Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dealt an "Oh-63" Card!!

If u play bingo 4 fun or whatever, a card with 0-63 is a winner!!  

Time 2 get serious right now...

2day as we were driving along we wondered if we should stop keeping our diary online or not.  The debate raged inside of our heart and mind, just because there is SO much stuff going on, and I may have to call some names to really make this thing authentic.  If I kept a personal diary, I would be writing about Bob or Jane, u know...but since our diary is for the Galaxia to see now and forever more...ain't gonna lie, we are becoming a little nervous because some of what we wanna write really involves people who might actually read this.  I don't want 2 short change our life by any effect that it's really jumping off...just a little nervous about what might be written.  It's so real, and even though it seems like a fiction reality TV show, we promise u, all these stories are real!  We're gonna just live in tha moment 2nite and write from our heart.  Here's goes...

Our birthday was on yesterday.  It was quiet...and that's how we wanted it.  I'm not one for jumping up and down to be in a "look at me" type of thang.  I get enough of that anyway...But with us actually waking up early, to earn some ducketts (Ugggh...) and with all the "morning" held, it was...interesting.  As the day moved on though, into the late night hours it became cool, and perhaps even legendary.  See this is when I want to write about me and this girl but....not yet.   So many lessons we learned throughout the day.  We're such a kid though.  Age really isn't a factor for us.  Matter of fact, we are confident that we are the youngest person ever to walk this globe at our age.  For real...not kidding.  And we'll say that with a straight face.  Been blessed in so many ways...just too many to name.

Still so many wacky stuff going I'm walking down 8th street here in South Beach on today about to go to my showroom, when this guy popped out of nowhere, and I could sense this character walking behind us.  So I got my headphones on listening to some jams, when I could feel him coming closer to our back.  I move over to my left on tha sidewalk, and begin to think upon all the Kung-Fu I learned in like a  3 mini-course back in a H.O.P.E. Summer Camp me and my bro took like 15 years ago from The People's Champ "Super" Neil Singleton....Next thing I know it, this dude comes Prancer, Donner and Blizten right next to me.  And as I began to get mentally ready for a battle by thinking about all those Jerry Springer shows I've seen, my guy like yelled out, "How u doin' bro!!"  We say, "Alright, What's up!"  And in a snappy type of voice, he replied, "U know, just out walking."  And how he said it, and the fact that he kind of slowed down to walk next too us had us thinking, "This jabroni is about to try to rob me for my Magic shaving cream I just bought!"  I ain't lying...I couldn't let this happen especially since u can't find this shaving cream in the Beach hardly and I just paid like $6 for it, oh hecky naw, we gonna have to rock 'em sock 'em today and after thinking about how the Lakers played last night, I'm ret-2-go!

So we walk about 4 and half more steps and how his tone begins to verbeeate (a Galaxia term), I also began thinking that this guy was about to not hit on me, but "hit" on me.  Not making this up y'all, this is how we were thinking.  I'm straighter than a lightning bolt and I have no problem being Cruel Intentions seduced by a guy, just don't go and try to touch my lips and try 2 kiss me like that guy at the library down off of Alton Road here in tha beach, a while back.  Just because u like pudding doesn't mean u don't get tempted by a lollipop every now and then!!  Boy...if within the next three years, I don't get my own seminar at the Miami Book Fair...heck, I might just crash somebody's lecture this year, just because...this is some good stuff we're reading!!  Back to this he's like, "I'm looking 4 this Mercedes on sale for $600...that boy rides smooth."  Once again, I didn't know what the pumpkin he was talking about.  I didn't know if he was talking about him actually wanting a new ride or if he was talking about his secret Halloween night fantasies out loud, either way, I decided to pick up tha pace a little bit, and try to do a "Hey, look over there!!" move, and "fa-umm" like a Ferrari back 2 tha spot.  Kinda weird, but like I say some of the most interesting people are coming up to us bro...right after him, I past a Hispanic couple dressed as Thomas Jefferson and Mother Theresa or who's that woman with the...Betsy Ross.  After all that within a three-block radius, I think I needed some straight Egg Nog, hold tha ice and easy on tha Egg!  Get it, see at breakfast u can have ur eggs over eas...Ahh...maybe I'm the only geek...anyways!!

Even though, our life has changed dramatically, the one thing that remains the constant is our appetite and bloodline to have fun.  It just comes a time in ur life when u don't think, but know that things are about to come you way.  And u realize that all that u've been allowed to go through, but The Great Maze Designer in tha Sky, has all be a test to mold, and re-create u into something that u couldn't even remix if u tried.  U have to push through some of those moments where u feel like "When is it ever gonna end?"  Or u have to ignore sometimes when somebody u, and ur thinking, "How do they have the inkling to even approach me like that, when they got untied shoelaces!!"  That happens like, "Dude,  u got tha nerve to act unkind, when I got this, this, and that, and u got..."  U don't wanna say all that, but u get tested.  Can I just keep it real.  I mean, let's be real peeps...How many times during a day does somebody... a) tell u something u already know...b) gives u advice from somebody who don't even know u...or c) talks nonsense like they are all that, when in tha back of ur mind u done did that 3 years ago!  Didn't Jigga say, "I'm already home!"...while u're just rounding second base!  Once again, that's tha A. Galaxia alter-ego talking...but if u want to approach somebody with a question, for a date, for a job, do it with respect...Not on a "I'm better than u" tip, cuz u never know, whom u're talking to, cuz they might just have more than u.  Inside...and out.

Man, we really wasn't even gonna write tonight.  I'm thinking about doing our own secret book like diary along with this one.  Whaddaya think?  We'll see, as much as we think this diary is complete, seemingly it isn't not just yet.  The best is yet 2 come...Matter of fact, the fun is just beginning.

And that means this diary is gonna be at a whole new level...


Austino Galaxia.

U know's a little bonus feature just for just hit let's continue....

We were just putting the finishing touches on 2night's diary post and it's title.  And some profound hit us.  Now I'm not a gambler, unless u're talking about love or leaving to go to work 15 minutes before u're scheduled and actually thinking u'll make it on time here in Miami, but as a kid our fam like to play bingo just for fun.  Now I'm not necessarily a professional Bingo player.  I don't walki around every Wednesday night with a green halogen visor on, or I don't carry a special book bag to hold my personalized bingo chips, but I do know a thang or two about this funny game of B-I-EN-GEE-OH...and Bingo was his name oh!  That's old school...but we have a lot of fun passing the time away, spinning this make believe wheel with the balls inside.  It made u almost feel like a showgirl for those televised Illinois Lottery or Florida Lottery drawings..."And the seventh number for tonight's Pick-6 drawing is...172!!"  Just fun as a kid.

Now after much experience, calculations, and let's be honest, cheating I found one number to be, not only my favorite number in tha game of Bingo, but also, the winning number on any bingo card.  Ok, don't tell nobody, but it's...


When u see that number on ur card, boy, u might as well book ur ticket to Buenos Aires, cuz u about to win enough change to buy Paris Hilton a new....I'm sorry, I forgot.  If u see that number, u need to get excited cuz ur about to win a 12-pack of Kit-Kat bars!  But all kidding aside, whenever Tha Kid aka Me or vice versa, sees that 63 number under that letter "O", all I know is that I'm about to be happier than a Nielson rating after an announcement that ABC is bringing back Lost!!  It's about to be on and popping!!

But isn't it amazing that not only u don't get a card with that combination all that too often, but that the continual winning number could mean that u've actually lost 63 times before u became a winner.  Meaning that it took 63 times for u too lose, until u won on this 64th time.  A reach???  I don't think so...

I know personally that failure sometimes, heck a lot of times is a prerequisite for the course titiled Success.  U have to try and try and try again, hoping that ur card can someday come up.  U've heard about it, but to actually have it in ur hands is a whole nother synopsis.  Yeah, I spelled it right on tha first time, What?!!...The thing that keeps us going in certain areas in our life is that "hope" that the idea or dreams or visions that we have will come true.  Sometimes it only takes one try...other times it might just take 63.  I think the thing that gets us is when other people used to yell "Bingo" and they just showed up to the Church Fellowship hall..I mean Bingo Hall... while u've endured 3 hours worth of screams, yells and bad jokes about dentures, and on how "The Clapper" is the best inventions of the 20th century behind The CHIA Pet!  U've gone through all that, and u're number still hasn't come up.

At this moment in our life, I feel that all those 63 times were for a reason. Everytime u came close, gotten four numbers diagonally or whatever, helped u, even when u really didn't want 2 be helped.  It built resilience, patience, the willingness to not jump after every chicken dinner u see, all that.  When u got a little experience, and then put that with a fun level of talent and an open mind to continuous learning, that's a Moby Dick of a combination to be dealt with.  I might be just talking to myself, but that "0-63" does say something.  Like u're oh-four-63 times, but now it's ur time.  Now u finally have the guaranteed winning card in ur lap.  And if she can do this Elvira thang with tassels attached to her, cough, cough, that'll be even better!  That's asking a lot...but when u've endured, and survived, I believe it's ur RIGHT to expect nothing short of tha best.  When u've gone through so many bad apples, u want that last one to be as sweet, long lasting and as fulfilling as possible.  U don't want "Ok"...U want to be able to walk and say, "It was all worth it.  Just one bite, was worth it!"...unless u're eating from an apple given to u by a girl named Eve, then that's a different subject!!

That's all.  "Oh-63"....Childhood memories...that were more profound than a simple shout.

And guess what we have an idea about where 2 take this diary...

Get ready, it's really about to get good!!


Monday, October 29, 2012

Electricity Es En El Ehere!

Louie The Lightning Bug...This guy literally saved lives in tha 80's!!

Alrighty then....all of the sights and sounds that our life brings.  It's really wild!  So we'll try to tell them all the best we know how...hope we ain't too honest when writing our diary, as u can tell, we are really writing this thang as if it's just u and me, and nobody else.  It's really gotten to that point, which is probably why we've gone through all these crazy experiences.  It's just what's in our heart, not for entertainment, just!  So let's enjoy...

Today had a lot of krazy things going on, when does it not.  Seen some wild pictures, from an Audi SUV pulling this U-haul type truck...Saw a Domino's Pizza delivery sign on the trunk of a small Mercedes Compressor 2-door, u don't see that too often.  Driving up on Collins, saw this couple making out like dead on the corner, right in front of the Fountainebleu signage.  I have to pause right here, cuz as of late there's been a lot on the street and in celebrity news about all this PDA (Public Displays of Affection) going on.  Folks making out, holding hands, hugging like a bunch of Care Bears...u know we have no problem with it.  We just don't care anyway...We've been saying that for so long, if u have a love interest or are cheating on somebo....better not say that, but if u're with somebody, ACT LIKE IT!  I cannot stand all this hiding folks in tha closet, don't wanna go out, or let even ur best friends know ur dating somebody or what not.  No need to be ashamed of who u dig, if u like them, then Cee-Lo Green what everybody else thinks.  There's so many uniquely assembled couples out here nowadays.  No need 2 hide love or ur love.  As for me, we gonna continue 2 preach that, and u know we are gonna be a living example of how to get ur swerve on in public view.  It's so fun, right!

Ok, getting back 2 today...I had so much running around to do, and most if it revolved around our car.  I had to renew my parking pass here in South Beach.  I had to also renew our license plate tag.  Lots of travelling...Let's begin with the Parking Pass thing...

If u live down here in South Beach, u know that going to renew ur neighborhood parking pass in the final days can be a flat out circus just because how many people can pack the office.  I recall going one time when the office was at the old location, man, I walked up in there, and it was straight up like a club!  Not kidding...All these dudes, and gals everywhere, folks sitting on the carpet like an old #occupy Wall Street thing.  (What ever happen to those?).  People I was hoping I could catch them in between afternoon hours before it gets outta control.  So we got to Meridan Ave., after taking some back routes through the beach area.  It's a lot of people down here.  Traffic very heavy for some reason, it's becoming that Fall/Winter hotspot so there are gonna be a lot of stories to tell coming up, promise u that.  So I got to tha office, and did a u-turn into a driveway so that I could back up into a metered spot that was open.  Dude, only in South Beach can a quarter get u only 9 minutes on tha meter!  I mean, "Are u kidding me?"  I think if I would to put a penny in, the machine would probably either laugh or spit it out!  I threw in, what felt like $5 just to get me 48 minutes worth of time.  I hope this would go quick...

I get inside, and it's semi-packed.  Just chilling...then this guy comes and sits next 2 us.  I watching CNN talking about this Sandy thing going up in tha Northwest.  All of a sudden, my dude begins to vent about how the office needs more help with all these people waiting.  He tells me he works for the Dept. of Veteran Affairs, and tells me about folks coming back from the war and stuff.  I give some small talk...Then he continues to talk about him having to go up to Alabama to help his parents, he asked where I was from (Indiana in tha hizzy!! Whoo Whoo!! Raise Tha Roof!)...He told me he was from Chicago, "South Side" ...very interesting talk.  Got to talking about our line of work, and he told me about him working at Neiman Marcus up in Fort Lauderdale, in the Women's Shoes department.  How this one girl was flirting with him in their cosmetics department, but he flat out told her he was gay.  We then...mind u they are still calling off numbers to go up to the windows.  So we in tha office and he's talking bout how much money some people make, not only working shoes, but how bartenders, and valet, and more specifically hairstylists are making a lot of money through tips, but they aren't reporting them to the government so it's straight cash homey!!  We got to talking about that, cuz we went to a hairstylist and it's almost like an expectation down here to give a big tip.  A $35 cut needs like a $15 tip.  It's not so prevalent up north as it is down here.  But sometimes it's like paying for two blowjobs...Ooops!...I mean blowouts!!  Sorry... Just interesting conversation...this is what we want though.  We're constantly talking bout how many strangers come and talk to us.  It's weird.  Yet that's what we want, our fun level to perminate (Is that a word?)...we want our fun level to glow in a way that all different types of people races, gay-straight whatever, just wanna have fun.  Period.  Cool experience...

After we got our new permit, and after our convo continued even outside of the one-stall bathroom with this gent (Don't ask!), we went out tha door and headed out to our next stop.  We stopped by tha bank to pick up a $20 piece and headed up to North Beach to hit up this tag auto office off of 71st street.  They got this new Publix grocery store they building up there...believe u me, it's really a sexy construction.  That's one thing I like about the North Beach area, there are so much activity that's literally like 100 feet from the sand.  From the library to the restaurants to the everything.  It's a hidden gem!  I pulled into a parking lot with some meters that I didn't pay cuz I was short on time.  (Shhh!!  I'll get them back when I park in Coral Gables on a Sunday!!)  Ran in, and hollared @ this girl who says she was "really hot" inside.  I don't know if that came when when we walked in or not, cuz it was a cool 73 degree chilly outside 2day.  Got our tag and was out tha door...on my way back 2 SoBe, I was coming down Collins, more specifically Millionaire's Row, when I saw this girl jogging to our right, on the sidewalk right in front of the bay where mega-mansions .  If u live down here u know what I'm talking about.  It looks like an HGTV TV show theme montage...anyway, I see this shorty jogging.  This truck comes in front of me, and the guy in the passenger seat does something I've never seen before.  He stuck his head completely out the window, and turned at a 180 degree angle to look back and utter something to this doll!  We've never seen that before...and we've seen a lot when it comes to guy/girl interaction.  But this Warner Bros. cartoon wolf, was completely out of control...Oh, u gotta love tha beach.

Few short thoughts...Hair is like the "it" thing.  We got our 50s/fade/mohawk thing going on.  I ran into this guy at a UPS store, and he had his hair like slid or mini-mohawked to the right, moosed up.  It's was "hot" and I told him that I liked it.  That might've been the first time we've told a dude, that we liked his hair.  Interesting...but everybody is doing something with their hair, showing their personality and uniqueness and we like 2 see that.

How can I go any further without recognizing our favorite childhood baseball team, them G-Men from San Francisco for winning the World Series.  I don't even believe it bro!  2 championships in 3 years??  We think about all those late nights staying up to watch them play back in tha day...With Bonds...Nen...Snow...Santiago...Willie McGee...Russ....Becks...Richie Baby....Strawberry...Jeff Kent...Darren Lewis...can u tell that I'm a fan?!!  It's a different group of guys now, but those memories will always, always be in our hearts.  They came up short after so many great seasons, but so much fun watching Dusty and tha boys!  I miss those days, but I'm so happy for tha squad this year, especially considering how many times they were counted out to even make tha playoffs.  Sounds like a life lesson, huh...It's never over, til its over.  Congrats bros!!!

Tha League is hours away...Can u dig it!!  U know we gonna be on tha Heat and them Lakers this year...Gonna be a lot of fun.  A LOT!!

Alright, our final one before tha official holiday of Galaxia!  We feel...we've been saying how our life is gonna change, and it has.  New experiences, new beautiful people entering into it.  I wanna write bout someone in particular, and I should since our diary is ever so personal right now, but we're gonna be patient, and let everything fall into place.  One day we hope somebody would read our online version of our diary from the beginning to now.  U can read today or perhaps in tha future and see all the fun, which we always have, but the present day fun we're having in life.  But there's been a backdrop to that story...

Now it's time to let loose.  And if u think we've been wild so far....u have no idea, what awaits.

U know how we know...

Cuz neither do we!!!  (Ha! Ha!)

But we guarantee ya...It's gonna be fun!!

Good Bye...And Hello!
Austino Galaxia.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

On 2 Tha Next Adventure.

Oh, another classic show!!  With the best theme song ever!

I really dig the European flavor!  I don't think people understand.  I've never been, which is kind of suprising considering how much we've watched from afar.  Right now, we're watching this Barclays Premier League football match between Everton and Liverpool, just watching the atmosphere gets u all hyped and wanting to be a part of that madness!  It's so cool...I looked up some information on the city of Liverpool itself.  And boy, it seems so exciting, and with the culture and arts and everything it seems like a perfect city for us to get that 5th Summer home!  Check it out....

We live in the beautiful atmosphere of Miami Beach.  I think Miami is almost as Inter...matter of fact, I know that Miami is as International of a city u can go, here in the United States.  While I know other cities have their own arguments, when u combine the Central and South American flavor, along with the European style, and now the growing Asian influence, dude, it ain't nothing like it anywhere. I guess that's where or why we ended up down here.  Our heart is so multi-(u fill in tha blank), that I have to be somewhere that is more than just pure Americana.  Don't know why we're writing all this, but we are at this "I am this" stage in our life, where u begin to realize who u are as a person, and what u like, and don't like...and really don't pay too much attention to what negativity others may bring.  Maybe it's all part of "finding urself" which is natural.  We all go through it, but we know inside that our life is not ending, but jokes's just now starting to begin.

We've read many an articles on life's fixation on being young.  Looking young, acting young, doing every and any thing to capture those Saturday mornings of our "youth".  I put that in quotes, because age is nothing but a number, bro.  Talking to my Pops on yesterday on how life has changed in terms of what old means.  I was thinking this the other day, on how blessed we are to be one of the only select few walking this Earth that can honestly say that, not only are we a kid, but am still living a kid's type of life.  Some people may say they're a kid, but we are fortunate enough to still do goofy things without all the so-call adult responsibilities.  That's not to knock those who may be married or have kiddos, but it's just different.  I know that whenever we have some of those aspects added to our life, knowing our personality, we are still gonna be a dude who's about having fun and talking crazy, and stuff.   That's real talk.

I've been really borderline out of control as of late, even though u may not see it.  Sometimes we forget that we are a trailblazer of sorts and get caught up to what society believes u should be at in ur life at a particular age or experience level.  I've worked for this long, so I should have this and that...I've gone through this many episodes with dimes so I should be married or shopping for baby clothes and pampers....What I'm learning is that sometimes it's not a mistake that u are where u are.  And the main reason that u haven't done something or someone is because of one thing....


And just as in photography, love, and career adjustments, timing is important in every aspect of life.  What's that old equation:  Preparation plus Opportunity equals Success.  Put short that's Timing.  U have to go through a lot of different things before u...Sometimes u want things, and they seem so easy, not knowing the steps u have to go through, knowingly and unknowingly before u actually see them come into fruition.  This is kind of personal, but I recall being like on our knees at the ripe age of 14 or 15 praying to The Great Gift Giver in the Sky about "I want to have the most beautiful girl in the World".  Now as u say that at that age, u think that's so Love Potion No. 9 simple.  That it's just gonna drop out of thin air wearing a Vera Wong maid outfit, and speaking in a French accent, rocking the latest pair of our Nike id shoes....This soccer game is getting wild!...But that's a very huge statement and request to be made.  And it was like we asking for it over and over, kind of wild.  As I look back on those Dr. Phil moments I see that we are gonna get that lifestyle, but u have to go through a lot before u meet that person.  Huh.

Nowadays we all want what we want, who we want, and more impactfully when we want it.  We don't want tha struggle.  I know I don't...but we've grown to accept it...sort of.  (With a smile)  The most difficult thing is in this day and Casio, having success delayed or even having to actually learn lessons of pain and patience is not as celebrated as it once was.  U win a college championship, u're expected to do the same in the pros, in 4 years max...U were a starlet in high school, a borderline local queen, and suddenly u chase ur dreams and go to Hollywood or Miami to be an actress or model, and ur supposed to be automatically thrown on the cover of Vogue UK or star opposite of Denzel or Brad.  I think I wrote on yesterday about success being relevant to expectations, and I'm starting to believe that it's best to not even have any.  Just trusting ur method of operation, and just letting things work themselves out. It's...

Has anyone ever like lost weight, and become super hot, but still have that little un-confidence about themselves?  It's almost as if u've busted ur butt to work hard, and get into super-James Bond shape and yet feel inadequate to show it off.  Boy we bringing the big words out 2day.  The last several months as our life has shifted to a whole new level, we still feel like we are in the "old" lifestyle, that wasn't too shabby itself believe u me.  But new options have occurred and we still are comparing ourself to things in tha past or other people and their lives.  That dude has a 8-pack of abs while doing just curls...I have a six pack by doing curls, pull-ups, and crazy circuits...but maybe u have better conditioning than that other person.  It's easy to feel like ur doing more and getting less than the next guy and girl.  But as in our aforementioned equation, maybe u are being built for a different race.  Maybe they are being built for a sprint...where u are being built for a sprint and a marathon.  That's why we keep saying that sometimes what ur going through in life, on ur job, with ur school work is just building u for a future that u may not even know ur being prepared for.  I know it's a deep way of thinking, but at least for me, I know it's right.  Now when I go out with a beautiful lady and the insist on getting cheese on their burger, I say "sure", but I then shyly slip a Pre-breakup contract across the table and add  "Will u please sign this first?!!"  Oh...I'm so wild...

So now as we're maximizing our lifestyle, and ur maximizing yours, we can go on with more confidence knowing that we've been through the fire, and now it's time for our Golden era.  Boy, if I don't get my own talk show by this time next year, I might just do a sit-in boycott on every station down here in South Florida!!  Just have fun, and live it up.  I don't know where our life is turning, but that's what we're gonna do.

And let tha chips fall where they may!


Saturday, October 27, 2012

No Doubt Bout It!!

No Doubt...One of my favorite groups! Remember this one?!!

Oh my...Oh my!!

Soooo much going on right now, can't explain it really...It's morning time on today, and we want to just jot a few real life items that's been going on.

It's so crazy when u're trying to re-organize where u live.  I mean this stuff can borderline make u grab some wine, light up a Cuban ciggy and just lay back in a chair wondering "What have I gotten myself in to?"  And all that drama is due simply to the fact that u can't decide whether u want ur TV in the left corner or up on the wall!  We all about color, we've stated how we feel about brownies and blackberries, we love life, and want a place where life lives and where love comes to life.  So in deciding...go ahead and smile, that was a great last sentence!  In deciding the layout we are looking for inspiration everywhere from HGTV shows, music videos, hotel rooms, to Barbie dreamhouse sets, u name it dude and we're on it.  We don't have an unlimited budget per se, and being one of the most wealthy yet frugal people u'll ever come accross...Ok.  I'm in some ways cheap.  I mean these cats want like $1.99 for a light bulb, and can only guarantee me like 40 hours of light.  C'mon, man I can get two stick candles, light them boys up for an hour a day, I may have to eat in the dark, but at least I can get them for a buck instead of missing out on a McChicken sandwich for tha week!  Today is our deadline.  It's been set, we'll finalize everything and the fun will come to life in a few.  It's gonna be nice...

What else is on our mind?  This is our quote unquote birthday weekend, since our birthday is in a few days on the October 30th.  Don't like to even look ahead that far, but u can't help but reminence on what this birthday cake year has brought to us.  I'm not gonna lie, it's been probably our most difficult in recent history.   The lessons kept coming, the craziness was like a daily basis.  I think what really helped and molded us was realizing how close we actually are to where we want to be at.  But right when we thought this or that would happen, it still didn't come to fruition.  Now, we become so immune to getting our hopes up so high, that it's just like, "Ok...Whatever...When it happens, I'll celebrate."  But until then, it's just something to pass the day...Has anyone else reached that Championship or Bust mentality?  Where it's like, tha other things are super cool, but u know deep within u won't ever be truly satisfied until u get what u really been working for, and what u're really be desiring.

This is all not to say that all we've been blessed with has been a total waste.  Are u kidding me?  I mean, like...seriously?  Just saying that when we say that it's hard to stay motivated at times, and keep pushing when u feel like u've already been down this road before and have come up empty.  U have 2 really dig down for those times u were denied or rejected to get some motivation.  That edge...I ALWAYS seemingly am talking about dating.  So for example, u meet a girl or gal, and u two go out and end up in a relationship.  U find that u two have everything in common.  Romance each other for like 3 years all heart, body and soul, and then u break up.  It'll probably hurt, and then u wonder, "Why did I waste all these years and Groupon bucks on this person if I have nothing to show for it!"  So one, it's tough or it'll probably take some time before u open ur heart again.  And then when u do meet somebody who's cool and pretty, u almost don't want to go through the preliminaries..."What's ur name?...Where ur from?...U shower at night or in tha morning?  Yada...yada..."  It can seem boring, and u can begin to think within, "Are you tha one or not?"  If u don't feel like they are, on tha first date or convo, u just push them to tha side.

That ain't the right way to go, but it's what's happening.  Not just in relationships but in life.  When u've been down all to familiar territory and when I say that, I'm not talking about like a few months, I'm talking about years of putting forth the work, effort and faith of simply being, "You."  When u've experienced that road, and if u've had no success...or if u've had some wins too, just the process can be tedious.  Gotta write these two quotes:

"Success is relevant to expectations."
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

Those two gathering of letters defines our who outlook from tha present, past and future.  Our expectations on our life are quite big.  I mean who names themselves after a whole Galaxia, duh??!!  But in our heart we know that the world is a playground, a stage, where u can do whatever u want, and be whoever u want to be, even though u have to go through a lot to get to that point.  Saying all these quotes, and for some quoting all these Biblical scriptures is super cool and fine and handy dandy, but when u actually try to put those principles into ur life, and don't see immediate success...It's like the Lakers going 0-8 in the Preseason, u don't think that's not a motivating factor or may even create a mini-seed of doubt...Or studying for an exam for two weeks, sacrificing and all, saying "no" to tha girl of ur dreams, (Now u definitively know this is a fictional example!), and taking the test and still coming up with an "E" on it, tell me that doesn't get 2 u just a little bit.  Maybe I'm just too competitive or too much of a perfectionist.  But we've just reached a stage in our life where it's like why should I expect anything else.  Why else strive to live a life full of fun, if u aren't able to not only see ur cake but eat it in the end?  Or why eles go through all these things when it comes to love, if we aren't gonna get somebody who's tha creme de la creme.

I think sometimes u gotta thank The Great Motivator in the Sky for how he keeps you.  And I also think u have to look in the mirror and say, "Hey, after all we've been through...we're still here."  And not only that, but if u look back, a little, u find that u're bigger and better than ever.  U can walk past a person that would have made u clip trip their feet back in tha day, and now be like, "What's up?"  Or U can walk into a place of employment that once gave u a rejection letter, and not even feel a bit of guilt.  I need some help, Miss Estelle, tell them how I feel!  It's so true.  I don't mean to write this long and real at 10:32am in the morning, but I gotta say this...

As of late, and really this previous week, I ain't gonna lie.  We felt just plain old spent.  Like a dollar bill at a strip club.  Tossed around, flying through the air, then gracefully falling to tha ground.  Having the exhilarating joy of being inside the home of a beautiful pair of twins and a rarely seen pussycat.  Only to have that perfection taken away and given to someone in exchange for a simple stick of gum.  Left with a bewilderment of, "Aren't we worth more than this?"  Oh...I'm starting 2 feel this now...I absolutely KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that pushing urself to the limits everyday in some way, shape or form, can really test you and work on u some.  Especially when u are pushing towards and idea without a true visual to run to.  It's like somebody say, "If u run up to Palm Beach, and make a left turn on Worth Ave, away from the beach, u'll have the prize u've always wanting, waiting for you outside the doors of Saks Fifth Avenue."  U're running, just with the expectation of something cool, but u really don't know what it looks like, or what it feels like.  Just going on the idea that's it's a dream come true.

But that's what makes the special ones so special...I wanna be...I am special.  Why not be confident?  U have to push even when u don't know where u're going or more specifically where u're being taken.  I was driving in Downtown Miami off, and I was coming to this stoplight.  I was jamming out listening to some music, as usual, and I looked to my right, where it was this corner like Quik stop type of store, and as I was pulling up to this stop sign, these two guys were hugging the wall of the store.  But as I just simply looked out my passenger window, BOTH of them gave us some love at the exact same time.  Felt like I was in a car commercial or something...  One of them, held up his fist at us, in a sort of  "What's up" kind of way.  While the other, pointed our way like, "I see ya!"  I gave a head nod, just to say "What up".  Now I was like 75 feet away...I continue, to go pull up, and I hear, "Hey, What's Up Killa!!...What Up Killa!!"  I could hear it like, 3 or 4 times, and I know they was shouting that to us.  Not in a bad way, but just in a baller or "big time" kind of way.  I was on my way somewhere so I just played it off, cuz I know they wanted to talk or something, and I had a feeling in my soul, like "u have to go."  But...these type of things happen to us just about all the times if we're driving or when we're walking, just so many absolute complete strangers coming to us or acknowledging us, it's weird.  I just want everything about us to be about fun.  Want that to beem from our's just when so many unique instances keep on happening, u wonder, why and when.  U getting the rock star experiences, and the stage has been set.  Believe u me, it's really, really bout 2 be on.  And tha game just won't ever be tha same.

Didn't mean to write all this, but just us being us, I guess.  Our life is reaching new levels and new experiences...just want u to feel how it feels to be in our shoes.  It can be scary cuz we know we're about to have what we've been working and prepared for.  That moment.  

Now that moment is upon us.

And u'll gonna see us like never before...

And Em aka "B-Rabbit" told me best how act in tha middle of all this...


Lose Yourself.

And I will.

Austino Galaxia.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Galaxia On Duty!

Boy o boy oh boy!

This has been a complete world wind...literally!!  Was anybody else out and about down here in Miami like around 6 p.m. or so?  Man, I was walking the ghetto streets of South Beach down here, and I don't know what happened but all I know is we got caught up in the wind from Kansas!  Palm trees blowing every which away, street lights about to come down like the Heat won their third championship, complete craziness.  I love it, cuz we get to see Miami's finest, in such advert conditions.  I always love it when the bold and beautiful get thrown off guard.  (I.E.- When the temperature drops to about 30 degrees or when the grocery store runs out of organic banana pudding.)  U wanna see the M.I.A in action, let something like this happen.  Folks holding on to their suits, skirts swaying in everywhere like Marilyn Monroe look-a-like convention, so wild.  Then to top it all off, now somebody may look at me crazy, but I felt sand from the ocean actually blow about, I don't know, like 1000 feet.  Cuz I was walking on the street over from Collins Ave. (Two streets from the Atlantic Ocean), and I put this on a bottle of Hawaiian Tropic, a gust of sand just overwhelmed me.  I got it all in my shoes, in my mouth, it totally came out of nowhere.  Guess that's life in tha M.I.A...u never know whatcha gonna get.

Huh.  That's interesting.  I really didn't know what to jot down on today, we just felt that we had to write about something.  I think we got it.

The Beach Life.  I'm not actually talking just about Miami Beach on tonight, but the actual "Beach Life".  One that is filled with "Hang-ten's" and more "dudes" than any sentence can hold.  Fun in tha sun, oh tha life.  I'm really a beach type dude.  I don't know what it is about it.  We've been enamored (Oh, we on our "A" game tonight with our vernacular!)  with the sand, the smell of the water, it can just be so calming u know.  Walking around with no shoes and just laying on a towel and looking up into the sky wondering, "Why does it cost so much to rent a jet ski??"  We've had so many memorable days and nights on the beachside.  Many up north on the golden sands of Lake Michigan, and quite a few down here on the sexy sands of the Atlantic.

Down here in Miami Beach, just walking on tha boardwalk, or heck several streets over on Washington or what not can present u with some kind of show.  One thing that our sands brings is this sense of "I'm sexy and I know it."  Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's just a little bit too much for tha kid.  We've seen so many booty cheeks, and tops off, and sprayed on tans...and that's just the guys!!  Tha girls can get kind of MTV at 1am as well.  Yeah...not gonna dig into that.  But if u can imagine it, we've probably seen it.  Another thing is that the beach life is such a major tourist attraction, so u get all these different styles down here.  U get the low key beach goers who are covered up in tees, and still rock socks with sandals on the sand (That's a no-no!  No matter if ur feet look like Vienna Beef sausages or not, live free when u come 2 my 'hood!!).   Then u also get that international style where, u get basically naked and walk strut around like it's the norm.  U get it all down here in "Tha Land of the Beautiful People".

Alright.  This is supposed to be my diary right.  So u're supposed to actually get some insight into what goes into this crazy mind of ours, right?!!!  That's what a diary is all about, and if u know us, we're all, and we mean all about having fun....So on that note...Since we've a beach boy at heart, mind and body...and since we've actually work on the beach for many Summers, how about we give Galaxia's Views on what we've learned and witnessed during our times searching for seashells and sea mermaids.  We'll call it....

Galaxia's Beach Thoughts.  Are u ready?  Once again, this is just how we view certain aspects on life on the sands, u may not agree, then again u may call me up and just laugh.  This should be fun...(Huge Breath!)  Here we go:

- U better beware of the water.  I don't hate when people actually take a dip in the water, especially when it's hot, BUT...beware!  Everyone takes a dip or sometimes Humpty Dumpty in those waters as well.  The stories we've heard.  U also got the unseen animals or reptiles that are only like 2 feet away.  One of my dudes told me how he once saw like a freakin' Stingin' Ray down here in South Beach, while he was on top at one of the oceanfront hotels.  And how the folks in the water never even saw how close it was.  A little scary...Just be careful.  And then u also have ...we'll let's just to to tha next one.

- Don't make tha Rip a R.I.P!  Rip currents and wild water conditions are flat our hazardous.  I've seen so many times hot lifeguards throw up that red flag like a Blood, only to find folks steady going into the water.  Like He...llo, that flag isn't just up there, that means "If u go down the whirlpool of the earth, there ain't no clog stopper to help u out!"  Stay out!!  I know when the waters are choppy and stuff, folks get the surf boards out and get wild like they're trying out for the next sequel of  Blue Crush , but believe u me, it ain't worth it.

- Rock Tha Boat.  I have to tell u, dudes and dudettes who are amateur slash semi-professional boaters, absolutely rock dude!  These cats will wake up at like 4:30 am, the same time they be showing  Whopper Chopper juicers or whatever they're called infomercials.  All I know is that girl with the blond hair has been rockin' the same Hawaiian outfit for the last 10 years.  I think that was Nautica's Summer of 2000 collection!  But...getting back to the boaters.  They wake up at the crack of dawn, sometimes every day, and hit it.  They claim that boat people are...weird.  I know they don't care about no rain, that's for sure.  But to be on the waters for hours on end, with only a bologna sandwich, one and a half  mini boxes of Sam's Club size Froasted Flakes, and bottle of Mystic juice, and although that may be the week's diet for any model in Miami, Tha Kid just can't do it for a day!  That's why I say, Boaters rock!!

- Everybody wants to Stunt!  I don't know how this all got started, but why is it the closer u get to the actual oceanside or lakeside, the more folks want to drive slow.  Am I lying?  Up north people go slower than a final round of Jeopardy! just to turn the corner!  Down here in South Beach, the speed limit literally and mentally decreases as u get closer to the water.  Ur on the A1A, then it goes from 50mph to 40mph.  Ok.  U hit Alton Road, right at that Burger King where I wanted order some Whopper Jr.'s and the cat behind the counter pulled out a garbage bag of sneakers to sell me (U can't even make that up!)...Right around there...Bam!  35 mph...Then folks begin to get their swag up, let down the soft or hard tops in the middle of the road, and turn up the music, and then the fun really begins.  U hit my street in the middle off Jefferson, folks slow down to about 20mph....Keep going to Washington Ave...15 mph....Next is Collins Ave. where u  start to see Video Vixens and dudes that just came of the 2012 Firefighter's calender...10 mph.  Then bout time u make that left onto Ocean Drive, Awe shoot! That junk hits like 2 mph without traffic! I know a lot is about showing off ur ride, or just simply checking out the natural and unnatural scenery but it's funny!  I've done it before and come this December when it's like Spring Break in Europe, I'm gonna do it again!  And I might hook up a loud speaker to the top of my ride, Blues Brothers style!  "Hey Girl, with the Fendi swimsuit on...after I fulfill my probation u wanna go out?!?!" Don't get me started!

Ok.  It's time to get a little real.  Enough with the PG stuff.  Now, as I crack my knuckles let's get down to some real talk.  As Puff used to say in tha background... "Let's Go.."

-  Me luv tans. Me no luv tan lines.  I have some arguments on this one, but I just figure if u're gonna be out there, take everything off, it's just more complete.  We've always been like that since Baywatch all the way
to those classic MTV Spring Break days.  That's been our thing.  It's personal, I know, but in our book this may...matter of fact it is a deal breaker.  Along with eating jalapeno sandwiches with mayo, this will get tha "We have to talk" convo from us.  Just our opinion, but I figure I like to explore inner and outer beauty, and for this I don't need a map to tell me where tha hidden treasures are located!

- Rain is a sexy beach!  When it begins to rain, and ur on tha sands of the beach.  That's when some of the magic moments can really begin.  Whether it's running with ur family or special someone to shelter.  Or even more fun, u pull out ur "I'm from the 3-0-5, and I'm used to this" swagg, and just don't move, even though the raindrops are yelling, "Go Home or else" as they're coming down.  Just like Usher, I've been caught up a several times in the rain.  It's something sensual and fun being in the rain.  Everybody's all wet...If u hang out in Fort Lauderdale's ocean front, heck it's like a football field length until u hit shelter, dodging people, and going up steps, u might as well take it on the chin.  Many times those make the most fun memories of a day at the beach anyway.

- Look, but don't tou...matter of fact don't look!  Us guys have a tendacity to go crazy for girls in swimsuits.  All shapes, sizes...I've seen guys almost get into accidents just checking out a lady.  But it can go overboard.   Matter of fact...

 Here's my don't's list for tha fellas:
-  No Binoculars.  Just looks creepy...although Ray Charles sunglasses and a trucker hat totally acceptable.

- Those flamer fireworks that shoot up in tha sky.  Don't bring...Number one, fireworks are illegal on the sands on tha beach.  Number Bee, If u want to get tha digits, no need to let the rest of the beach know. Ok.

- Don't stand next to the women's bathroom for more than 6 minutes.  The line can be long at beach bathrooms, as u wait for u daughter or baby doll, but move around.  U standing and acting like ur sipping water from the water fountain, totally uncool.

- Never...I repeat NEVER wear white suntan lotion on just ur nose and not the rest of ur face.  This ain't 1957 and u aint' part of The Rat Pack!  No pal...

- Once again, when trying to get the attention of the opposite (Or even same sex, since we do live in Miami.) don't ever throw a football, a frisbee, a hacky sack, or a beach ball to get the attention of ur future love interest, especially if it's a girl.  Trust me on this, the gals down here in Miami are fine and look right in their Burberry swimwear, and have a sexy International smile, but if u pull a stunt like that down here on the sands of the Magic City, they really and truly, might just cut ya!  I'm telling u...Our women are the most beautiful, but also the MOST GANGSTA I've ever seen.  Don't be a fool!

- Don't allow ur kids to run u crazy and broke while having a beach day!  Kids go buck wild at the beach.  They wanna make sand castles, they dig both their hands in the sand and flip it up in the air like a Lebron Pregame , wanna eat Ice Cream and Tacos (How they do that?) at the same time.  Control them.  I don't have any, but from what I've seen watch them, and more importantly take them home around 6 pm cuz that's when seemingly every hot beach turns from a trip 2 Disney to a beach front Playboy Mansion.  Watch them.

Should eye....What the heck.  It's really time for us to go, but ladies....

- Don't come to the beach wearing nothing but a white shoelace and then get the nerve to get mad when a guy is checking u out.  Just like on the streets and more so, in my opinion...I think u can tell a lot about what a girl wears to the beach.  Jokes aside.  Big hat...One-Piece...Shawl wrap with Chanel glasses.  If u come to the beach dressed like a Hoochie (Is that allowable for me to say? Whatver...) Then u'll get treated like one...and I know I'll get a "Amen" from some females on this same point!

- Here's an inside secret  for tha single girls...Don't eat a burger while wearing a swimsuit.  It's just not...I may be the only guy who feels this way, but it's something...non-appealing about it.  Wait until u put ur clothes back on, and hit up Johnny Rockets while dressed, but while ur on tha sand, it will get u noticed, but not in a good way.

- When hanging out with friends it's ok to put the cell phone away for a little bit.  Being on ur phone when Bobby is about to throw Tara in the water or while a fun game of beach volleyball is about to jump off, ain't cool at all.  The beach is about getting away, and hanging out with friends and being on tha phone, and then putting a downer on the mood by telling everybody what somebody on Facebook just wrote about u...Put tha thang away!!  For real.

- Wearing makeup to the beach is acceptable...but don't overdue it.  Just like the beach, everyone there is close to a natural state.  It ain't a runway...well then again here in Sobe it is.  But it's not something guys expect...less is more.

- Sand is ur friend.  Don't get mad when sand gets in your hair, on ur shoulders, in ur cleavage, or in between ur pedicured toes.  It happens.  It's frustrating.  But it's part of tha gig.  And part of tha fun.

- Don't "Try" to get noticed at the beach...folks will see u believe that!  I once had four women asking me if I wanted to see their boobs.  I did say four!  U don't have to put on an act by getting water every five minutes or by putting on an Elizabeth Taylor entrance as u enter the sand area or into the water.  Believe u me, real beauty sings a mile away, and that's coming from somebody who constantly has his ears open!

U're getting all of us as u read our diary.  Cherish it.  Cuz it truly is one of a kind.

Hope u had fun.

Life's just one big beach day.
Austino Galaxia.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Santa Nose.

Hi...Santa!  What u bring me?

Today was absolutely one of those days.  You know the kind...where ur patient is just as short as milli-centimeter...Where u just felt like, "Uggh, I just wanna lie in my bed all day, pop some Sun Chips, turn on to the Soap Network, and just chill all the day long..."  Today was all about mental toughness, I don't think people really understand how hard it is to should we put be on ur "A" game, ALL THA TIME!  It's tough, dude.  I'm probably losing some readers right now, by talking about this, but u know what, "I really don't care" cuz as we've said before this is not only a diary, but it's our diary, and somebody somewhere at sometime is gonna one day feel like how we feel, so I need no apologize for anything that's gonna be said, cuz it's 100% real.

When we talk about the challenge of excellence or having to push through things, when u don't feel like it or want to or when it seems unfair, it can be challenging.  As we've aforementioned before...Oh, I like to use those sexy words!...We are starting to feel like the most difficult challenge is when u actually have tasted some success in areas of your life.  I'm gonna sum up my whole feeling right now...

It's like being a kid at Christmas time, and contrary to what you've heard, unlike Domino's Pizza, Santa Claus does come to the ghetto!  So the weeks and months leading up to that, u wrote Crispy Creme or...wait, that doesn't sound right?  U write Kris Kringle, that's better, u write Snow Dizzle a letter about all the things that you want on that December two five, and u state the cause why you should get those things.  U brushed ur teeth everyday...U didn't squeal on Moms when she was making out with Santa last Christmas Morning (That in itself should be worth an Xbox and a new IPhone, right!)  After u list all ur crazy demands, that special morning comes along, the one you've been waiting for as long as a reunion CD by *NSYNC!  U keep ur eyes close, after u heard a small tussle on the rooftop.  No need to risk coals in ur eyes, so u're squinting like I did one time when I...

Ok, I gotta tell this one.  So I'm checking into a hotel up north.  Up in tha land of cheese in Wisconsin.  A brotha had to use the bathroom, and I didn't want to make that "Oh" face that would have made it obvious that it was raining Mello Yello in my pants, so I asked Bernie Brewer at the front desk if I use a bathroom before I check in.  He was cool, and told me there was one around the corner, down the hall, on the first floor.  So I borderline walk/run looking for this thing, and almost about hold my crouch and go into that pose u do when "ride the bull" at a local bar.(Now, c'mon don't act like u don't know what I'm talking about!!)  I find the bathroom, and I twist the door to go in, an "My, My, My" was this lady standing in front of urinal,  cigarette butt naked, with her pants lying on the ground to her ankles.  Now under normal circumstances this would have been a dream scenario.  A beautiful girl wanting to take it to the bathroom, all glistened up, surrounded by Listerine and Colgate, and wearing nothing but dental floss, boy...don't get me started.  As I was about to take my sock off my ankle and put it on the bathroom door knob, I realized that my girl was kind of...mature.  Which I don't have a problem with, I would love to meet a dame who's been with Dean Martin, Elvis, Tom Selleck and Flavor Flav!  Heck, if she adds me to that list, then u got 5 of the 8 hottest sex symbols of the last century!  But even though I think Sophia from The Golden Girls is kinda hot especially by her off-the-wall comments, I had to pass on this girl, and close the door.  And to getting back to my original story...I had 2 squint some...

So getting back to our Wintry illustration...after doing all u can not 2 get ur eyes burn.  U finally decide to risk it all like a Vegas gambler and go downstairs to see what tha man that gets more fan letters than Susan Boyle in 2009, left for "Tha Kid".  U go downstairs rocking your Spider-Man underwear with the slip-proof rubber bottom feet, and u find three boxes left for you. They are all group together, with a note attached saying, "You'll need this.  K. Krizzle."  You open the first one, and it's a giant box of Golden Crisp cereal.  U then move on to the next box..."Please be that DVD set of California Dreams!"...U open it up, and find a cereal bowl, with a spoon with a picture of Betty Crocker on the handle.  This has got to be a joke right?!  Then u open the final box, only to find a 6-pack of socks.  And if u were paying attention above, u know what one of those uses are for, besides keeping ur feet warm, and for making one heck of a fake basketball while shooting shots with the folding laundry basket! Talking about diss-aaa-point-ment.

This is how we've been feeling as of late.  We are getting blessed in so many ways, beyond compare, so much that we expect Robin Leach to call us at any time.  For real, we ain't joking dude!  But the manner we've are being hooked up in, isn't necessarily what we've been looking for.  I'm looking to our right, for these ALL OUT miracles that are gonna have us set for life.  I've got the order form for my picket fence already filled out pally!  It's's like we're getting so many things we may need in tha future, but don't understand why.  Maybe I'm gonna need that sexy wardrobe for our unveiling to the rest of the world.  Perhaps, we found a CD by Sting, cuz our future baby mama is gonna be a fanatic of his, and absolutely loves that song, "Brand New Day".  That's one of my favorites as well...Hey, let's play that song. U never know...

Our life is so weird.  Things are happening so quickly, everything can change in just a second.  I just turned to write this, and as I turn back to the TV I see Jay Cutler of the Bears on the ground laid out.  We'll see what happens when this commercial break, but Super Bowl hopes changing in a matter of seconds.  That's why we are so...Cutler's back, cool... but life is so short.  And we've felt like we've already been waiting on some things, have paid so many dues that u just get frustrated cuz u're like, "Man, what else do I gotta do."  I know I'm being a little too deep, but...this is how we feel.

Guess this is when u have to dig down, and quiet all the noise surrounding our life.  It's a process, and you cannot skip a step.  Today was one of those steps, which is cool.  I want it so bad bad.  We're ready...the lesson for us.  Appreciate what u do have, and are receiving.  How you handle a blind faith need will determine when u get what u really want.  U just never know what's in store if u hang on, so u can't give up now.  U may be upset now about that 6-pack of socks, but perhaps Santa knows something we don't know.  Perhaps he knows that we are about to enter the coldest Winter we've ever gonna go through...


Or perhaps we are about to meet the freak of our dreams!

Austino Galaxia.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

What A Night!

Amazing!  Simply Amazing!!

Definitely have to give God ALL the credit for tonight.  Thanks!  I tell you we really don't deserve all these cool things happening to us.  We are simply just a kid who wants to love and have fun in life.  That's it.  Our life is getting really wild y'all!  So many unique movie like twists and turns...We're just gonna write from our heart and just have fun tonight.  Here we go...

Today was an interesting day.  U never know the sacrifices that you have to make.  U may not want to do them, and sometimes u may have to share a tear or two or three while driving down US-1.  (I'm totally not supposed to have written that right?!)  But in life u have to follow where u're being led, even though u might not understand it at tha time...

If u give, it will come back to you.  Pinkie promise it will!

I forget about that sometimes.  I get so caught up into the "next thing" or the "next girl" (Second thing I'm not supposed to say on tonight!) that I forget about not only all the super things that I do have, but also that sometimes u have to sacrifice dude.  That's something that can be hard especially when u don't feel like you have any more to give.  Why sacrifice your last 1/20 when u don't have that much anyway or u feel like guarding what you have.  That can be money, wisdom...that's why if u've been brought through tough times, or bad relationships, tell ur story!  Ur still standing after u caught that guy humping that girl in front of you...U're still standing after that teacher had it out for you since the first day of school, yet u still got a high passing grade...U're still standing after u got pulled out of a game for no reason, but yet in the end it was you who made the winning play and effort.  All of us need some inspiration.  As the old street saying goes, "Game recognizes game."  And by u putting forth ur positive energy within this world, and more specifically Our Galaxia, then u help us all out.  Even me.  Boy, I need to take up some kind...u know what I'm gonna add a Yoga class to our Love Seminar at the Fountainebleau next year!  On this weekend retreat u'll We'll show u how to bend ur back, and how to have someone "break your back" all for the low price of $69.99! Too much...we're just too much!!

So I got a headache in the middle of the afternoon today.  Been a lot of stuff going on, so we're gonna get our beauty sleep tonight fa sure. Ok.  Let's get into today's festivities...

Around 2:30pm or so, we were over in the Kendall area and headed up to one of our "secret" places, that Deal$ store off of like 137th and Kendall Drive.  Inside that K-mart plaza...We had to pick up some 'Nick Nacks' (Haven't said that in awhile!) inside.  Toothpaste...toothbrush...toliet paper, using those white napkins from McDonald's kind of get old after awhile!....What else, Kleenex, Hand sanitizer, stuff like that...I was checking out, and this lady from the next register over was trying to return something.  But she got hit with that Flea Market "Gotcha Gotcha" cuz my girl hit her with that "Exchange only" line.  I though that only happens in Foreign lands?...Ok.  I know nobody got that joke but me, but...Anyways....I thought something was gonna pop of, and somehow I forgot my shank, I would have just had to go back to my thug days when I used to throw my fist of fury where u just throw until u either hit somebody or hit urself, and let it all play out.  Thankfully, for the paper towel display in the front of the store, and for myself it didn't get La Familia Mafia up in there!

From there we headed up north.  Straight up the Palmetto expressway.  Man, I might have to start wearing a helmet when I drive!  These cats be out of control dude...Not only u have to be focused like Cyclops in front of you, but now u gotta be just looking in ur rearview mirror to make sure nobody's gonna try to hit it and then dip like a French Au Dip sandwich on you behind.  But...our next stop was...

To a bookstore.  Yes.  I said it...we hit I-75 and got off on Pines Blvd. in Pembroke Pines, and made our right over to The Shops at Pembroke Gardens shopping area, which let me tell you is a really sexy spot to hang, shop, for a date, check it out if u're in tha whereabouts.  We went to the Barnes & Noble over there.  It's been awhile since we've been inside an actual bookstore, we're married to the local library, but we decided to get our creep on some, and see what's going on.  Just enjoying the moments of fun, at least being in that environment is fun to us, and just walking around.  Found some goofy deals on some items.  Got this...we said, in our diary too, that we're starting to collect the Pop Rocks! small dolls for our showroom...Well today we got a Marge Simpson one to start the collection...for...$2!!  Couldn't believe it, it had a red dot on it, and we asked, and the woman said everything on the table was $2!  Say Whaa...And just like my homeboy in the beginning of Missy's "One Minute Man" video, I was like, "I'll be right back!"  (I still know that dance routine too, don't get it twisted!!)  So we went back over to see if we found something else....Ended up with another doll, this time of Batman...Go figure...also picked up a magazine I can't find anywhere in Miami, it's Dime Magazine and we really wanted this one.  Cuz it had Kobe Bryant on the cover, and more than that it talks about the best sneakers, players and stuff from the 2000th century.  A real keeper...blessed to find that one.  Walked out like, this was cool, and we were very thankful.

Not done yet though...

So our next stop was to this Salvation Army store over off of Pines Blvd. and University Drive.  Led to go and get our vintage shop on...We chilling listening to Janet Jackson's 'Damita Jo' album...or CD.  Relaxing and really just enjoying the moments we have to ourself...sort of.  We say that cuz, we jamming out with our windows down playing with the wind...When all of a sudden we hear a woman's voice...."EXCUSE ME?!!" We turned and look over to our right through the passenger window...and mind you we are on the ever busy Pines Blvd., DRIVING!!  We aren't at no we turn to her, as she has a guy in the passenger seat.  We're in the left lane, she's in the middle...She then yells out, while looking ahead trying not to hit the car ahead of her as she and I are doing about 45mph...She yells, "What's the year of our car?"   I look ahead to make sure I don't hit anybody as well...I yell back the year...And she yells back over, "Thanks...It's nice man!!"  And then proceeds to roll her tinted window back up, and zoom off ahead.  I was a little... embarrassed.  Just because our life is so, keep on saying it's a movie, and so "celebrity like".  I felt like my guy Steve Nash in this video from earlier this Summer.  Our life's one of a kind.  To put it simply...

Still not done....

So after getting stopped by the quickest stoplight we've ever seen at Pines and Palm Ave..  That trash was mad "Green Light-Red Light".  Heck, if we were playing that game bout time I woulda thought about lifting my left leg, I woulda lost!  Just on a thought!  We did this semi-whoop de whoop to through the backside of the entrance.  Once again, just enjoying the night, not looking for anything in particular.  Heard our that Jon B. ringtone, and it was my brother Ant Skeezy!  I took a plop on this comfy rocking patio chair and we got to talking about life, A-Rod getting phone numbers from the dugout (He must've learned from me, I thought I was the only one who used weird objects to get them digits!)   and the Yankees horrible end to tha season, the upcoming hoops season, about Midwest weather, just brother talk...

After talking for some time, we decided to get up and 'dabble'.  We go over to the book section first (See a theme in regards to our life!), and then we go over to the Men's clothing section.  Go back and forth between that and the home section.  We decided to really dig tonight just because we had some time, and it's fun to find upscale hidden treasures.  We go back to the Men's section and all of a sudden we hear...

"Hello, Salvation Army customers due to our Happy Hour, all clothing is now 50% off, all shoes are buy 2 get one free..."

I stopped and was like, "This can't be real can it."  I then walked over to this cute Redhead girl who was working, and asked her about it, and she was like, "All clothing is 50% off until we close."  And she added, "The clothing section is a good place to start."  Next thing u know it, a Road Warriors rush came upon me, one I haven't felt since the Barney's Co-Op store had the "crazy" sale a few years ago down here in South Beach.  That left me calculating how many meals I could make out of 3 hot dogs and 2 cans of Baked Beans!  (Let it be noted I could have gotten more cans, but since I'm into this No Salt Added thing, that's all I could afford!)   Feeling this natural high, I go back over to first the dress shirts section...found some really high end stuff, then to the t-shirts in tha back, and then to the jean section.   And I put this on Tom Ford himself, I went over, and then I looked and saw, wait let me get my Kayne voice ready....Ah-heem..I saw..."Racks on Racks on Racks" of jeans.  Bro, I literally almost passed out!  Not joking.  I don't know if it was the sight of all those beautiful fabrics pressed together, just hanging perfectly on those clear hangers, all sized up or what, but I almost bit the dust.  We were getting blessed big time...Then we looked to our right...and they had a "Boutique" section, with nothing but designer clothes.  Armani Exchange, Faconnable, Polo Ralph Lauren, it was crazy dude!  All...u got it 50% off.  Amazing!

I'm not even gonna get into the brand names we walked out with, but...we're getting our Bruce Wayne wardrobe together, definitely from our Stylist in the Sky!  This was the place to be, for it was quite of few folks in there, (Not poor folks either, that's a mis-stereotype about vintage or consignment stores.) arguing over furniture that's been in there 20 days and what the price should be on that, folks trying to buy toy horses, it was cool.  And guess what...

Still not done...

So we are almost exhausted from that.  Decide to look for some jewelry, more specifically an engagement ring for my future wifey, whoever that may be, but wanted to go all out, ya dig!! We glancing around the jewelry counter, and ...the Galaxia came to a stand still!  Cuz what did we see...

Three small bookcases full of music CDs.  Oh man!  I really needed an inhaler now!  We go over, and I got all this stuff in our hand, but u know how we get down and dirty when we look for deals, especially when it involves music.  Man, we found some stuff we've been wanting...Britney's second album, Robbie Williams, the soundtrack to the movie Boomerang, an old chill CD from us3, a classic from the singing group Brownstone, and the ultimate in our book. The Chris Gaines album by Garth Brooks.  Been wanting that one for over 10 years....look at God!  So we spent not that much $25 and some change for some mad cool items.  CDs were $1.99 and homegirl gave us 25% off of them, that's a great hookup.  And the clothes we got were 50% off, so....Awesome with a capital 'A'!!!

I hope this don't sound like we bragging, but it is still a diary, not just entertainment u know.  This is what's happening in our life.  We just want to have fun, and share it.  Still believe that....

Give and have fun.

Nothing more than that fam.

Have a fun night.
Austino Galaxia.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today's Guest Speaker Is...

I used to L-O-V-E this old 80s show

This should be very interesting,
If this day already hasn't hit me with some spite.
Now I'm being led to write a poem,
But our mind is blank with nothing in sight.

May be our last one we'll jot,
So we'll follow orders and give our best.
My heart is full right now, a little nervous,
But I've already past all the tests??

So for one more evening, we'll relax,
And see what our fingers come up with.
Fame, Money, we talk about it all,
And that Sex thang...I plead tha Fifth.

But what if I just go all out, and show,
Once and for all that there's no compare.
I mean, for all our time writing this diary,
We've chose "truth", now it's time to choose "dare".

No need to wait any longer,
Let's just write away with a sexy flow.
Get ur popcorn ready, and DVR ur TV,
Sit back and simply enjoy tha show.

I feel change y'all big time,
And it's really hard to explain.
I feel like jumping up and down while walking,
But that'll just throw me in tha Asylum of the Insane.

We want so much out of life,
No joke, but I'm not tha only one.
Some dream of reality shows or headlines,
Our dream has simply been one

Why do we get up in the morning,
If we feel like we don't have a fighting chance.
Might as well stay tuck under the covers,
There's no use in doing ur Diddy dance.

Sometimes we even feel that way,
Like haven't we learned enough.
It's almost like learning ur ABC's all over again,
Man...I been knew that stuff.

The frustrating thing about all this,
Is the feeling that it ain't effort but about time.
When others are dropping them left and right,
Seemingly I got to get one penny at a time for my dime.

I ain't even gonna get into that...yet,
But u know we have 2 say just a bit.
In order to write this poem of a lifetime,
We must let a few nuggets simply sit.

We have such an ultimate life in many ways,
Everything is within our reach.
Been through the pain, and hardships,
I guess now it's our time to teach.

So Professor Galaxia, I have a question,
What's the sexy lesson of the day?
There are several to speak upon,
Keeping it real is our only way.

Not giving up.  Huh, wasn't expecting that one,
That's kinda of NWA hardcore.
But in order for this class to begin,
U have to be thrown in the fire....
As soon as u enter the door.

We all, I don't care who u are son, feel this way,
Like, "What's all this really worth?"
Work hard. Be resilent.
Simple lessons taught from birth.

But what if u feel like everything u been taught,
Was wrong, like this way doesn't work anymore.
Seems the lessons of old are out of date,
Like going to an hotel without a 13th floor.

Life can really test you, and make you wonder,
Could I've been born in during the wrong time?
I wanna dress like the 60's,
Love like the 70's,
And oh I wish Carmen Electra woulda been mine.

"Ahead of our time" that's the phrase,
That's what describes our soul's cry.
It's like we've already Peter Panning  in our Galaxia,
While everybody else is wondering if man can ever fly.

Yet, despite all those feelings, U have to be strong,
And believe that the tides have turned.
Sometimes u have to close ur eyes and clear you head,
Just so u don't remember how u've been burned.

That's the only way you can make it nowadays,
I speak for myself, but I believe it to be true.
Just like we've been saying since 1994,
You still have to do whatcha gotta do.

So lesson number one class, I guess,
Is a tough yet easy one to digest.
Never give up.  No matter what it looks like.
That's the only way to be tha best.

Class is in session on tonight,
I hope somebody is taking some classic notes.
We're just hear as a guest speaker for this hour,
After all this you'll think we're trying to win some votes.

These words are being mirrored right back at us,
Our reflection looks real as can be.
Let's all continue to see what's next,
I feel another lesson or two...or three.

The past is tha past...Huh,
I feel like it's about to be on now.
I sense tha class scooting to the edge of their seats,
Hopefully this will be worth a standing oh and a bow.

People don't know how hard this is to do.
Especially when you've been really hurt.
We're all are different, it could be a cuss out,
A boss trippin', or a misconstrued flirt.

Heck, the other day I was at The Triple A,
Just chillin' until I saw this chick.
Man, this rush hit me like no other,
And the middle finger is what I wanted to flick.

It was like, "U didn't believe in me."
And even if u forgot, u're my fuel.
U're one of the reasons why I now glide,
No longer moving at the speed of a mule.

Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm too sensitive,
Yet still I recall who did what.
That's what keeps us motivating in tough times,
Just seeing those names and faces,
Gives us that needed kick in the butt.

What I have learned though is that,
Being angry can only take you so far.
Sometimes that emotion can dim your light,
And nobody can see the gleam of a faded star.

We have decided that, "Alright, it's there when we need it",
Now move on to another stage.
That's what they were being used for,
Not to trap you, but to open up your cage.

And let me repeat that's tough dude,
It's so much easier said that to be done.
But nobody said it was gonna be simple,
And with each step, u can't skip,
Nope, not a one.

Let me just add this,
And please forgive, but this is for me.
Sometimes u can't believe everything you hear,
And u dag gone sure can't with all that u see.

I can get caught up with tha flash,
And all the glitter of a life in South Beach.
Everybody looks hot.  Luxury is abundant,
You can even call your Nanny without a simple arm reach.

With that you sometimes wonder,
How did all these folks get all that?
This chick is eating 3 Whopper Jr.'s, with large fries,
And she has no pimples nor a slither of fat!

Image is reality.  Yes.
No matter what you think, it's true.
Please don't hold your breath thinking it'll change,
Believe u me, your mug will turn a Smurf blue!

What needs to be said it this,
Don't worry about others, just be you.
I see it all the time.  Almost makes you wanna change,
But as The Roots say,
Never do what they do.

I'm starting to get warm Galaxia fam,
That last tidbit was supposed to be for free.
I'm listening to that song right now, which is so perfect,
So let's make that lesson number three.

Everytime out we pray that u feel like ur a part of something special,
Knowing that u'll never see a diary like this again.
We want to stir up every emotion,
From laughing to living it up,
I want this diary to be your hidden sin.

What else am I learning right now, at the moment,
Something that needs to be shared.
I've never talked about love right?
I mean that topic is so rare!!

Yeah...right.  We gonna speak upon it,
Cuz we feel like we're the last of a breed.
Living the ultimate bachelor life,
One, who unlike others, doesn't want to be fed,
But gets joy out of the act of tha feed.

Told my Moms the other day,
We might be the World's Most Eligible Bachelor.
Now before you chuckle, just realize,
That doesn't mean I'm a wolf in lamb's fur.

I'm confident in that cuz of what we've been through,
And simply how we've been molded.
The hand dealt:  a 2 of hearts, a 3 of clubs,
With that card shuffle a many would have folded.

We always still believe it ain't how you start,
But how the end softly sings.
See, did you just hear that whip sound...
I just got a Joker, an ace of Spades,
And a Diamond worthy of a King.

Love is something I think this diary is written for,
It's part of the Hollywood flick.
If I don't talk about it, that would be a disrespect,
And I'll be writing stuff that would make me sick.

Man, I'm sorry, that's that egotistical side of me,
I'm talking about me being the sexiest thing since they've kept score.
I really have to aplogize about that, super sorry,
Cuz I need to be talking about lesson number four!

This lesson is tough to write but I'll do my finest,
It's one I'm taking note on every day.
You've probably heard it before, but it's worth repeating,
But love will always find a way.

Tonight this black hair, blue eyed beauty passed me on Washington Ave.,
She looked at me so hard, she was giving me the Eye-"Funk".
If u change the 'n' to a 'c' , and u'll catch my drift,
But I still wonder if this was an exam I flunked.

If a girl comes toward you leading with her legs,
And just stares at you, C'mon you'll have to be impressed.
Unique face, cute green low cut top,
And I'm not even gonna talk about her bre...

But that's the thing when you're, how can I put this,
And I know other guys and girls will agree.
When u've seen a lot, u can sometimes look too hard for perfect,
Which can be like looking for a rose in a forest full of trees.

The thing, and this may be just for us, but,
We are just letting it all simply develop like a Kodak.
If we do that, we can save a whole lotta trouble,
And we won't have to hear no unwanted "Yippty-Yap".

I will say this, as we're in our dating years,
That the Gaga Lovegame is no cinch.
The thing now is some folks are playing,
While in many ways the best players are still on the bench.

No somebody has to give me a "Amen" on that,
Cuz that is just like a Ronaldo goal for Madrid Real.
Sometimes just because someone's playing doesn't mean they're good at it,
U can't skip steps, love is more than sex or a tingling in ur Levi's feel.

That's why we talk, some may call it reckless,
But we call it with some conceit.
When u're prepared, and endured the trials,
You can Crip walk with all three feet!

Love will find a way,  No need to worry.
Sometimes we wonder, have we seen too much.
I know I ain't the only one who's feels like that,
Think and hope u can meet somebody who will actually go dutch.

Not pass it, that's on another tip,
Though once the love is good, it's a drug.
French kissing.  Squeezing the booty.
Some just like a fireplace with a little snug.

These are the moments where u get our heart at our purest,
So we just letting it flow.
As our life is changing, we must admit,
We don't have that much longer to go.

Let's recap.  No give up. Forget the past.
Be You. And Love will find.
Some other stuff is thrown in there,
I don't think you will mind.

This isn't about so much talking to others,
As we mentioned earlier, this was about me.
No fathom where this would go,
Guess some lessons for the I see.

That's it.  This may be our last...
At least before we talk on that new sphere of strat.
Looking forward to that one, big time...
One filled with fun, dancing, and an unlimited cereal bowl of Smacks!

If nothing else, just remember,
Galaxia always said to have fun...
Matter of fact, it's was something of insist.
No homework class, No final,
Just simply the words you've been waiting for me to utter...

Class dismissed.

Dr. Austino Galaxia
Masters and Ph.D certified in "Amore"

Monday, October 15, 2012

Strangers and A Cute Girl.

Who remembers this old Nickelodeon Show?

Our life, eye tell ya!  Just wish we had our own reality show, we really need it cuz we really believe that there's no life worth following right now, more than ours...and that's all jokes aside!

So we're walking down here in the sunny streets of South Beach this evening, and I see this truck parked, it looked like one of those trucks that are used for those who work in the grass cutting or landscape business.  So I look over and see this girl come out of the apartment complex, through the gate to the sidewalk.  I look and notice one of the workers just stopping what he's doing and is just mesmerized at this visual of this woman.  He was giving that oh too familiar "South Beach Gawk".  Then another one of his workers got off the truck and was peeping this girl all out.  And then...another worker got out the driver's side of the truck, and walked over to the sidewalk to not even sneek a peek, but just blatantly get his eye candy on.  Now I'm all the way across tha street, and next thing I know it, I look over, and out of nowhere one of the guys is giving me the biggest smile, and is flashing me the "A-Ok" sign!  Indicating that he just witnessed something of top shelf quality.  I just pointed at him, laughing...all the way back home.  Wild...

See this is what we dream our Galaxia to be.  Now I'm not talking about scoping girls out like a piece of meat.  Oh no!  But just having different people of different backgrounds just sharing in the fun.  These guys were of Hispanic decent, but that didn't matter...Fun is color blind...gender blind (Is that a real phrase?)...all that we care about is having fun.  So much happens to many different interactions with absolutely complete many stories.

I recall one time being inside of the ATT store down here in SoBe off of Alton Road, and this gentleman was in there.  Somehow we got to talking, and he began to talk about how South Beach was built, and how all this dirt...I mean money help to build up this Fantasy Island, just interesting...Some silly stuff...Just the other day I was walking, and this Mom was walking with this kid in a stroller.  Everything was cool as I saw them approaching us, and then next thing I know it, this little kid in the stroller stuck out his hand to give us an high-five!  So cute, so what did I do?  Give the little Donald Trump some dap and kept going!  As we said, we want everybody to be involved in all our fun in regards to life.

We ain't writing this for bragging or what not, just to illustrate how it is to be in our shoes.  As we say, we really have a MTV lifestyle, even though we don't talk about it all the time.  Just sharing some of our stories...

A few weeks ago, we was talking about us getting our ride sideswiped, banged up, and turned into a crash dummy commercial all in one.  And to make matters worse, it all unfolded right before our pretty brown eyes.  Or do I have black eyes?  Or blue eyes depending on the tilt of our head? I had to ride  the mass transit systems down here in Miami.  Dun...Dun...Dunnnn!!  I could hear the organ playing that horror music in the background as I wrote that!  So I was on the Metrorail, just relaxing thinking about how I can get of the train and make it to my bus all in the long span of 1 minute and 30 seconds, not including the time spent telling somebody "No" as they are trying to bootleg Metrorail train tickets on the low.  So I'm sitting on these blue rubber kickball type seats, and this guy is looking at me.  Now I have no problem with anybody, even dudes glancing my way, it comes with the territory.  Some beautiful mama knows what I mean on that!  But he was just staring at us.  Now I got my Hollywood grey Armani's on, so u really can't see my eyes, but I kinda just turned his way.  So he smiled.  I know if I smile back this is gonna turn into one of those awkward moments that u only see on Channels 642-649 late at night around Midnight on your local satellite provider.  I for dag gone sure didn't order no pizza, and I happen to forget my lucha libre mask at home, so I took the easy way out and just gave a head nod.  Next thing tha kid knows it, this guy is like pointing at us, smiling and in his heavy Cuban accent talking about God.  Which I have no problem with, just wondering out of all these people on this train, he's done single me out, so I'm kind of embarrassed.  He shouting at me how "Nobody's perfect...Only God."  Which I totally agree with...I wonder what kind of body does God have?  Like does He have ripped abs or is He just living tha life reading the final edition of our diary...let me stop...I already got one strike for looking up the bio on Rima from the cast of  Bad Girls Club Mexico...I don't need another one!

My guy ended getting off the train, or we got off, don't recall, but we was just like, "This is getting weird."  I think that's when we can get impatient cuz we see all these signs of a fun and unique lifestyle, yet when u go through some hard times u just like, why is this all happening if it's not gonna jump off?  Folks stopping you in the middle of the street from their SUV to tell you, "One day you're gonna be a Millionaire."  To a cool girl who told us our name sounds like "a star".  We want 2 make a difference in folks' lives.  Yes, we have our days, where we may be like "not today" but we try to limit those moments.

We all need some positive reinforcements in our lives.  Sometimes as we've said before, u just have to either draw back on some positives from ur past or two u just have to talk to urself, and make urself feel good.  U can look smokin' hot and still not always feel like the prettiest in tha room.  But that's when u just have to continue to push, and make it through.  Life sometimes can get a little cloudy on what way to go.  But everything has a quirky way of working itself out.  I learned that sometimes you have to let it all play itself out, and living down here on the sexy sands of Miami Beach...that can be dag gone hard...

I remember...  (If u've been reading our diary u know what that means...a girl story!)

When I first came down to Miami, one of the main reasons I came down was to get a wife...Sorry, that was a Galaxian get a good education.  I was attending MIU (Miami Int'l University of Art And Design) to get another degree, this time with the tract being in Fashion Merchandising.  With the location, and with the major, you could already bet ur high-ney that we had a lot of interaction with the opposite sex.  That was NOT the goal, but just like a hardy, "You....ARE the father" on Maury, some things u know are inevitable.  (Huh, that's a cute word.)  I'll be down here for days talking about all the cool peeps I met during those days.  Some just like us getting more education...others it was their first time around.  We had folks from all over the globe, and all over the state of Florida.  I recall this girl who was from Naples...let just say that I almost moved over there!  She was attractive with her dark tan, black/blond pepper hair, and some very Playboy cover girl type eyes...but she always used to come to class like red-eyed out, and she definitely wasn't coming off of no flight!  That was the only thing with so many of these beauties, definitely not all, but...Miami is in love with beautiful girls.  Guys gawk at them, as we earlier noted....U get to go into parties and clubs for free...And with the beauty that so many of the girls possessed  along with some very unlimited checkbooks, these girls were living the life of dreams, and showed up 2 class with it written all over their face.  (U'll be surprised how many times I saw somebody wear the same outfit twice or come to a night class ready 4 a night out on the town!)  I had my fun too, believe u me...but I was trying to get my thang if u know what I mean.

It was this one girl.  Today is her turn...She caught my attention, because of her coolness, but she was just so down to Earth.  With the school being so small, u usually had many of the same faces in the same classes.  Which could be bad, if u can't beat tha Blackberry Curve set by these pocket protector wearing geeks (We're one of them!) or in this case super good cuz u really get to know them.  That's the important part anyway...right?!!  So I had this girl in several of my classes, and I recall just being like she's mad cute and cool.  She was kind of short in stature.  She was from South America, if I recall correctly she was from Chile.  She was the kind of girl who was so chill, and had a sexy laugh.  I'm always trying to paint a picture of what these girls looked like, so she looked like...the best I can come up with is there's this girl on the Spanish station Univision, who is acting crazy and always having fun which stands out when I watch her.    Her name is Lili Estefan...and she looked similar to that beauty.

We would talk here and there.  But then it came this one class.  And at that time after talking to her, and seeing her stroll into class after class I kind of developed some early stages of "tha coodies" for this dame.  So it was during this one class where we had a partner project.  A guy's dream right?!  So I believe she was sitting dead behind us.  And after the teacher told us about the project and to pick ur partner...I simply...or let's be honest...Immediately turned behind me and asked her if she wanted to team up.  She flashed her perfect white teeth and gleamed her smile, and said "Sure."  So how were we gonna handle actually being in tha company of tha girl that we actually had our eye on?  Boy is this gonna be interesting....

Of course, there was one catch...She had a "boyfriend".  Now, this girl was pretty, ain't gonna lie, but she had a slept on attractiveness about her.  Something happened though...Now we would meet, I think something like at least once a week, and sometimes exchanging phone calls.  The toughest thing...which is why I say that sometimes life just gets complicated....the most difficult thing was she would be hair up, and like no make up in her daily travels.  But, dude...all I can say was "Oh my!"  On the days that we would meet up...this girl would get all Paul Mitchell up.  She would put on these sexy outfits.  Low cut blouses, she had cute boobs which made her even look more like a doll ( I gotta tell it like it is.), I recall her wearing these jeans with high heels.  The first time I saw her like that for one of our meetings, I was literally like, "This girl looks un-believe-a-bull!"  Then after seeing her normally and then whenever we would meet, and to have hear and see her high heels past RIGHT by me to take her seat behind me.  I was like, "She's getting dressed up for us."  But she has a boyfriend...but whenever I look into those eyes, when we're sitting so close to each other that I could read each other thoughts...Whew!  And that look she gave, and laughing at each other, I don't think we were even studying.  What were we 2 do?

The most difficult night came one night we had to stay...Is this too real?  I know I'm getting all detailed, if I'm not supposed to be talking about attractions and feelings, please forgive me.  But u know, I'm as real as they get...So on this night.  We laughed, did some kind of work, if u call giggling and glancing in each other's eyes, and me soaking up every bit of her Spanish accent...we had to walk out the school to our cars.  On everything, I thought something was gonna jump off, and as I we were walking together in that slow...somebody knows what I mean...u know when u're out with that "someone" or talking with that apple of ur eye, and u walk in a very slow, swaying way, knowing u have to go somewhere, but not wanting 2 get there just yet.  That was us...Her in those jeans dude...And how everything was going I could tell that I could hop in her car and go with her over to Doral and do some homework for real.  But I just couldn't...just couldn't...Not when she was "taken" supposedly.  But if she was taking, why was she on us like that...and if we knew she was off the menu, why did I not only want to still look, but also wanted to have a taste?

So we ended up doing the project, which had us in front of the class.  Both of us going back and forth to explain our whatever...I say that cuz I don't remember the project, but I remember this girl and her actions and her very enticing looks she wore and gave.  Afterwards we still were cool.  Even had her in some more classes, and I recall just how she would stare at us when we had to make presentations.  When an angel gives u some of the looks we've gotten...It ain't easy.

Why did we write all this tonight?  No idea really...Maybe, sometimes as in love, life presents you with some situations to test your will, and u have to decide whether to stir up some feathers or to simply stand still.  Yes, this was an opp to be with a super cool girl, and the way she was acting indicated that she wanted to ride a star in our Galaxia.  (I'm gonna have to save that one!!)  But when in life u don't know what to do, sometimes the best thing is to do nothing at all, and let the situation answer itself.  I'm talking to myself on that on.  If she wanted me bad enough, she woulda broke up with her man...simple as that.  I'm not gonna go Captain Save-A-H...on somebody.  Not our M.O.  She was a cool girl...unique experience of many...never to be forgotten.

It will work out.  That's what we're hanging our hat on, and so should you...Now...

I gotta dig through some papers.  I really hope I can find that girl's number!  And the first thang I'm gonna say is...

"What's up!  And please tell me ur wearing those snake teal high heels!!"

Austino Galaxia.