Sunday, September 30, 2012

When Seinfeld Met Galaxia.

Man hands...Name calling...Goody 2 shoes...Could any gal please this guy?!!

U just never know!...Absolutely never know!!

First off, have to give a big shoutout to The Big Gizzle up above for hooking us up...even when we don't know what's going on.

I'm not gonna get into all that we have been blessed to have placed into our arms on today.  Let's just say, we got some crazy deals on Italian labels...CDs for a $1 each, that literally had us in a missionary position digging and looking around.  Nobody would believe what we picked up.  Great unforeseen hookups on food and...just too much to name.  We don't wanna seem snobby, but we are getting hooked up!


Throughout this entire diary we talk about keep pushing through crazy situations...wild relationships...former friends turned...gulp!...into, well, former friends.  I heard a quote that quite possibly has changed my life.

"The higher you climb the mountain, the colder it gets."

The source of this golden nugget isn't important, but the quote is.  Sometimes, maybe it might just be me, so let me just be real...I feel that sometimes the more u try to crank it up another notch, the more u hit the pedal in this HOV lane of life, the more u figure that ur now gonna show ur true colors, the more...cold it gets on that mountain.  The more u feel alone.  The more u wonder, "How in the world did I get up here?"  The more u sometimes just simply think that, "I was better off, doing this or being with that person, cuz at least I knew what I was gonna get.  Even though I can't stand that they chew with their mouth open!"  Just being straight up.  U feel like giving up, and wondering as u look up and see all these Trish Stratus clouds which cover up the mountaintop, if u should of even began on ur dream climb.


I don't know what going on with us.  In this diary, we feel like we have to be more real, and in-depth than ever.  No matter who reads it now or 5 years from now.  We've seen a lot.  Sometimes while I'm doing a Derek Jeter number on the toilet (That's funny!), I just think about our life.  It's fun...yeah.  We've had some experiences that people wouldn't believe.  It's constantly filled with beautiful people...but we almost tear up thinking about how much we have to deal with, and how not too many can really relate to not only the burning fire within but also the pain it has takes to spark that fire.

We just shake our head.  I know others are going through their own thang, we just be like, "How are we still alive?"  As we mentioned very recently, u have to move on, which we totally  But it takes some time.  When weird things happen to you, it really makes you look within like are we on the wrong path?  Maybe ur on the right one, and that's why the things that are happening to you are, well, happening to you.

I think about how we've changed so...Ok.  The other day we had a discussion about our "standards" and what we can handle and can't I guess in terms of a relationships.  Here I go again, opening myself up, but...we all need to realize that it's the person inside that counts that makes a difference and not just what they do or what they look like.  Even though I only date 10's!!  But guess what, composite of a "10" can vary tremendously.  If u ever use the create-a-player on Madden or NBA Live video games u know what I'm talking about.  Just thought about that, perhaps God is a big Gamer and life is nothing but a video game, and everything we've gone through is just a process of Him "Creating-A...Player!"  See that's a two-fold joke...u have to either be a lover of life or a former pimp to get that one!!

This is gonna be so embarrassing, but here we go:

As we think back upon our love we go again right!!...We know it's been one of future legend.  And many times we have been a victim..Naw, wrong word...been a, heck let's just thesaurus 'victim' and you can pick one!!  Lot of times we've felt that we've done nothing wrong...this girl dissed us.."She lied to me"...This girl went from being 'The One' to not even talking to me in a span of 17 hours, for no reason!!  So much, and u can go back within our diary to get some juicy stories.  But perhaps...perhaps, we are the one to blame for some things not turning out the way we have liked.  Maybe in my expectation of perfection or at least a girl who is one third Kelly Kapowski...1/3 Babs Bunny...and 25% Jessica Rabbit has led us into some missed opportunities.

I live down here in South Beach aka "The Land of The Beautiful People" here in Miami Beach.  I think that it's safe to say that we are spoiled living down here in tha 'hood that we live in.  Our ego shows it sometimes.  Guys walking around with no shirts on in pitch black nighttime...Girls who don't even turn their head as they pass you, yet can tell u what ur wearing all the way down to ur socks!...Big ballerr rides everywhere...just on today, I was up near Bal Harbour and I was literally surrounded by a Red Ferrari in front of me, a white Maserati to my right, like three Beamers, a Mercedes who actually cut the drop top Ferrari off up ahead, a black Lambo about to come out onto Collins, another Mas...and our choice ride.  This was at the same stoplight dude!  Crazy life huh!  Getting to what we was saying, maybe some of the things, well I know, some of the things I used to trip over, wasn't something that should have prevented us from making out with a Shmoopy!

So let's see, some of the beauties that I didn't, how should we put this...explore.  Let's see, there was one who I didn't like how the bottom of her feet were dirty.  Sexy beauty, just didn't feel it at that time...Another was a seriously complusive smoker.  She knew hoops, like to have a good time, and had some sexy hair. But at the time couldn't handle it, now I think it may be different...Another girl was absolutely stunning, and used to come to the beach where I worked constantly.  A Baywatch look for real...but I found out she was a stripper.  Which threw me for a loop de loop...I can handle that now, but once again, not back then.  I know I'm gonna be hated for all this talk, but it's a diary, and perhaps u won't make the same decisions we made, and look at people for who they are, and not what they do, or how they look or their profession of choice.

Sometimes u can be more concerned at what others will think of u being with somebody, than the fun that u and that person can really have together.  "What if my dude finds out I'm dating somebody 10 years older than me?!  Or "My folks gonna trip if I bring somebody home of a different race."  We was talking to my Pops...u may wanna stop reading this, cuz it may be boring, but it's what's on our heart right now...talking to my Pops about the 'evolution' of dating and relationships.  We've seen so much change just in our life, and now u talking about from the 60's and 70's.  Oh boy!  I would be hung for half of the girls I would be found shooting the breeze with, u know!  But how u feel about a person is what counts...

There used to be this woman who used to be at the place where I worked out at.  Now I would see here constantly.  She was a "few" years older than me, had a curvy body (Might as well be real right!), and had a cute freckle face, with a goofy cute smile.  I used to talk to her, and all that, small talk.  But I could feel like she would be watching us.  Whether it was us playing basketball on the court, half naked or us just 'getting it in' lifting, we would see her, and she would give us a smile.  I thought with her personality, and her bump without the pumps, she was freakin' hot!  But u know the thang that got us to analyze instead of just approaching and going for the gusto?...She was actually one of the custodians or maids at the place.

So now everytime I would see this baby girl, for some reason it would be a "She's so fine, like the spring time morning dew, but..."  Here I am somebody who professes to be the ultimate fun, but letting this girl's profession get into a possible friendship or even a relationship.  U never know.  Everything isn't what it seems to be.  Who knows, this female coulda been just doing that to earn some extra money for her shopping habits or just earning some change so she could go on that European trip she's been dreaming about.  The point is that with her, and with some of those mentioned a few paragraphs up, is that I didn't even give 'the rhythm' a chance, and instead made a decision based on stereotypes instead of getting to know them, and letting them know us.  So in some ways, I cheated them out of an opprotunity 2 know us, and get to know our ultra-fun lifestyle, all because of what I've been taught or possible heard...I mean, just because the bottom of a girl's feet are dirty, doesn't mean she doesn't take care of her kitty-kat...Just because a gal or anybody smokes all the time, doesn't mean they aren't worthy dating material.  U might be the one who can calm her nerves and show her that u luv her for her....Or just because a girl's a stripper doesn't mean she's pulling tricks or isn't someone worthy of a good time.  Maybe she's going through a stage to help her in the future realize what she really wants in life.  Doesn't mean she's making tapes 2 be put on Utube or anything....

I have to be real, cuz when u lived a life, and have and are part of a lifestyle that we are in, it can be easy to compartmentalize (Sexy word of the day!) who deserves to be your friend and who deserves to be ur lover. Instead of letting things develop, u begin to mark folks off for stupid reasons...They ride the bus everyday, so they're broke.  No...maybe they're smart and are saving money, and have the peace of mind of not having to deal with all this Magic City traffic!  That girl always wears so much provocative gear, she must sleep around all the time.  No...perhaps, this is the most comfortable for her, and she wants to dress like her favorite Hollywood starlets.  I've been guilty of the dumbest things...but no more.  After knowing and being what we've been through.  We at least want to give a person a chance.  Just don't dismiss the possibilities before exploring.  That's why u have to take or like is a risk.  But we've found out through it all, it's been one worth taking.  And as we begin to get more into our Galaxia, and those who are gonna have starring roles in this upcoming season of "Starstruck Galaxia", we are determined to have an open mind, and not let anybody's definition of a cool person, or sexy person, define ours.

Cuz in the end, it's what makes u happy.
And taking a chance is one of life's most pleasurable qualities of all.....

I just hope they doesn't snore!

Shout out to Big Butch, great to see u dude!  We'll catch u up at the Triple A.  And Tonia, I saw u homie walking over by The Fountainebleu joint.  It's too early to be lining up to hit up LIV girl!!  The real party people don't arrive until around 1 am...or at least that's what I've heard!!

Austino Galaxia.
(If u haven't, check out our music playlist on the right on the homepage.  Please do...It's all about the ladies in our life!!)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

"Starstruck Galaxia"

Ok.  Just gonna write a smidgen on tonight.

Guess what happened on tonight.  We got fitted for a Championship ring from the World Champion Miami Heat!  Yeay!!  Such a blessing, to have this so rare opportunity to have something so special.  Not everyone gets this chance, heck not everyone who works for the team gets this gift. Thanx Sybil and the rest of the crew involved. Got measured at a size 10.  Actually our first time getting measured for a ring.  We haven't gotten engaged or anything so it was a first on many accounts.  One thing I noticed was it was nothing but "vets" of the organization.  Meaning, we saw some familar faces that we've been seeing for years now.  U can just feel the Championship aura surrounding this hoops squad, it's definitely in the air.  Should be a very wild season.  The organization is truly the most family oriented sports team, I feel around.  Maybe tha Lake Show out west, but the Heat do their thing within and within the community.  The Inferno (American Airlines Arena) is gonna be jumping!  We'll have lots of stories to tell...Guaranteed!

We are due to have some serious fun right now.  And we have a lot in store.  We are now at the very beginning of what we have now deemed "The Fifth Season".  As u know, there are four season in a year.  Winter, Spring, Kardashian, and Fall.  But this year we are doing something different...we are actually adding another season to the calendar.  It's been aptly called..."Starstruck Galaxia"!  I just get excited just thinking about it.  So what is "Starstruck Galaxia" and what does it involve.  Welpt...let's dive into it and explain.

The Tweety bird seeds were planted actually back in 2008.  It was late Summer of that year.  And we got to thinking about our birthday and stuff.  Many wanted us, and still do, want us to throw a bash of all bashes for our birthday.  It's so tricky down here in Miami though.  Our birthday is October 30th, which is a day before Halloween.  And down here in tha Magic City, it just gets out of control with all the parties...this one sexy dame once told me that she actually saw people walking around with red eyes down here in South Beach!  And I know she wasn't lying to us, cuz living down here in Sobe, it's just crazy.  So throwing a birthday party or get together wasn't in our plans.  A idea hit us though...Why not celebrate our birthday for an entire month.  And boy did we...

It was like everything fell into place from attending concerts, hanging out with different people, our favorite artist Jon B. dropping an album that month, we had so much fun from beginning to end.  It was super special.    Over the last few years though, we've taken a very low key approach.  Just relaxing, not getting to buck wild.  More of a reminiscent feel.  But this year...

We've decided to take it to a whole new level, and literally have an entire season of fun.  Months...that will lead into just our basic lifestyle.  But so much fits in perfectly to "Starstruck Galaxia".  We've already talked about the concerts coming to Miami....Bonkers!  Then u have the NBA season actually beginning, opening night on our birthday!  Then we have all these trips...the Boca Raton Museum of Art actually has a cool exhibition that we have to check out.  It's called Big Art:  Miniature Golf.  They got all these different interpretations...wait.

"What are my best options now."- Just heard that from former Coach Bill Parcells on the radio.  Great quote.

But I LOOVE me some Putt Putt Golf.  It seems super cool, so we gonna make the trip up to our Hamptons South hideaway.  There's gonna be some wild experiences to tell, unless we end our diary in between, but hopefully this will just inspire you to just have fun.  It's not just about doing all these expensive things.  It is simply about living life to the fullest.  Gonna be kicking it wit some cool folks...."Starstruck Galaxia" is gonna be a season to remember.  U best believe it.

Let's see...anything else.  Still seeing some wild stuff down here in Miami.  Guys how they act toward girls down here.  It's almost like psychotic!  I was in the parking lot of my Kmart spot after washing tha ride the other day off of like 107th and Biscayne Blvd.  I promise you this parking lot needs to have a reality show.  So I see this girl walking from the Blue Light special, build kind of noticably, I was cool, but I then look behind me, and this dude, who was on the clock mind you, literally pulled out some binoculars and was watching this female walking to her car!  I was like, "Wow!" Folks getting telescoped now, as the walk...she was like 100 feet from my guy, but I tell u...Living down here in Miami has taught us sooooo much, just about interactions between humans. And as u've read and continue to read...u'll see exactly what we mean.

That's it.

Toodles, Fam.
Austino Galaxia.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

S. By S.

Oh, how learning was so much fun back then!  Here's a video for ya!

When do you know when to move on?

Huh, right?!

 I mean what indications tell you that a relationship or career or location, isn't in you best interest anymore?

That's one heck of a question.

I'm gonna write this thing, so we're warning you now.

And we gonna write this thang one sentence at a time.

Has anyone ever felt like they've had everything, but like had nothing to show for it?

Like no matter how hard you work...

How much u follow 'tha book'...

The more patient u get...

The more difficult it gets...

And u just wonder, am I cursed or something?

I really don't care who reads this now or in 2029, I have to speak on this.

Do u stop when u have a succession of things not go ur way?

When the fun leaves do u say, "That's it, it's time."?

C'mon somebody give Galaxia an answer cuz I wanna know.

The road to the top, is so difficult.

Nowadays we get blinded by all this microwave success that we see in magazines and on TV.

But if u really, and I mean really wanna make a difference that's gonna last.

There's a hefty bag price you have to pay that's filled with sacrifices you don't wanna make.

U just flat out don't want to do them, but u have to.

As we continue on our journey through the stars, we are going through lessons unparalleled.

It seems like everyday there is something.

Yes, we have the ultimate amount of faith.

Yes, our confidence is still there.

But sometimes u question the system.

It's like the 2011 Miami Heat, u know the ones who made it to the Finals but lost to Dallas.

U know the talent was there, but why didn't they win that year.

Losing on their homecourt and everything.

I literally was by the Mavs locker room...literally!

And to walk past all these cameras, hear all this noise, listen to Jason Terry on the mic...

It made me sick.

It's almost like no matter what they did, it just wasn't meant for the squad to win.

Kinda weird.

Like we said earlier...

When do you know when to move on?


Perhaps, I'm answering my own question...

Maybe I haven't moved on.


Maybe when I see a girl who did me wrong, and SHE ignores me, I still get ruffled under my feathers...

When we did nothing wrong ourself.

Perhaps when I think so much about the painful process instead of the glory in the end...

It's like a chick who's pregnant...

I'm so busy thinking about all the ups and downs of the 9 months....

That I forget about the joyful presence being brought into this world.

If a woman ever thought about the pain, she wouldn't even think about having a kid.

Just hit us again.

Along with the Heat example and bringing a shorty into being...

The most painful weeks are right before u actually give birth.


It's during those weeks that anticipation fills, and u utter almost every day...

"I just want to get this over with."

Now I know I'm talking 2 myself, and maybe somebody else on that one cuz...

Whenever u get close to ur dreams and that over-the-top blessing...

Yet, it still hasn't come enough...

And on top of that u have to waddle around waiting for ur water to break...

U begin to just not enjoy the process anymore.

And forget about what celebration is a mere seconds away.

U begin to become a little jaded.

Like, "I've waited long enough, let's just do this, get home, and rest."

This perfectly fits what we've been going through as of late.

U might even see some of that within our diary.

It's just tougher when u are put into peculiar real life situations.


My mistake, and one that won't be repeated...

Was one of trying to please everybody.

Trying to be the one where...

Ok, Big Gizzy in Heaven, this person is having a bad day...

This person seems to post lonely Facebook messages...

This person doesn't smile anymore...

I have to be the one to make their day.


But perhaps that wasn't my job.

When ur the person who always has to cook dinner...

Sooner or later u think...

It'll be nice for someone else to hook u up.

That's how I felt.

We felt like we was cooking up this five-star dish...

Where the menu is the picking of whatever u like...

And my plate was just sitting without a bite on the table...

And then to make matters work...

They claimed they weren't hungry for your meal.

Yet when u see them, they got a sloppy, greasy quadruple beef burger in their mouth?

Why would lie and eat something that will only give u momentary satisfaction, for ur tongue...

When u had a choice of something that long term will...

Satisfy ur tongue, stomach, health, mind, soul and any other future cravings.

U eat that and u'll be hungry again in 2 hours.

Eat our dish, and u'll not only be satisfied but will be talking about it for the rest of ur life.

Is it too real tonight?

Jokes aside, we feel what we jotting now...

And I know SOMEBODY, may not be you...

Heck that might not even know who we are....


But somebody knows what we talking about.

This is what goes on when u striving...

This diary...

Getting back to the Heat.

So after that disappointing loss in the Finals.


They soaked.


They let the blinds down and didn't pick up the phone or read the papers.

But after all that.

And people forget this.

They did what?

They changed.

Changed not only their system...

But they changed their mindset of their system.

If u remember the beginning of last season, the Heat went all Video Game.


But what I loved about it, was this simple transformation thought process.

They no longer adapted.

They said...

"You are gonna have to adjust your play to us."


The Heat wasn't a conventional team...

So it made no sense...

I feel this y'all....I really do....

It made no sense for them to play a conventional way.

What sense does it make for me to walk up on a girl...

And spit lines, and tell her I'm gonna give her the world...

When that's not how I do things?

I'm more of an romantic...

Borderline playboy...


I'm gonna be straight up as "beep"...

And if u can handle it and like the truth...


If not, then we move on...

But we know we are special...

And u gonna have to step ur game up to our level.

That's just an example...

But u get it...

That's why throughout this diary...

And it's tough to do.

We've been saying...Be yourself.

No matter what.

U may have to tweak some things like The Heat.

But u rather go out on ur own terms.

If I'm gonna flunk a test...

And I have a time or two. (Sorry Mom and Dad, I forgot to tell u about those...)

At least let me flunk knowing that I did everything to pass.

Cuz there ain't nothing worse...

This one time a teacher gave me a test while in college...

I didn't study.

I might've been partying or playing video games.

Or worse for a college student...


I get to class and I know I'm not prepared.

I sit down, in the front of the class to make it worse.

Cuz it's nowhere to hide.

The professor drops the test on my desk.

And perhaps the only time in my scholastic career...

I actually laughed out loud!!


So what was my next move from here.

I'm being too honest tonight.

But it's part of what's going on in all this...

I got the test.

And it's not that Scantron AP US History stuff...

U can't go.



This was grown up stuff.

Where u had formulas and business theorems.

I was in trouble.

So the next decision to make is what.


If u've ever taken a test u KNOW u were gonna flunk.

What's the next thought that crosses ur mind?


How do I turn this paper in so that the teacher...

And the rest of the class...

Won't think I flunk it!

I know Julie is crafty and smart.

So if she gets done in 1 hour and 50 minutes.

I'm usually good for 3 questions answered every two classes.

So if I calculate that correctly.

That means I should turn my paper in 41 minutes after she does.

You don't think I did that!

A brotha was staring at a blank packet of paper like...

"This is ridiculous."

Then of course the person who never raises their hand in class...

Turned their paper in before me, so that through my calculations all off!!

Go down with your best game.

If u give ur best, then u probably won't go down at all.

So the Heat won it all this year.

But they had to first experience the ultimate embarrassment and pain.

I needed to recall that whole process.

We sometimes think about what people got.

Instead of what they had to go through.

That's what this diary, I believe is all about.

One day, we're gonna really, really be...


But what happened when...

When he was close and thought about giving up...

What was Galaxia's feeling?

Through the blind faith moments...

Or the decisions of whether to save or spend...

Or doing those times when u just have to go through a day whether u want to or not.

We aren't holding nothing back.

Not ashamed of anything.

Cuz I know that one day, when it's all said and done.

Somebody might read this and be like, "Cool".

I needed this.

I wanted something like this to help me.

It's perhaps a blueprint.

See what happens.

Tough moments make tough people.

And gulp...I gotta go...

My bags all packed and ready to go.

The moment we've been pra...ying and preparing for...Ouch!... has arrived.

And I want you...Help me!... to be the first to kn...ow...this....

"My water just broke."

With Love.
Austino Galaxia.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Two G's !!!

Oh, I love my Gucci backpack!  In due time, y'all!

We feel like writing a little bit so, we just gonna let it flow.  Boy, this rain down here in South Florida is wacky, homie!  It can alter ur plans a little bit...but, it's sumthin' u can't control, so u have 2 let it be.

So what's on our heart and mind right now?  Sometimes it seems like we've talked about every issue under the sun. we mentioned in our last diary post, hopefully u caught the hint, we got this book from the library on Ice-T, the rapper now turned aka Detective Odafin Tutuola on Law and Order:  SVU.  Some real life stuff being discussed in this autobio.  Talking about the gangsta lifestyle, along with wild stories of rapping, pimping, and acting, a very interesting read.  Especially since we know about a lot of people.   Its just interesting...I miss the good old days.  I banging this classic joint right now as I'm writing this, and I just wish we could sometimes take a time tunnel back.

U know, we talk a lot about the 80s and those banging Simpson (The TV show and "Tha Juice") filled 90s.  But u know what we slept on...the early years of the 2000s.  Oh boy, we had no idea what we would gonna write about, but I guess here we go...

Does anybody remember when those old cell phones used to have those Polytones?!!  Ha, Ha!  U remember there was no lyrics or even clear songs on ur phone, and u be walking around thinking u big time! I know I did...Shoot, when I got J.Lo's "Waiting for tonight"...and my phone gave me that, "Dadadadada...Da-Da-da...Da-Da-Da...Da-Da-Da...Da-Da"...Waiting for tonight, Ohhhh...U will be here... Ooops!  I forgot I'm not supposed to be singing!...But it was on.  And then when we got that beach banger from Busta and Janet...shoot, I'll still ask somebody, "What's It Gonna Be?!!"  I'm not even gonna get into the music thing, we'll save that "golden era" discussion for latter...maybe later in this post!

When 2000 was hitting u had those old America Online DVD's still coming in the mail.  Has anyone ever calculated how much money AOL spent to send those things to every household in the country?  They may a heck of a coaster for tha dinner table!  That was some wild stuff...Video games, oh yeah...The Sega Dreamcast.  That was a banger system, folks waiting outside for like weeks, just 2 get their hands on the first Grand Theft Auto game. I was still in my old school mode, I think I was playing my Tiger Electronic handheld games still, don't even remember, girl!  Whatever happen to those Gateway computers?  They still in business?  I think so, but u don't hear as much from them as u once did.  Folks be downloading music gangsta ghetto as heck, using Bearshare and Limewire.  (Woooow!!)  There wasn't any Ipods really, they just began to jump of, and they were so boxy and heavy.  Those small screens with the circle menu directory thingy...Oh, by the way...Wi-Fi?  What's that??  Oh boy, I was just excited to get things in color (i.e..- Cell phones, George Foreman Grills, and those patent leather Jordan XI's lows with the red shine.)

Speaking of fashion...this is why, I know I have the most stylish generation of all.  We still was rocking those popular US brands...I recall like Old Navy, being the 'ish'.  Like just about everybody had one of those Old Navy fleece pullovers (C'mon now, somebody knows what I'm talking about!)  Then u know Ralph Lauren and DKNY was expanding their labels with more affordable stuff.  RLX...DKNY Tech...Calvin Klein was getting it in still too...Girls were actually still wearing dresses to class, and were beginning to wear those Pam Anderson UGG boots (I still love that look with some farmgirl cut off jean shorts...two words...Drew...ling!!)  Folks were still big into sunglasses...My boys and me used to wear them in class....while the teacher's that was part of our outfit.  Hey, u got to fake it, til u make it, right?!!  Oh, and how can I forget those throwback jerseys that every guy had.  I had my share, but u talking about an hip-hop fashion statement. Aw, the good times.

U still had the WB network back then...Buffy was still going strong back then...while I was passing the time away watching Dark Angel, Cheaters,  Real World/Road Rules Challenges and MTV Cribs.  It was like TV was so simple back then.  Remember when the shows u actually would plan ur night around those shows!!  There was no DVR, VCR's were on their way out a little bit at least, so it would be like 11am in the morning, and u be thinking, "Ok, I gotta get my dinner in around 6 o'clock, but I gotta get to the spot cuz at 7pm The PJ's come on, but wait that coincides with the season premiere of Will & Grace, but man...World's Wildest Police Videos comes on as well?  Whatever...I hit them up, eat some pizza rolls, take me a quick nap, and then I watch Change of Heart or Loveline as I get dress to go out to party!!"

So were those old school court shows.  I know I wasn't the only one who like watched them all back in tha day?!!  Judge Mills Lane, Judge Joe Brown, Judge Hatchett, Judge Judy, and of course my dude, Judge Mathis.  Ew...what was that show where my guy was, the people earned like money...what was the name of it?  Oh My Gosh!!!  Freakin' Moral Court!!  That's old school for real!  Whew...yeah TV was wild...that was when Elisabeth Hasselbeck first joined The View and had the guys like, "Who's That Girl?!!"  Saturday Night Live was in my generational prime.  I still say that 25th season was arguably their best.  Just check out the list of hosts and performers for yourself!!  The TV shows of Soul Food and HBO's Oz had folks going in to work, ready to shank the first person who says "Hi!"

Then what about those foods...Burger King's Chicken Tender sandwhiches...Rally's/Checkers beginning to sell Chili...Olive Garden introducing that "All u can eat pasta deal" (I won't even go there!  Jenny u may have looked eerily like  Karolina Kurkova , but why couldn't us two work out?!!)...People were ordering sandwiches with no buns, due to the "No Carbs" faze...and yes, I've seen a burger box filled with nothing but meat, lettuce and tomato...The South Beach Diet...The Atkins Diet were coming to the forefront back then.  Wild on E!...that has nothing to do with food, but Brooke Burke just came to mind, that was another party type show.  Which kind of describes the attitude back then.

See from like 2000 to 2005 or so, folks was spen.....ding!!  I remember the first time I saw the inital BMW X3.  The first guy I saw rocking it, actually was a dude in college!  That just tells u...Navey's (Lincoln Navigators) and Caddy Escalade's were super popular, and of course they were sitting on those Kobe Bryant's...Although back then he was still wearing the #8, so that wouldn't necessarily look right on them thangs!!  Gas was, what...$1.95 or $2.20 maybe.  Toll booths were 40 cent each (That's a shout out to my Chicago/Rockford Illinois, peeps!!)  Just what happened...

There's so much I can get into, but I can't so let me just leave with a short list of other things, that really need more time.  Ok, Generation Y'ers, how much do u remember outta these:

- Every song on the radio having a Neptunes beat to it!
- Cornrolls, Dreads and Twists being the "It" hairstyle of the brothas.
- "The Greatest Show on Turf"
- Lebron in High School, and D Wade in Marquette (I mean actually seen them play in those uniforms!!)
- "Teck" from the Real World:  Hawaii
- VH1's "I Love The 80's" series
- Craig David, Pink's Hair, Nellyville, and Luda with Dreads
- Spreewell's (If u gotta ask, then...)
- Mark Ecko, Iceberg with Disney characters, and FUBU "Fat Albert" collection
- Girls first getting that "Stamp" above their butt
- Going to Circuit City or Best Buy to get ur system hooked up.
- Borders bookstore looking like a club on Friday nights!
- Netscape
- A-Rod in Texas
- "Passing The Courvoisier"
- No Limit, G-Unit, Hot Boy$, and The Roc
- Calling Cards (If u get them from the hood, 5000 minutes for $5!!)
- "I See You!!", "Bet!", "Wifey", and "Whateva Man!"
- El Nino...West Nile...Swine Flu...SARS
- "Bennifer"
- The PS Two, The WWF to WWE
- No Gmail, No Twitter, and Facebook only available to college students

Oh, how I luv the 2G's!!!

Austino Galaxia.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


This is pure old school!  Who remembers this show??!!  I gotta play this theme song!!

Today was an interesting one.
It seemed like well,
It was raining,
All day.

But still I had some,
Fun. Went to the
Library which was
Super cool.

There's still something so unique,
About feeling at home.
I don't know,
It's the,

As a kid, every Saturday,
It seemed, one thing,
Was guaranteed on
the agenda.

My Moms and Baby Bro,
Would enjoy the day.
Funny but sometimes,
We'll meet

Just sitting not only checking
Out the fun books.
But also sitting,
Playing Checkers.

It's so peaceful, and quiet,
At least 'posed to
Be.  No shouts,
Just Whispers.

So after I finally paid
My book fine.  Yeah,
I finally broke
Down And

But to make a long
Story short, we got
Some great stuff.
The list...

The list is full of
Stars.  Is anything else
To be expected?
Our name's

Barbara Eden.  Raquel Welch. Oh,
There's something about hearing,
From life's beauties.
Just pure,

Then we got some books
On R. Kelly, which
Moms told me
It's a

Now u know that got
My blood a flowing.
A diary from
A favorite.

Then we got a bio,
On Mr. Ice Tea.
Rapper to Cop.
Can't even

On this trip, we also,
Got some classic coffee
Books.  With big,
Colorful Pics.

One is by the making,
Of MJ's "Thriller" Video.
It's still scary!
But still

Not Done!  I know it's
A lot. Today was,
So much fun.
Bear with,

I got this huge book,
Written by Sammie Davis,
Junior. Sexy Pics
From "The

I say that cuz we
Are in a classic,
Retro mood now.
Style and,

It was so classy in
The 50's. I can
Say the 60's
As well.

Also, got this jumbo book,
On the Bond Girls.
Bond had choice
Of sexy,

This book is so cool,
Not only great photos,
But stories about,
Our lifestlye

I haven't even talked about,
The book we got
On Two Pach!
Too much

This afternoon we just chilled,
Took a nap, and
Listened to tha
Yanks via

Seen some wild stuff while
We were out today.
Ok, we're on
You S.,

This car like in the
Middle of traffic just
Stopped paralleled 2
Us. So,

But I felt was happening,
I could sense eyes,
On us. Like
Checking us,

We try to describe our
Life in the weird
Celebrity-type stuff
That happens

Just telling it like it
Happens.  That's why we
Wonder what is
Gonna happen

Personally, we know that it's
About to jump off...
Hold Up!  This
Is My

But we feel like we've
Been through, and seen
Signs that our
Life is

It's like we've been prepped
For something bigger than
Us.  We feel
It. More

Perhaps our life is one,
That can be used,
As an example.
Fun through

It's difficult to go through.
I know it is.
If u just
Hang on...

We're getting personal in this.
But once again, it
is our diary.
Something very,

Once the crowd stops reading,
Guess what, we still
Have something to
Cherish. For

That's what a diary is
For.  Not just 2
Purge.  But used
As a

In time.  In life. U
Can look back and
Some times laughs,
Other times,

Now ur getting the heart
Of who we are
As a person...
As a

Our goal, like many others,
Is to create something,
Legendary.  Like Picasso.
Or even,

When u open up the
Book of Fun Figures
Turn to Page
One Forty-

We hope that u see,
A picture of us.
Realizing that ,Huh,
I know,

This is the level we
Are now upon.  After
All the rain.
Now the

Is coming out in ways,
Beyond all our belief.
We once heard.
Now we,

Know what?  U may ask...
That if u keep
The faith in
Goals and

That anything is truly possible.
I'm just speaking from
Our heart now.
No Bull

We now want to share
This life of fun,
With so many.
Not just

Either.  We just know that
If we don't, then,
It'll be truly
Taken away.

How would it to be,
2 go through, and
Be brought through
Episodes all

And not share them, and
Try to encourage somebody,
That just because
You've been,

Or just because u feel
Alienated for looking good,
Or having a
Nice bank

Those things just makes u,
Even the more special.
Now u aren't
Like the

Remember what we've been saying.
Said it many times,
Different is Sexy.
You best

So just hang in there,
And realize that ur
Time is coming.
No more

No more looking through mags,
Wishing you could buy.
Stay persistent, and
The world's

Not just talking from nothing
Here.  We know it
2 be true.
Live through

As we strive to make
A serious mark in
Life.  We've learned
To relax.

A state of attraction.  Not
Just the one attracted.
There's a difference.
Live and

We sometimes laugh about our
Name, that's has arose.
How it developed.
Austino Galaxia.

Cuz it describes us 2
A key.  Our style.
And our dreams
It was

And now you will get
Our best.  U may
Not see us
Write every

But whenever u read our
Diary,  You will know,
There's a difference.
Now or

Perhaps it will hit you,
That you might be
Witnessing the best
At his

I'm almost done, but I
Have to say this.
We believe there,
Is something

When u have the opportunity,
To meet somebody who's
The best at
Something. Just

That can be Interior designing,
Fashion designer, a plumber
Just for a
few moments.

The hype is in the
Air.  And u know
It won't ever
Happen again.

We know what it's like.
We've seen Jordan, Bonds,
Lived through, The
Era of

It can last for ever
So long.  But when
It's over.  Trust

Is all this just a
Personal glorification of me.
No.  Please read,
Some Past

It's all about love bro.
In the streets.  And
When the time
Is right...

When u think about fun,
We want u 2
Of us.  And
Then join

Time is short.  And we
Must live for the
Moment.  U never
Know wait

Ha Ha!  But we have
A strong sense of
What lurks as
We end

Nothing but fun on the
Other side.  We got
To go now,
So forgive

Today's post is who we
Are.  We do things
Differently.  That could
Be a

Which if it is, u
Must take a step,
With us.  It
Will be,

Times up.  And now I
Must get ready for
The late night.
Thanks for

I can see the curtain
Going up right now.
The crowd's ready.
So am

Breath taken.  It's now showtime.
Ok. Here we go.

Austino Galaxia
An official lover of fun.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

An Early Thanksgiving.

I'm a turkey all year long!  

Your attitude during ur success determines how long it will lasts....

This must be our m.o. (What does that mean anyway, m.o.??")...ok, I never knew that, here's the definition of "M.O." ...but anyhowser, how we, and I'm speaking to myself here, how I act during the times of plenty will determine if 15 minutes can turn into a whole floor speech at the House of Representatives...When u go to the store and seemingly everything u want is on sale...when ur social life is jumping off...when u have money in ur pocket, and u can spend however u would like...and when the ultimate sign of wealth drops into ur lap...which is when u can fill up ur gas tank, all the way up past the "F" sign, and no longer have to put in just $11.87 at the pump, how will u react? C'mon now, like I'm the only one who has gone inside the gas station, oh, excuse me, if ur hitting up some on West Flagler or in tha hood, u go up to the window outside, and as the slide that metal drawer out, u pull out some cash and then hit 'em with that "Hold On", and u begin to count out some change u had left over from that 99 cent Mickey D's 6 piece nuggets u hit up on Monday, and begin to give the person what u have.  U know what, I just realized, why is it when u go to the club or a lounge or a discoteca, the bartender never gives u change back, like pennies?!!  Am I missing something? I don't drink mega-lot but, has anyone ever seen a Coyote Ugly give somebody $3.54 for a Fuzzy Navel??!! How do u act when this happens?

We've been saying it for years now, and will keep saying it until Bigfoot reappears in a dream to us, that life is all about having cool fun.  But in that fun, u sometimes can feel like ur...I don't know, like u can get a super-ego and feel like when things begin to click, that all of a sudden ur wishes become expectations, and u feel like something is owed.  I'm playing this one, no matter what.  Let this classic joint bang!!  That's where danger can happen...I know oh 2 well...

I think or I know that's the reason why some of the things have happened in our life.  It can be easy for us to get conceited and in some ways, in tha past, I think we did.  Walking into parties with beauties on both arms...I recall vividly being in college, and while other and even some of our friends are thinking about other typical growing pains, I'm looking out my window thinking, "My Prada T-shirt better get here in the next day or so, or there are gonna be prah...blems!"  I think the great Coach in the Sky, was like we have to make sure that ur ready in every facet for what life has to bring...or else, this kid is gonna be an handful.  I'm gonna give him the stars and the Galaxia, but first he has to taste the dust a few times...

When we say that whatever ur going through, makes u does.  U learn to appreciate each moment, each day, each phone call, each "What's ur sign?"...all that because u know how quickly things can go Fat Albert "Hey, Hey, Hey" wire and u'll be just shaking ur head.  Our life has been such that we've really had to be tough.  I don't think people really realize how it feels to know they have what it takes to do something...or having to wait for "ur time" to come when u already feel like u've paid more ultimate prices than it least wait u think it takes.  Maybe something even better is in store for you, and u don't know it, and u just have to....

I talk a lot about relationships don't eye.  But u know what...Two things.  For one, that's what lasts in this thing called life.  U can't take all these toys with u, when they are playing "Taps."  As my Grandad used to say, "I've never seen a U-Haul on the back of a Hearse!"  And dos, as we've said before, this area of our life has tested us probably the most.  Isn't it like that...that u are gonna get tested the most in the area that means the most to you.  Now I can run to the sand and jump into the Atlantic Ocean off of that!  But I know it's true.  U begin a new diet, all the sweets u're trying to quit go on sale.  U get a beautiful baby girl, and make it official by adding that "In a relationship" status on Fcbook and stuff, next thing u know it, every dime piece it throwing the pudding at u like ur name is Bill Cosby!  U are doing well in class, and studying hard and being focused, next thing u know it, the upcoming weekends are filled with some of the best parties, and folks coming back for Homecoming, and all this stuff that can distract u from ur goal.  I say all this, cuz  we've been involved with much of it...and still are!  I mean, am I a party guy?  Depends how u define that...I love to have fun, interact, and just enjoy life.  I probably get that from my folks.  Hey, when they got married, they had the ceremony...the reception...and then an after party, at the house!  So I'm used to music, and people talking and being upstairs in my bedroom with my baby brother, and u hear that music going on downstairs and u have to go to the bathroom, but u know u better not go down them steps!  That's grown folks territory!  So u better get one of those Care Bears glow in the dark banks and make a deposit!  But that's what I mean, good times, and having fun...also, being aware of ur surroundings, and how others are living...

A unique meter Downtown Miami about Ending Homelessness.
Miami is such a great city filled with wealth everywhere.  I know nationally and internationally there's a lot of talk about my neighborhood of South Beach, but there's financial prosperity all over this city and South Florida.  On the Two-Face coin flip side, u have some much....we've talked about homelessness.  And I won't get into that again...but like I say, when u have a life of luxury...just right now, as I'm writing this I'm looking at six, yes, six unopened packages that came in the mail today from orders.  And we still have some on the way...But u just think about how somebody would do a cartwheel just to have a piece of mail come their way.  I mean at least have an address of residency to where they can at least get those weekly flyers with those  Sedano's  ads sandwiched between DirecTv and Dish Network pleas.  I used to be the mailman for the college I attended ( Go Rockford College!), so I know the power of the mail.  And for some people that little walk to the mailbox, makes their whole day.  Heck, I was driving on Sunset Drive today, at 5:25 am in the morning, and this bakery had a line outside waiting for it to open in 5 minutes already!  I've heard the food is good, but for some that little part of the day, makes their entire day.  U never know what a person is going through so u better treat everybody with respect...and to the flip side of that, u never know what a person is going through...u may think u are "Big Shot Bob" with two accounts in the bank...but in reality they are the ones who actually own the bank ur accounts are in!  U never know...

Being led to stop.  Hey...let's all just enjoy what we have, no matter what.  If it's a bowl of cereal for dinner, enjoy that.  I'm probably gonna eat pasta...again...but guess what, somebody would die to have the fridge and cupboard I have right now.  It's stocked with food....what I'm saying is just don't take the good times for granted.  Yes, that job gave u an offer.  Yes, that boy or girl u liked finally called u by ur name...Yes, ur driving ur car now, and no longer have to take the bus...Yes, u are taking the bus now, and no longer have to walk...Yes, u are walking now, but think about when u were on crutches...Be thankful.

I know we are.  We've been through a lot.  Now everything is coming our way.  I guess it's like the old saying...

It has to rain before the harvest.

But now that u have harvest...What are we gonna do and how are we gonna act with it?


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Only One Letter.

Remember this movie..."O".

One diary post at a time...

Only our Publicity House in the sky knows when for us to stop.  But until that day, we're gonna write.


O's a nickname that was givin to us while we were in college.  While participating on the old alma mater's basketball team.  I think it was either our guy Coca Bean or Big E who gave us that name.  Perhaps it was because how we played or what, but we like to have fun, so hopefully u'll see some kind shall we say...some consistency with a wink, on today's post.  Let's see how this one goes.

Oh, my!  U know I'm gonna write this thang real....if we are gonna talk about my life, and what we see then let it let me repeat...

Oh, my!  Living down here in Miami, and more specifically South Beach, there really are a lot of attractive looking people.  I guess that's why so many from around the globe flock to our beautiful sands.  Just to be near the action.  Everybody can look , and more importantly feel good under the Miami sun, and sexy Miami nights.  Every "once" in awhile we are like...Who is that?  That happened to me, as we were walking from the Publix on 5th and Alton Road, going back to our showroom.  I was walking, and as I was turning on Jefferson Ave, I saw this girl, who was very lithe in build, and obviously just got done running or something.  And next thing I know it, we happened to glance at her legs.  I shouldn't be saying all this stuff, right?!!  I mean, guys don't ever talk about girls, and girls never talk about guys right?!!  But I have to say, she probably had the prettiest pair of legs we've seen.  Which is interesting, cuz from a nationally scene, u don't hear too much about the appreciation of that body part.  From girls definitely...Seems like yesterday when ZZ Top was crooning, "She's Got Legs".  Like in tha 1950's and 60's that was the attractive body part that tha ladies were trying to get right.  Believe u me, this Tina Turner symbol is gonna come back into style.  I think just because u can't really Dr. 90210 them, and it doesn't matter what size u are, u can work them, and...I'm talking to much.  But old girl, with her sun tan, and shorts, caught me.  And then we walked parallel across the street, I'm wondering how I can drop this handful of Ronzoni pasta boxes, to catch up to her.  But guess what?  This beauty lives directly across from us, so we shall see...If so, cool.  If not, cool too.

Ode to fun.  I really feel like getting super real.  Playing some songs, even about that above story.  I guess we're...u know what, let's tell it like it is.

Ok.  I literally almost got run off the right lane of I-95, this afternoon.  And when I say, I almost got run off the side of the road, I'm talking in that Mafia "U mess with my daughter, and left her standing at the alter" kind of way!  So I'm going north on I-95, checking out the girl on the billboard for the "Sex on the Beach" adult expo they are gonna be having down here in the hood of South Beach, all at the same time talking to our Travel Planner in tha Sky about if it's time to try something new (I PROMISE I'M NOT MAKING THIS and God in the same sentence, u gotta love this diary don't you!!!)...and just as I was mentally getting off my knees, that's a big time joke inside of there but I won't go there...or maybe I already have!  As I was completing tha thought, this red car from my left side tried to take tha kid out!  I sweved over to the right shoulder, hoping I didn't hit any nails, pieces of mixtape CDs or some chicken bones, u know all the things folks throw outta car windows down here in Miami!  It was happening all so fast, and so quick, I was trying to figure out what was up...I mean just because I like to have fun, doesn't mean that u have to run my off into the George W. and/or H.W. and/or depending on the price of gas back in '06, F. ain't that serious.  And the guy in tha passenger seat was looking dead at me, like Jessica Alba when she had that staring contest back in tha day, so I know it was nothing but a failed attempt at a hit on me!  Now on top of me, saving up for this Gucci backpack that we want, and figuring out some scams to see Madonna, Kayne West, Bob Sinclair, R. Kelly, Jill Scott and Sean Paul in the upcoming months without spending over 2 Lincoln's and a quarter, we now have to be on the lookout for peeps wanting to see my obituary on a limited edition of Mad Magazine!  Geez...

Oh no!!  That can't be good when u turn the knob of ur stove on, and ur lights go out can it?!!!  Man!!  What kind of life are we living right now!?!  I mean...maybe we should cut the TV on, and maybe my shower will turn on!!  This is all, real time, as we writing this...Can u imagine, my having some "company"...wink, wink...I think I forgot to add another wink, just so u get the picture.  Have some company over and she wants some popcorn, so as I turn the microwave on, the A/C goes off.  That'll be a tough decision..."Ah, homegirl, would u rather get eat some popcorn, and we'll be sweating like a guy about to take a Mid-term when he didn't even buy the textbook for the class...or would u rather be at a nice a comfy temperature, and we can skip the popcorn and go straight for the dessert!!"  I think living in Miami, option B would be the choice.  See, u have to b a single guy or girl to get that...see I really didn't mean dessert like an Easy Bake Oven strawberry custard pie, but I mean dessert in terms of...never mind...

Oh you so nasty!!  Hey we're writing this diary as we always wanted unscripted and unrehearsed.  Life's all about having fun.  I ran into someone while I was in Target today.  It's amazing how direct...I can't tell this story, should I...Ok..Ooops...almost forgot...

Ok.  So I went to Target today, the one in Midtown Miami, which by reading this article, along with the Design District is gonna look like a fashion paradise in the upcoming months.  So after I picked up my trail mix of choice (The exclusive and many times elusive...Chocolate Cranberry Mix), and some let me see, pasta sauce, Arnold's 100% Whole Weat..or Wheat bread...and like some Vanilla Cake Icing fragrance for my ride, hey this bad boy is in a mini-jar, that u hang from ur rearview mirror.  It's my favorite cake so, it just may be our birthday every day...I check out, and of course, there's like 25 people in line, but only 3 registers open.  But hey, just like Mylie Cyrus' new hairdo, u get used to it! So I sneak around to the one register who was about to begin and finish quickly her ringup.  Am I the only person who looks at what other people are buying?  I mean, I saw a family having two carts full of stuff, and then on BOTH of the carts they had hangers full, folks of clothes hanging from the carts' handles.  It looked like Mariah's closet on MTV Cribs, pre-Mr. Showbiz. that wasn't even tha story.

On to the this girl is in front of us.  Doing her thang.  She leaves...I do my thing...and I leave.  I then  go to catch an elevator...she hits the button and one of the four ups and downs comes open.  I chase...I mean follow her and she happens to hold the door open for us to get in.  I say thanks and that was that.  Now, one of the most awkward moments in life, is that absolute silence when it's u and somebody else on an elevator.  Am I lying?  Well, u know us...we can't stand that, so we sometimes say something either to put folks at ease or just to talk...especially we happen to notice her bag hanging inside the doggie bag portion of the cart...This handbag thing in Miami is epic!  We've talked about it before, but it's like a reality show for real...but anyways, we asked an honest question..."Let me ask u...Is that a Longchamp bag, u have?"  The elevator open up to our third floor option, and she began to talk to us while walking backwards out the elevator door.  A mad cute girl...she went on to say, "Yes...."  I asked her, "I've always wanted to know what's the big thing with this bag?"  She then in a very Miami-like way, told us...telling how her friends ask her about the bag, and how the bag is light...doesn't get dirty nylon...she was talking kind of fast like in a...tough to describe.  I wasn't gonna rob her, cuz I just picked up some cheese literally from inside, so I had mine!!  But, I don't know...she was cool, and broke it down to us.  After this gymnast model gal told us the 411, and we told her to "Have a good day."... I walked away thinking two things.  One, I know she's looking at me to see what car I'm gonna get into.  Two, perhaps I shoulda went a little Romeo a la Georgy Porgy on her.  But it was glad I didn't cuz when I got home.  I noticed some paper stuck to the bottom of my shoe.  Not cool!  And to make matters worse, I looked in the mirror and noticed a mini-snake eye dice roll in my nose!  I the one who looked crapped out! Talking about embarrassing...that rarely happens that u catch the kid not in Hot as Hollywood status.  Oh, won't happen again.  At least I hope not!!

Okekie Doke!  That's it.  Enough with making a fool of myself.  Time 2 eat and get some rest.  Bye and have fun!

O Dizzle.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Mirror, Mirror on the wall,
What to write in this season of Pre-Fall.
So much has happen worthy of a dot,
But where does one begin, or where 2 jot.

Everythings a clean slate,
Oh, how everything's brand new.
A new perspective, soon a new wardrobe,
Now we realize only the best will do.

I hope nobody takes it personal,
It's simply a time for us to take off.
Seems like everybody's has gotten theirs,
Yet not one time did we hate or scoff.

What happens, O what happens,
When u've felt like u've done enough.
U've prayed, been patient,
Almost even tried Tom Cruise's Scientology stuff!

Maybe it's our ego,
Maybe we think we're better than we are.
But when u have it in ur heart,
U can't help to believe dreams will take u far.

As of recently we've felt some things in our soul,
A virgin feeling like never before.
We've felt hate or intimidation,
And that's before we've even hit tha door.

Throughout this whole diary, we've said,
Don't worry, be yourself, have no doubt.
As of recently, we been a little quiet, really quiet,
Like a trumpet's mute's been put on our shout.

It really began to get to me,
Like is there something wrong with the flick.
U have a life that should be celebrated by many,
But I walk down the street without even a click.

Is this what it's all about,
When we were taught to strive to be the best.
They taught u to the bone about the final grade,
But they left out all the trials of the test.

See we tell it like it is,
And sometimes we feel this diary and we are too real.
I think it may cost us some friends,
Or even a bedroom full of footsie thrill.

I had the vision of making a difference,
U know changing the world's view.
One day going down in history,
Being known as having fun in everything we do.

All of us are unique,
In each and every way.
We know there isn't and won't ever be anyone like us again,
I'm coming to terms with that every day.

I can go into detail, about all our habits,
And why we think we're better than sliced cheese.
But the minute I do that,
I can hear OchoCinco yelling, "Child, Please!!"

Maybe we've thought too much about others,
U know, caring about what they think.
At the beginning, they are giving u their Scrabble letters,
By the end, they want your Battleship to sink.

Fun.  That's our calling word,
And will be until we die.
In my heart, and I may be crazy,
I think I never will, but will simply away fly.

See this whole diary, is an introduction,
Not into our world, but Galaxia by far.
See in this spectrum, anything's possible,
With us you can catch that flying star.

As our love life goes, Oh boy,
Where do we begin,
Do I start with the words of true love,
Or with the freaky ones that make u commit a sin.

Are we high-maintenance?  What's up,
Is this what we wanted to be?
I just may be from now on, which is fine,
I once was blind, but now I see.

My mom told me the day before yesterday,
"Everybody isn't made for you."
Still it's tough to hear,
But something I've learned to get used to.

I thought today, as I walking,
I should go back to my standards of 2004.
Where I was only interested in models,
And the kind who love to rock the dance floor.

I was a trip back then,
And now I wonder if I'm too open now.
Then it wasn't about the butt, but the sexy abs,
And every now and then it turned me on if she could milk a cow.

But now, even despite all we've been through,
We see beauty in all types of girls.
Different sizes, personalities,
So many we want to give a Salsa twirl!

But going back to my Moms, she's right,
And now we've taken a step back.
Now we are realizing it's gonna take somebody very special,
Somebody worth betting on at the track.

That's freakin' hilerous, if u think about it,
Cuz love is truly more than a gamble.
At times it can make a simple $2 bet,
Turn into really more than u can handle.

Here we are talking about love again,
Seems like we always end up on this piece.
But I guess as we keep on going through the process,
All this real talk won't seem to cease.

But u know what, a funny thing is happening,
Everything has shifted a new.
We are still meeting the finest of the fine,
And we are doing less to make it do.

Our life is so wild,
I still debate when we should hang them up.
So much going on, finding time for it all,
Some days I just want to watch Scrappy Doo, the little pup!

But u get it all, with us,
Maybe for some, it's scary or too much.
No need to fear, we're the easiest guy to know,
I may act like a movie star, but the such.

That's another thing that gets us,
I think of all the blessing we have.
It's like u have the best of the best,
All without the snobby grab bag.

One day, somebody might get it,
It may hit them while they're sitting on the toliet bowl.
Maybe they might be over in London,
And it becomes clear when Big Ben starts to toil.

I once was so concerned in making others see,
Your missing out on history, or simply a good thing.
But now, it's like I'm not going head over heels in effort,
Besides I want people who want the whole chicken and not just the chicken wing.

Conceited.  Perhaps.  Arrogant. Even some more,
Think just for a minute, what if we're right.
I mean for a split second simply consider,
What if this is true and this comet won't ever pass again in our sight?

Now I must admit, again, it's tougher to reach us,
Almost like a blind trip on a Columbus sail.
No facebook, No more twitter,
U can still reach me though at austinogalaxia@gmail.

It's 10:21...oh, how symbolic,
Cuz u know 21 is my favorite number.
I guess that's a sign for me to stop,
Before this turns into a lost scene of Dumb and Dumber.

Is this our last post?  Could very well be...
How fitting this would be our end.
In a poetic way, directly from our heart,
And with the assistance of Our Almighty Friend.

Cherish the moments, have fun,
And more
I may just be old school,
But, hey, I grew up believing in that peaceful dove.

The more I think about it,
I have a lot more to say.
And if u haven't known by now,
We get creative in every which a way.

So as I cut Pandora back on,
And get prepared for a shower that awaits.
I hope u feel every inch of my soul,
As I get ready for my special breakthrough date.

Yep, she's as beautiful as we imagined,
With no need for make-up, or that Proactiv thing.
She's seen and heard all about me,
Knows about the tears and joys of every fling.

But through it all, she's still down,
And simply won't let me give up.
She's knows one day we're gonna make it big,
And our presence everywhere, no one could duck.

That's why I love how she smiles at me,
When I'm naked from head to feet.
She knows a star when she sees one,
She's so fine, I give her my complementary first row seat.

Now it's showtime, the world is now ready,
Something they haven't seen before.
The curtain is about to be moved back,
We're so confident, we don't even close the door.

Are u ready?  Anticipating...
What the next act will be.
Stay tuned, with a watchful eye,
Cuz if u knew what me and her knew, u truly wouldn't flee.

U ready babe?!  Girl...u blow my mind,
U r so beautiful, and to my heart u grow dearer and dearer.
I guess that's why we're closer than close, and will be together til the end...
That's why I one-four-three you....

My Mirror, Mirror.

Austino Galaxia.


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Talking Straight 2 Tha Moon!

Mr. Jackie Gleason...a forgotten legend.

Where do we begin?

Gots some turkey burgers which are about to be gobbled up on tha grill.  Have to get some food in us before we go to workout later this afternoon.  It's only 11:23 am, but u gotta get it in right?!!

Trying to feel out what to write about on today.  We've said so much as of late in this special diary of our life.  Learning so much to cherish everything to tha max, dude.  U just never know.  Yes, we are still the goofy guy who is ALL about having fun, which could mean so much from going out on a night on tha town to a simple conversation with a stranger at a mall or street corner.  Speaking of which...

What ever happened to the art of talking?  Oh wow...back in the day, people used to not only meet and greet one another but does somebody actually remember when u used to know telephone numbers of friends and family?  I know folks who still remember the digits of ...I feel like we gonna get a little loosey goosey on this, because we miss those days.

Nowadays I don't even remember the numbers of too many folks.  Wait, I have to play Ayo Technology right now cuz that's gonna define this entire post on today.  Let's go JT and Fitty...hold up...I'm not in the club mode, just yet, so why don't we play this version!  Oh yeah, we can write now...But yeah bro, back in tha day it seemed so easy remembering phone numbers, now besides my home back up north and a few 1-900 numbers, I have no idea how to communicate with somebody if I lose my Whiteberry!  None...I write some down, but still, and even with that...It's so weird just the process of getting somebody's number...male or female.

Am I the only one who remembers how cool it was to get somebody's digits?!!  Like in the sense of, not only seeing your dream numerical combination, that you never thought you or anyone else could ever unlock, in your hands, but just what would you use to hold these special numbers.  Like, would you grab a napkin at a restaurant to be the keepsake?  Would you use the inside of the person's hand to have the number written on?  Or what about the inside of the wrist?!  I like those cuz those are just so personal, and u have to really be creative in how you live the rest of the day.  You have to run home and grab a Polaroid camera, to take a photo pic before the ink drys out!  U can't do nothing that involves sweating because any drip of salty perspiration will drip all dreams of ur future baby mama away.  And you really don't have time to decipher between, "Is that an 8 or a nine?"  That isn't cool...If you have the #'s inside your hand, u don't shake anybody's hand, u just say, "What's Up!" or if ur a doll, u give that Mean Girls smirk that says "Hello", but inside ur like, "I can't stand that (Female Dog)!"...Can I just tell it like it is or how we want to on today...Thanks for the go-ahead.

So ur how day changes just do to not only getting the number but how u get it and by what medium it is kept.   I love to keep notes, as u already know, so we use any and everything, from poster's from School dances...I know somebody thought it was weird when they looked up inside the party and saw a sign that read..."This party is sponsored by the Thomas Edison Sci... Club".  I had something to do with that dot, dot, dot, and it was me tearing down down a piece so that later I could possibly get a piece!  Get it!  But anything is game from back of weekly ads from the grocery store, to those small squres of paper that you find at ur local library (Has anyone ever mastered how to write with a 2 inch pencil yet!).  Now, u don't get that, do you.  This is how it goes nowadays...I gotta roll up my sleeve for this..

Whether it's romantically involved or just from making new friends, you say something like, "I would like to stay in contact with you, let me have your number."  So say, this person gives me their number, and then instead of me, saying "Here's my number...dah, dah, dah..." I usually hit them with an, "Ok, I'm about to call you right now."  And u dial the number, and u have to do it while they're standing there, to make sure it's not some number to Gino's Pizza or something!  U see it ring on their phone, and ur good.  But right there, u cut out a step of still is so much fun to be like, "Can I get your number?" or "What's ur number?"  You get it, but to have the other person be like, "What's yours?" and to see them put it in their phone.  That's mad cool....and can bring a visual memory that can make ur heart go pitty Pat Sajak for years!

Is this type of interaction obsolete?  Definitely not, but it now instead of it happening every sunrise, it occurs every blue moon.  Well, unless it's a Friday night and  you're a college dorm student who's looking for some cheap fun and happen to be hard up on money, and then every blue moon can mean every 3 minutes when Suzy forgets to name a city that starts with the lettter "Y" while playing the pilsner alphabet game!!  (I guess u can only use Ypsilanti so much!) Which is what we are talking about today, how we just don't talk like we used to...

We reside in the Sunshine state of Florida, more specifically in one of the glitziest neighoborhoods in the Galaxia, down here in the South Beach hood of Miami Beach.  We was chatting with a bus driver the other day, on how it's so cliquey down here, really.  Sometimes it's difference in the have's and have not's...and sometimes the difference is so crazy...I have the 2013 Maybach 2-door, and you have the 2012 limited edition Aston Martin...Or I can afford to get plastic surgery done down in Brickell, where you have to fly down to South America cuz u can't afford it like I's like, "Really?"  I still love the city, and sometimes I may have even gotten into that kind of thinking...Just because I'm running out on the basketball court with a new pair of Jordan's (That I didn't pay for!) on, and you have some shoes that you've worn since last season, that means I'm automatically gonna score 30 points on you, just because I 'look' better than you.  No bro...and this is coming from somebody who's thinks they are in the .5% when it comes to attractiveness!!  I mean, the other day, I was in line, jokes aside, in line at a local Publix supermarket and I saw a magazine that had something like "Top 50 most beautiful people under 40" or something like that, and I almost went King Kong in the joint and thought about knocking over every hand santizer , and all the Orbit chewing gum and Frito-Lay Peanut bags (That 2 for $1 deal is killer though!), that I could find just because I didn't make the cover!  So in my book, the list is already fraudulent!!

Now where was I....

But yeah, just talking in general has died down some with texting, sexting, and some chatting.  It's cool in some respects but it's nothing like hearing a person's voice.  A "LOL" is grand, if that's all u got.  But if u can hear that laugh, that's what u remember...I'm guilty of this, and I need to stop and really make a better effort in appreciating the things in life that money and technology cannot replace nor buy.  That's what are mission is right now, beside wondering if I should buy this Marc Jacobs steel blue wallet that is on sale right now...we're a crazy dude aren't we.   I know, but I rather that u know it...and as the old veteran's in life's game used to say...

You have to walk the walk...and talk the talk.

And if you can do both while chewing gum, u'll be alright!!

Austino Galaxia.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Thank The Lord For real Tonight is gonna be a special one in our diary We've thought about this and tonight you are gonna get the purest form of who we are Nothing more nothing less Gonna make this as real as possible so it should be interesting how this goes It should be fun So lets go

The last several weeks have been really tough in just about every part of your imagination We've been carried by the Lord above but it's been so difficult And a lot of it we just dont understand what is going on It's like what have we done to deserve all this wackiness scrutiny alienation Is this what it's all about when u strive to live life to the fullest I mean we just a simple kid who wants to have fun and thats it But in life u have to go through some stuff and exactly two weeks from today everything just about reached a tipping point

We was gasing up our ride at a Citgo gas station on Sunset Drive in Kendall Florida I was interacting with the shorty bee hop thats always inside on the register So I walk out the glass doors and everything just seemed like a dream All I heard next was a Lake Erie screech and knocking and worse yet my eyes are beholding the whole thing unfold I stop in my tracks as I see this Budget U haul truck absoultely crash into my car Yes the ride Yes my baby girl who I name Sasha I couldnt believe it cuz my car was parked simply at the gas pump and how in the world could somebody not see my car This was like the upteenth time somebody has hit my vehicle and each time we had nothing to do with it and the way our vehicle has been hit has been as puzzling as a New York Times crossword The weirdest angles It's just like our car attracts so much attention It's weird You have to go on a ride with us to really understand how different it is to be with us

So this truck bangs up my drivers side in several spots and I'm just standing there basically steaming hot but for some reason cool at the same time I guess when uve been through so much and seen so much things just dont surprise you anymore But we were a little taken back like Y now The guy got out and he had a girl and I wont get into all that But the last few weeks weve been without a ride Meaning that we have had to go from our beautiful showroom in South Beach and take the transit a la mode all the way accross town That included on average 3 buses of 2 buses and a train and coming back home the same The killer part was I work in the morning so I had to wake up at like 330 am in the morning just to get to work and we come back later so it was like I only had like 1 hour and an half of free time Even earlier today the most peaceful moments were during lunch where I was listening to some Joe I did rent a car for some time but still this was tuff and putting this on top of the month weve had up to date This was not what we wanted to happen

All this mustve been for a reason What we saw was as we aformentioned how others live We have such a lifestyle that I can loose track on whats going on around us I'm single dont have shorties nothing really that makes us like living as an adult we live a sorta rich kid lifestyle where we just want to have fun and share it with others even though we have been doubting whether its even worth the effort to bring a smile to others faces Sometimes u just feel like dude why am I even wasting a word of encourgement or an invite Why should me who has been blessed tremendously try to make somebodys day when u feel like folks arent used to that and would rather do the same things and go to the same places and hang out with the same people Maybe we are just different I know we are but I think the difference with us now than say four weeks ago or even longer is that we are willing to accept who we are as a person No need to try fit in cuz we wont and I dont want to really Does that mean be a big huge snob No But theres a certain lifestyle that we are living and want to live and we cant take everybody with us Just because somebody looks good on ur arm doesnt mean they are your wifey or the one or ur friend Real talk

Thats why we say you have to keep pushing even when u dont want to or receive some backlash or rejection If u believe in who u are and what u stand for then keep doing you and they will come It will come And everything will work out Sometimes u have to go through an era when it seems like nothing is working before you go through an era when seemingly everything goes right Thats tough to swallow as your going through that Time after time you thinking when is our time really gonna come How come Sally is doing this Or why is Bob getting this when I have to put in seemingly more work Work harder And yet getting less So this was just the thoughts going into my accident and then it was like u got to be kidding me Not now And not at this time

What doesnt kill you makes you stronger It does And after u go through U become better Thats why we believe in taking risks cuz one u never know and two even if things dont end how you want them to u learn from them and u realize that u wouldnt trade the experience for anything in the Galaxia Even though it can make u go crazy

We just talking real and as pure as possible Our diary is special to us Its entertaining just because of the unparalleled experiences that weve been through But behind all that u have to realize that this is the real life of a actual person I know Austino Galaxia can seem to be somebody out of an old comic book but there is some real time emotion surrounding our life and lifestyle Its crazy Its fun Its built on unforeseen expectations sometimes but thats ok Champions realize whats going on and lives up to the hype If u want to live the grandest life you are gonna have to experience the grandest challenges We said before how we used to pray for the most beautiful girl in the world Somehow those words used to come off our lips So as we think about it is it some weird correlation with all these crazy episodes weve had with girls absolutely not If you want to be the best you are gonna have to go take the toughest road for real There are no shortcuts in life None

Is this too much tonight Whatever We have to tell it like it naturally is Why hold back I mean all of us can relate somehow or someway to what is being said Thats why we wondered is anybody else telling it just straight up about like and love and relationships As we heard somebody say the other day Youre It Maybe you the one who has to be the one out of everybody in the Galaxia We have to just realize that sometimes u may be a trailblazer and just roll with it Huh What if everybody in the Galaxia said I'm gonna be the first instead of being the next I can just run off of that

A chance to play with the Beatles Mychal Thompson is silly That's personal there Ok special shoutout to Miss Irella and Big Carlos for looking out Thanks

Let the fun begin

New script, new cast Huh we now have a title for the whole thing and it doesnt get any better than this

Simply Pure

Austino Galaxia

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Gaining Momentum!

MC Hammer...Classic Song! And yes we are!!

Well, earlier today, like in the 5am hour of the day, we seriously thought about tonight being the final post that we were gonna write in our diary....Yep, Austino Galaxia, had some visions of our retirement post with or without a video, had our suit picked out and everything.  I know folks are tired of us talking about hanging up the keyboard and all, but this is the semi-war that's going on within. Do we have a lot more to say?  Certainly...but we also, know that if u read our stuff from the beginning til now, that u really have a in depth insight to one of, if not the, goofiest people in the Galaxia.  But we're being led to realize, whether we want to or not, that this diary is not complete as of yet.  So for you, who have endured through this crazy ride, we're gonna continue, at least for tonight, to give u the best we got.  And see where it leads....

A guy riding a girl on a bicycle's front handlebars.  All the while the girl is lighting up a cigarette.  (We mentioned this before).  A guy on a bicycle, with one of those old school milk crate hooked up to the back of it.  What's weird about this?  This like a 2nd Grade girl inside the milk crate...on the phone none the less.  A guy and girl, seemingly boyfriend and girlfriend, arguing right next to us.  The girlfriend is so steamed that she storms away walking.  The boyfriend gets angry.  Austino Galaxia is thinking that he's gonna either have to call the cops, or become Captain Save-a-"Girl"....Next thing u know it...the girl walks over to the boy, and gives him a kiss on the lips.  Galaxia is left dumbfounded like is this ain't "Gangsta Lovin'", we don't know what is!

I'm in the supermarket, with my headphones on, and I'm dipping it low like Christina Milian, looking at this Smart Balance milk that's on sale.  All of a sudden, this woman comes like out of nowhere, and begins to talk about if the store has the 2% version of the milk.  Because it looks like it's sold out, but we're aren't sure.  Next thing, I know it, we're having a conversation about the labels, because both of us, were reading the nutritional info.  I'm checking out that fat, and sugar and protein content.  She's doing the same.  And we get into a conversation.  And as I'm looking into her pretty brown eyes, I'm like this is getting a little thing I know it she asks a girl to go into the back to check for the missing 2% carton.  We continue to talk, and she's discussing with us how many options u have, "Fat-free this, or low-fat that", of course I agree, and tell her how I spend almost 20 minutes in the supermarket, solely looking and reading labels.  I tell her how that's a good habit to have. She waves her husband who has a kid wrapped around him, with a full shopping cart.  I'm like, huh this is interesting, cuz I was halfway thinking about going down aisle 7 to pick up some "breath fresh" spray, and see if she really wanted to milk, or wanted to get milked!  I'm so bad, I know!  (*Editor's Note:  That will not be featured in the kid's version of our diary later to be released!*) So the girl who checked brought out another of her co-workers.  He comes out, and she's trying to communicate to go look for the milk in the back.  He understood, but didn't quite get her at first.  So finally he goes back, and as he's leaving, she tells him, "Two Percento!!"  I'm like this girl is going off, and getting sterotypical up in here!  She was like, I don't know Italian-American, but just how she said it showed me that she's used to getting her way.  I like that in a girl.  But I don't like that in a girl.  U feel me.  My hombre, came back...don't laugh...and said that he couldn't find that milk in stock, so I just grabbed the Fat-Free version, that's supposed to taste creamy like 2%, have 35% more protein than regular milk, and 45% more calcium than ur leading brand.  Heck of a deal for $2.50, I think I may go get some more since it's kinda organic too...Next time, I'm standing by the glass doors with roses and a tailor suit.  Do u think that will work?!!

This is what I'm running into down here in Miami...and down in our neighborhood of South Beach.  Just some wild stuff.  I don't know, our life is like a movie. I gotta say this....I'm riding on the bus today (It's a long story why I wasn't in our ride, so....), anyhow, I'm on the  120 Beach Max bus coming back over to South Beach, and this lady gets on with a Candy Cane.  I offered her my seat, but she decided to take the one right accross from us.  So the bus is going along, and I'm just checking out the scene of the Port of Miami, and Star Island and stuff.  And, I promise you, I turn and this lady is giving me the eye! I'm not joking...Now, she was a little older than us, looked like a cute and sexy Mamacita of Spanish I turn away, and I can feel this Mother The Sequel's eyes just fixated on us.  And I don't know what to do!  I'm looking ahead, in that in that beautiful guy/girl mindset...U know what I'm talking about...when somebody is seriously checking you out, and u know that they are checking you out, and they even know that u know that they are checking you out, but u do the best you can not too look that way, yet ur looking outta the corner of ur eye, but just so they don't notice!  C'mon now, I KNOW SOMEBODY out there, knows what I am talking about.  So I don't know why she was giving me the "I wanna freak you" stare, but she was and believe u me, I know tha look!  Maybe she was thinking about her daughter or something...or maybe she's been reading our diary recently where we've been talking about some sexy 60 something women, and how we dig them!  I don't mean, that literally...but if I had a the chance...let me bump into Raquel Welch at a Lil Wayne concert!...I need to stop...

As I said before, beauty comes in all sizes, shapes and colors.  Wasn't it the legendary group Pretty Ricky that said, "Age ain't nothing but a number"?  That's so true.  It's the experience factor with us...Man, we see some stuff down here, so of which, I wish I didn't see...This homeless situation...we've always felt that whenever we really, and we do mean REALLY blow up, this is gonna be our mantra.  But we have to think of something, cuz seeing people sleeping everywhere from benches to church steps to in front of clubs to library steps, it's, it just got to me.  Like we have to do something.  We began to think about our lifestyle, and how blessed we are...hold on, my homegirl is calling...Ok, we back, cool talk for a little bit...

But we gotta do something for real.  Just make a difference, and sometimes, even on today, we think about our life, and how we have so much within our fingertips, all the glitz and glamour, people giving us free VIP tickets to concerts, but what about those that we can really help.  U know it doesn't take much for any of us to be on a curve sleeping...enough said, something will hit us, we're sure.

Well, it's time to relax a little bit.  I'ma put some cucumbers on my eyes, and just dream...

And somehow, I feel like it won't be a dream any longer...but a sneak preview!

How neat!

Austino Galaxia.