And we've been through things folks wouldn't believe, how do we know?  Cuz I don't believe them myself!!  So as we go to the next and even more enjoyable stage in our life, I have to share what God has allowed me go through.  Some may hate me, but I got to...I freakin' got to, it's part of our legend.

It's almost when u think u seen that best of something, and then...we mentioned before with our work in the modeling industry, and how working runway shows and all, folks are walking around naked and stuff.  It's no big deal to us, but to others to see these beautiful, flawless, glistening, athletic, ab-defined, lithe defined, pieces of art  walking around it can be mind-boggling.  But once u're around it, u realize that one, we are all human...and two, once u've seen so much nakedness (Is that a word?), U still appreciate the physical beauty but on the attraction tip, u begin to look for other characteristics that define what beauty is to you.  This is what I'm talking about when I say that, the standard sets itself...

It's not meant for me to be everybody's friend.  That's what we've learned...just because u speak to somebody on a daily basis or they are ur "friends" on Facebook, or just because they share some similar interests, doesn't mean that u're gonna be best buds, or even hang out once.  It may just be meant for that period in time, u know...or for that simple moment.  It can be tough to swallow, but that may be ur purpose.  As I grew in our blessing in life, and in our resources, and in our love for fun, we thought we had to share with everybody we knew what we had.  This girls is feeling down, let me ask her out for a harmless night to take her mind away...This dude might want to experience a dream that he only sees on TV, but is our real life...I used to pray like, who's day or week could I make?  Got money, got hook-ups, let's see who feels like we do about cherishing life.  But a funny thing happened on the way...surprisingly, not too many were down...either afraid, still hooked on past relationships, shocked that somebody like us would ask what have u learned Galaxia...that's the most important part, what have u learned?

We've learned to not to run to turn the spotlight our way, and if we do what we do in having fun, and living life to the highest level, the spotlight will cut on and turn our way.  Just be's like the old folks say, The proof is in the pudding. (Man, this Faith is banging hard in the background as I write this!!)  I know our life is special beyond compare, this diary can't even tell the whole story.  So as we earlier wrote about loving urself, perhaps things don't work out in friendships or relationships because they may be good looking or good to you, but not necessarily good for you. Just because somebody is cute or can talk ur ear off, doesn't mean u should become buddy buddy or walking down the aisle with them.

My favorite baseball of all-time is Barry Bonds.  We've said this before, and he'll always would be.  What made him so special was that he saw so little pitches throughout a baseball game, and with the one pitch that was in his strike zone he didn't miss, and many times hit it out the park.  I don't think u got that, he couldn't foul tipped it, or hit a single, but he hit a home run...I'm fighting the urge to stop writing right now, but I gotta keep going cuz this is who we are...The BB approach.  Now another thing is that pitchers would intentionally pitch around Barry, so that had to be frustrating not getting a chance to swing tha bat when his teammates were allowed to play ball, so to speak.  I've seen with my eyes, BB being walked with the bases loaded...unbelievable.  So how does all this fit into this discussion tonight....

The tendency for those of us with supreme confidence is to show that we are the best or most beautiful or smartest.  Sometimes life doesn't present u with the stage u want, and u may begin to force things and swinging at pitches that aren't in ur strike zone just so that u feel like ur in tha game like EA Sports.  A guy has a little money and figures this is the way to get tha girls, so he talks a little more about his material toys only to find out that the beauty he's trying to impress isn't into those things.  Same thing with tha ladies, a doll thinks that all guys are into a girl showing an abundance of skin, and begins to overdress to get attention, only to find the guy she digs, doesn't dig that style and thinks she looks easy when she really isn't.  U have to remain true to yourself, which can be difficult with all the "noise" (Coach Spo word) that can be all around you, but u have to know ur strike zone.  I like that...

In our opinion, the only was to develop this special patience and letting the game come to you, is by actually living.  U may have to go to a museum on a Friday night instead of the club...or u may have to go to a friend's house party, instead of watching a rerun of Sex and the City...when u don't live life to the fullest and don't take chances, u begin to set the standard....that could be good or even dangerous...but....

If u go out and live it up, and at least attempt to know different people, and take risks to expand ur lifestyle, what then happens is that instead of you defining the standard....the standard will define itself.  I can run straight to Ocean Drive on that, cuz we KNOW it's so true.  In order to know ur strike zone, u have to at least step to the plate...u can't get patience and experience by not wanting to come out of the dugout.  So after u've seen pitch after pitch...watched a few go by....swung and miss at a few...swung and made some contact on others...never mind, I have to keep it clean tonight, but u sports freaks know what I mean by that!...Once u, see those pitches, u then develop an eye for what is gonna make u successful and what pitch is good to swing at...and sometimes u don't even have to swing, u simply get hit by a pitch.  This is some good stuff, we're talking to ourself 2nite....

Everybody's strike zone is different...but once u feel prepared and ready, u can confidently step to the plate without any thoughts except "now the fun part."  Preparation builds confidence, just like taking a test in middle school.  If u've studied the best u can, the test should be a life, sometimes Our Teacher, allows us to go through more difficult training camps, just so that u can be so prepared that the actual battle seems easy.  That's why practice is so easy, cuz u can't skip steps.  U may wonder why u're going through what u're going through...just perhaps u're in the batting cages of ur life, so that when u get called up to the Major Leagues u can be as prepared as can be, and look back at all those long days and nights when it was just u and the crack of the bat hammering away in blind faith that u'll get u shot at The Show.

Yeah...that's what we've learned to answer the question...and now there's a new air surrounding our life.  And even though it's the end of June, we have a feeling of a new season, and I hear in the background a welcome and a get-ready-ness like never before.  It's gonna be a whole lot of fun...and I get chills when I thinking about that we've reached this moment that we've been prepared for, and have endured for....and if u keep pushing through it all, u'll one day be smiling to get to that moment as that can be only be defined by two words....

Opening Day.

Austino Galaxia Esq.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A. L.otta F.un

Alf...Remember him?  He was a generational icon.


I just got done watching a very interesting and entertaining movie called Dysfunctional Friends...I really enjoyed it, and could relate dearly to it.  It's nothing like seeing people of your generation act out real life situations involving:  Money, Dreams, Life after college, folks cheating in relationships and then reuniting with great friends, career had a lot of laughs, drama and I liked it alot.  As the movie said toward the end, life isn't about tha past, it's about the present and future, and...discovery.

I think a lot of people of my generation are going through a lot.  I say that as President Obama himself is down here in my hood of South Beach this evening, man he better stop by the crib to say "What's Up!!"  Anybody else notice how often the Prez is down here in Miami?...but there are so many issues that our generation has to deal with that others before and those after don't even know about...U got student loans...Sallie Mae has got to be the richest chick I know!  U got STD's...remember when ODB used to rap about "Ew baby, I like it raw?!!" When was the last time u heard somebody request that at a party or go to the juke box and put them quarters in and hit that C45 button to get their shimmy on?!!  Exactly...Job situations where a lot of people don't believe in going to college or even finishing high school, because they don't feel like they gonna get a gig in their degree anyway, so why many issues we didn't have to think about as a kid like:

- Waking up on Saturdays to watch the news...what happened to waking up at 6 a.m. to watch cartoons?

- Having to be scanned up and down and having to wait in line to catch a flight...was there a time when we didn't have to?

- Econ witness the gas prices go up and down like a freaking see-saw (that's ol' skool right there!) ...remember when u used to hit up that $1.35 /gallon and just cruise around town bumping some old GG and not even think about it.  Now it's sometimes at the forefront of ur weekday/weekend plans, and even included in who u date....Can I get real tonight?

- What about going to fast food restaurants and asking for some extra ketchup and nampkins and having the homegirl on tha register hook u up for a handful.  So much that u take some home and get that ziplock bag out...somebody knows what I'm talking about!...get that ziplock bag out and stuff them full, and u be good for 6 months!! (BK's catsup is the best by the way!)....Shoot, nowadays, they be charging for extra BBQ sauce, if u want a cup of water, they not only charge u, but they then give u a "Solo" sized cup like u about 2 gargle just like ur about to get ready for the tooth fairy later that night!...It's bonkers.

- A brotha can't even leave his front doors open anymore...remember when that breeze be hitting like Jeter in October, and u actually fall asleep with the door open, and wake up to the same.  Now...tha minute I open my door, I'm locking it!  I don't want no strange woman coming in trying to take advantage of me cuz of what she's heard on tha street! Ha ha!!  Same with cars...u used to try to help people who are on the street cuz u KNOW they were in need...Now, folks don't want food or a job, they want money...straight dineros...carrying around coin machines...wait, folks making so much money now that they can give u change like a Church collection plate!  "Brotha...I wanna help u out but I just go this twenty, and I just wanna give u like $2 doll....I got u dude!  I got u!"  And then they pull out a wad like the Ricky Ross, and stuff...dropping their credit card machines on tha ground... telling u, our generation....

- Remember the good days of radio...back in tha day when u used to tape via cassette recorders whole afternoons or evenings of a station.  U be happy as go lucky once u listened to it, and then on that Side B after weeks u finally waiting u got that song u've been wanting to own.  "Yeah...I finally got that TLC on tape!"  Now u can call by the minute on the hour what's about to be played...and most of the's not even the best songs on the artists' Album....Ooops!  I mean CD.

-  How about going to the Movies and not having to worry about if u can afford the food or not.  "Alright...this girl is looking sexy as can be on my arm tonight, but if she orders them Mike 'n' Ike's and try 2 break a brotha...I may have to ska daddle to the bathroom in the middle of the flick and 'Spiderman' my behind out the window!"  Am I lying?  $7.00 for popcorn...U gotta pay to park in the garage, which they claim first hour is free, but what movie u know only last 60 minutes...this ain't no Cannes Film Festival?!!  It's the 59th minute before u finally hear..."As courtesy to our guests...please turn off your cell phones..."  And before they finish by saying "Thank Yo..."  Guess what...somebody cell phone goes off, and they got a ringtone that goes like this!!!

-  I literally saw somebody use the cell phone to call somebody who was in the same store...and the store wasn't that big!  Remember going around from department to department looking for your friends?  And sometimes getting a little...gulp!...ghetto!  "Hey, Chauncey...Chauncey...Where U at?!!...I see u dawg...Hey...THEY GOT THESE DRAWS ON SALE OVER HERE FOR 30% OFF...YEAH, DRAWS...FOR THA 30 OFF, DUDE!!"  That was half the fun on a Saturday tha up!

- Back in tha day folks meant what they said, and said what they meant.  I'ma leave that one alone...tonight.

- What about when folks used to gather around to watch their favorite TV shows or 'Stories", and be so into them that u not only watch them, but u'd VHS record them and then watch them again later that day or night!  And then will get on tha phone and talk about them like they real people..."Child....U see Young and the Restless?  Girl...Victor got him a young tenderoni!  I know...that was last week, doll,  where u been at?"  That's old school...and I'm not even gonna talk about setting that VCR for a program that's gonna come on late night, and hoping that the reception from the antenna is position right so it won't look like ur watching a scribble scrabble pay-per-view event!

There's so much our generation has seen and has had taken away like a lineup in jail...I almost feel like saying 'pass me tha vasaline', but that would be so...grotesque!  Yeah, I'm trying to impress that ladies with them big words, so what!!...

We're so crazy...

Few more then I'm out...

-  Our generation has had to deal with...wars...Occupy's...Taser guns...walls...freaking mosquitoes that's biting me up right now, don't he know I'm writing...leave me alone!  So much stuff...riots, American Idol's bogus phone voting system (Like I'm the only one who thought it was a little... suspicious!)...The jump in Reality Shows, back in tha day we'll be happy to catch our two Cops episodes on Saturday evening followed  later by an episode of Cheaters on Saturday night to get us hyped up before we went out to kick it late night style!  That's all we had...that's all we needed.

-  What about having to deal with no one knowing ur business to now everybody knowing ur business!  Folks could get their creep on without knowing right after u park ur car, and before u even hit up the doors of my favorite date spot of McDonald's (Please smile!)...somebody got ur face plastered on Fcbook or on Twitter or on Instagram like u share ur name with a famous hotel or something.  It's wild...not that I agree with cheating, I'm just saying....If u gonna cheat...then u need to...something says I better stop right here before I get myself in trouble.  I mean this ain't nothing new, everybody in Miami cheats anyway right? "Hey... Who threw that pot and pan!!!  You almost scratched up my money maker!"

Our generation has been talked about some, but for the most part we are the last of a dying breed...if u were born after, I'll say...1988...Sorry, but u don't really count in our generation.  Not knocking ya, but if u don't know who Milli Vanilli is or if u don't remember two-way pagers or if u don't remember Seinfeld's last episode or u didn't cry that Sunday when Princess Di was in that car crash or got scared on that Saturday morning when a bomb went off in Atlanta's Olympic Park or U didn't see the real Dream Team play live or u thought Cindy Crawford was so sexy on JFK Jr.'s political magazine or couldn't wait for them days in March when MTV's Spring Break would be in full swing or don't remember where u were when Pac and Biggie got shot or remember tha Fab Five or Spice Girls mania or when Mike debuted those patented leather J's or ever thought Roger Rabbit was cool...and u thought doing the Roger Rabbit was cool...If not, sorry for ya!

We're a special breed of fashion, sports, and fame...if u're not in it, hopefully 2nite u'll see what u missed.  And if u are in it...represent 2 tha fullest, cuz have the best of both worlds!...And I'm not just talking about that Jay-Z and R. Kelly collaboration either!!

Austino Galaxia.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Maxing Out The Fun Card.

Oh Rebecca, I need your help! (Confessions of a Shopaholic)

Let's roll...

Our life has been getting more intriguing by tha moment.  Which is mad many many's just been a movie script that seemingly is getting more intense by the moments...these are the times that really let u see what u're made of, and how u have changed so much as a person...

As of late, we've been on this "Keep ur head 2 tha sky" kinda tip...but with this being our diary, we just have to keep it as real as possible.  We really don't know how many posts we have left.  I keep talking about retirement like I'm Sugar Ray Leonard back in '87, I know, but this diary is filled with so much  Sometimes we feel like it's just too much being told of our thoughts, our lifestyle, our love interests, our brain...don't even know why we keep writing, really.  Cuz in some ways, I feel like if u go from the first post even into now, u'll find enough material to last a lifetime...and then so.  But deep in my heart, we are being led to believe that there is still a need, somewhere, whether it's now in 2012 or sometime in tha futurama.  That's what this is here for...sometimes I put myself out here too much.  We be thinking, "Why am I relaying this story that cause us so much pain."  Or "What's the use of being ourself and showing how we really feel about things and be so open, when seemingly everybody else is keeping their true feelings to themselves?"  Through all of that, we are still finding letters to put beside letters to describe a life that has been unique.  And's only getting better.

Every once in awhile, we feel the need to talk about who we are really about.  I tell lots of stories, but for some reason, tonight I feel like talking about us.  And to lay all drama aside, and wonderings about who we are as a person, and what we are all about.  So get ur popcorn ready, cuz this is gonna be personal 2nite.

Today we spent a lot of time up in Palm Beach.  Just kicking it for a little bit...then we made our way back down through Boca Raton, before getting back here to South Beach.  It's always good to just get some change of "scenery" (wink, wink!!).  But let me tell u, we got caught in that Tropical Oppression or Depression or whatever it was.  It was a storm like no other, just raining, and raining, and raining...lightning flashed and I thought the Paparazzi was dead on the hood of my car, cuz I felt and saw the flash inside.  U couldn't see that far ahead, and we kept wondering "What did we get ourself into?"  It ended up clearing up after some time, but that's not cool driving like ur on the movie set of Twister.   But as we sit here right now, it got us to thinking...

Sometimes u just have to go through it...

One thing that we have learned is that there is no shortcuts to shortcuts to true shortcuts to having a lifestyle of fun.   If u want to be the best, u almost have to expect the toughest road to get there.  We have a life full of 'fun' (And I'll define that in a little bit.), and we know there's an even higher level of fun that we are getting to.  With that has been some challenges seen and unforeseen that really are tough to be put into words.  Self-motivation...the reinventing of ur goals...perhaps even self-doubt, as all been what we've been going through at the ultimate level.  I'm still tha goofy guy who loves tha beach, and will dance in the middle of tha mall, whenever they play this....but as we've examined all that's been going on we find something building up inside of us....I guess u can call it a fire of sort.

I know we aren't the only one who's felt/feeling/will feel's the kind when a teacher says "u'll never pass this class" even though u're a straight A student...or the kind where a coach refuses to play u even though u've been the one "bangin'" in practice...or the kind where a woman becomes obsessive about looking her best after an "ex" claims that she's fat and ugly....throughout this entire diary of ours we've been talking about how u just never know where the inspiration to 'kick it up a notch' can come from...Austino, relax bro, and 'breathe", don't get wound up...yet...I'm a competitive person, more than what the human eye can ever imagine...u may call it a perfectionist...u may call it living with expectations...but we are the kind of person who believes if u do "this and this" then..."this and this" will happen.  Life isn't always like that, but that doesn't stop this dude for believing in that scientific reactionary belief.  It's just weird...the toughest thing has been to contain ourself, and not go "southside" when things don't go our way, or when people have done us wrong, and keep going like everything is strawberry milk and cookies, when it's not.  That's when the depth of who we are has been tested 2 tha max.  

I know those who were my basketball teammates in high school and college know how I can get...and now it's just amped up even more.  Just like we say...the difference between us and other guys or people is that, yes, they may rock the Prada suit with all style and grace, but we rock it not caring if I get dirty or grimey.  We don't care about getting wild and crazy in tha name of fun.  Hold it, let's stop right there.

So what's our definition of "fun"??  Sound so like I'm a guest on this fun meaning spending money? Or bagging every sexy gal u find? Does that mean u partying it up til the break of dawn?  Well our fun can be a little bit of all of that, except for the girl part, but then we was at Men's Warehouse getting measured up for my boy's wedding...and this cute mamacita was literally measuring me all up and down.  Then she messed around and measured my booty....and I'm like, "Did u just measure my butt?"  She gave a smile and said, "Yes I did!"...I don't think that was protocol, but I didn't complain...she shoulda measured the front of my pants!!  I betta stop b4 I get into more trouble, but u never know I could be the best she'll ever have...u never know.  Now where was I again...oh yeah.

As we were saying, fun means so much to us...and we are sorta innocent, maybe not I guess, when it comes to that.  Fun to us is just enjoying the moment and getting lost in the thrill of it.  That could be simple conversation, it could be at a concert, ball game, trying a new restaurant, whatever fills that definition that is what Fun is to us.  And yes I did use a capital "F".  All this is the ground work for where our life is taking there won't be any surprises with what u see, cuz u'll know what is at the heart of it all. 

Looks like somebody had a South Beach nite! 
We've had many people call us "weird" or "\strange", but that's alright...I mean just because I smell new shoes before I try them on, or just because I've never seen the Lion King or just because I sleep with a Hong Kong Phooey stuffed animal lying next to me doesn't make me all looney!  It's simply who we are...I know it seems like I joke too much one minute, while the next I get into those "Take that freaking camera outta my face" type of modes, but that's who we are.  All of us are unique and special in our own ways and it's tough to stay who u are, especially when u feel like it makes u seem different or whatever, but that's what the world needs...I know the Galaxia needs it.  Besides, Wilt Chamberlain in his autobiography, once said that "Different is Sexy."...and he claimed he slept with over 20,000 women so...I guess he knew something huh!  Is this PG-13?...

Think we've written a little too much on tonight but like the salmon have to go with the flow right?!  Sometimes we just want to clear the air a little bit, because our diary is going into another direction, one that we don't even know right now, but we just feel it.  We have some ideas, but we know this thing is special.  And it's 100% real.  We don't make up this stuff.  We write about the reality of the fantasy life that we live.  Plus, we just want to bring others into our Galaxia, if only for 5 minutes.  Sometimes in life, u just get I'm the only one.  U surf 'n' swim through all the websites available that u like , and u don't feel like watching the television, and u just want something real...perhaps goofy, but a perspective about how life should be.  That's where this comes in.  We've seen other blogs and personal websites, and they are really laid out, let me tell u...but there still is something different about this one.  Not tooting our own horn, but we know when something bigger than us is occurring.  Sometimes we have to go through some pain, to get the true human emotion translated on these virtual be it.  I think that's why God has/is teaching us so much so that we can can u change the Galaxia if u've never been where others have been?  U can't tell me how to swim if u've never been in tha pool!  

I think that's something we all should share...our experiences. We been just about everywhere...from not knowing how we gonna get through a week without cash to spending money without any conscience except hoping u have toll money to get home ($1.40 to be exact)...we know how it feels to pass every course with flying colors...while we also know how it feels to have a professor give u a test, and u start laughing cuz u know u're about to fail it, and u're just calculating how long should u stay in tha class before u turn it in, so u're "F" doesn't look so obvious...We've seen a lot, and hopefully all these posts can one day make a difference...if one person can feel empowered through our stories of dreams, rejections, parties, hoops, band days, booty slaps, and whatever hits us in that moment, then that's a success.  I promise u this only comes along once in our lifetime.  Hopefully somebody has this on DVR...cuz once it's gone, it's gone.  But until that day...

I'm gonna make sure we max out Life's credit card!  

And since our spending has no limit...there's only one thing left to say, and in my best Wilma Flintstone voice...

"Chaaaarge It!!"

Austino Galaxia.  

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Galaxia X Air Jordan 1...What a collaboration! 

Ok.  Feeling a little...emotional.  Huh?  Is that the right word to use right now?  It's the afternoon on this Saturday, so to speak, even though our life is such where the names of days don't really mean as much as they once did anymore...We have a little time, so we are gonna write straight from our heart, this stuff may insult some people or whatever, but we have reached a point in our life where we gonna just speak tha truth. Others may feel the same we do, while others may not, but when u've had to endure through the things that we've had to go through, and the people we've had to go through, just to get to where our hope and dreams lie, u reach this point of no...

D. holding my baby!
Tha boys won the NBA title on the other day....The Miami Heat.  So awesome, the city was in a true frenzy over the championship.  They went through so much this season from all these expectations to not having any true size, meaning folks having to play out of position.  It's just so difficult to win a championship.  2day we read a great article from on how it's the little things that end up showing up when the opportunity comes.  The misconception in life is that when a championship is won or when somebody becomes a star after a blockbuster movie, is that all this happened overnight.  I feel we are about to get loosed today, just feel it...It's the nights spent in practice, or the days that u wonder why couldn't that person just say 'yes', or it's the emails u get from a company saying, "Thank you for your application...but...", it's in those usually never to be seen moments where a true champion is born.  Many times it's not those moment while catwalking down the runway where success is born, it's in those long days and nights where u spend hours on end, trying to keep the faith when nobody but u truly believes in tha product and when u walk around and see all ur cut-up fabrics laying around ur make-shift showroom, only with the belief that if only one day I could make it to Fifth Avenue.  That is what makes this Heat championship so special...The Juwan Howards, and Shane Battiers that have toiled with losing teams and not being able to taste the thing they so much desired...Even D. Wade mentioned how special this one was, just because of all he's personally been through since 2006.  I think the whole city of Miami is different...

Back then, u had the real estate boom of the city, the Brickell skyline was still in construction.  I used to drive by on the Vespa almost everyday, wondering if these buildings would ever even get built.  There was no Marlins Park back then either, they was still up in there arguing over tax payer's money and location....U had the spirit of the glitzy Miami return with seemingly everybody wanting to hang down here in the MIA.  So many clubs have come and gone (Prive, Karu & Y, The Fifth to name a few...).  We've seen two Super Bowls down here, two MTV Music Awards (Kells talking to himself included!)...

Then u had those down years...Heat getting blown out in playoffs against the Bulls...real estate going ka-put, and folks wondering why they built the buildings in the first place.  South Beach was going through a invisible transformation as well...more franchises coming to tha neighborhood, restaurants, Pollo Tropical got chicken wings...Publix came within walking distance on Fifth Ave. and Alton Road...just saying this to say, that now Miami is becoming even bigger than it was back then...through the ups to the down now even a bigger up...

Before I's a great Lebron James commercial from Nike.  Maybe his best one and definitely one of our all-time classics from Tha Swoosh...I can relate.

Why?  U think about how many times u've been close...and how u can feel the energy surrounding everything going on in ur life...u get a raise on tha gig...u go 2 tha store and everything u want is on sale...u've been eyeing that special someone and they give u a sexy smile back...u think that everything is just howdy donkey just 2 come up...short?? (Gasp!)  Now some people have gotten things thrown to them, and don't know what we talking about.  And even with all our life entails, it's one of the most blessed ones around, but...when u know that there is another level u can go to and u KNOW that through it all from diary's to fun to changing the Galaxia, that u really, really haven't even gotten loose yet.  U get a little wound up....

We have learned so much about not only life, but people that it's not even funny.  Everything isn't what it seems.  I'm going back to my roots where I "believe none of what I read, and half what I see."  Wow!  It's amazing I'm playing this R. Kelly song while I'm writing this, boy if tha King of Pop was alive to sing this...Considering all that we've experienced we are one of the most harmless guys around.  I think and laugh just wondering how in the Galaxia am I still alive?  So much confusion can surround our life...the things we've gone through would make anybody start to hit tha crack pipe or begin to have severe venom towards every person u meet.  U know it's a thin line between sanity and insanity.  People wondering, "Oh, how can a person kill themself" or "Life isn't that hard to make u do Speed or X", but let me tell u, things can get difficult, and sometimes it's in the times of success, that can make u feel like not only do u need another push or u get bored or u feel like nobody can relate 2 u, that forces artificial factors to help suppress ur urges.

I was reading an article and a word popped out of the page cuz it perfectly describes us...

Monomaniacal.  (Click here for definition.)

That's such a perfect word to describe our life, our lifestyle, this diary, how/where/who we's personified in 12 letters.  And it goes with our obsession in having great fun in life.  I don't know what it is but, it's becoming consuming...I just want to enjoy life.  Whether that's going to a museum, or shopping til I drop, or having a conversation with somebody who came to the Miami 31 years ago, our thirst is so strong...and the difficulty we have is finding others who share that same F-Factor.  I think God has put us through the ropes and pains of finding that not only in love but in true friends.  I have some, and they all like that thrill of life...we the type of person who just wakes up and is like, "Ok, we going to Naples today...and coming back that night."  Or be like, "I need to play mini-golf today, I'm up, and so are you..."  I really don't...I mean, really don't have time for "Ahh....let me see." or "Let me get back to you..."...I say this with ALL SNOBBERY INTENDED, cuz I know the life I have, and I know that when the urge hits us to contact somebody or when it hits us to go to a joint or concert or  whatever, we go with it, because we believe in our heart that wherever we go, it's gonna be a great time.  And that once that moment is gone...u won't have another chance again.

It took me a while to get over this when it comes to dating and relationships.  Sometimes when things don't go ur way, u begin to look in the mirror and question urself, "Man, I did everything I knew, yet this today it still didn't work."  And that can blow ur mind...U asked others, u prayed on it or them, and still...nope.  But after it all, we have embraced that sometimes everything and everybody isn't made for you.  U can't go into ur closet and just trash every thing u have cuz one or two or 50 people don't dig how u are.  Just because u didn't click with a Calvin Klein gal doesn't mean u're tha problem.  She might be a Ralph Lauren type of doll, u accept that and move on!  So when talking about my life, and I don't know why I'm saying this in this forum, but u just have to realize that perhaps there's a greater force that's working to ur benefit when something, and in this example, somebody doesn't hop on ur bandwagon.

We truly believe that our life is one in such...let me see, how can I say this...I'm the type of person, and our lifestyle is such that we are the pot of gold at the end of the Lucky Charms rainbow.  I say that with all confidence...cuz I know.  Perhaps u can be kept from becoming friends or lovers with some people because it's not that u're better than that person, but perhaps it's because they might not have endured through some things to be able to live like that or because they might not really know what they are getting compared to somebody who has gone through the Saturday nights alone while there friends are out or the times at a party when they are the looking the hottest in the room, yet nobody approaches them, and they go home shaking their head wondering, "Why God created them so beautifully and gorgeous?"  (Thanks Double A)  Meaning that the later person will appreciate it more than the former.  It's like going to the Lakers and u win a championship in ur first season there, compared to those who struggled through the ups and downs of regular season and playoff failures and then win that Weezy 'bling bling'.  As my Grandpa used to say, "There is a difference."

So as we've taken so much to the face, we've learned that we have formed an iron chin.  And when that happens in anybody's life...look out.  Cuz then that fearless attitude kicks in and u really live by rules that are heavenly designed and humanly created and dream drafted.  That's why I don't hold any grudges.  I keep saying that, but it's true.  Now will I be cool wit some folks like it used to be...perhaps not.  But I know how much power something said or what somebody did, can crank ur lifestyle up to whole level u wouldn't realize if that didn't happen.

Our life is about having fun.  And we have become re-invented, with a purpose to do that.  When u know u've been through it, u just now anticipate when it all comes together.  The signs are all around us that our uber-enjoyable life, is going to another level.  We're close.  But u know what u reach a point in ur life where close isn't satisfactory.  Maybe two weeks ago, not really, but...we now want our chip of a life.  Like others around who feel the same way...u've been through the trials...u've taken the high road without pimp slapping people...u've looked in the mirror and all the questions have been u want it.  U want what u've been asking for, reading about, praying about, sacrificed for, and have endured for...

What is that 'it'?  That's a personal question that cues different responses to all...But I do know, as for us, it's just constant fun with fun people doing fun things.  Sounds simple is, but it's all that it takes to get to that 'it', that has been so complex.  Which is fine, cuz now it's on like never before, and we gonna max out this life like never before.

I didn't have a topic before we got 2 writing, but I guess it's only one word that can describe today...


Austino Galaxia.

Friday, June 22, 2012

23rd And Collins.

Where it all went down tonight!  

This was a very wild night!  Very wild...

We have a lot of things gonna on in our heart, and we may write about that...later...perhaps.

Ok.  So there is absolutely nothing like rain in the neighborhood of South Beach and Miami in general...

So we decided to have a go at it...we had to go 2 get our workout in, and before I walked out the apartment door I had that typical "Rainy Shower Pause", where u open the door, and look out into showers raining down onto tha pavement...but whatever, so we got our track jacket, and decided to act tuff and take it all like a champ!  We walked out and it was raining medium light, and then it truly picked up....I didn't have an umbrella either, so this was gonna be a wild one....

The funny thing was that I wasn't the only one walking in the rain...I guess people down here just don't really care about a little precipitation on tha skin (does wonders for tha glow!!)  So I got to the joint and got our work in...and then we walked out and it was raining again.  I ended up posted under the covering of The Perry South Beach property, and what I saw, was truly something that will one day be an episode in which we will never forget.  Things just kept on happening that just blew our mind...hopefully everyone will realize that this is all true stuff...our life is unique, we keep saying that, and just one day....anyhow...

23rd and Collins.

Now all throughout our diary we've been mentioning that the intersection of 6th and Meridian Ave., is the hottest spot to see what South Beach is all about.  Real people, beautiful people, hard-working people, models, u see it all right there...but perhaps one of the top places to see the glitzy side of South Beach is 23rd and Collins.  Lots of visitors, the beach is RIGHT THERE...The W Hotel is a block away...Walgreens is on the corner, and everybody needs thangs right?!!! A little deo...little milk...a little Magnum P.I., if u catch our driff, so it's a great location.  I'm just waiting for it too die down....and die down...and die down...when all these krazy sights and sounds unfolded right before our eyes.   What am I talking about?  Well....

(Please keep in mind that all of this is going down as the rain is pouring super hard!! )

-  We saw these two guys riding this scooter while passing by...what's so krazy about this, u may ask? The guy riding behind the other dude had a two bag of groceries sandwich between them both!!!  Brown bag and all...  Wild!

- Boy, it was like every gal had there rain boots just sitting by the door!  Saw so many types from the usual  Hunter Boots to Leopard boots to Hot Pink ones, it was like I was in Milan during rainy season...Do they even have one over there?!!  But there were some cute outfits to go with the Charlie Browns!

-  Speaking of shoes, I saw this girl rockin' these Nike Gladiator sandals.  I once saw a doll with the gold ones, but the black ones she wore looked super hot to us!  My type of girl...  Take a peek...

- One of the most amazing sights was to see this guy run across the street toward us, and literally not get wet!  This dude had not a single drop on him.  We've heard Jigga sing about it, but to actually see it...Nice!!

- These two dolls were running across the street and one of them dropped their shoe in the middle of their Olympic sprint!  That's a no-no on Collins Ave., fa sure!  She ended up picking it up, but traffic was rearing to go in typical 305 fashion.

- So...a lot of stuff happened with girls it seems, when doesn't it huh?!!  But this girl walks and is standing right behind us...and she has on one of those Hawaiian type dresses with no straps and just her boobs holding the dress up. (How do u ladies do that?!?)  Man, next thing I know it, ol' gurl is going putting something directly into her breasts.  I'm like, "What?"  Now we know some folks keep money and sunglasses and stuff in their bra, but to see someone dig directly and put something into her nipples was another to add to the list of bust-ling sights!

- Folks were just walking like they didn't give a darn!  People rockin' clothes and kicks that cost 3arms and 3 legs...It's raining peeps!  But in true glamour flava, people are just going about their business in pairs of Jordan's and Louis Vuitton duffle bags, do people have any regard for money?  Rain ruins wardrobes...hey, I think we need to patent that!

- I'm chillin' stalking these girls crossin...I mean watching people cross Collins Ave., toward me, when I look in the street, and all I could say was, "What Tha...?!!"  Next thing I know it...ON A RED LIGHT, mind you...this huge semi-truck does an illegal left turn over another lane, and then stops just shy of hopping tha curb, and  running up into the front doors of Walgreens, Dukes of Hazzard style...This guy then backs up in the middle of Collins with traffic basically in 'shock' of what they are was I.  The backs up into this alley way right by the W Hotel, and this Mercedes CLS zoomed by, just narrowly missing becoming some expensive scrap yard metal!  He stopped the entire block during rush hour...unbelievable.

-  So this other dame was in front of us...getting ready for the truth or dare journey of getting across tha street in this pouring rain.  She quick-draw McGraw'd her umbrella, from her side.  Ok, I see u girl!  But then she opened it up, and I was halfway like, "Oh heck naw!" and "Oh-no!" (Possibly with our hands over our face.)...she put her umbrella up and it was "Tore up dude!"  but I don't even think she knew...The umbrella didn't fold over, the metal rods were as noticeable as bell bottoms at a summer picnic...I know about ghetto umbrellas, cuz I used to have one!  But this wasn't good, it was slamming rain, and to have a parallel octagon 'bella...just too much for the night....

So that's it....Or perhaps...there's even more.  Telling u our life is like no other...

- All throughout this rain delay, this woman was sitting behind us around the corner.  She was talking to herself, throughout it all.  She had a bag wrapped around her feet...I really don't know what was going on....but I got tickled, cuz when the rain showed a slight sign of letting up some, I could just hear her saying, "Alright Now!  Alright Now!"  With the clapping of her hands...I thought I was at a Heat game!  Silly stuff...

- This one guy literally almost got hit by a car...twice!  He tried to pranced across Collins without the blinking hand or man walking sign being lit dude was trying to be cute, but he heard that "Zoooom!" And took a step back from being in the street...then he tried to test the law of life...again...don't they know, we will hit u, and keep going down here in South Beach.  I've seen it...all u hear is an "OW!!" and look and see somebody picking themself up off the's real down here.  So this time he takes several steps out, and saw no slowing down in these cars, and hop, skipped, and jumped back to the Blackberry Curve, and waited.  Tha MIA don't play!!

- I thought this girl was gonna go off...she had some flip flops on and stepped into a puddle of dirty south water...she gave this ugly face like she was about the crack somebody's wig!  It was kinda funny though!  Ha, ha!!

- This guy was crossing the street with an unlit cigar in his mouth and a shopping bag and stuff in the other.  It still is nothing like that sight wit tha cigar.  Then I looked over to him, and he had this look like he just ate some bad White Castle on his face, all the while with the Ciggy just stuck in his mouth...unlit homie!!  Old School style...

- It was amazing the attire we saw people wear to stay dry.  Saw raincoats, jackets, caps...but the capper, was this guy, who absolutely didn't look poor or anything...this guy had a white plastic bag from The Webster wrapped around his neck!  Now by the clothing of sold at The Webster, I'm sure that wasn't what they had in mind whenever u make a purchase!  But this deserves a, "C'mon Now!!"  Only in tha M.I.A.

- I'm chllin' getting my tunes on with my Whiteberry when all of a sudden I'm literally surrounded by four attractive women...that's not really nuthing to write about, but what was, is the fact that they formed a upside down Kool-Aid smile around me, so that I felt super enclosed within all this beauty...they then stood in front of me, in a line, none of them friends with each other, all different looks, and I felt like I was working the Miss Indiana pageant once again!  Oh boy, what is a guy to do?

- Guy walks out gym.  Guy sees rain.  Guy takes off shirt.  Guy is in buff in pouring rain.  Other guy coming from other side.  Other guy has umbrella.  Other guy sees buff chest guy.  Other guy then yells, "Yo, white boy...put on ur shirt!!"  This guy laughs!

- This girl is chatting away on the phone, and is dead in front of us with her white tank top on, and grey sweats with 'aeropostale' on her butt...What got us was that this baby girl was rockin' a pink shower cap...In public!!  So I don't know what's more crazy, that she was wearing a shower cap out or that the shower cap was in Minaj Pink?!!  MIA style at it's finest!

- Homedude walks out with his stiletto rockin' companion...they looking for a cab, but nobody is stopping....he then begins to get hot about not being able to catch a cab here in Miami.  I feel it comin' 5....4....3...2...1....and yep!  Next voice we hear is this guy walking back to the curb and shouting at the top of his lungs, "R U Kidding?!!!"  I thought I would just fall out laughing...he finally caught one, but whenever somebody lets out some's just so...uplifting!!  Our life....

- And finally...these two dudes, who looked and talked like they were from overseas... walk up to us, and was like, "Are u from Miami?"  I tell them, "I live down here."  They reply that they are just visiting...Then these cats, then hit me with , "Do U know where we can get some herb?"  I'm like, "No...I don't smoke."  They were cool and just walked away...I must look like somebody who does drugs...I mean just because I love snow bunnies, don't mean I dig the snow parties, or heck the snow itself!  Maybe I should begin to sling...naw!!!

As u can see our night was wild...being delayed on our trip home for hours just waiting outside...but with all this drama, seemingly it was meant to be.  It's another scene in our every special real-life movie...

Today will be always known as simply...

23rd and Collins.

Toodles from...Austino The Galaxia.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

PuoS KlaT .

Talk Soup with Greg Kinnear...Those were tha good old days!

Where should we go with this one?  Huh...

We keep talking about the word patience, and I know folks are tired of hearing us say that cuz I'm a little tired even talking about it!!! But if this is gonna be a real diary, we have to write about what's real and what is really going on in our heart...Timing is so crucial in life.  A minute too soon or a second too late, can dramatically alter life's fun events.  Now does that mean u should wait around scared or timid or just counting down what is the perfect time cuz u don't really know what the perfect time is til it happens!  If this sounds crazy to u, so be it..but somebody, somewhere knows what I mean.  For real...

One thing we see is the stages that our life has taken...but u aren't there, til u're there.  It's almost like going shopping and seeing something u like, but it's still on regular price...but not ur price...then there's a sale on it...still too much...and another sir...then that last markdown...bang!  Sold!...The temptation is to go ahead and buy the item after the first sale price, and believe u me some items are worth getting because  the burning item may not be there, but sometimes u just have to wait if u think it'll go down or u can still get it later down the line.  That can be tough.  Once again...patience.

We have been on tha go...seriously.  Just trying to find time to have fun can be difficult, u just have 2 make some.  Have too...We all want to be successful (or at least we should want to) and it takes a lot of work to get there. Hard work breeds confidence...and confidence breeds success...Today was one of those days where it was a little tuff to get was raining outside...seems like u just want 2 sleep and finally get sum rest...

U know what I don't like how this diary post is going, I feel a little...slow when writing this.  Our life is not like that...we have a fun life, we're an upbeat type of person who lives for the moment...kinda of through with this studious type of let's get down and dirty about what's really happening in our life....might as well be real...

The 90's is making a comeback...u heard it hear first...keep ur eye out in the fashion world and style and music...we luv that decade, I was 80s born but 90s made!  Great to see, eye even saw somebody down here rockin' a Von Dutch T-Shirt!  Now if I can get my hands on some of them Versace laced underwear...

There's nothing like the smell of new furniture!  It makes u wanna get ur own place...I still debate about the house vs. condo thang...Wouldn't it be cool to like have spots all around the galaxia...I remember reading this article in the New York Times Magazine (Style Issue) about this wealthy gent who said he relished not having a permanent spot and just living hotel to hotel across tha world.  That would be interesting...I'm not the type of person who wants 5 or 6 cars, I would rather just have another nice one and get a new one every year.  Does that sound silly?

I know we asked somebody the other day would u rather be rich or famous?  That question is kind of vain isn't it...Does anybody else plan their week around Wednesdays when the Publix supermarket sales paper comes out??  Just wonder...

"U never know u're gonna win it, til u actually do....u never really felt u were gonna win it and then it just happened."

Thank u I needed 2 hear that...Sometimes u are actually in a better situation than u think, but when u're so immersed into the process u know there's room to grow.  Does that make sense?....

We got a hook up at this thrift shop, of all places on some music that's been missing in our life...and we got these CDs for only $2...u read it right!  Got some great classics from Ace of Base, Jagged Edge, Daft Punk..listened to those so far...but also have some great ones from Madonna (Ray Of Light, finally the one we've been missing), Mary J. Blige, U2, and George Michael....our DJ collection is growing.  Music is so important to brings back memories, gets us going, makes us it..

Beauty comes in so many different packages.  Boy, it's getting amazingly wild the amount of beautiful and cool people we are meeting on a daily basis. It's cool!  I was thinking earlier if anyone could match our intensity of fun that we have in our's pretty high dude...we wonder about that.  I think the more we "Stay The Course" the more cool folks we are meeting and interacting with.  Just live and have fun.  That's all we want.

Dude, sunglasses are major down here in the MIA!  With all the sun u see, and with all the secretivity of lives down here, the shades have become a part of ur 'look'...I'm shopping for the right pair at the moment, and it's difficult to find some with the right shape to ur face, as well as the right bang for ur buck.  Saw some nice Marc Jacobs ones on today, but they were limited in some effect to what u can rock with them.  Plus, I think sun-goggles should reflect ur personality.  That's why I don't really dig those Neo Matrix black shades...our personality doesn't fit that a la mode.  We love colors, our personality is colorful, so we gonna find some that fit that pill.  

Boy I feel like writing something right now, but I'm not least not yet.

Alright.  2day was one of those let it flow sessions that u won't see too often with us...but our minds been going every which a way...whether about life or money or sex or whatever other vice u can name.../(I had a taste for some sugar cookies with frosting on them earlier today!!) ...We'll get back into tha thang here, with some real talk full of substance.  Our life is unique.  Sometimes it's difficult to put into words.

But we try.

Austino Galaxia.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Tha Curtain's Up.

Bugs putting on a show like only he can!!

Saw an intriguing site 2nite...eye saw a black cat hobbling across the street.  Look like it had its back right leg up in the air, as it was prancing on three legs...almost looked like it tore an ACL or something...interesting, when we live in a day and time where black cats are getting bad luck, eye guess!  Interesting...

I was at the Citgo gas station on Sunset in Kendall today...First I parked and went inside to get my debit on ($3.27/gallon, I shoulda took a few canteens home wit me!)...Shorty beehop working inside said that she didn't have any regular gas, and we noticed the big tank outside, she said give her "5 minutes", and I shoulda said, "That's all I need!", but that would've been a little...unprofessional of me!! So I sat, finally homie was done dumping some gas into the sewer (U know the other day, I saw this guy lifting up a sewer top down here in South Beach!  I mean, what was he looking for a Ninja Turtle or something?!!)  I walk back to pump two, briefly say "How ya doin'?" to this gentleman who walked past.  So I'm pumping away, and literally out-of-no-where I hear, "U go around Melbourne, Florida ?"  I reply, "Not really."  It was the same gentleman..."U know where it is?"  "Yes sir."  Then this gent goes on to tell me about this gas scam they got going on up there.  He says that if u use credit to pump ur gas, the price is actually higher.  I've seen that before, especially at this BP gas station on the back roads of UM...but the way he was telling me, was that they weren't even telling people...So I'm guessing as u were getting ur $20 on pump 5 on, u ended up with like 3.4 gallons worth of gas!  That jacked up dude! He was telling me that the only legit gas station up there was like "Road track or Runner" or something....He asked me if I knew about that station, which I said I did, because the name does sound familiar....but he then went back over to his car to pump his gas.  But it's amazing, how many people, complete total strangers approach us.  It's weird....

Tha game last night was cool.  The Heat pulled out Game 3.  The Triple A was's amazing how serious folks get about these "White Hot" T-Shirts...It's like Do or Die...Some interesting things we noticed...We were around a LOT, and I do mean a LOT of Media personnel...U could just about name every sports broadcaster/side reporter/writer that u see and/or read, and we saw them up close last night...Another interesting sight was when I saw this baby girl walking right on the north side of the arena with these high heels, but the shoes didn't quite fit, so the heels were actually dipping inward as she was walking.  We've never seen that before, ladies and their heels.  No Comment!

Then u got the OKC fans...this one guy came in talking about "It's starting to get a little cloudy's cooling off....It was hot earlier but for some strange reason it's beginning to get a little windy around here!!"  He was clearly talking smack about gametime being close and the Thunder were now in tha house!  He continued talking about the forecast is, "35% showers (Durant's Number)...2% this (Sefolosha)...0 % that (Westbrook)"  Dude was hilarious...another thing that was funny was how quickly the OKC owner was ushered into the arena with security tighter than pantyhose worn on a Friday night!...One person I met...He came up and asked for some help on something, then he was like, "Here's my card...u look like u like to be swagged up!"  I just had on a red v-neck Benetton sweater with a purple striped tie, gray dress shirt, gray/black peppered slacks, with my Sunday traditional Miami Heat red Nike cortez shoes, complimented by my gray/red/blue striped socks from H&M...So on today I looked up his card and his website, and I'll be darn if he's not a personal stylist to several NBA players and athletes.  Huh!!  Guess he's the stylist for Kevin Durant, Mario Chambers of the Heat, Derrick Rose, Manu Ginobili, and others...very interesting.  Could we be a future client of his??  U never know for real...I like to dress myself though, it's more authentic, but like I said, u never know.

Talked 2 my Grandmother up in Michigan on today, that was cool...we have to remain patient right now.  Sometimes when u see what and who u want, u can get a little rushy with the journey, especially when u know ur right there where u want 2 be.  It's almost like not getting out of character just because things have shifted in ur direction.  Many people talk about how it's the journey that's important, which is true to some extent, but on that journey do u try to take shortcuts to get to ur's almost like when u get closer to a huge metropolitan city, like Miami for instance.  Oh...let me start a new paragraph on this one..this is personal.

Like when u get closer to a huge metropolitan city, like Miami, what usually happens?  U got it...traffic gets heavier as u get nearer to ur destination.  I like this, so what do u do?  Do u just turn up the tunes or give that special friend a call as u wait in traffic?  Or do u try to cut everyone off from the left lane to get over to the far right to hit a shortcut on the nearest exit?  Has anyone else ever done that?  I know we have done it, quite a few times, and it don't take much for me...going South on I-95 near Aventura...What!!!...or further down I'll trick and treat 'em and take 125th to Bal Harbour (Man, I need to hit up that mall to get my shop and dine on!! Like yesterday!).  But u know what the funny thing is when u do that, especially down here in the Magic City...sometimes u end up with more traffic than if u hada kept ur happy go lucky behind on the Google Maps route u were originally on!

That's such an absolutely perfect example of what I'm going through, as well as others are experiencing, right now.  Once u see that beautiful skyline of fun and success, u can get a little excited and antsy, u don't wanna go through any more unexpected traffic, especially if it's already been a long trip.  But sometimes it happens...Right now we're just about having fun and sharing our lifestyle with others...if they want it.  We have a gang of, what's the right word, have a lot of "fun" surrounding us right now.  And our past experiences have molded us well, even though we didn't want to go through them at the time.  Now we can handle certain things that we woulda been down and out before about.  Once u see the finish line, u begin to give that extra push...and u see how things have turned...

I remember this one girl, gonna say this, as seemingly I feel like I'm talking about some female experience...but hey, if ur a girl, would u rather be with a guy who had no experience or some?  I didn't say too much, cuz there's no such thing...but then again, there may be, but that ain't the story...we think about this one girl who back in the day, like years ago, we had a mad crush on.  And I know she didn't know it at the time.  But now we can talk, and I respect her situation and all, but life is just funny...we was thinking about that, like how for a time I didn't even know if she knew my name really...(Note:  I've done the same as well, the other day I spent like 2 hours trying to figure out this girl's name...I don't know if I should have wrote that, but once again our diary is half-genius, and half-insanity!!)  But u go from that, to talking about jobs and life, it's just mind-blowing...I guess that's why u have to remain open-minded because even though u look to the future and live in the ever present, u just never know how the tides from the sea of distant memory can turn.  Perhaps the timing wasn't right back then....and the timing is all perfect...right now.

I can deal with all that so much better now, than I could before.  No grudges.  May not talk 2 u anymore, but no grudges.  Just live and move on.  Sometimes u realize that ur future is really bright, and the fun band has warmed-up and is about to perform.  The only question is whether it'll be a group performance or a solo act....

Somehow, and I couldn't say this before...but the joy is just to be on the stage.

What better way , though, than to have a dream ensamble by ur side.

And Ladies and Gentleman...I now got 'em!!

Austino Galaxia. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Risk is an Illusion.

The Arcade Game of Frogger....Risking it all!

Today should be a very interesting one.  Plan on having a lot of fun and just enjoying the moment.  Later today, will be up at the Triple A for Game 3 of the NBA Finals, we are definitely open-minded to see what the atmosphere is gonna be like for that.  Enjoying the moment....

I really don't know what to write right now, but seemingly we are being led to write something.  Whether it's to cherish the day or just let off a few thoughts, who thing that's being consistent within our life is being patient with things.  As we've been saying our life is really taking off in some unexpected ways.  Think about all the crazy things that u have to go through to reach where u wanna's crazy.  But every little step that u take makes u who u are. That's why we really don't have any regrets about anything, because if we could change anything, that would alter where we would be right now, for real.  If u went that way instead of this way...who knows, u might have been better 'short-term' but in tha long run, a different story.  

We are a real gun-slinging when it comes to taking risks.  Risk-takers aren't found so easily.  Sometimes u just have to step out of ur norm, whether that's in trying some food u usually don't eat or wearing colors instead of the usual black/white (It makes a difference trust me!)...where we have grown comfortable in, and hope others do as well, is knowing that u're doing everything u can to max out opportunities and letting everything else take care of itself.  I feel a story coming on, for some reason...but when u live life like that soooo much confidence can be grown from that simply because u don't fear anything.  Things may not go the way u want them to, but even in that u learn, and they become deposited in ur bank of experience, and that becomes an asset that u may need to withdraw on for that huge pay day!  Man, I need to go into the financial world!!  It's true though...sometimes u just have to get out on the dance floor, u think u can't dance, but once the rhythm gets a hold on u'll be surprised...wait a minute, they filmed my favorite Sade song down here in Old Skool Miami!!  Eye don't believe we always say....It ALWAYS comes back to Miami!  Always....

A lot of times when u think u missed out on experiences, those can actually help u in tha future become more polished....I say 'think' because u my go home cringing but in the long run, u won't let those things happen again...We've learned the hard way about certain instances that can put u in situations that's Busta Buss 'Touchy'...Ha, ha!  Oh boy, I don't know if we should talk real today or not...but whatever.... drum roll please...I remember....

Now, we talk all this stuff about life and how u should Pepsi Max out chances u have about living...we say all this, because we know the results when u DON'T!  I recall when I used to work at the beach up north off of Lake Michigan.  I seen a lot of people, heck, let's be honest, there were a lot of pretty girls who used 2 come through and all.  But this one day, this one day, might have been one of the select few where tha kid actually "Iced" up (That's a joke referencing a previous diary post!).  I was working, and came over to one of the side lots, and I saw one of the most attractive girls we've ever seen.  It threw me off...I saw her walking across the street with a few people...she had on these shorts on that were short but still summer classy, not no booty shorts or shorts that yell "Welcome to the Donkey Show" or anything like that...She had like black hair, very pretty face and all, but what even got us even more was she had some tan skin on her, like cinnamon sugar that was just flawless, and looked just natural.  I really hadn't seen anyone like that, and we saw a lot...

As I saw her, I was with another gentleman who was working with me, Mr. Jerry K., who was experienced in knowledge and life...and we always talked about "things"....he asked me if I was "Ok."  I just told him that I think I just saw my dream girl, and I'm thinking what to even then, I really didn't care about things in terms of not living and letting the moment dictate...but this girl was literallly "right" offense ladies...but there was a catch that I've never experienced up to that point in life.  So what was the catch to this angel....

She was with her Moms....


Now some of u, may be thinking, that's no big deal, A. Galaxia, what are u talking about?  But from somebody who respects family and women in general, this can throw even the biggest playa...I mean, guy off!!  How do u approach somebody with her Moms in slapping length of her?  Do u approach the Mother first and be like 'u have a beautiful sister can I talk to her'?  Do u just walk straight up to the girl and starting spitting to her like ur standing outside Gadzooks in the Mall?  This was something we hadn't prepared for, and hadn't even thought about.  Guess that's how life is, right when u think u're ready for anything and have seen it all, another episode unfolds.  All I know was that we wanted her to star in our next video...

Did I just say that??!!! (Smile!)

Anyway, the angel and her Moms 'nem went into the City while they were in there, we are seriously contemplating, "How in the world can I get 2 this girl without disrespecting her time with her Mom?'  Let me ask a straight up question for the females...How many times has a guy approached u when u've been with your Mom?  For real?  Guys rarely walk up to a girl when she's with a group of her friends, so when u talk about the Queen Bee, and I ain't talking about Lil Kim either!... U're on a whole nother level.  Since we are like our parents in many ways, it's almost as if u asking 3 people out, and they are were present!...The girl, the mom that's in tha girl, and the mom.  So we had a trinity that we had to get to.  After some time, the girl came back out of the zoo...It wasn't as if I was waiting for her to come out or anything?!! (Wink, Wink!) I'm trying to play everything off, and Jerry K. saw her too...I look and I'm like, "Oh boy, I know she ain't walking...." Yep, u got it she's walking dead our way.  

Her and her family walk right where I'm at...and there was a sandy like playpen area dead behind our working hut.  And next thing I know it she's up close and personal like an conversation on The View. But still that Moms thang got our whole thing flustered...U looking at her thighs and build and smile, and know u hadn't seen any sight like this before, but why did it have to come under these circumstances?  How come she couldn't be by herself or just with a friend?  Why will I have to go through Fort La Famila to get to her?  Welpt...this stuff is so embarrassing..but after some hard thinking and even talking to my guy about the situation, and considering I was "on tha clock" (I was supposed to be working I guess!!), I didn't pull tha trigger.  After some time she end up leaving....

Now...we tell all these stupid stories, for some reason, I don't know.  We have a lot of success stories...I don't know if that came out the right way, but u know what we mean...We've learn a lot from those times we may have didn't make a move, so now as we've grown fearless in living life to the fullest, we want to make sure others go with their heart and not be intimidated by the situations presented.

This is why we talk so strongly about things, cuz we've learned....Now, what if I had of taken the move my heart led me to, and just approached the young lady.  That would have showed some swag beyond compare.  That's why u sometimes, guys and girls, have to just go for it, even when the conditions or what u may have been taught say u shouldn't.  I'm learning that conditions or the 'perfect time' don't necessarily become perfect until after the fact.  Oh, we just said sumthing!  I've been guilty of that, waiting for everything to line up in certain areas of our life.  U sometimes have to say, "I'm part of the wild ones who's gonna live on our terms, and if others follow, fine...if not, at least I know we done it the Sinatra way!"  Hopefully one day, somebody will say they living "Tha Galaxia Way" as we continue to make ourself look silly talking about stories about love and life, hopefully folks will see there's a reason why our confidence is so high talking about those things.  U can't talk about something if u really haven't been through something similar urself.  

Know I talk about love and stuff, but without that experience I couldn't say, "Go For It" when u see someone who moves ur heart and they're with a group or family or friends.  U sometimes have to go out and make ur own rules to what's gonna make u happy, and u wanna live with no regrets, dude.  Our life feels better as its expanded...Be U.  Be Comfortable in Ur Skin.  And just live.  If you be true to urself, sooner or later the rest of the world will come and turn to your way of thinking and living.  U can't get upset or detoured when u think that u're alone or that your high style of success or living is being resented or hated on.  U have to keep going and realize one day it's all gonna click.  

It will.

Happy Father's Day, to my Pops.  Luv him so much, he's tha best for real!  A lot of what we say and have learned comes from the tree, and we're just the apple that's fallen....hard!!  Love U Pops!!

And with that, we sign off, just as my Pops u to tell me before I played every basketball game...

"Make Them Know Who U Are."
Austino Galaxia.