Monday, May 28, 2012

Alfie 2K12.

Jude Law in Alfie (2004)

Oh, let tha fireworks begin!  We've been under a mini-intensive care the last few days.  A lot had to do with the status of our mouth, and us barely being able eat or even talk.  Then u throw in the fact that we've been drinking seemingly "on the eights", glasses of water mixed with salt, so we've literally been salty...yet, we've had a opp to do a gang of stuff.  GANG!

Let's see over the last few days we've hung out in ....Aventura...Fort Lauderdale...Plantation...Sawgrass...Sunrise...Tamarac...Hollywood...Coral Springs...been all over the county and into some pretty remote yet very upscale places up in Broward County (If u only knew... the neighborhoods ain't even on a map, and I think that's on purpose!!).  Seen some wild movies and documentries...from going to a super early showing at the theater to see Think Like A Man all the way to seeing a bomb diggity documentary on Mr. Bill Cunningham, a photographer from the New York Times, called, Bill Cunningham New York.  Also, finally saw the remake of the movie, Alfie, featuring Jude Law.  When I first came to Miami in like 2005...OMG!  It's been that long...jeez!  When I first came down and moved into my apartment building there was this super cool woman who said I reminded her of Alfie, or she said she thinks about the movie when she sees us.  I used to drive the Vespa scooter, as did Alfie...and after seeing the episodes with different types of women, and his attention to style and stuff it's almost a carbon copy of our life!!  People say that I need to move to New York...I still think that I'm a LA Cali-guy at heart, but...somehow I think that we're somehow gonna take a bite out of the Big Apple soon enough.  Just got a feeling...

(Got Game 4 of the '98 East Finals Bulls vs. Pacers in the background right now...Memorial Day classic!)

What all this has taught us is patience, patience, and more patience.  I mean seriously, u can't skip a step or anything.  U can barely talk, so u have to choose your  Because u may only utter like 100 words max, so u better use them when u really need to.  Dead serious...I was just talking with somebody about if I wonder if I could go a whole day without saying a single word, but this was not what A.Ga-lax had in mind.  There are so many ways to have fun, besides just spending a gobble of money.  And we plan to explore so many of them here in the Magic City.  One thing that we did, when we wasn't running tha streets, was we were forced to just lay in bed, and think..due to the pain we had, and being a little fatigued cuz we couldn't eat like we wanted.  Sometimes perhaps The Great Doctor upstairs puts situations in our life to slow us down some and not rush things.  I was in that stage big time...u know, when u're like, ok, it's time to just go, go, gadget, and spend and interact and just hit the fast lane 100 mph's running.  Perhaps if I would of did that, especially this weekend, I might have gotten myself into some serious trouble. So it's been an extreme balance of rest and experiencing new things.

South Beach was kind of quiet to me.  It had all the makings of being a straight up "war zone" as we have so many visitors for Memorial Day weekend aka Hip-Hop weekend.  I took the secret routes in, so I wouldn't have to deal with the traffic.  I KNOW just by looking around the like 75% of the locales left the neighborhood for the weekend.  I was out, but was inside so I don't really kick it hard on holidays and stuff, cuz prices of hotels, and clubs and stuff gets like quadrupled the price of a normal day, so why pay like $100 this weekend, when on tomorrow I can get in free?!!  Years past it has been "Freak-nick" wild, just on Collins and Washington Ave....but with all the Po-Po hype and DUI checks, I think some folks just figure it ain't worth it.  I saw a sign that said "Leave the City Straight Ahead", I'm thinking this is like the flat out "Wild Wild West" ain't it?!!  They throwing folks outta town.  I just think that Miami Beach, and South Beach has such a "Riviera" image to hold with the natural beauty and the fake fantasy beauty as well, that they don't want a "thug image" or "black image" attached to it.  Just the reality, but I've always wondered why go somewhere where they really don't want you, it's almost like...

I used to work at the beach up north, off of Lake Michigan for four straight summers.  So I totally know the beach culture, and am a beach boy for life, so to speak.  Sunday nights used to be the spot.  I mean the spot!  In the mornings, u had families scoping out picnic tables...I remember specifically this one day where we ran out of picnic tables at the beach.  So they had to emergency called in somebody to go around the city to get some picnic tables to the park.  So once the rounded up a good number, they came out, and I was one of the Managers on Duty, so I got on this pickup truck, filled with tables, to carried them out to the patrons.  (Ain't that a drink??!!)  Man, do u know, I almost got thrown off this Blue Ford thing!!!  They almost overtook the truck!  Now, u know, I clowned but as we were going through the park, eye saw people coming from everywhere, the North, South, and Europe too, all to get a table, and when they got close, they almost bombrushed me....matter of fact they did!  I had to calm folks down, like "Back up, would cha!"  This was during the middle of the day, so I couldn't blame it on a full moon.  One thing it made me realize is just how some relief teams feel when they pass out food or rice in some areas of the world.  We see the organization during the commericials, but I know it can get wild..

So Sundays were, the busiest to speak.  U got a rowdier crowd on that day, compared to Saturdays where u just u just had families and women driving through while openly breast-feeding their kid while behind the driving wheel. (I'm telling u I got some stories!  They coming too...)  Sundays brought out MC's finest men and women in blue...they came via cars, four-wheelers, and bicycles.  The customers didn't help any.  I distinctively recall when customers were getting a little too disrespectful to tha kid, like they didn't give me or one of my other workers Mike no respect.  So we said, we got this and one Sunday...u know, those old school mini-baseball bats u used to get at the ballpark when u went to see a Major League baseball game, well, he had his, and I had my black White Sox one in my shorts, just in case if somebody got to talking slick at the mouth, I could just turn ever so slightly, so the could see the bulge coming out my shorts...and they could know full well that I wasn't just happy to see them, if u catch our driff!!  The funny thing was after folks were hit up the beach, the real action was on Michigan Boulevard sounds hilerous, as I look back, but they started to bring cops on horses on Sunday and stuff!! Like Clydesdale's, straight from them old Budweiser commercials it seemed!!

 It was serious, but they didn't want folks hanging out, none of any kind.  Don't know if it was a race thing or not...but the thing with that, as with the holiday weekend down here in South Beach, is that it's not the locals who are acting so wild.  It's just so many people from other areas, who used to literally drive from 1 hour or two, just to kick it at tha beach...Man, our memory is starting to get going, we met so many cool, sexy girls, hotties, whatever u want to call many!  That's a diary entry of its own...good times!!  But when u have so much out of town traffic, u wanna control that somewhat, cuz when u're not in ur surroundings, u sometimes figure, nobody knows me, so I can just wild out, through Popeye's chicken drinking cups on the side of the sidewalk, or start honking at girls, wildly, likes that's gonna get the digits...This one girl once told me she wasn't going out on Memorial Day weekend cuz she didn't want the verbal abuse cuz she was a tall, blond, blue-eyed girl...and guys would be disrespecting her as she walked down the street.  This is a true story, but that's what sometimes the 2% bring, usually its all cool, but the very few can ruin the atmosphere, and one bad experience can make somebody be like, I ain't gonna do it again.  All in all, though, it was quiet down here compared to other years...personally I think next year, the spot might change from Miami, u heard it here first...

Another thing we learned is just how much our bodies are truly a machine.  I know we can feel any little thing, that doesn't fit into our premium fuel.  From trail mix with too much sugar or salt to's amazing how our bodies can get used to certain types of foods or combinations of vitamins (I gotta pick up some kid one's too, I ran out on 2day) and food.  It works both ways, and if u're in tune with ur inner motor, u know when something works or doesn't work...

I'm gonna stop right here....Hey, Them Heat play the C's tonight in Game 1, gotta get ready for that later are some nuggets that we heard that's help us in our remastering of our life, and they are worth mentioning:

- "He who seeks beauty will find it."
- "It's not work, it's pleasure."
- Aim Higher.  (The person was talking about relationships...hum, that one hit a big nerve!)
- "If u don't take money, they can't tell u what to do."
- "Money's the cheapest thing...liberty, and freedom is the most expensive."
- "I'm the oldest living teenager."  (I love that one.)
- "Whenever I go out, I have to be..."  (Discussing on how u dress reveals urself to the world...or Galaxia, cuz I'm definitely looking!!)
- "Tonight...I'm not afraid..."
- "Take a shot as something."  (Stop being so reserved and live life!!)
- Know your style.  (Who u are, what u stand for...etc...)
- "Tonight, we're not thinking...we're doing!"  (Sometimes u just gotta through caution to the wind...sometimes!)
- Caliber (Like that word...the degree of merit or excellence.)...U always want the highest form of it.
- A "Show Stopper"  (That's personal...wink, wink!!)
- "It's not supposed to be easy...every round gets tougher."  (This actually came from Spurs Head Coach goes right along with how we saying the closer u get to ur goal, the more difficult the challenges.  We forget about the "new" challenges that comes with us being so close to your dreams coming true.  Don't let ur guard down and forget what put u in that situation.  U don't have it, until u have it...that's actually one I can write down!)
- U don't have it, until u have it!! (Hot off the sandwich press!!)
- "I don't work.  I only know how to have fun."  Thank you Mr. Bill Cunningham, that's the story of my life.  That was a great documentery on him, here's the trailer for it.  A must see if u like, life, fashion, photography, and New York City, especially.

Almost forgot...I really like this new song from one of my favorite music artists...Kylie Minogue.  It's called "Timebomb" and it's so us!  Enjoy it!

I'm out.
Austino Galaxia.  

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Apprentice Test.

Mr. Trump, please don't fire me!! are we gonna handle all this going on tonight?!!!  Seemingly we was going along all find and dandy...sort of, at least.  And now in the last few hours everything has been flipped upside down and inside out.  I feel like I'm being attacked or something...and I don't know why...I guess it's in these moments that u must figure that u're close to...something.  Have to remain calm and trust the Lord above that we are on tha right path, no matter if u at times feel like u're walking least for a few moments like tonight.

It's been a lot of stuff going on...and eye can't even lie, a lot of things have been great.  But there's been a lot of going on's that we just can't figure out, like why do things just have to be so hard?  Or how come people can't give u a simple phone call to update u on certain activities that pertain to your life?  At times u feel like u're always the one who has to push ALL the buttons, like isn't life a two-way street?  U figure that it's almost like if u don't do something, or make the first move in life's evolving game of chess, that things will never get done.  That can be exhausting sometimes...I know our life can seem easy or super perfect but it can be just so darn unpredictable and just hard.

Tonight was so challenging, beginning with the fact that I could not eat.  Let me repeat, I literally could not eat!  I think I wrote before of me eating a hot Turkey Burger the other day, and my mouth being burned some on the inside and it was affecting me gigantically on tonight.  I had a small meal eating some spaghetti and some chicken that I cooked from the other day.  Heated it up...some...then tried to eat after getting some raisins in my skin.  And no lie, I felt worse, than I did on the other days.  I tried to stick some in my mouth, and I couldn't do it without any pain.  I basically was humbled into eating on the left side of my mouth, and the pain was so unbearable.  Then I had some orange juice, which I don't know if it was a good choice or not, even though water wasn't a better option, and guess what I couldn't drink either without it feeling like somebody was piercing my mouth open.  So eye can't eat, can't drink, can barely talk...then I kinda of did something out of the norm and just had a mini-tirade.  Using the F-word and even "GD" just snapping out of frustration.  I think this was like a culmination of the feeling that u are trying to do the right things, trying to take the high road with certain people, trying to live a life of just pure fun, so why is it that u feel like the more u do those things, the worse life sometimes get.  I'ma talk real tonight.

These are the times where u really, and jokes aside people, u really have to look deep within and wonder if ur pursuit of the standard of fun and excellence that has been set over ur life is really worth obtaining?  U begin to wonder, that sometimes it's like other folks are getting more money or fame or whatever  by doing less work, while it seems like u're busting ur butt, striving to remain positive, striving to remain patient and do it God's way, and all this seems to be happening to you.  It can seem unfair.  Like I said before, we've been blessed beyond compare, but there are still some things in our life yet to be accomplished.  Lots matter of factly speaking.  I don't think people understand the emotional toll it can take to a) keep pushing when there isn't any physical signs of change...just imagine me going to a party looking for a sexy girl, but the party is full of nothing but guys.  So u're just staring at the door...waiting...waiting...and waiting....and u keep saying 2 urself, that "she's about to come".  As the party begins to fold up, u feel a little tired cuz ur faith and hope hasn't been answered yet, and the DJ is uttering "last song"...and for the record why in the world would I stay at a party for 3-4 hours with nothing but dudes inside?!!!  After 2 songs, if the "crew" hasn't arrived, then 'I'm Out!!"  But u get the point...maybe that's my problem, I'm looking and concerning myself with the end instead of just letting the process take care of itself.  Anyhow u chalk it up, it's a challenging to keep the faith evans when u wonder where's the end of the tunnel.....

It's also a challenge to keep pushing....somebody knows where I'm coming keep pushing when in some ways ur conjuring up challenges to make life fun.  I've admit it before, that sometimes life can get so boring to us.  Get up, do this, lay down, and do it again.  I cannot stand that type of lifestyle, I believe each day is special and different and need to live as such.  But on the flip side, u can get complacent if u have a little dinero in the bank, or if u have those six-pack abs u've wanted, u wonder how can the fire burning?  Not everyone can relate to this, but sometimes u just have to make up stuff, literally, to get ur mind right.  Say things like, "Ok, this guy thinks that if he had a team I wouldn't be in his starting lineup." (Which is Ludacris,...) or "I would love to date this girl, but she has a boyfriend, so he (or God) must think he's better than me."  U'll be surprised at how deep inside of our fuel tank we dig to wake up each day or to perform workouts that are really, brutally insane.  That's why I keep saying it's ok to have certain rejections or be disrespected to ur face because u never know when u'll need to dig down deep, and that happens more times than u think during a season of...success.

So after our outburst, we were led to take a huge deep breath, at least how deep we could go...and then led to continue to eat.  And to our surprise, it actually felt better, and I was able to take our time and finish our meal.  I laid back down and completed watching our early evening movie, The Killers, which was interesting.  As I was in our bed, after the movie, just trying to comprehend all that's going on in our life.  I get our Whiteberry phone, and begin to delete some folks from our contacts list (I sound so rich boy snooby tonight don't I?!)...the lights were off, and next thing I know it, I see and feel a flying bug jump on us.  I slap it down, and cut the lights on.  Get a tissue to throw the small bug away, but it looks familiar...please don't tell me...yes, it was one of the freaking small South American booty bugs that once gave my life chaos a few years ago for a week or so...I throw it away, and then noticed a few small wings on my bed, and I get another kleenex, and then...yep...I look to my Ikea floor lamp, and a few were on the outside of that as well.     I just bent my head down like Jordan in Game 5 of the '97 Finals.  Just figuring that I'm getting hit with everything and the kitchen sink on tonight!  After a short chat with the Boot Camp Instructor upstairs, I took  the lamp shade and dumped it outside in the back of my apartment building.  Just a few steps away from the dumpster, that I had to dig inside earlier in the day because I accidentally threw some important papers's been a wild day.

After all this that has got us a little more...ready.  What is the lesson?  There's no doubt in our mind, that this was a ploy to test our wits.  U gotta go through these tests sometimes before big blessings can be bestowed upon ur life.  We keep saying the "darkest hour of the night is right before daybreak."  I don't know if we passed them or not, I don't like losing my senses in "sailor talk" and all that.  Not cool.  But there's such a flame burning inside...and I know that we're super close, and the sense of urgency is at an all-time high.  That's why I joke so much...that's why I write so openly in this diary....because I know that we have to be ourself to the upmost because those moments may not be so much, per se, fleeting, but they are changing.  Our life once was on 45's then went to vinyl albums then to CDs now it's gone digital.  So u get the same "us" (in a way) but the form and medium and availability has changed.  Now I'm realizing that our life is "limited edition" so we want to have the most fun, and put our best into everything cuz...just cuz.

I wasn't even gonna write tonight.  Had nothing to write about until...but.  Mental toughness is what life sometimes boils down too.  Other people have had worse nights and years than us.  I see how many people here in Miami have been involved with some kind of accident, and the numbers and sights are staggering.  So I guess it doesn't just happen to me...but u gotta push through, even though u wanna knock over ur glass of juice or punch a wall or something.  When things happen so quickly and u are literally ambushed with stuff, u feel like why am I being picked on?  How come so many negative things are just happening back-to-back-to-back, when u feel like...I guess those things happen to  keep ur focus, and to strengthen ur determination.  I was hit hard tonight.  Earlier I had plans on going to the Giants/Marlins baseball game tonight.  But I didn't, and the initial response could be if I hadda known all this was gonna go down, I should have went.  But, there was a reason for us not to go, and to be forced to endure pain, and mental tests and to be humbled some to the fact that just because u think u do this or say that, u're gonna be put to even stronger challenges.  How can I sit here week after week and write to the masses about having fun despite all u go through, if I don't have any challenges ourself?  It's like a boss telling a janitor how to sweep if they've never had to pick up a broom for themselves.

We'll be alright, and I'm sure we'll be back to our story-telling, revised website ways (Can I find time?!!).  This diary is personal, and maybe too real in it's content, but I don't care anymore...Really don't...And one day our life is gonna be played out to the masses anyway.  And we really don't have nothing to hide either.  I know others have been or are in the same position or soon will be.  If u're striving to reach the top, u will encounter a lot of what's discussed in Austino Galaxia's diary.  It's still about having fun.

And even though I really felt like shouting to the top of my lungs, "This is the worst nite of my life."  In retrospect, I'll cremate this in the cemetery of our mind, and be thankful that we experienced it, because it further confirmed that we are closer than ever to where we wanna be.  Close is still not there, and is truly not the goal...but's it's better than where we were, and in the future we might cringe and then laugh and say...

"...that nite in May 2012...That was the turning point....And, those times were actually...the best."

Austino Galaxia

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Where's The Funny Bone?

Great Game...Hope u know how to use those tweezers!


Things have picked up...Big time!  It's amazing when every single minute of ur day is so important, and that u really don't have any time to waste.  Almost feel like I need a Personal Assistant!  This has been on our mind all afternoon, so let me get it off my chest...

Why don't they create a car fragrance called "Rental Car"?  I mean has anyone else noticed that all rental cars smell the same?!!  It doesn't matter who's been in tha car...I once heard of of this one guy who changed the license plates on the rental vehicle and put his own personal plates on the ride...that's flat out "stunning"!  And I'm for dag gone sure ain't talking about the girls from MTV's Fashionably Loud...although they would fit tha tha bill. (Am I the only one who remembers those great runway shows with the popular music acts of tha day!) Anyhow, I might have to get my cinnamon together and mix it in a test tube full of leather, some cut up parking tickets, and a chopped up CD of 3LW, with a few ingredients from Tom Ford's Black Orchid, and there u have it! I hope nobody steals my idea...

I gotta aplogize, I've been talking about some changes within our diary, it's been quite busy as of late, but I would release them, and I hope that the Galaxia will like them.  Some surprises, I'm sure...

I saw something weird while driving today...When don't eye?!!...but this unmarked white van was ahead of my on I-95, and I promise you that it's back break lights were alternating back and forth like a game of Simon!  It would brake and the left light would come on.  Brake again...the right one would come on...then they alternated for a second or two, I hadn't seen anything like it...but then again, u almost can say that everyday u live down here in the tres-cero-cinco.  Everyday its something new, and totally true.  Whether its someone trying to sell u kicks while working behind the counter at a fast food restaurant or folks...I was in the magic laundromat off of Meridian and 6th here in the beach, and this guy and girl were just making out dead in front of the dryers and next to the change machine.  This guy was sitting down just staring like he was watching some B-movie starring Shannon Tweed, all with is hand in his hand like a 2nd grader after his Mom told him that the Easter Bunny is fake!  I can't wait until December to lay out some Christmas cookies and to write a note to Mr. Cringles himself...What?  Like I'm the only one who still believes in Santa, everybody knows he's real...Duh!!

But the MIA is filled with so much drama, it can't help to either have u on guard or on ur knees laughing!  Supermarkets are always filled with so much TV show material.  From the conversations u hear while people are talking LOUD on the phone, to those late nights where u go in to a store around 10:45 pm, right before they are about 2 close, u know. when they got those doors barricaded like Grocery Mafia is gonna come in and ante up the place for all the Whey Protein and Veggie Burgers they have in stock! (This is South Beach, u know!) I can just see somebody coming in with guns a blazing and being like, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way...either u give up those flax seeds and rice cakes or I'm gonna throw u out the window!"

All of us have weird eating habits, especially down here in the beach.  I know I'm borderline insane and stupid when I'm just standing in the aisle of the store checking out and debating if one gram of protein per serving is worth paying $2 more or not...but I know other people do the same, it's wild.  Speaking of eating, I can barley do it right now!  Oh no!  The upper inside of my mouth on the right was sensitively burnt while eating a turkey burger, then not too long ago, I felt like the Cold Boogie Woman jumped all on top of me like I was on Vh1's Flavor of Love,as I stepped out of the shower and now I'm fighting a semi-sore throat as well.  Gonna be so glad when this heals up...What if I never can eat again?  What if I have to eat on my left side for the rest of my life?  What if I won't be able to give a kiss and only Italian smooches from here on?  Oh, man, I gotta see a doctor, ASAP!

I also wanna say something before this wraps up...Don't be afraid to take chances...I know somebody is like, here we go again with this PBS special type of talk, but u know us...I have 2 share nuggets that have helped us along our journey.  Real quick story, so some years ago, I'm at the crib, and am getting my Mickey D chicken nugget on with Sweet 'n' Sour sauce, and next thing I know it I grab one of the nuggets out of the "old school" box (They used to be brown didn't they?!!), and next thing I know it I pull a "Chicken's Head" coated as a Chicken Nugget!!  I was like, "Say What?"  This is no hobo, I dead serious...but me, actually I don't know what I was thinking because I shoulda sued so hard that Ronald McDonald would be force into a life a crime to pay my dividends...Well, he already has the Hamburglar as part of his gangsta entourage, so, he may already be doing something illegal...I mean how can a Micky D's that just opened up, already have "Millions Sold" under their sign outside..."Dude, U JUST OPENED UP!"  Anyhow, I just kept on eating... speciously, but kept chomping down.  Now u know why I'm so unique when it comes to love or relationships involving us...I've seen first hand the lengths a "chicken head" would go to be next to us!  I don't think anything can top that, although...I'm willing to be the judge of that!

But yeah, Take chances, and stop thinking and just do....Life in general is so precious, we sometimes think that we have all the time in the world to ask that person u've been eyeing out, our to take advantage of the sandy beaches we have at our disposal, or to begin a workout plan, whatever...With all this going on in our life, we learning that time is precious, and can go super fast.  Age ain't nothing but a number, and we aren't nothing but a huge kiddo who wants to have fun, but I'm not gonna let moments pass by any longer.  I'm gonna take picture, because I know FIRST HAND the power of a photo, and how sometimes that might be the only memory u have of a friend or love one, so don't lose that sense of cherishing moments or being spontaneous.  But sometimes, as we've learned, there really isn't anything to fear, especially if u've been prepared and experienced some things...and the only way to get to that swag level, is....u got stop thinking and just do.  It builds u, and prepares u...u find what and who u really love in life, and it's fun.

And isn't that what life's all about!  At least I think so...I may be crazy, but much sooner than later, others will come to terms with that as well....oh, what a day, that will be.

That's all I got.
Austino Galaxia.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Danger Mouse Swag!

Whoa!  A true throwback, who remembers the cartoon Danger Mouse!

"B4 u succeed, u must 1st learn 2 fail."

A very interesting quote we heard this afternoon.  There was a basketball discussion on progress and how u should learn when you're "on the bench".  A analogy had to do with a redshirt football player.  A redshirt, here doesn't mean a Nebraska Cornhusker, but a freshman who sits out a year playing a sport in college.  The quote went, "when u're a redshirt football player u learn all the routes...when u start playing u already know the routes."  Humm...

I found this so interesting and personal, of course, because u can learn a lot from just sitting back and observing and not even saying a word.  A single word...I think that's the problem in today's society today, we all sometimes want to talk and get our opinion accross, that if we just sit back and we can learn a whole lot.

Last night, was interesting...I think sometimes folks think we just be rumbling at the mouth, or we just write fiction, but we're 100% real.  And this isn't no, "Oh, it sounds so good to say this." No, we mean what we say and write, and we're not in the "fake, do what we think is right" business, we just are us...So after talking to our Editor-In-Chief in the sky, it was basically a discussion about should we continue to write.  Like we said previously, after sitting down in our showroom, and writing as freely as one can write 200+ times (Today is diary post #202), u wonder why are we writing this for the entire galaxia to see.  Our stories are wacky, our opinions on love and life, are unique, why not just close up shop and move on, and go back to keeping our diary private, instead of sharing all these life experiences.  I have a lot more to say, then again, u figure, what more can I say?! (Parental Discretion Advised)  Our life is very fast paced, sometimes I wish it could slow down, but it won't and it's only gonna pick up even more.  So after really looking within, there was a sense to....continue.

A sense that our story isn't over just yet...write, write, and write...because one person may need to hear about our entertaining person may just need to get a song by simply clicking on a link...or one person may need to learn a little more about relationships and love, and all that it can bring.  There's no doubt in our mind, that this diary could be turned into a full Hollywood movie.  And one day, I think it just may be.  I don't know how, but the material is too good.  So we'll gonna give our all, to make sure that every time u type in, u will be experiencing something special.  That for 5 minutes up to 20 minutes plus, we want those moments to be the most anticipated part of the day, knowing that u're gonna get a piece of us, a piece of history, and a piece of fun.  Consider urself fortunate, as we do ourself, because this is a look inside our life, before it breaks open like never seen before.  It's a diary, and the stories are ultra-private.  Now I feel a duty to share the fun that we experience on a daily basis, and all that we've learned.  It's real-time, so when things do begin to happen or u see us on TV or on a magazine cover or something, u really have an insight of how everything came to be.  I just wanna have fun, and this is gonna be something 2 cherish.  If u think it's been wild now, just consider this...

We haven't even gotten loose yet.

That's why that first quotes mentioned above hit home so much.  We have been on the sidelines for awhile...almost like a Vera Wong dress hanging in the closet of the her workshop, not knowing that months later, that's the dress that everybody's gonna be talking about.  We've gotten our "fun" on...but there are some things and people (Ha!) we have left to do.  I think we've been forced to be 'red-shirted' in some ways.  Learning and going through all the steps to success.  There's not too many people living or dead who can say that they have not only paid their dues, but have gone through each step, and know it as they pass by.  That's why we are so goof-a-lee possessed about having so much fun. I have a right too, just because of all we gone through.  And all the times, and moments where we had to look deep within, and wonder why is this happening...again?  Or how come I can't get no playing time when I'm working as hard as ever?  Or why does it seem like we have fun experiences with the most beautiful women in the world, yet I keep running into the very select few that mysteriously don't dig us or who are scared to take a risk?

A lot of our life, just doesn't make sense.  But we've learned to accept that.  There are a lot of things that get us to thinking that our life is really unique...One thing that keeps on surprising us is the amount of strangers who speak to us, or give us a word of encouragement.  Complete strangers...and what really makes us go "Wow!" is how many people talk to us while we have our Whiteberry headphones on.  Somebody may say that happens all the time, but it doesn't.  IT DOESN'T!!  We be walking here in South Beach or in a grocery store, and it's flat out amazing how many guys and a lot of girls talk to us with our phones on.  Just think about it, how many people do u approach while that have that fake "don't bother me" boundary on their ears....exactly.  So the more that happens, the more we think we may be going through a preparation for something up ahead.  U know something special is gonna happen, u just don't know how.

We think about that when it comes to our love life.  It's great...really good.  Sometimes when we release another story, or just walk down the street...I was watching some movies via Netflix and it was silly krazy how many characters played by actresses reminded me of ladies I actually knew.  I was like, "Man, she reminds me of..." or "This is so real, I relate so much..." or "She looks like..." ( For the record the movies I watched the last two days were:  No Strings Attached and The Rebound )  But as we was saying, when these episodes suddenly pop up in ur mind, and u begin to chuckle or u past by a restaurant and just smile, u wonder where ALL these episodes is going to lead.  Like what is the lifestyle that we've been prepared for? Somehow I think it's gonna involve a lot of females, and our experiences have led us to treat girls and women how they should be treated and not just a piece of meat, u know.  It's easy to get caught up into just wanting to  White Castle Sack Pack a lot of chicks, right now, I'm not even on that tip, it's about having fun with the coolest peeps and the most beautiful people around...inside...out....outside in..  Period.  That's where our whole mindset is right now.  I'm probably unique for saying that but...we're real.  No tricks attached.  We 100% authentic saying that...I'm confident in saying that...And that's what's happening.

Am I talking too real right now?  I mean, this is a diary, and we have to write what's in our heart at the moment right?! I'm starting to really love picures. I came upon some today, looked at this one in which I took with this one attractive doll.  For, we walk by each other, and don't even talk to each other...has anyone been in a "thang" where u don't speak to a person, u walk by, and u try u're best to make it seem like u ain't trying to feel where that person is at, all the while KNOWING that the both of u know what's up, and u both even though may u may not show it, know exactly what the other person is doing or where they are at?  Am I writing to some real folks who's been through the game?  If u haven't, well, I don't know what to say.  So vets, what should I do, should I just move on, and be like 'que sera sera' and realize that sometimes the water in the well just runs dry?  Or should I just pull homegirl to the side and be like, "We gotta talk, cuz I don't like the vibe I get whenever u and me are within "Bingo" shout!  Here's the whole thang...I almost feel like just telling the whole story, but the timing isn't right....but the krazy thing is...wait, this is a diary right?  U supposed to get the exclusive in one of the most entertaining lives going on in the world and Galaxia combined, right?!

Ok, long story short...I'm so gonna get in trouble for writing about this, and this chick is gonna be spitting fire, but I'm telling tha flat out truth, plus I don't care, perhaps this will make her open up and not be so brand new around us ...Short and to tha point...recently me and this homegirl made plans to hang out at an event.  A Miami Heat basketball game to be specific...The Triple A is like our 2nd home.  So she agreed to go...but because of the situations of both of us, we didn't hook up, which is fine and dandy.  Now, for some unknown reason shorty bee hop is like on that "let me ignore u" tip, when I have done absolutely nothing wrong to this girl.  It's kind of Captain jacked up...I didn't even call her in my typical 50 times a night fashion, that I do with other girls, I only called her 49 times the next day, and that was because I thought that when I call and her phone went to voicemail it was totally on accident and she had her phone programmed wrong!!  (Another for the record, I never called or messaged this girl afterwards)  But like I say, it's just so...gulp, here's that word again...weird.  I'm one of the easiest folks to get along with, we've been through so much, that it's ok to say 'no' to us.  I'm not gonna cry...wait, that's a song, didn't T.I. spit something like that in a song?....Oh, yes! Remember this summer classic with JT.  One thing hopefully this diary will let people realize is that I'm absolutely not like these other guys.  I don't say that in a snobby way...then again I do!  Another guy may stalk u or plea or beg, or if u tell him 'no', he may not talk to u for months or order a goon squad of chicks to do u in...ok, I lied, I do have my own goon squad, but still, at least my squad will let u talk before that throw u in a dumpster!  Mine are classy!...but with us, u can't hurt us anymore than we've been hurt.  For real...I love a girl who tells me 'no', just like I like girls who can accept the word 'no'.  Not everybody of a particular mindset or ego, can accept that.  With us, no matter what we have, or how we are, we're cool.  For real.

I've moved on, but I just don't like to have that "in the air" feeling when we are near.  But...I've learned a long time ago, u can't do nothing about how people view u or act towards u.  U just gotta live life to ur standards and if that means that people make cameos instead of reappearing roles in ur great play, so be it.  U can't let anybody hold u back or whatever...I wanna have fun.  I'm gonna have fun.  I am fun.  If u can't hang to that F standard...feel sorry for u.  Perhaps in 2007 or 8, or even heck, last year, I would have pulled and pried somebody into joining our fun revolution of living life to the fullest.  But not now...when u're close to how u want u're life to be, u really are focused at a new level.  U look around and it hits u like, "Huh, we got as much experience as the next person...maybe even more!"  We have a special life, and it won't be shared with everybody.  Say this and I'm done...

All of us are so special in our own way.  All of us, and I'm not talking about the old tv show either!  Wow....we just lost our thought, what were we about to say?  Oh no...anyway, we forgot, but it hits u like, "I'm ready", and that can only come by embracing the struggle (Will he ever stop saying that?!!)  and by knowing that every situation and experience along the way has made u stronger.

It's nothing like waking up and realizing that u're no longer chasing, but are now the chased.

I'll end with that.

Austino Galaxia. Forever and ever.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

E.N.D. or B.Gin?

Black Eyed Peas....taking a hiatus, could we be next?

#201.  That's the number of posts we have written on our website.  That's a whole lot.  Meaning, we have gotten in front of our computer 201 times over the last year, to make a fool of ourself!  Or to embarrass ourself...that's a lot of words.  I still think about if we should just stop writing or not.  I don't know if anybody really cares to hear about our saga involving love, money, faith and fun.  It's some good stuff.  I guess we just gonna use this as a diary that we would write anyway.  Just gonna keep going until we just stop and let this website sit, which is what it will do, after we're done.  See what happens....

Today was unique.  Spent a lot of time up north in Sunrise, Florida and then up in Fort Lauderdale....then had to make a come back down to our neck of the woods in South Beach.  Fun day picking up a lot of things and items that we needed.  I'm fighting to write right now, so bear with us...

Our life has changed a lot.  I mean a lot.  And the next few moments are only gonna add to the fun.  We feel totally ready for whatever is the next step in our journey.  And we mean that concerning all aspects of our life.  Really starting to get to 'living' and not just going through the drag that life can become where its all work and no play.  We've said it once, and we'll say it again, my drug of choice is Fun.  And sometimes when I don't have a hit from it, we just feel all off kilter.  Get cranky, get into that "What's The Use?" a la mode, just not us.  We are a person who likes to experience new things, and meet unique people.  There's a little sense of urgency on our part.  It's great to be patient and not run into certain situations and stuff, but now we are in full "go" mode.  We've been so laid back and just anticipating when our name is gonna be called on life's grand Broadway stage, now we feel like the spotlight is on us, and we won't let the chance pass.

D Wade going off, in this Game 4 of the semi's against the Pacers.  U go boy!...sometimes when u have bad days (or games), those are just that.  It doesn't mean u've lost it, or one day doesn't make a horrible month, u just have moments where stuff happens...and when u feel criticism (hate) from the outside or even from within, that sometimes can motivate you more than if u didn't face adversity in the first place.  I was thinking today as being on the road, that 2day was the first time in like a month, literally, that we've had a chance to really leave The Land of The Beautiful People, and go out of town.  The last month has been interestingly filled with trying to find rest from our upscale lifestyle or whatever u wanna call it. It's been difficult in a way...

We've even taken some time of from the dating game and stuff.  What's really been going on is that we've had a chance to get ourself together some and become who we want to become.  That's what u want anyway, u don't wanna meet somebody when they are all tired or not fully energized to bring something to the table.  I think now we are in a Ultra-fun mindset, and we feel like we know how we wanna live and love and have fun, so whoever gets to kick it with us, is really in for a treat.  Now we're in that 1% that we once talked about.  Not gonna get into that...but our life is super special.

Seen some wild stuff...up on I-95 past Fort Lauderdale, they had cops like pulling folks over every 50 feet.  That was interesting, but they needed to, it makes no sense to be going like 90mph, at 10 a.m. in the morning.  Then later on Davie Blvd., saw another cop putting somebody in cuffs, in a shopping center.  What was going on?!  Drove by this restaurant in the FTL, and I promise all I saw was a guy's hand feeling on the butt of a girl! Wish I coulda took a picture of that...

Like the purple background?  We gonna try to do things step by step...Our diary is starting to feel weird right now.  I have so many stories to tell, but I'm starting to get a sense that we've said all that we need to say.  A thought is popping in our mind to just live our wild life as is, and keep it private like nobody needs to know about our thoughts or our mindset.  Nobody else is really writing like this...(Wish somebody did?)  Could this be the end?  Or...

Could this be a new beginning?

I think it's both.  And I like that.

Austino Galaxia.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Could this one day be a cover story featuring us?

Let the Fun Begin!!

Straight up, it's about to be on and Orville Redenbacher poppin'!!  Have no idea, well that's not true, I do know that we're about to have a lot of fun here, and I gotta get that "nap" in because tonight's gonna be a lengthy one...not that we gonna be out running the streets, not...tonight.  But we gonna really just sit back and relax and get our mind, body and soul straight, check out some hoops games...Lakers play late tonight in Game 3 against the Thunder.  Speaking of the playoffs...

Please leave the Heat alone.  The series is 2 games to 1, but...just hope everythang's ok within.  Guys and coaches get into arguments all the time...on the court.  Me, myself, have gotten into it with a Coach or two...on the court...but u just move on.  Sometimes it's frustration, or the funky flow of the game, or sometimes stuff just be on ur mind, but u have to just take a breath or day off (Heat cancelled practice today), and everything will be fine.  I'm pretty calm, but very intensed when it comes to us hooping...I remember being in college, and during one game, I just checked in to play.  I ran up and down in the game, just barely enough time it used to take for Simon to stop an American Idol audition, and our coach pulled me back out.  I ran back down to our bench and said, "Coach, why u take me out??"  So then my Coach then responded like , "Article XII, Section 4 of the Coaches' Manual does not say I have to tell u why I take u out the game!!"  I for once didn't have a response, it was a pretty darn good response, and funny as well!!  It happens for real....

That's one thing that used to get me a little bit.  Not having people bring it...all the time.  I had my moments, as we all do, but I'm just a firm believer that when I'm on that court or at practice, just put whatever's bothering you away, for 2 hours or so, and go to work.  But as time has gone by, we've learned that sometimes it's difficult to just catsup n' mustard (Midwest talk) up the energy when things are going on in school or even at home.  Our patience is not the same, it's improved tremendously with others.  Perhaps cuz I know myself, how difficult it can be.

Boy, I heard a quote today, that's is pure classic:  " That's a good price here, but it's not my price!"

F. Gee, I luv u bro!  We was talking about finding deals while shopping and stuff, but that's something to think about from a life perspective.  What's good for the goose, ain't necessarily good for the gander.  Sometimes that can be difficult to comprehend when seemingly everybody's doing it or everybody's done gave a Facebook "Thumbs Up" to something or somebody.  But that don't mean that u should do something or go somewhere.  I'm not even talking about it from a negative perspective, but just from a "What's good for you" isosceles angle.  45 degrees may fit someone else well, while 45 degrees may just be a little too cold and too much for another.  Wait, let me write that one down as well, see in an isosceles triangle the angle is....but 45 degrees is sometimes cold, and some like the cold...while others like...ah, nobody got that but us, I guess!!  Guess that's why I such a geek....

I'm starting not to let other people's opinion dictate the opinion I have of myself and of life itself.  I respect point of view's but, especially if it's negative, I kinda have learned to filter out what to keep and what to throw into the deep blue sea of our mind....By the way, I have the ultimate party ship docked there...just saying!  I lot of that has come from crazy experiences, many which have been told in this diary, but after time u just learn that...that's why I'm encouraging folks to not be ashamed of who they are or who they're dating and stuff.  If that makes u happy, I'm not the one whose playing naked footsie with them...or maybe I should change that since nobody sleeps half naked but me...not the one playing footsie with that person.  If he/she makes u smile or gives u a reason to get outta bed the next morning, then that's fine.  Don't date or not date somebody based on the opinions of society, your friends, or even family.  Use your heart and go from there...that's real talk.

Do I speak too real?  I've questioned myself a little bit, like what have we turned into?  Maybe, we just feel free, not only in writing, but just in life.  What u read about us, is who we are.  There isn't no alter ego battle between Austin Williams and Austino Galaxia...In some ways, I think we've earned the right to have fun, and  talk and giggle and be emotional about how we are becoming whatever we are becoming on a daily basis.  All of us are unique, I know I am, and I've excepted the fact that there will NEVER EVER be anybody like us to walk, ride or fly through the Galaxia in this manner again.  So I feel almost responsible to live to the fullest and at least strive to "maximize" this life given to us.  Our actions may be weird, how we have fun may be different, who we decide to make relationships and "relations" with may be pure top tier folks (Not just looks either), but life is so precious.  I may be down one minute, and five minutes later be so joyous and excited.  But isn't that what life is?  The last few weeks have been tough...mentally and physically for us.  Heck, this week's been busy, working our gigs and stuff.  So tonight is an chance to get make a quiet time to play.  We've been in an R 'n' B mood haven't we?!!  Don't get it twisted we've been banging Jamiroquai's Dynamite album, and all day today The Greatest Hits Cd of Lisa Stansfield, which both of which are so awesome.  Oh, I wish sometimes I lived in Europe...

Sure that day is coming, as is lot of things.  Just remain true to our persona and mantra, and things will come to us, instead of trying to fit a square peg into cirle hole....or is it the other way around.  Point made...

Lot of personal talk on our videos, where's the videos?  We gonna make one here coming soon, and try to make this diary even more real...I'm not gonna say how, guess we're just gonna have to keep reading to see, cuz I don't even know.  Maybe some more stories, we couldn't have any more could we?!!  Some pictures, and more....just want to expand some, that's all.  Life's about having fun, and sharing it.  That's not just about the money, or doing things to get a partner in a one on one game of strip Go Fish!  Just wanna have fun...we've experienced a lot of stuff, but hopefully the vibe we give can let somebody else give a vibe to somebody else will give a vibe, and so on...Boyz II Men tell them what kind of mood I'm in tonight...

Says it all.

Til next time, and once again, the Galaxia is expanding and the fun will be way or another.

Now I gotta get some rest.
Austino Galaxia.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

From Mop to Top!

Old School Right Here!  Ms. Burnett where's ur mop?!!

Have a few things running through our mind, right now.  Decisions, desires, and dreams.  The 3-D effect going on within us right now.  Guess it's in these "good times" where u have to remain true to yourself, and just trust that the road you are on will lead to all of the worthwhile of your sacrifices.  Seems like we've been dealing with  this "patient" thing for so long now, I really don't wanna even think about some aspects of our life anymore.  Someone told me on today, "U look tired."  Perhaps, but when u've been going so hard and been giving this "Championship Run" for so long, some days u just don't feel like u got out of a spa.  I'm a guy who thrives on having fun, but as of late, it's been a little bit of a chore, and too much "work" surrounding our being.

I probably shouldn't even be writing right now, but whatever...I'm pretty confident in ourself, and our swag so to speak is still up in tha stars, but how long can we "hold out" in some ways before we just hold up our hands and say, we've given this the ultimate try, and that's it.  Nothing more to give...or say.  These are the moments where that "Egotistical Swag" has to kick in...u know that attitude where we believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that things are gonna turn in our favor.  My whole life is at a point where I'm believing that it's just bigger than us.  It is...I feel like I'm representing something that may just be more than myself.  What...I don't know...yet.  Perhaps I'm just putting too much pressure on ourself, and should just let go and live a little more, take even more risks...I guess when u wanna put it in pure terms, I've become a little...bored.  (Gulp!)

This is the danger zone in life.  I remember watching so many sports teams, and I can name 'em with so much clarity (Bulls '96, Heat '12, Lakers '01, Packers '12, Patriots '07), the list goes on.  These squads knew they were talented and what not, but in our opinion throughout the season, they showed a little "let's get to the real season" type of attitude.  It's natural, but so dangerous, because habits form and sometimes u cannot turn it on and's like not going to class throughout a semester, and then the last 2 weeks u show up, expecting to get an A.  It's difficult.  I think what's going on in our life, is us, it's tough to put into words...

We expect a lot from ourself.  We have high standards, in all regards.  Some may think too high.  Just how we're wired up.  Sometimes we get the feeling that we putting in all this work, when those silly thoughts creep in like "it doesn't take all this."  And then u begin to think about other folks, and be like, "Well, they got this, and they didn't have to go through all this."  Or u thinking, "I'm being as real and meek as possible with different people or even with girls, and this guy is being a playa and disrespecting chicks, and they..."  I'm being real.  We have a unique lifestyle...but as the old folks in Church used to say, "Everything will pay off....after a while."  And as someone once said, "God doesn't always settle his accounts in October."  Meaning that just because somebody is getting theirs or somebody is screwing somebody u wanted or has got a so called "dream gig", doesn't mean that ur time isn't coming.  Huh....I needed to hear that.

Mentioned that before, that sometimes when the ball is rolling, that's when u have to dig down deep for motivation to keep on the road of excellence.  And it's even harder when u think u're doing above and beyond or u think that u've paid every single due under the sun, yet it's like life's ignoring u...that's when u have to blow and just think, "It just has to happen."  That could mean with finances, or love life, or just having a piece of mind, u know.

I was on the road today...and this is funny cuz as I write this paragraph, this song just popped on....I was on tha road thinking about this one gal.  And let me just say, I know I talk about our love life a lot, but hey if u don't wanna read about it, u don't have to.  I'm gonna write about it cuz , just perhaps, it's one of the few aspects in life, that we've yet to comprehend or "master", that's another day...but I was thinking about this girl, and was like, "She's a 'babe'".   In our definition, a "Babe" is nothing degrading, but the ultimate compliment in our book.  See we've seen a lot of attractive and hot girls, and many cool girls (maybe that's why I'm bored, sometimes when u've seen some the best...), but very few have the great combination of both.  In which she's pretty inside, and outside...yet cool enough to be with the fellas and treat her like one of the guys.  That type of girl has a different type of look to her...There's some out there, but they definitely aren't on every corner.  Just had to say that...

Other folks feel the liking about having to keep pushing when sometimes u feel like there isn't an end to the tunnel.  U feel like u got to take the high road, or put a smile on when u feel like not even talking.  We've had so many of these, "I'm not talking to the media" type of days it's not even funny.  Being real...Yet and still we feel like everything's that happened to us, has made us grow to a level we need to be at.  I mean howt can u help somebody out, when u haven't been where they've been.  I wanna take it a step further, by saying, sometimes u have to go to an even deeper depth of life, in order to really bring somebody else up.  That's why we're still writing, I think, cuz trust us, it takes a lot of time and chutzpah to keep revealing stories and telling how we feel (like on tonight) in a real straight up way.  I know we keep saying cherish each post cuz whether it's 2012 or 2023, we all will be like, this is some real stuff, and we all will be uttering, "I'll remember when..."

Interesting, I'm beginning to feel a little energy come to us, maybe I just need to pour out some batter on this cyberspace grill.  Has anyone wondered how things can be thrown u're way, when u really don't ask for it, and u probably won't get any credit?  Forget it, I gonna talk 2nite...

Lesson in life, are unique and come to u in some very subtle ways.  My Grandpa used to say, "It's ok to be a fool, but don't be no d--- fool!" I think that's where u have to continue to push and embrace the struggle (Even when it doesn't embrace back! ).  I think u should consider urself special when u have to fight to make it, so to speak.  I don't think I'll have it any other way than to start at the bottom, I guess and work ur way up...Ok, I got...should I tell a story or two?  Ok, here we go again...

Sometimes u just have to pay ur dues.  After graduating college, I had a very strong interest in the Modeling industry from a management point of view.  I thought I could relate to the fashion modeling industry since it takes a lot of sacrifices, rejection, and persistence.  And most models are not just easy on the eyes, but u'll be surprised at how many of them are really just me on this.  (Note:  I got Kayne West's "Celebration" on repeat as I write this...parental discretion is definitely advised)  So I remember sending out "a gang" of letters and resumes out.  Mostly to the hot cities that we not only had an interest in moving to but also were fashion forward.  (New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Dallas, and Chicago)  I remember even becoming close email buddies with this girl, well not girl, but woman in Irvine, California.  She was mad cool, and she told us a little about the Orange County area and about "Cali life" and joking around with our modeling agency interest.  I'm chuckling, cuz there we go with another episode involving a "California Girl"!!  It seemingly doesn't stop...Gail, I miss u homie!!

I talked to quite a few peeps around the country.  I still remember walking into the offices of Ford Models up in Chicago, that was an interesting day.  Felt like ol' girl from The Devil Wears Prada.  I was blessed to actually get two internships with Modeling agency houses.  The second one has a grip of stories, but we gonna talk about my first experience.  So this agency was in downtown Chicago.  I'm driving through the big city of the Chi, thinking that this might just be what I'm looking for.  I get inside to where I have to go.  Nice skyscraper building, and get off the elevator, and the office looked kind of older...I get to the office, and I wait some before, I meet my interviewee.  So this lady comes out.  She had this long, long blond hair.  Simple pretty face, but her body...I have to be honest, she was in incredible shape.  I'm not talking from just the allure of working out 32/7, I mean from the she had to be like in her 40s, but her body was naturally like a young doll.  I love a gal, who takes care of herself, and she was and still is on top shelf in our mind.

We begin to talk about the gig/internship.  Talking about all that's wasn't what I was expecting. was a small operation, just her and tha boss.  But the boss, had some textile connects.  He was real cool, he spoke in true Chinese.  And I'm not talking about that Bruce Lee, Saturday Afternoon Movie of the Week, type of stuff.  He actually unleashed the dragon, and not fake it.  So our "internship" would involve me supposedly learning about fashion from a modeling and textile buying perspective.  What I got was...not like that...

I can recall me calling all these people on the phone.  I didn't get that much help...once this guy comes over, and he's dressed like mulah, he smelt like it.  So this brotha asks if we working for "Wong" , and we say 'yes'.  Says he's a nice guy...then he goes on talking on the his phone, I remember him uttering the phrase, "Ain't that about a (Female Dog)" he said it was just so gangsta, that's why we still hear him.  And then we get to talking about this and that.  He talks about him going over Robert's house....he said it so cool, and then it hit us, he's talking about hanging out with none other than R. Kells himself.  I'm like, I'm in the offices of the baller's!!

I remember a few episodes...One, homegirl was kinda, well she was flirting with us.  Getting a little close and stuff, and once again, as a guy, thoughts begin to run through ur mind like is this some kind of Columbian FBI setup or does is this woman wanting to get down wit the get down?  And once again, u looking at "her goods" and believe u me, it was one of those "u couldn't blame me if I did" type of things...maybe I shoulda!!  (Slap on top of my forehead!!)  Once she called us, saying they needed help for a fashion show...had a brotha geeked up...shaving his chest hair at the crib in front of our bathroom mirror, thinking I'm bout to Tyson Beckford this thang!  So u had this beauty and...

Then our boss, was unique.  Us two had to make a "run", and he wanted to show me how things really went down.  We were going over to this guy's office across downtown.  It sounded like a bootleg scene from The Godfather, but we went with, hoping I wouldn't regret not going to the pawn shop to get my scratched up friends Smith and Wesson!  We go out to the curb, and track down a taxi.  My and "Wong" talking in the backseat, I'm holding some "stuff"...and next thing u know it, "Wong" yells in his strong Asian accent, "U goin' tha wrong way!!"  Then the cab driver, yells from the front back to us, like, "What are u talking about?"  Then our boss "Wong" really gets snappy hot, and is like, "U going the long way, u shoulda took Lake (Street)!!"  Next thing I know, a full-blown argument that only rivals the kind u see on Cheaters,  ensues in this small taxi cab.  I really was expecting some fruit punches to be thrown, and I'm like if this is what tha industry is about, then maybe I wanna take up selling DVD's outta my car....less stress for real.  So u had that...

And then the coup de graw, was me having one of the most kraziest trips...ever.  Traffic in Chicago, can be bonkers, and just a hassle.  I recall somebody asking if they could switch lanes on the highway, and the other car actually shook his head 'No'!!  And didn't allow the car in...  That was legendary!  Thus, on this particular trip in, there was wall to wall traffic on I-94.  I was running behind schedule as it is, and I don't need this.  It was moving like by inches...and then a funny feeling hit me..."I gotta go 2 the bathroom....bad." So what do I do?  There ain't nowhere to I'm literally praying that I can just hold it and get through this craziness...After a long stall, I finally get off on our exit, and I'm zooming down the streets of tha Shy.  I get to the parking garage, get my tag or whatever, shoulda just busted through the gate.  And just my luck...I can't find a parking spot.  So now I'm zooming and zig-zagging through the garage like an arcade game of Donkey Kong, except this costs more than 25 cents, and has a lot more on the line than some freakin' tickets coming out the bottom! I finally, finally pull into a spot after listening to Vivian Green, and I'm like doing that walk yet inside ur head ur running (imagine being late for class in high school, but not being able 2 run through the halls, cuz it'll get u "In-house".)  So I get to the elevator, basically slamming the button, like "C'mon...C'mon...", the elevator opens.  I'm doing this shimmy which was half Harlem Shake, and half New York City Club scene circa 1994!  I step inside, the doors close and I'm still shimmying trying not to think about it, and then it just...just...

Next thing I know it, I put on that blank look on my face, just like the mascot "The King" from those BK commercials, and I feel something warm and fuzzy coming down my leg!  I can't believe I'm writing this, but this is the only time it's ever happen 2 us, and plus u just never know what u're gonna read in our diary!!  So embarrassing...So I'm performing this Dave Chappelle "--- on you" skit, in the elevator, literally.  And to make matters worse, I got a suit jacket and slacks on, so not only am I gonna smell like Sprite from a McDonald's fountain, but u can see my accident as well.  And the gist of the aftermath, I try to play it off, and walked in, sat in my usual chair, and fulfilled my quota for my phone calls!!  Easily the wildest or should I tha day I felt most relieved in my life.  So now when I see folks on the street and they give that "I'm bout to pop the top" look, I just shake my head, and be like, "those were tha days!!"

Learnt a lot from that experience.  Patience, timing is everything, but most of all, u gotta pay ur dues 2 appreciate what ur dreams truly bring.  Gotta appreciate the rain if u want to love the sunshine right!!


That's enough from tha kid.

Better days are ahead...but perhaps as we look back on days like today, we'll be saying, "they weren't so bad after all."  Think we will...and so will you!

Smooches and Toodles
Austino Galaxia.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Galaxian Lessons. (Dos)

This movie was hilarious! ...and full of Hidden Luv Ka-now-ledge!

Have to take a huge breath on this one.  (Huff...)

Ok, all jokes aside, when all is said in done, and perhaps years and decades from now when I'm...well, I'll never die per se, but you get the picture...

We have written some very unique diary posts on this Austino Galaxia website.  Most of it has been very personal and very detailed about our life, about experiences which I still debate if I should have shared them through the wings of cyberspace, and just all that engulfs our normal and daily life....

But perhaps nothing is gonna be like tonight's post.  Something special...we presented Part Uno on Galaxian Lessons, which told about some of the things that we've learned over the last several days.  But now, we truly dig into the heart of who we are, and all the joy and a lot of pain that has made us...I don't know...made us grow up in ways and fashions that have been completely unexpected.

Said this once, and say it again, I'm a kid of love in every since.  You can probably tell by some of the underlying messages in our diary posts, but for some goofy reason, it seems like that subject has been used to not only teach us lessons, but humble us in ways that sometimes I don't feel are fair.  Our life is just so krazy, and just plain weird.  I don't understand why I've been the pinata of this love thang, but I guess the Great Matchmaker in the sky chose us, because he figured we might be the only one who can handle it.  Others have wild stories about dating and relationships, but I don't think anyone has some many experiences, so many mysteries, so many might have been or could have beens as us.  And I'll admit if we messed up, but 98% of the time, things just ended without any warning or any closure, and that has hurt.  Once again, I guess all these days and girls who have entered our life for one reason or another, have made an impact on us in some way, shape, form, and with a lot of fashion.  I have no idea what's gonna happen tonight as we write this...we gonna write it like its our last, it just may be y'all.  We're pushing right now, cuz we feeling like we've said so much about our life, told so many stories, and we still feel like their isn't any use, or that it may be a waste of time cuz no matter what we say, only a select few are gonna "get us" anyways.  So why not just become laid back and a Hollywood enigma, and just live selfishly without trying to make a difference.  Why not?

Until that moment comes, we'll keep writing and pushing hoping that one day our time will come, and for some reason I don't think it's too far off.  I know our life is ultra-special, and I'm just a kid who wants to share the fun we have inside with the rest of the Galaxia.  That's all...all we want from life...but along the way this thang call 'love' has had us baffled in many ways, and has taught us some unforeseen lessons.   So, tonight's gonna be long in length, cuz it's a subject that has been my profession, some what.  Here we go...without further ado, and truly unscripted, and from a perspective that's one of a kind's

What I've Learned About....Love.  Dating.  And Relationships.  

Attraction is something u can't put into words.  There are so many different couples around the globe, that's it really doesn't make any cents. I think it's cool how opposites can attract and how people of different backgrounds can hook up.  The funny thing is that u don't know what hit's that "spot" with a person.  You think a girl who parties all the time digs the same in a guy, and she dates a "nerd".  A guy who is always studying and never even cusses, digs tha chick who is always snapping her neck and giving somebody that "and another thing..." line.  Attraction is undetectable.  It really is.

It's not the age that matters, it's the experience level.  I'm starting to feel like we gonna get loose on tonight.  I think, personally, that age doesn't really matter between two people but how the connect on the experience level really does.  A couple who is dating somebody like, 8 years apart, can in some ways relate with each other.  We always look at guys dating younger females, but I don't see anything wrong with guys dating up either.  I myself personally get a little tired of grape juice, and need to sip some wine every now and then!!  I might gulp some by the end of the week matter of fact!!  But if two people relate, and have that vibe, that age thing fades away.  Remember don't look at the age, look at the experiences, that's what keeps the juices flowing!...Ah, another one to jot for our seminar.  Just think about it, folks are getting this stuff for free, next summer I'm charging $143 plus tax to hear this stuff, and if u want the mic to be on, that's another $68 plus $1!!

South Beach is one of the top 3 hottest neighborhoods in the world...but may also be in the top 3 in toughest to date in.  Miami is full of beautiful looking people, but our neighborhood of South Beach is really on another level.  It's a fantasy world really.  Not only in the people who live here, but all the people who visit, it's like ur on a permanent hip hop video shoot.  All races, all genders, all sexualities...that's what makes it unique and why everybody wants to kick it down here.  It's also tough to date just because of the same reason.  That's why I say, we've been forced to look within and not just focus on the outside appearance.  Didn't they teach us that while we were doing the square dancing segment of our 8th grade gym class?  But when so many are "beautiful" u have to look at other factors to determine who's....worthy.  Then u also have egos, on those who are solely concerned with their looks, sooner or later, that'll fade.  Yea, u look decent and all, but can u make flapjacks?  If u a girl, a guy is hot as Hollywood, but is he good in...cough, cough..good to you?  (Gotta make this PG)  Just real talk.

Plastic surgery and tattoos can be mad sexy...if u keep urself up.  I'm still not a super huge fan of fake boobs...I told u I'm gonna be real tonight...but I've seen my share while being a beach bum for summers on end, and living down here, and even have licked a few (Whipped Cream anybody?)...and it really ain't no big deal!!  Tats are the same way, it's really hard to find a girl in Miami who DOESN'T have a tattoo of some sort.  Really hard...A butterfly, a name, a dragon, something u know...they can be good art.  But u must keep the body tone and up to par, cuz if not, u might be spending that $2 Gee Stack to get them removed.  That's all crazy talk aside.  But sometimes while in Rome u must adjust ur like to the taste of Rome sort of...

There are still true gentleman around.  I'm not even throwing myself in this conversation, but their are still guys who want to treat girls how they should be treated.  I think now, guys are a little...scared to show it.  I think society has kind of pushed that way of thinking out the window.  While we at it, this is for the fellas, if I see another sexy girl in a nice dress, out on the town with a guy in a Miami Heat hat, a black graphic tee, and some J's, I might just run up on them, and slap them and walk away and say, "I'm Rick James...".  At least lose the cap, if a girl can dress up, so can we.  And also, look at it like this, what u do that night might not only affect how u two and if u two hook up again, but may affect how that girl looks at other guys from that point on, whether good or bad...Am I lying?  U wanna be on top of ur game...and depending on who u wit, the moment she senses a thought in ur mind of DMX Slippin' (And believe u me, her antennas are up) she may just hit u wit that "I got to go to tha bathroom" line, and next thing u know it, La Femme Nikita has jumped out the window, with the curtains blowing in, while u thinking she just had to get the tacos outta her system!!   Speaking of which....

I think a guy should always pay for dinner or a meal, the first time around.  Just how I grew up, and how we are.  Simple is always better.  Here's another thing...try as best as possible to share a place or joint that is just your place and's nothing like driving with that friend, or person and be like, "U remember when..." , or if u out coming from work, u pass by a place and start smiling...or ok,  maybe u begin to speed up.  That's why I think doing something fun, and possibly trying something neither one of u have done makes a relationship super cool.  Makes it a little spicy as well....

It's nothing wrong with a girl making the first move.  Many times, and I know a lot of guys would agree, if a girl makes the first move on asking a guy out, the chance of those two actually going or hanging out usually quandrouples!  At least according to our love studies...I mean the computer was broke that night, but I can still compute long hand, and I still know that 9 times 4 equals 42!!  But for real, it rarely Miami (Ha! I humor myself...)  But still ladies, I'm just telling u a secret within guys, if u feel a dude, go for it...I'll betcha he'll say yes, or at least give it a try, no matter who u are.

Just because two people have almost everything in common doesn't mean they'll make a good couple.  As I heard somebody just recently say, sometimes they can "cancel each other" out.  I say this, with strong Akon conviction, cuz we've come across many a peeps who we had a lot in common with...I mean in a scary way as well.  But that doesn't mean that person is meant for you.  For real.  Sometimes they are just there to show that it's possible.  Cuz we all can think, especially if u single, if I could find somebody who wears glasses, loves folk music, and like the Dallas Cowboys...and low and behold u meet that person.  Don't let three qualities of commonality determine that that person is "The One".  Real Talk.

Whew, this is long....but I gotta get it off our chest so let's see...what else...

If u love or even like somebody, don't be ashamed!  This is so true, I'm so, and I talked to my Pops about this, don't put hoods on ur boyfriends/girlfriends and start to nickname them "Blanket" like the King of Pop .  If u're dating somebody, u dating need to still act like u playing the field, cuz we all know u're getting nothing but walks.  I don't understand that for real, no matter his/her personality or reputation (Jeez, really?!) or how the look to others, if u dig that person, and are laying ur head on the pillow next to them, don't be ashamed to hold hands or even get out of the same car as that person.  That goes the same, if u dating somebody who's fair on the eyes.  Don't try to shelter that person.   I once heard every beautiful woman HAS to go out.  (Think The Donald said that.)  Here's the deal, in our opinion, if u doing your thing, taking care of ur mate, then u have no reason to be insecure.  If not, then u need to step ur game up.  I love Ladies Love's line, "If his love is real, he's got to handle competition"   I've been with many a girls who guys have asked me, "Is that you?" or while crossing the street say some off the wall pickup line, but they didn't go anywhere.  Leave insecurity alone...if person's too much for u, they're too much and move on.  Oh...and here's LL's classic song.

 Dating outside your race, expands your horizons.  Heck, just hanging out is awesome.  I make no bones thugs about it, I don't date race, I date beauty.  And u can underline that...u don't have a pen, that's ok, I got u...I don't date race, I date beauty.  There are so many types of people in the world, and u cannot assume that just because a person has a different skin color that they ain't "down".  We've met so many different...Japanese girls down with hip hop, brown skin beauties from is bigger than just our own streets and sounds.  But u gain so many experiences and grow in ur journey in life, by just going outside ur own self-made walls.  Plus, u just never know, ur ultimate gift may be there for the taking, just not in the package u were expecting!

The bell is telling me to stop.  I could really go on, but hey, I gotta save some for when Esquire Magazine really does this article on us.  Just consider this a sneak preview into the future.

Austino Galaxia.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Galaxian Lessons. (Uno)

Coach Phil Jackson...One of My Favorite Teachers.


Writing in the afternoon, because tonight plans on being a very intriguing one, so u gotta get it in, while u can.  Today we feel pretty good...There's a lot of things that could hinder our thoughts of being positive, but, I feel good like James Brown, or as J-to-tha L-to the O, used to say...Right now, I'm fighting to write this diary, so just bear with us...

This morning, early this morning, I was in bed thinking about what changes could we do, to reinvent ourself to make our life even more fun.  What areas need tending to?  All of us do it, hopefully, but now more than even I find myself just wanting things more "right now" and in a manner that you want them to.  I'm learning so much about life, that I really feel like we can just be...a major sparkle in the sky.  Jokes aside.  What have we....

That's interesting.  I like to have fun, and I been saying that we can see things develop in our life, so why not do something different today.  We have been on a comet journey like no other, so why not just let the words speak for themself.

What Have I've Learned (Oh, by the way, thanks Esquire Magazine.)

Even though the road less traveled is the most difficult, I still feel like it gives the best results.  It's so easy to just try to be like everybody else, but in the end that uniqueness about you is actually what gets u over.

If you want to be a superstar in life, you have to learned how to not give somebody a Duncan Hines piece of your mind cake.  What does that mean?  I'm learning that if you want to be the boss, u have to pay the cost.  And of late, I've had more people talk crazy to me, or look at me funny, or get an attitude with me over simple stuff like never before.  And believe me I'm not the freaking Yosemite Sam culprit!  I think sometimes if your a celebrity or a boss at a company or a preacher or whatever, folks can see you as inhuman in a way, and feel like they can just give this reckless amount of disrespect just because...I feel this thang won't say anything.  I think recently myself, and other dreamers, have been tested in this area to get us prepared for what lurks ahead.  I've learned to have a tough skin and put things in the cemetery of my mind, and stay focus on the journey at hand.  I can write for days on that, cuz it's been ridiculous but...let's just say I'm really learning which people are worth my time, and which have taken a unfortunate Wall Street drop in their overall worth in our eyes.  Ouch!  Somebody knows what I'm talking about.  If you don't, then perhaps your the one talking slick at the mouth and putting ur own ego and/or being stress out about ur life and dumping that feeling  on others.  Pause!!

There are many steps to be taken to success, and you can't skip not a one.  It sounds kind of deep as u think about it, but u have to go through it.  I'm learning to take a Zen Master (Of Fun) approach and let things develop.  Maybe I have too much of a lay back, Newport Beach type of attitude, but the key to those steps is not just looking at them but the action itself.  That mean doing something out of the ordianary just to get the experience under your championship belt.  Experience is the best teacher anyway...I wonder who had a higher GPA in Grad school, experience or Mr. Moore from the old show Head of The Class, hum, have to look that up!

Money isn't the end all, it just gives you options.  We've been discussing how we are now in a wealthy lifestyle that we in some ways wanted...not just financial.   You can have fun with or without the dineros, and the really cool people are those who have big bucks but in some ways still live like they broke.  In their hunger for being the best, in some places where they shop (Millionaires don't shop a Dollar Stores do they?!! U'll be surprise, that's a secret of the wealthy in and of itself!), or even just maintaing that thirst of having something to prove.  Being wealthy is a mindset that turns into a lifestyle.  Not the other way around cuz u can have money stack up like Phillip Drummond but if u don't live with the attitude of trying Diff'rent Strokes, then it just ain't worth it pal...somehow I gotta use that on day one of my love/life seminar next summer, titled, "Doing It the Sinatra Way:  It's better when you wear a hat." ...Hope somebody got that!

Driving in Miami is horrible...Get Over It!!  The only thing I can liken it to, is when u used to go to grade school, and looked forward to going to lunch.  And u thought that the food was slammin'...then u went to somebody else's school and visited their school cafeteria and found out that your home school food was borderline reason to call the hotline of the FDA.  You thought all cartons of chocolate milk had lumps in it, or that everybody's fries taste like they been under that Ikea lamp fixture for 3 hours before being served.  Same wit driving, it's many accidents, u can make a show about just that.  Wait a minuto, don't they already have a show out, isn't that what The Big Bang Theory is all about.  How a pretty girl ends up moving into an apartment with these guys following an accident?  If that's the case, perhaps I should stop by an auto auction today and get me a lemon, and drive around the streets to find me a model to make some...lemonade, if u catch my drift!  No pulp of course.

Geeks are back.  I thought that being a nerd was taboo, but now we're in vogue again.  I say that "we" cuz no matter how I dress or act, deep inside I'm still a geek/nerd.  Folks are cracking us up wearing these reader glasses, almost like a super hero being undercover.  Just for note, we used to rock those things in '09...just sayin'.  Plus, we got tha white ones, who have u seen wear those?!!  But being smart and doing, here I go with this word again...weird...things is sometimes, emphasis on sometimes cool.  Today it's not just in the dissecting frogs type of sense.  Am I the only person who hoped the teacher would pair them up with the person they had a crush on in class?...But being a geek now, I believe, is being well-rounded.  Yeah, u love hip-hop, but do u listen to Beck as well (This is a good song!)  Or you like to go all the clubs in Miami, but have u hit up Fort Lauderdale on Saturday night?  You say u like to GTL but can u LOL with EZE in the background?  Stuff like that....Geeks rock!

Rain can be invisible.  Deal with it so much down here in Miami, I feel like as in life, if you don't think about it, and just walk through it, u'll just shower up and it'll be ok.  I always say u can tell those people who are true Floridians by how they act in the rain.  Do they run, do they walk, do they stay inside...I wonder if Harvard's done study on personalities and reactions to the rain.  Those who walk during those storms or who even party through them are true Floridians at heart....either that or they just don't care.  I've seen some wild stuff, in the rain...from people holding hands kissing, to folks using Frito-Lays potato chip bags as a cap to those who huddle together at the entrances of stores like the Miami Dolphins wondering if they should I run or pass!! That's funny...Don't think about it, u gonna get wet either way,  so if it's not raining cats and Q-Dogs (Shout out to my Pops!) or if u just didn't get ur head done up by Quincy at the salon, don't think about it and take the free shower.  U sometimes need it.

Oh, oh...I gotta add this one to the list...

Wearing sunglasses indoors is a sensual experience.  I always get on folks who be wearing their shades inside of arenas or inside of discotecas (I wonder if they do the "Can't see me" dance all night as they're rockin 'em?!!).  So peep this, the other day, I said, "I'm gonna do it", and wear my dark black sunglasses, inside Target...and let me tell you, it was almost stimulating.  U feel like u just reject all rules and regulations of the status quo, and just like "What!".  I didn't even have those Ray Charles big ones that I usually wear when I'm "standing" near the shower faucets off the Ocean Drive boardwalk down here on South Beach!  I was afraid  somebody would recognize me...but it was fun, something that I may not do all the time but I understand why some people do it.  It does give u a different...swag.  And a pair of Gucci loafers are just a pair of dalmatians without it.

As funny as this sounds, I feel like our day is just now beginning...and it's 3:44 p.m.  in the afternoon.  How about this...

We gonna make this a special weekend series of our diary, and make this What I've Learned a Part 1 of a two-parter.  How about that, we gonna make this weekend special by golly...

And as I think, there's only one topic I really didn't talk about my lessons on....and that...

Dating and Love.  (I didn't even do this during February's "Love Month")

That should be some of legend...stay tune.  It'll be worth it....believe me!

Signing off...
Dr. Galaxia.