Thursday, August 30, 2012

Life Anew.

Life...How many know about this great drama?  So slept on...

Alright...snuck in some rest, we needed some big time.  Right now, we got an old episode of Real World:  Hollywood banging in the background, so I got some drama unfolding as we're writing this.  I've always wondered what it would be like for us to live in a dream house with some "different" roommates.  It can get wild when u're under the same house...I think it could be fun.  I honestly wanted to try out for a season not too long ago when the tryouts came down here to the MIA, but I was like a year or two over the age limit.  Could u imagine us on the Real World?  Oh my...u talking about wild one'll be fun.  Real Galaxia:  South Beach...Hey, u never know right?!!

We're easing our way into's just seemed like we've been living in a long dream, where I don't even know what's going on, or what have you...just don't remember.  Wonder if anybody else has been in that state of their mind where u almost need a break, or something just to get back to ur "new normal".  Tough to even write this, but we'll give it our best...

So they claim that we are in the quote unquote "last weekend of Summer"...except if u live down here in the Magic City, where it's Summertime basically all year round, although I do recall some days where I was bundled up to my neck in puffy coats and scarfs, just to stay warm.  What a Summer it has been.  What is the one word that I can use to describe it all...humm?  I'll have to say...Intriguing.  Just from all that we've actually learned this Summer season...from all the things that we've experienced...That's another thing about living down here in Miami, we are kind of spoiled in that there's so much going on, so even if u hit up a nice party or go to a cool concert, the very next night u might be doing something else, so the greatness of an event or evening doesn't necessarily last as long as in some other places.  I know back up north, up in the Midwest, shoot, if u have one of those dreamy nights where everything was clicking like a remote control, u be talking about that one night for months! But just this Summer, we've had so many times where we might be on the toilet or cooking up some oatmeal, or just sitting jamming away with to some great tunes, and it'll just hit us, ALL that we've done in a span of 24 hours.  And we be like, "Dag...that was just last night, but so much stuff has happened, even since then!!"  That's how u want to live, though, in tha sense that each day is maxed out and everyday ur making some type of fun...depending how u look at it.

Let me see here, what was the first day of Summer...I see this is what's on our mind right now...Thanks Google, the first day of Summer was on June 20th, 2012...I usually don't do this, but this is the beauty of keeping a diary, I want to know what we were going through on that day.  Let me see, here...Ok, we found it, here it is...Some cute stuff, but...Wow!  We've grown even since then, and so much has been going on...From the Olympics to different people...cough, cough,...girls making cameos into our life.  This has been one for the ages, and one we won't forget for one reason or another....

This diary has been a little too personal, the last few months, don't u think?  I mean, I think this Summer alone, we've told about 12 stories of embarrassment, used the words "crying" and "homie" like 20 times at least...talked more about "embracing the struggle" than we ever could imagine, it's been a wild ride.  But as we've said before, this is "one last push" so in knowing that we want to make sure that we are just speaking from our heart, and whatever comes through our fingers, comes through our fingers....

Ok, some very fun moments lie ahead, so much fun that it's kinda scary.  The only thing that's missing from our diary, are some pictures of us or where we've been at.  Once we get into the habit of doing that, u're gonna be like, "Say what?!!"  U'll be surprised, where u might be walking and driving past not knowing that u just pass by where we are dancing it up!  Very surprised...

Right now, I'm a little mentally drained, which is Ok, cuz we're going to get recharged up...big time.  If u're reading this, ur about to hear some more krazy stories about what's going on in "tha land of the beautiful people" and in our life...I hope it's not too much.  But as u read through all these entries, u'll find that we're really just a kid who wants to have fun, and it's going through all the steps just like everybody else...Our journey is kinda (Written with a pinch symbol!) crazy.  Which is cool...sometimes I like craziness.  It can be a lot, but as our lives move on, u take lessons and u begin to be amazed at what got u all Pat Riles up a week ago, no longer even makes u bat an eye.

Gotta go...this is our break day.

Get ready.  This diary is about to get even wilder...and whenever we say that...

It usually does.

Oh boy, I'm ready!...

Are you?

Austino Galaxia.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Full 48.

"I only got 82 auditions to get the band ready for the big event."

This quote changed my life on today.  And I heard it early this morning, like around 6am, as I was listening to an ESPN Radio Los Angeles broadcast replay, in which I heard some very scientific news on the back condition of Dwight Howard of the Lakers, as well as this quote being discuss about the head coach of the Lakers, Mike Brown.  But little did I know just how our day would turn out to be....I needed this quote more than ever....

Everything...well...sometimes what u go through in life just is a prep for what lays ahead.  That's why I got so excited when I heard that quote.  82 represents the amount of regular season games in an NBA season before, "the big event", the playoffs begin.  The quote signifies the importance of each moment, as if there isn't time to waste.  U have to maximize moments and realize that there possibly isn't a tommorrow, u have to do what u have to do today...heck, as I found out this afternoon, u just never know what can unfold.

Due to legal matters, I won't get into great detail about what transpired on today.  Once everything is settled and over with, I promise I'll tell the story.  I'm not kidding, something wild, went down...And to see the entire thing play out right in front of ur eyes.  All that I can compare it to, is having a love one, u coming home from work, and seeing them with somebody else getting their groove on right in front of ur eyes.  That look of, "Am I really seeing this happen...IN FRONT OF ME?", transpired...once again, I'll talk about it, once the dust settles.

When u are close to ur goal...things are going to happen to u, to test ur winning spirit.  Let's just write a tad some here...

The last few days, have been arguably, some of the most difficult we've had to experience.  Seems like, we've been, I don't know, in that transition stage of our life.  A lot of things have been happening that we don't understand...a lot of people have's just weird.  U feel like we've been in a small bubble of sorts.  Not by choice we mentioned a some time ago...u have to fight to stay motivated.  Not only when ur successful in some areas, but when u feel like nothing is working...people are ignoring ur presence, even though they see you...u are being led to be patient, when everybody else seemingly are getting theirs...this is when u really have to fantasize about how and where u want ur life to be.  Do we have a terrible life...absolutely not.  It's just that we are adjusting to a change in our life, where we still don't understand why things happen in the manner that they do.

We just a kid who wants to have fun.  That's why we write, or cringe when somebody doesn't necessarily want to participate in true fun or kick it.  When it comes to us, u have to throw everything outta the window, cuz u won't meet anybody else like us ever...ever again.  That's not snobby, but I just feel and understand where our life is, and is heading...sometimes I feel like I'm in that A-Rod in Texas state, where u know where u are, may have all the cash, and baby girls and stuff, but deep inside, u understand that there is another chapter awaiting.  U want to bring others with, u want to share stories that make a difference, just because we think it'll be kool.  Just think about perhaps 20 years for now, u may think, "Man, I wish I could get somebody else's view on what this crazy thing called life is about."  I'm learning to just live in the moment so much, cuz as things change, I want to appreciate so much right now.  Just talking from our heart, that's all.

So how do u react when things begin to try to shake ur in ur furry little boots?  How u handle one test determines if u will have to go through that same thing again or if u can move on.  Folks can be tripping all around about this quote I heard the other day:

How much do you think you're worth?

That's a deep question...and I think the answer to that will determine our actions...hold up, Mariah is singing one of my favorites, C'mon girl, I need ya!!...If u're think ur worth a gang of wealth, then guess what, u're gonna act like it, and ur going to be tested like it.  If ur a boss or captain of the sports team, the other team always go for u , cuz if they can get u rattled...if u can come home from a bad day at work, then ur going to affect ur kids or significant other, then all of a sudden the entire household is dreary just because someone hung up the phone on u at 7 o'clock in the morning, and u still haven't let it go.  Been there, done that, dude.  That's why...we feel like what we're experiencing, and we're not the only one who feels this way believe u me, could just be....

I'm gonna be real's 9:55pm...I still have to finish dinner, shower, mini-shave, call DirecTv, and finish up my remodeling project of the showroom, so I'm just gonna write...

We all see the fame and glitz and glamour of the wealthy and celebrity lifestyle.  What I'm learning is that it's so much that u don't realize goes on behind the scenes.  It's hard's so much hate. What is hate?  I think "hate" is indirectly, yet directly disrespects u for no other reason than for being urself.  That's my comes in many forms from, talking behind one's back about the subject at hand all the way to flat out telling someone "I hate you."  And the thing about it is...u can feel it.  Like u can walk into a room and just feel ill feelings...but the thing is, u can't let that stop u.  I think we said this in a diary post like last year, if u aren't hated for something, then something's wrong with you!  I think one of the most noticeable changes we have found within ourself is he realization that if I'm gonna life this life we want, we're going to live according to our own standards and be on our "A" game.  It's like if u're gonna not like me cuz we want to have fun, and u rather be soaking in yesterday's troubles...or if u're gonna not want to expand ur horizons by simply talking to a stranger who might need a simple, "How ya doin'?" to get them through the day...u're gonna have to do it with us being on our top game.  If u do that, then it's on you...but no longer will tha kid not use every experience, every ounce of wisdom dropped from others, not to make sure that this one shot we have in reaching the stars won't be met.  I think that will be a disrespect to teachers, friends, co-workers, former flames, and others who have knowingly and unknowingly help mold us, and what would that be for us not to put all that into work.  It's like the doctor telling u that too many cookies will give u a stomach ache, and soon as u come home from the office u dropping Chips Ahoy in the grill.  U reach a point in ur life where u realize that all these experiences that u've been through has made u ultra-better and u need to take those lessons and use them.  Like right now!

I'm not saying all this like we got life on a string, or we can't do no wrong...but, for real...don't sometimes u get tired of going through the same things over and over and over again, and u reach that King of Pop stage, where u look at the man in the mirror and say, "No more."  I've heard so many stories of folks, who've been hurt in the past from relationships or jobs or former so-called friends, and have just made up their mind that they won't be duked again.  And if so, they gonna have to duke this Cameron Crazy at the peak of their jump and not at the bottom of the tar heels.  That's why we beg and plead, that no matter what ur going through, to keep going just a little further. I know, even on this week, we had a moment where it was like..."Why did this happen?"  Some emotions poured out...and poured out, cuz when u don't understand, it can perplex u even more.  But when u've reached that deep's for a reason. For one, u know what it feels like, and become even more's like, going to school and being suspended for something u didn't even do.  After that suspension is over, u're like, "Is that all?"  And then u, hopefully want to show the teacher or principal that they started something, and u go even harder in ur studies and stuff...just because since u've reached that harshest punishment, u realize u can handle it, and come back even better...that's for something u didn't do mind u.

Guess I'm just ultra-competitive like that.  Too much really...I'm usually low key, just because I know how we can get...sometimes u have to tame urself, u know....but, if folks could really see what goes on inside of us, when certain things transpire...Oh boy!  I have a quick story, then I'm out...

I'm a huge basketball guy...a hooper for life.  From elementary school all the way through college, that small orange ball, has been a part of our life.  I recall one game where, just like we said, everything went wrong.  And for those we hooped with in Middle School (Never forget the lessons), u recall this embrassing night in the gym...

It was my 8th grade season, with the mighty Barker Crusaders...we were playing our crosstown rivals the Krueger Colts.  My team was in the midst of an undefeated season, and had it rolling all year.  But when u face ur arch enemies, everything gets thrown out the window.  Emotions are running at an epic the whole city, basically is in the house, to check out another one of these classic Indiana Jr. High battles...This game, was funky from the get, and throughout the entire game.  I was "ok" (Wink, Wink!) hooping on the squad, but from the jump ball, it seemed like this one referee, who was a city cop at tha time, just had it in for us.  I had no idea why.  Calling foul...after foul on was just one of those nights where no matter what I did, from missing easy shots to just being in the wrong place at the wrong time...nothing went our way.  And I didn't know late in the first half, I was already frustrated, cuz I love to put on a great show, especially when the whole town is watching ur team play...this was one of the few times where A Galaxia was borderline out of control...

So late in the 1st half, this same ref...called me for my 3rd foul, in the 1st mind you!  Sometimes I didn't get 3 fouls in the entire game.  And since this game was so South Beach nip/tuck I didn't want to come all.   After another bogus foul, I was forced to be taking out of what was shaping up to be the most competitive game of the season.  On my way to the bench, I just was steaming, and I took out my mouthpiece and threw it as I was walking to the bench.  It ended up hitting one of my teammates...Big Robby Hackett, I'm still sorry bro!...I get to the bench and was just like, "What's going on?  This ref is just on me...for no reason."

The second half starts, and still, I can't get off like D Wade, and I'm beginning to feel like I'm not part of the game.  The ref is making stupid calls on us, and me in particular, and I'm not getting the looks I want, and it's turning into another barn burner.  In the 4th quarter, I get called for my fourth foul, meaning one more and I'm done like some broasted chicken.  Like a play or two later, the other team, Krueger has the ball, Big Dre Murth, scores a bucket, and one of my teammates gets called for a foul.  Being disappointed in myself that we didn't get the rebound, I tossed the ball against the wall that was right beneath the basket, and catch it and walk away...then all h-e-double hockey sticks broke loose...

As I'm walking, I see a ref signal for a foul on my teammate, and then this same "ref"...I see him signaling a technical foul on # 2-1.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing...this guy was going to throw tha kid, aka Pooh Daddy out the game for something  in which I had no ill intent of doing, and was just mad at myself.  It got bonkers in there...the crowd was going wild, cuz their home team was making their run on us, and now I'm getting the "hit the road jack" heave ho....I was just stunned, so I slowly, and I mean slowly begin to walk again over to our bench...I get over to our side...and I don't know what, but it was like everything got real quiet, then all of a sudden..."BANG!!"  I hi-ya, kicked this folding chair over, without picking it up, and took a seat on the bench.  U talk about sizzling hot over the entire game and was a nightmare.  But if u thought I was sizzling hot....I had no idea what awaited me.

Our team pulled out a buzzer beater victory by the help of my dude "KK", Kellen Anderson, who made a great steal and dished it to the Great "Kieno" for the winning bucket.  I was elated that me getting tossed and my horrible game didn't allow us to lose the game...but once I left that locker room...

I felt like I talked to the whole city, not about the game itself, but by my actions of kicking the chair.  So many folks were like, "U shouldn't do that"...One of the high school coaches at the time, Coach Steinke, was at the game, and he let me have it, "Don't u ever, do anything like that again." He got into me...and I wasn't even the only one who got a technical that game for our team, but....after all that, I still had to meet my folks. I didn't want to, but they were taking me didn't matter if we won or lose, only one thing was left to be heard...I got what they call the "never again" talk...basically, Pops got in to me so wasn't pretty...that car ride home, it just wouldn't stop about me and embarrassing the family, and how I shouldn't act like that...mind u, this was the ONLY time something like this has and did happen, but it was like World World or World Galaxia 3.  Not fun bueno...the talk/lashing continued into us eating dinner.  And I just remember crying (Do I cry all the time?!!) and being like "I'm sorry!"  Moms was upset, it was just a night to forget...we won by the way, just imagine if our team had of lost.

I love my Pops and Moms, and Coach Steinke and all the others who stopped my that night.  They taught me that folks watch u, no matter if u don't see it or not....people care...there's a standard to how u should conduct or lose, sometimes it is how u play the doesn't matter if others did something similar as u, u be true to who u are....and showed us that we're a little different...but most of all, that was the depth, at the time, of how EVERYTHING can go against you, and the question is, "How can u react to the fire?"  Do u crawl into a cubby hole, and hide...or realize that u've faced the toughest challenge, from externally and from within, and as Olivia on The Cosby Show used to say..."I'm still alive."

And sometimes winning the battle isn't about striving, but sometimes it's simply about...surviving.

I still got some stuff to do...sorry for all this talk, but it's a diary right...just keep pushing....

And step begets another.

All we all are right there.  Just a doorbell away.

Austino Galaxia.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

5 Hour Galaxtrotter.

Anybody else remember when the Harlem Globetrotters met Scooby-Doo?!!

Just got back in not too long ago from an enjoyable trip up north to take care of some things.  Went up to the great B.C. (Broward County) area for some personal stops.  While up there went and did some exchanging on green pieces of paper...i.e., did some shopping.  Saw some wild stuff, when do we not?!!..

At Tar-jay, in Fort Lauderdale, and while I was waiting to check out in the express lane, she was ahead of me...but dude, why was homegirl standing like 10 feet behind the lady in front of her while she was checking out her stuff?!!  Like she had some kind of jeebers, creepers or something..So then she gets up in line and has all these coupons, and I'm thinking, "Ain't this the exprees lane, 10 items or less, including coupons!!"  So in actuality, baby girl had like 25 items total.  Then she tried to do the old, fool me once, fool u five times the amount trick on my guy at the register, but wanting to use two coupons for the same item or something like that.  He gave her that "ugly face" just like when everybody found out that K. Weezy was going out with Kim Kay, and he wasn't letting it go down.  Then, she was like, I wanna pay for the one item separate, just so she could get a her coupon cutting on different transactions.  Nah-uh!  Not on my guy's he begins to ring up my stuff, as she's still signing off on the debit machine....let me say this, this Target up there, had some deals, I paid like $6 for the softest jeans...Six!!  They had sales everywhere, that u can't find down here in the MIA, it's one of my...psst...psst....secret spots!  He rings up my stuff, and it came up so like $2.96, or so, and he was like "What The Candid Camera is going on?!!"  I tried to swipe my card so quick, and get out of there, that u woulda thought I was Wesley Snipes running from the Feds!!  But, we both were bugging up laughing, the total came out ok, and we were off.

Decided to do some more shopping at that mall....Is it me or is the price of underwear outta whack?!!  I shouldn't be talking about this I know, but the undies are one of my favorite accessories, in committing the  Oh Kay!!! (And yes, I did write that and give u three snaps in a "Z" shape, girlfriend!!)  I know, with the ladies that bra and some of those panties with the padlock in the front and the "Do Not Enter Unless ur a Jonas Brother" sign on the back, cost nothing short than an arm and a chicken leg to buy them.  (Why isn't Fried Chicken arms offered up by the Colonel??)  But what's going on with the guys...we've been a straight Emporio Armani with the draws, now they've up the price (Doesn't it always happen that way?!!), so I'm just looking at options.  D & G is up there...Burberry is like $40 a I know somebody is like, "Dude, just get u some BVD's with the gold and blue band, and shut the heck up!"  And ur write, I can do that, but u must remember that we live in a city and neighborhood where everybody is basically naked all the time, and where the girls down here basically have x-ray joke.  I remember (this isn't a story, but it is sorta..), this woman coming to my place of earning chulpas, being introduced to me, and literally checking out the UPS package like without any hindrance whatsoever!  Telling u dude...Let's move on, before I get myself into some more trouble.

Have to get this out, for u fashionistas, Abercrombie & Fitch must be making a come back cuz I'm seeing it everywhere.  Either that or they're having one heck of a sample sale.  That used to be the joint back in the day, along with Doc Martins and stuff.  Like ultra-preepy...I thought there was only one dude who was still wearing that, and he was like a fashion insider that always used to be on Fashion File when it was on TV. Oh, tha good old days...I was up on Sunrise Blvd. and my guy had, literally, a Mr. T haircut.  And I'll pity the fool who thinks I'm lying!  We've been thinking about this fro-hawk thang, it's cool, so many folks got it, but it still intrigues me...

I saw some wild stuff, as we always do, u have to hang out with us it's such and adventure...pure fun guaranteed!  What else... I saw this joint called Galaxy Pizza, which almost had me daze with a ring of birds around my head!  I wonder if I had all-u-can eat access to one of those moon pies?!  Ah man, there's another one, see moon pies are snacks I used to merk back in the day, and the moon is in the sky, and pizza is also called a pie...I crack myself up sometimes!!  What else...check this out...after I was checking out this young lady who kept going in one big huge Rubik's Cube down here in South Beach trying to find her way (By the way, I absolutely loooved her long Cali-beach girl hair!).  I saw something we've never seen before...we witnessed somebody actually walking into a psychic shop!  The doors were wild open like the lanes on I-95 at 4am in the morning...don't ask me how I know, just trust me on this...and this cutie just walked in.  And to make it even creepier, I was just thinking about what it would be like for somebody to do an, that's the wrong investigation...I don't know, but u know what I mean, into our future.  That would be wild.  I wouldn't even want to know.  I just watched a movie called, Timer, about knowing when the exact moment ur love soulmate will appear in ur life...talking about scary.  After all we've been through, and talked about, I don't know if I coulda survived!  " 10 years...5 months...7 days...and 21 seconds, u're gonna me ur baby doll!"  And in between then what do u do?...And for some strange reason, somehow I hear a voice yelling...


And that's what we shall do...

I need some rest.
Piece, Luv and Fun.
Austino Galaxia.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

AG Luvs The 80s...Tha Videos.

One of my all-time favorite game shows!  Challenge anyone!?!

Time 2 party 80s style...

Austino Luv's Tha 80's...The Videos.

- Tears For Fears - "Everybody Wants To Rule The World"

- Madonna - "Holiday"

- New Edition - "If It Isn't Love"

- George Michael - "Father Figure"

- Kool Moe Dee - "How You Like Me Now"

- Phil Collins - "In The Air Tonight"

- Shiela E. - "The Glamorous Life"

- Double - "The Captain of Her Heart"

- Gloria Estefan - "Get On Your Feet"

- Cameo - "Word Up"

- Candy Dulfer (With Dave Stewart) - "Lily Was Here"

- Anita Baker - "Sweet Love"

Hope u likes!

DJ Austino Galaxia.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kissing Simplicity

KISS...Keep It Simple Sir or Stupid...Oh, & tha band was good too!!

Sometimes it's just great to have nothing but quietness parading the room, and u are just cuddled up in a great book.  That's how this afternoon has been...nothing crazy...just simple. Huh...I like that word.


I'm laughing cuz we had/have no idea what to write or where this diary is going today, but that word jumps out.  

Oh, how we wish life was just so simple?  Like, why can't u park ur car in a Wal-mart parking lot without having somebody nestled up to u right in the spot next to you?  Dude...I parked 300 feet by myself for a reason, now we look like the only couple smooching at a singles bar!  Or how come when u get a coupon for 20% extra, the exclude like all the good stuff, and the only things u can buy is like a freakin' 8-track player and a keychain...Or how come all those "right now" deals u find on Groupon, sell out so fast, when it seems like u just got on, and nobody could be possibly shopping at 4am in the morning can they?!!  Life as we are finding out just isn't so simple.  But we striving it to be...

Our personality is still one that desires fun to happen, and for it to happen right now.  I try to live a simple life.  U know...the kind where u have a flat screen TV but with no cable...or the kind where u go to Target and buy a certain flavor of deodorant that u don't really want, but since u can get 15% extra roll-on for the same price as the others, u go around smelling like a dozen roses all day!  I know I'm crazy, or "weird" but when so much is going on around our life, we try to do what we can to simplify our life.  That might mean using one scoop of sweet relish (No Sugar Added of course!), on ur pasta instead of two cuz u know that BOGO sale ain't coming around for another 3 weeks...or while taking a shower, using the soap til the last slither...Has anyone else had a bar of soap break while they are in the shower, and are in the 2nd chorus of Christina Aguilera's "Genie In A Bottle", only to have ur soap break in half!  U look around, and as u shout out, "If u wanna be with me....", u look around scoop up both of the halves, stack them Marcus Burnett and Mike Lowery's right on top of each other, and u back to scrubbing ur belly button hairs!

Simple is just so I say that in our whining 1st grader voice....It can makes folks throw things across the room...It leads people to begin the conversation with that, "U know..."...Listen up, right when u hear those two syllables look out, cuz the following is about to come next.  Either:

a) "...I like u and all...but..."  (Total rejection, give it up like Marvin Gaye, dude cuz it's over!)
b) "...I've been thinking...."  (That could actually be good or bad) 
c) "...I just have such a boring life." (Better step in on that one!)
d) "...I caught u with..."  (I hope u have a bulletproof vest on under ur blue Gap dress shirt for that bro!")

But whenever our lives get kinda of complex when we think it's totally unnecessary.  We can flip out...internally and externally.  It's almost like going to kick it or whatever.  Guys (and Girls) what's one of the key factors to a night out.  And no, it's not deciding who's birthday it is, so the whole night can be on tha "house"!!...But ur close....Where to eat?!!  Ding, ding, ding!  Now this "simple" decision can sometimes ruin a night.  Am I lying on this?  U begin to think away from the "I'm just hungry and I just wanna go somewhere where the cooks know how to boil water and the waitresses won't spilled my food"....and u get into that "I wonder if this cow was grass fed or not? And into that 'I wonder if they sell my drink, u know Apple Martini's go best with my skin when I wear this outfit'!!"  

U begin to decide who's going with you, the situation like if it's guy's night out...u gotta go to where the food is legit, the waitresses are the hottest and ...did I just say that?  Anyway, and where u don't have to pay for parking.  If u're on a date or with a significant other of another sex, then u try to consider there preferences, even though u're trying to hit up the joint between 5pm and 6pm cuz that's when ur food is the price of the time that u ordered it.  So when something comes up, and u get that call, "I'm only available after 10pm."  U just about faint cuz u figure $10 for a 16 oz. steak is too much and u make up the excuse, "Ah...the Lakers are on, can't do about 1pm tomorrow?!!"  I'm just kidding, but I know I'm not the only one who has mistakenly asked "What do u have a taste for?"  And has gotten into a lengthy dialogue like ur speaking on a Senate floor talking about the benefit of reality talk shows, when u simply want to know if u want to hit up this 2 for $2.22 Whopper deal at BK or if u feel like splurging and splitting a $2, $4, $6 meal, minus the four and tha six, at Denny's where my dude works and he can hook us up on some extra fries!  Simple questions but the complexity can be so the way.  Tip 101:  Always have a plan! (Wink, Wink!)

Not just when eating out either...I know back in my Shopaholic days...and believe u me, I still get small chills when I'm at the back of the store and I hear that pleasant sound of the register go "click, click, click, click..." for 3 minutes indicating a lengthy transaction being performed.  I think I shop so much, that I can guess the total of the transaction just by the length of the sound of the receipt paper being spit out!  1 minute = about $100 dollars...2 minutes = around $150, but they had some returns...30 seconds = a cheap gift for a friend that costs like $5, all on a gift card...See, that ain't so hard!  But I know I may some sales associates upset with me.  I used to go to Woodfield Mall with my dudes (Coca and C Hagg...What up pimps! Yeah man, I got my own diary dawg!!...I mean...cough, cough..How are u doing my studious friends of many a years.  Sorry, eye forgot where I was at for a minute!)  But, we'll hit up that formerly the biggest mall in America back in tha day, and I was a walking consumer riot as I look back.  I would be standing like in a Finish Line store, debating for like 20 minutes on some socks or something.  If it came to kicks, I'll ask everybody what do they think.  And I know the salesperson was thinking, "Just Do It."  See...I only wear Nike sneakers back then, and I was taking so long, that's why he said...boy I need my own show on Comedy Central for real!  Then I'll have the nerve to put the shoes on "hold" and never go back to get them.  Don't laugh, cuz I KNOW somebody who's reading this has done the same.  But once again simplicity turned in complexity.

As u think about life, it's just so funny about how many issues that are simple become so complex...While in  class what magazine to do u  choose 2 read as the teacher is talking about,, whatever, something about flowers and the moon...tough decisions.  Or if ur going to a "White Party" being thrown by somebody, u David Letterman glance at ur closet for 30 minutes, trying to figure out what color to wear?....How about u not washing clothes in a few days, and u realize u don't have any undies clean, what do u do go G.I. commando or do u just do ur best not to get sweaty for the evening.  So when that hot song comes on at the club, and that guy pulls u to the dance floor u thinking "This better be my future baby daddy cuz he messing up my last pair of La Perla's and u know I gotta be at work in 2 hours!!"....What about when somebody at work just get done blowing their nose, and they were blowing so hard that u see their brain on the tissue, and then they hit u with that, "Ok, brotha, I'll see u tomorrow..." and extend their hand 2 u, do u give them a head nod, or do u shake their hand and hope that ur new diet of carrots and ginsing tea will carry u through this one!

All I can say, is that we want simple...we love simple...but a little bit of complexity adds a little spice to life.  Even though I like syrup on my Eggo's with no butter...sometimes u need that hot sauce to keep u interested. Not too much, but just enough...every once in awhile.

If not, u'll be just be Froasted Flakes with no milk....Like Fruit Loops with no marshmallows..Or Apple Jacks without the "Snap, Crackle and Pop!".

Wait a minute...that makes no cents.  


And that's why we never really want it.  (Get it.)


Austino Galaxia I.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Sandy Galaxia.

Sandy Koufax

Whew!  Whew!  And...Whew!

Sneaking in a few minutes of peace right now on this evening.  Just gonna write a little bit...just a tad bit.

Is this whole diary getting a little too much?  Sounds weird since we've been writing a personal one for so long, and have been keeping this Galaxian one for over a year and a half.  But today, especially early this morning we was thinking that we should tame it down some....too many stories about much perspective on how to remain positive...maybe I should just dumb it down and just be along the straight and narrow without perhaps ruffling some feathers or releasing how we really are as a person. It's not easy, and sometimes u think that...

I just got done reading a book on one of the few athletes that relate to me in many ways.  The book was an autobiography on one of the best baseball players of all-time, Mr. Sandy Koufax.  I found this book Koufax (Written with Ed Linn), at a hidden vintage shop.  And to top it all off, the book is actually signed by Mr. Koufax himself.  See we just don't get autobiographies, we also get books that has actually been in the hands of the subject we're reading about.  I saw it and got it for like 50 cents or so...As u know by now, my favorite team is The San Francisco Giants, and although Sandy pitched for our hated rivals....the Dodgers (Still remember me crying the last day of the '93 season when Mike Piazza hit two homers to prevent the G-men from going to the playoffs!  Some of u reading this weren't even born then! )  But that's what sports, and definitely baseball can do, u just remember things.  Sandy pitched for Dodgertown, yet for many years we have heard his name, and just for some reason believe he would not only be a good read, but from what we knew about his career and personality...

It's just so nice to know somebody who can relate to ur journey or thought patterns.  I just got done watching an old episode of Drop Dead Diva (Great show by the way!)  A secret favorite of ours...well, not anymore!)...but it hit us about our life, and what type of people we are attractive to, from a friend standpoint and romantic one as well.  Goofy, Smart and fun....simple right.  But, that's where our magnet is directed right now...As we were saying about people who can relate, we sometimes have to dig deep into papers or books, just 2 find somebody who is on the same wavelength...and that's ok.  I think we all find our inspiration in various fashions.  Some look to family...friends...those they lay next to in bed...we do too, but sometimes when u are trying to go to a place where very few if any, have been, u really have to search out anything that those who've been there, any piece of info they might have left in terms of a book, or movie...anything.  That's a thirst of time for negative time for being on the fence about things...Somebody knows what I'm talking about...even though I'm the biggest kiddo u'll ever meet, we understand that our life is for all ages.  Fun is blind when it comes to age and race and size....just live it up u know.

Koufax.  Some may call him one of the greatest ballplayers of all-time.  But another thing that has been associated with this gentleman is that he has been called one of, if not perhaps the biggest "enigma" in the history of sports.  Great talent...but a lot of how he acted off of it.  His Jewish heritage played a major part in it, and as I read his book (Published in 1966  by the way), I found a gent who went through similar ups and downs in terms of wondering if he would ever be successful.  And also dealing with the steps...let me be more define...the steps of getting close...close...and then no...Then getting close...close....closer...then still no.  See that's why we ALL have to embrace the struggle whatever we're going through, cuz it makes u stronger. We're gonna keep saying that cuz that's what we've learned.  If we haven't given up, or spit hate throughout the air, then I really don't think that anyone else should.  Cuz we have gone through some puzzling things that should have us mad at the world for the rest of our life...but we decide to use all this energy...every "no" motivation like, "...ok...still not there yet, huh..." Just keep on knocking until u reach ur dreams.

Sandy.  He was a definition of baseball perfection in his strikeout records, his no-hitters...just amazing really. Yet, even now, he doesn't get the due that he should.  So dominate...but almost forgotten.  When I read books, I like to write down sentences or quotes.  I have like a folder full of quotes just from the books that we've read.  It helps us to not only remember but reemphasize the thoughts we want to put into our heart and mind, during those times where we need something to make us keep pushing when it seems like all those things about hard work and being patient seems absent and just jibberish.

Some include:

- Will yourself to win.

- How can a team finish seventh one year and be World Champions the next.

- Always feel that things are going to straighten out tomorrow.

- I had to ask myself whether I had really worked as hard as I could have, absorbed as much as I should have...given myself every possible chance.

- For once I was rather convinced that I didn't have anything to lose.  There comes a time and a place where you are ready to listen.

Very recently all these quotes have brought up great questions that we all should ask ourself from time to time...especially when u think that u've been....successful.   I might be krazy, but I'm starting to think that it's harder to look within when everything's going right.  U got money in ur pocket...ur the life of the party...text messages are going off every 10 minutes...just got a promotion.  Personally, that's the time where...maybe the wrong term...but u want to get even better and greedy.  When ur getting 98's on all ur tests..let's strive for 99's.  U just got ur girl the most beautiful Valentine's Day gift...and she loved it...but how about me doing something special the following week when it's not expected...That's what separates the stars and superstars...It ain't much, but it's a lot as well.  The extra mile...This is where our mind is at right now, and if this is going to be the most real diary u'll read...have to speak from our heart.

But those quotes above hit home...almost too much.  U have to push through things and just "will" urself to the next level.  Sometimes it's just the effort and fearlessness (Thanks Coach Spo!) that gets u over the edge.  The following one involve how u just never know.  Finish at the bottom one year, the next year pouring cham-pizzle over each other.  I think that's why u must take the positives out of situations and maybe even make up positives that will let u keep going.  I know we're making up stuff every day to keep us going.  Fantasy stuff...but I think that sooner or later fantasies become reality.

The next one is self-explanatory...the final two, made me look within.  Is it possible that there is another level that we can reach and aren't putting forth the effort or time?  That's why we say that from here on out, this is our "final push" with this diary.  Cuz we're gonna pour like a flask of lemonade every part of who we are, so when The Great Publishing House in the Sky tells us to stop, and it may be in mid-sentence...I can walk away knowing that we did our absolute best.  If we're accepted, so be it.  If not, I don't really care either.  Cuz I know we're true to ourself, if that

The final one is also deep in that all of us, no matter who we are reach a point my boy Billy Boy and myself used to say..348!  Which if u look on a keypad of a telephone, those numbers represent the letters F.I.T.  or "Ef it!"  Sometimes u have to have that attitude when standing up for ur beliefs or taking risks or giving a speech in class.  Preparation first...and sometimes that comes in various classes that u didn't even sign up for.  But after u took the hard tests then u know it can't get any worse, and ur confidence broadens and u really don't fear anything.  It's like embarrassing urself with seemingly all the eyes of the globe watching you.  Yeah, u may cry or tear up, but after awhile u begin to think, "I survived."

Gonna tell this story and then we're done, and this is for those who are in school or what not.  U know kids can be silly and cruel.  Well, I got teased a lot when I was in Elementary school...I was kind of husky, literally since that was my size of jeans...matter of fact I didn't even have my first pair of real jeans until like 7th grade.  I still can see us wearing those Unionbay stone wash jeans with the elastic band like 3 times a week it seemed!  Just so happy u know...Also, got teased a lot for the size of our lips..."Big Lips" is something we would hear.  And it kind of got to us, cuz now we already knew we were different but sometimes things can just seem bigger than what they actually are.  Now I learned for life, and from experience in the Modeling industry, that the things that make u awkward as a kid (Height, Eyes, Personality, Smarts) are actually the things that make u the most sexiest as u get older.  If u look at all the so-called celebrities spotlighted in our society, they all have "something" unique about themselves inside and out.  It's true...

Different is Sexy. (And don't ever forget that...Ever!)

But all that can inspire u to new heights whether that means working harder in class...or in sports, having a little more emotion and fire inside...I think u forgive people...of course!  But I'm starting to believe u don't ever forget those lessons and pain cuz u never know when u need those moments to crank u up just a little more, while striving and even once u've reached the top of the mountain.  So for the youngin's...Be yourself.  Don't let anybody else define you.  If u think it's cool to wear ur Elmo backpack while everybody else is on Spiderman, do what makes u feel at ur best.  If u do that success is inevitable.  For real...

I gotta go cuz I got some fun awaiting the back end of this diary...but...Mr. Sandy Koufax.  A good book with old vernacular and wording.  We're still all about having fun, and believe u me, there's a lot more we can say...we write from our heart, and as we've said before, there's a lot that goes on behind-tha-scenes into our fantasy type lifestyle.  Hopefully, u'll be brought into it, and have fun for urself with folks who share like minded dreams as u.  That's our dream.

And as we're learning...

Dreams do come true.

They do.

A. Galaxia

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Perfect Strangers...Not!

This was tha show...TGIF anybody?!!

And we're off and running...

Tonight we are feeling a little...cheated.  Sounds funny don't it, but it's true.  If it wasn't for me getting nearly killed by this Metrobus (Miami Dade Transit), I might be going off right now.  This bus like, beyond a shadow of a doubt ran a blantley red stoplight as I was about to cross the street and dag gone near took us was ridiculous...I mean  what do u do when city workers begin to break the law, I guess it turns into an anarchy society.  Yes, I knew one day that word would come in handy!  But...this guy was walking with me after I shouted, "He ran that stoplight like a mug!"  He was smiling but talking lengthy in complete espanol, so I knew what he was talking about, but then again I had no DJ Clue, what my compadre really was laying down...but life is like that...we all have that universal

Ok.  Time to get real.  Right now...boy, how can we describe how we feel right now.  I'm a combination of positive mixed with the quarter tablespoon of disrespect mixed with an unknown ingredient simply called p. oh mixed again with an overflowing dose of ultra-Swagoo.  Does that make sense?  I guess I should explain...Has anyone ever just been like...knew they've been on their "A" game and gone through certain steps only to feel like it still didn't work out how u thought it might...and left u with the feeling that of "That was a waste of my time" money, especially if u count that eye got a parking ticket through the whole 30-day Lupe Fiasco?!

I'm ok, but I'm not ok.  I think it's these moments in life where u really have to dig down deep within to find out how are u gonna react?  With our ego being as it is right now...Wow!  That sounded conceited...but we are really at a point where we feel like when one door closes another one is bound to happen.  It will...just because.  That's why I feel like it's our call of duty (Special Ops) to make sure we relay the message that just because things don't go ur way, doesn't mean that things aren't still working in ur favor.  I know we have many situations where we were like dang, why couldn't I gotten that gig or why didn't I hook up with this girl or how come I couldn't get that condo...u wonder, but u just never know what may be lurking around the corner.  It just may be someone dressed as Bigfoot with a special delivery and a song!

I feel another story coming around here somewhere...we shall see.  But for real...just because u hear a "no" or get a rejection letter or email in the ur inbox doesn't mean that u're not too far off from where u should be. It might just mean ur right there.  For real...that's why, as we have very recently learned, u have to take the risks and go through the steps even if u don't get that leading role.  It's almost like an actor going for audition after audition, and even though he might never get that part in the biopic of Ron Jeremy, he still is getting valuable experience that in the future that will prevent him from getting screwed again.  Wait...I got to write that one down on a piece of paper...Ron Jeremy...prevent him from getting screw...ed....a...gain.  Yeah...I'm gonna use that for the VIP portion of my freak...I mean Love conference next year, remember circle tha date...February the it! Ok....but u gained so much by going through the process that sometimes ur name begins to circle within the inner circles and then u never know...a brunch at somebody's house, people talking...bada-boom bada-bing...u name might get brought up...Boom!  And ur that's why u have to do somethings that u don't wanna do, cuz u never know when that pain will become a pleasure.

Sometimes u have to let things play out...see we live in a society where when things look to be going in a certain direction we automatically begin to call out the final result not knowing that that predetermined factor may not turn out like u think.  For example, the I can talk about this because I once was going to be a meterologist as I was growing up, memorizing all the songs that played on the 'nines' every ten can be like, Sunday, and the forecast for next, not this, next Monday can call for a 30% chance of showers, and we trip like our whole plans are ruined.  That's why I don't use the "H-word" down here in Miami.  (The U's nickname!)  Because I don't want to speak something that can be negative into existence if it hasn't officially developed yet.  If it's a Tropical Storm that has a possibilty...ok...and I know u have to be prepared, u don't wanna be out looking for baked beans with something 5 minutes from you...but don't keep harping on something...u never know, maybe the Great Weatherman in the sky, might send it else where...

I guess all this comes from being...disappointed and forcefully molded into that thinking.  I'm learning so much that not only how u think, but what u say, affects so much of who u are.  If u say u're broke...then guess what u're broke, and more than likely ur actions are gonna go towards that...And if I hear another sexy baby girl say "I look like a pig", I promise u I might just throw a shoe in tha ocean or something...if u think that ur unattractive, then what do u think others see?  Even if u're striving, as we all are, sometimes u just have dig in the cupboard and pull out some egotistical confidence where u don't care what others think, u feel good, look good and matter what.  And by the way some folks dress down here in the MIA, they may have been overdosing on that 'E.C.'!!  But u got to do that sometimes...

Within all this, I'm talking and writing to myself really...things aren't gonna go ur way all the time.  I heard a great silly goofy quote the other day...

"I can hit a home run everytime...but not...every...bloody...time!"

Meaning that ur confident in what u can do, but sometimes it doesn't happen.  Don't let that ruin ur day or how u date or...Alright.  I got another story...Now we keep telling all these stories, I don't know why, cuz they reveal us...but...whatever...sometimes it's like too weird to talk about this or that...we say we're gonna write a book and/or make a movie on our life.  I hope this diary is living proof that we aren't joking around when we say that...this diary is one of a kind, and I hope one day we all will look back on it and just shake our head either in disbelief or simply in thinking..."This guy is stupid crazy!!"  As I've said before, "I don't care what u write about me, just spell my name right!"  I may have told this story...I may haven't humm...let's see...And if u've been reading our diary...u know what famous words are about to follow next....

I remember...

We've had a lot of wild experiences when it's come to certain girls.  I mean the stories are endless and just about all of them, we really didn't ask for it's been wild...U got us having episodes with girls with pretty toes...beautiful faces...some who had a boyfriend but put us in difficult falling for a girl who "said" that she was gay, but how she kissed made me think otherwise...a beautiful Italian baby girl who used us for just a "fun toy" for the night...and many, many more...but there has only been one, and I mean one girl who made me give up and momentarily retire from the game...wrong word...the part of life that has intrigued me since I came out the womb with a basketball in one hand and the latest edition of Vogue magazine in the other.  Was I in love with this girl?  No I wasn't, surprisingly, but I did feel like there was a certain potential...if given a chance.

The first time I saw her...she really caught my eye.  There was just something about the way she was so magnetic.  I've never seen a girl who had all their teeth before, so when her sparkle gleamed accross the room, I was like, "Who is that?"  U know I'm gonna tell it straight up...the thing was I was gonna be cool about the whole thing.  Just let things play itself out...I recall telling a few people like one of my homegirls about this one girl, I just came across...As I told her of some of the details, she just kept saying how, "The good girls are tough to get." or "Walk around her, and see how she reacts to ur presence."  Always listen or get some insight from those who have been in ur position before.  They can be from guy or girl, I LOVE hearing experiences and gathering advice from the "vets"!!  So I would follow her instructions to a tee...just to see how things will play itself out.

So one day, somehow, someway, I ended up getting within a cafe sound level with this cutie pie...And after a few seconds of small talk, I asked her, "What her name was?"  And she gave it to me...I didn't ask for her number or anything like that, but I was pretty kosher about the whole situation.  My thinking was if this is all meant to be, then our paths will cross, and we'll go from there...Well, it did, and we got a chance to talk some about life, religion, dating and all that...everything was cool, and done from the most part with a Kool-Aid smile...

Now I was debating should we go H.A.M. after this girl or just let her slide.  The convo's been really good...we've been talking to our insider, as well as mentioned something to our own mother about shorty bee hop...So we decided to show some interest...she was cool...and I would give certain small hints...and she once again took everything in stride seemingly...until one day.  Someone, and I won't mention names, told me basically that she doesn't want anything to do with me?  And u talking about a bomb dropped on me, cuz it was completely out of the blue like "Am I dreaming this up right now?"  I felt like an E! Network producer who just found out that a celeb is gonna get secretly married in like 1 hour.  Except this wasn't a freakin' jump of tha broom, this was a larger than Tom Cruise Hollywood Divorce!  I was stunned...I told my homegirl confidant what just went, and she almost fell over, literally in disbelief.  Because she knows what type of person I am, and it just seemed like a big...hoax.  Like a big setup!

I even tried to ask one of her friends she was close with, which was mad awkward beyond any imagination believe u me, and who knew us pretty good at the time...she just shook her head and was like, "She's tough."  But I could see in her eyes there was some non-agreement with her actions...and check this out.  Her friend, became really cool with us, almost more than before, after this whole 12 Corazones thing went down!  It's amazing what goes down after the fact involving our life...But tha kid, Austino Galaxia...was... to put it simple...and to keep it real...heartbroken.

But the whole thing with this girl turning redcoat on me like she was part of the American Revolution, and with the sudden actions and me seeing her out and about and having to avoid her or her with just broke me down dude.  I specifically can still vision this one afternoon just coming to my showroom and just falling down to my knees crying like, "Why did this have to happen?  And why to me?"  It was like the cherry on the sundae...and I was like wondering why the Great Matchmaker in the Sky would lead me to even approach her...we went through all the gentlemanly protocol...even had advice from another everything was authentic and nothing fake or games being played, being us.  So after that spill, I basically "retired" from the game...without a ring.

It was just like...when something so real, can turn out so fake...and we've had too many experiences like that...u just sometimes figure, "I can't do this anymore....U have everything someone would want and need, and they just don't get it and when they do get it, they just wanna play games on u...and to top it all off, she's gonna go and date one of the dudes I knew??!!  I'm done."

I know others have felt that way, so for the next like 7-9 months.  Nothing.  No kinky kink...No let me see if I still have it...No all these girls are throwing herself at me, and I got to make all women pay....Nothing.  I just couldn't open my heart anymore...and didn't know if I could ever do it again.  After that time I began to somehow, someway ease back into the groove of things, and I look up and was like, this is the first time we've really opened up since...da da dah...We're cool now, but ...

So how did all this come up tonight?  Not sure...I guess, it ties into that sometimes u have to experience some serious, and I'm not talking about no Mickey Mouse, I mean some serious soul searching episodes to see what ur made of.  Once u've gone through them, u can look back and think, "I survived...and now I'm better cuz if it."  Even though I took an hiatus from loving and doving, I wouldn't change anything in the Galaxia cuz now I can really share that dark days and people will pass.  And I feel more prepared cuz of when I say that sometimes 'everything isn't what it seems' or that 'wait until things really develop before u make a mountaint out of a molehill situation', u see that I'm not just jibber jabbering, but it all comes from experience.  And to get that experience u have to take risks, and follow ur heart.  It may lead u to some difficult heartbeats, but what's life if ur heart doesn't speed up every once in a while, right!  What's life...

I'm done.  Long post.  Another crazy one with another crazy day it'll all make sense.

I believe that day is coming real soon in our life....

I hope so...

It has to...

It will.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

U Got Tha Look?

My man Prince...I can dance all night to this one!  Enjoy it for yourself!!

Let's see where this one heads on tonight...just have a feeling that it might get interesting...

Is looks everything in life?  For real...I mean...

I was watching this TV show earlier today concerning the life of the celebrity.  And I almost feel that not too many folks can tell me too much about this topic, because I used to be a "fame fiend" back in tha day, and in some ways u may still see me walk past a camera or two when they are taping a novela down here in South Beach, just to keep my face in the public eye u know.  But the usual talk about...I gonna write tonight...the usual talk about who's dating who, and which star's lovelife has hit the Twilight and all these photo shoots and premieres, in which I don't hate one bit on because I honestly feel like I'm probably gonna be in that same position very soon, as will some who's reading this diary post.  But what A. Galaxia...Freakin' moth in my place, ahhh...what got tha kid is when they began talking about all these Mom-shells and tha kiddos.

First, tha of celebrities are gonna be in the spotlight no matter what, that's just natural.  I mean, u can live in a community of 5,000 people and somebody is gonna know u as such and such's son or daughter, is just how it is.  This show though went so far as to describe the outfit of these six year old kids.  What?  "....wearing a biking helmet, with pink shoes...and blue jeans...with their silver spoon in their front pocket!"  I mean, u telling me that some kindagarden, hey I may not know how to spell it but I passed young kid is going home and watching TV just to see what Beckham's kid wore to school today?  This is where I have a problem...let the kids be kids, one.  And let the parents be parents.  It's enough that they have to watch their every move cuz of cameras in the toliet bowl and folks Iphon-ing them blowing their nose out.  Some folks take 3 hours just to find out what to wear to get the mail outta the mailbox.  I mean...really...who's wearing a Burberry overcoat dress, with Versace leather skinny's from the '95 season, with Chloe sunglasses, all at 6am in the morning?  The sun ain't even out yet!!!  But that's the pressure that is put on looking hot 24/7 when that doesn't happen...believe u me, I know.

Dos-edly, this is the second time in a week I've heard this term Mom-shells.  I think, I may have even wrote about it a few days ago, I don't remember...but it seemingly is the topic of the week.  This New York Times article, was a intriguing read on how much pressure women have to shed the munchkin pounds after having a shorty.  It's not so easy to do...then again...u can't make excuses either about celebrities having trainers and nutritionists and all the time in the world either.  U want my honest to Tim Tebow opinion about the situation....Ok.  I gotta make sure I have my medieval knights shield up, just in case somebody begins to throw something at me.  Alright, here it is:

I think that u build habits before pregnancy, and during pregnancy, and that has an effect on how either ur body reacts after u have a baby.  And more importantly how ur attitude is going to be after u have a baby.  I don't have a baby, that I know of at least...I may get a letter in the mail from Maury Povich and even if I did, homegirl showed me her I.D. & showed that she was 18 and from the state of Atlanta so that has to be legit right?!!  I feel like if the Mom is determined mentally and physically to stay in decent shape while nursing little Jonah while he's still in the belly, and had that "fire" burning before the naked game of Twister landed on "Right Leg Green" then after she has the baby, she would be even more determine to get "her body" back.  It's interesting cuz sometimes the hubby or boyfriend doesn't even want the woman to get her old body.  Especially if the hubby likes the expecting Moms boobs getting bigger and hips/butt expanding just a little bit, sometimes the guy likes the whole process more than u think.  Am I too real tonight?...cuz I know guys know I telling tha truth.  Let me know if I need to stop.  No...ok...

That's a fear with some guys that once...don't know how or why I'm writing this but...fear with not only some guys but girls too, that unknown future prediction.  U know what I'm talking about...when u go out to dinner with somebody and u look at them and begin how they are gonna look 5 years from now.....10 years from now...after a baby...after the morning after...I raise my hand high cuz I've been guilty of it.  Heck, all of Miami should be raising their hand now!  If Columbus was spinning his square globe right now, he should be like "What tha fizzle?" cuz he should see nothing but hands outstretched from the globe in the South Florida region like a Heat fan at American Airlines Arena when it's time to shoot free t-shirts into the crowd!  But for's natural, and sometimes u can see, but most of the time u really don't know.  Things happen...sometimes people actually improve themselves once they become closer to somebody.  Perhaps u are the Ying Yang Twin that will bring out the F Factor (Meaning fun...although, huh, it could mean something different after some A-la-zay with no ice!)  that would make them a better person.  Which brings us back to the initial question...

Is looks everything in life?

While watching this show earlier another tidbit stuck out.  Discrimination for....looking beautiful.  Huh.  Or handsome.  Guys can be beautiful, right?  Anyways...although we don't want to talk about...Of course, that usually means that I'm gonna talk about it.  Once again, have some insight on this issue as well.  (Wink, Wink!)  Ok, so this young tenderoni was talking about this show I guess that's out, or is about to come out with former contestants on the shows The Bachelor and The Bachelorette ...Alright, the show is called Bachelor Pad...And one of the girls on the show, I could tell in her voice was kind of disappointed that she hasn't found "The One" just yet.  She's an attractive girl...don't know her...but it got me thinking how many times, society deems somebody undateable because they look good or because they got smarts...Let me say this, nobody and I mean NOBODY is "out of somebody's league."  I absolutely cannot stand that comment, and I'll eat my pie in the sky knowing that I'm right about that.  U just don't know...

As a kid, I used to grow up watching all these dating game shows.  I mean like them ALL on WGN, MTV, USA Network when they had game shows in the morning....all that stuff, as well as Ricki Lake (Homegirl got a talk show again, ok I see u!) and the classic Jenny Jones.  Through all these game shows and definitely talk shows there were two topics that usually popped my interest, even at young age...

1. Geeks turned into Hunks/Babes...I'm putting my hands over my face for just writing this, but might as well embarrass myself some more, right...and ...
2. People who are too attractive to get a date.

Those two topics, I don't know intrigued me...perhaps it was some partial foreshadowing of our part...but it goes on so much all the time.  This pre-determined image we get just by how a person looks (remember that's the topic of tonight)....A blond, attractive girl who has a bubbly outlook on life, gets deemed an "airhead" or someone who just likes to party...A brotha of African-American decent who has a black on black ride, comes to a stoplight bumping hip hop automatically is a 'thug'...A girl who has a certain "thickness" about her curves means she dates inter-racially or only "brothas"...a guy who's in the office all the day long, working hard, never gets invited out to a night out, cuz people believe he's a workaholic when in reality he's a closet freak inside, and is simply new to town and doesn't know anybody, and will like too, yet nobody....

That is why throughout this whole diary, u read the future stories of legend, and a theme throughout is about taking risks.  U just never know.  But so many times we talk about being discriminatory to one side of the story, but what about the problems that those who strive to be the best they can be, or look the best they can look...that's just as a major problem.  "I hate that girl."...Why, simply just because she wears a size 2, yet not knowing how many times she sacrifices going out to a party for a night working out?  Or hating on a guy because he always wears the latest fashions, not knowing how many months he saved up just for that South Florida No-Tax weekend, so he could spend wisely and smartly.  Everything isn't what it seems...and as I have learned...

Believe half of what u see, and none of what u hear....period.

I've talked too much, but sometimes I just have to let go.  I wasn't even gonna write tonight, but the Great Editor in the Sky demanded that we getting to the question about looks...

In actuality...huge does matter, but not to the overblown proportion that sometimes gets emphasized.  I think that someone's inside beauty can out-spotlight anything on the outside any day of the week.  Um...from my experiences what I'm finding out is that attractiveness unrealized is the most attractive of all.  Sometimes u have to play the game...but I think physical attractiveness is just a byproduct sometimes of doing what's right, or eating right and getting rest...and loving life.  I've seen some mature women, like 55-60 year olds that could give any youngin' a run for their money.  That's real beauty...

Say this and I'm done...when I mention byproduct...I mean, if u're taking the necessary steps to put urself in a position to succeed then everything will take care of urself...I see this all the time working out...if u going hard, doing the right exercises and not just talking about the club or a celebrity at a cafe, and eating right, u shouldn't have lift up ur shirt every five minutes to see if u have a six-pack or not...for'll show....If u ask a girl out politely, being a gentleman, and not dissrespectful, u did ur part, now it's on her to see if she's interested...if not, at least u did ur best, and walk away knowing that ur still tha prize, and u didn't throw urself all out there when she may not even be worth it.  Huh.

More than ever these last few weeks, Galaxia, we've been trying to stay focus, not so much on the final ending, but not only enjoying the moment, but making sure that we are doing the steps that build to the place we want to be in life.  U can't pass a class without first attending it...So our focus is on maximizing the moment and let it build up.  Confusing...maybe but, as I relayed this unheard saying to a homegirl the other day...truly I'm learning by the moment that...

A watched pot never boils.

And for some reason...our life is beginning to get real hot!

Grandad, I luv you, 10 years ago today u past away....A simple thanks to the Rev. James W. Smith.

One rule to life...there aren't any!
Austino Galaxia.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Did anyone else slam this candy back in tha day!  


This afternoon has not gone as all!  But that's ok...we had serious plans of going up north...Not like New York City "Up North", but like 35-40 minutes up north to do some shopping (I'm still in Stage 7 of my recovery addict plan, ok!), getting some new threads for the Bruce Wayne wardrobe and going up to IKEA to get odds and in's for our showroom place.  Like some colorful mirrors and some rugs and things of that nature...but...I guess u have to take care of what's more important first. Like....Bills.  Yikes!  Who knew that any young person living down here in Miami would actually consider taking care of important billings instead of makin' it rain on other items.  I mean, really, what's more important...Keeping my cell phone on or spending dineros on some new kicks and jewelry??  I usually choose the latter, and just "get by" on the celly tip, but on today, we sacrificed and actually took care of some business....

So where do we begin...

Had the top down on today on tha ride.  It was like 90 degrees outside, and we needed to just let the wind blow.  Sometimes u need those moments u know, where u just let life dictate 2 u how and where ur going to go.  Seemingly all...the day...long...we've been talking about needing a "me" day.  Like when u go to the spa and just get a messege...sorry, massage from a beauty...and then get ur manicure and pedicure done on ur hands and toes...I know I totally sound like a Hilton sister right now, but I'm telling u a brotha was feenin' like a golddigger on the Vegas strip, just for a simple rub least a professional one.  Has anyone ever got like a "play" massage from somebody whether on the job or from a friend...and as they are trying to rub u the right way, deep inside ur thinking, "This person has no idea what they doing, there's absolutely got to be a Beauty Schools of America open somewhere at 1 in tha morning!"  But of course, it's the thought that counts, and that's not to be neglected, but sometimes u just need some Equal and not some Nurti-sweet trial and error stuff.

We came back into our home neighborhood of South Beach, and our first stop before we went home was actually to the library.  Went to the one SoFi (South of Fifth Street) which even though it's small, I like the intimacy u can get inside.  As I was driving towards it going south on Alton Road, I had to basically come to a screeching halt, cuz I saw that yellow light blinking indicating that I was entering a school zone.  And if u live down here in South Florida u know that the Five-Oh don't play when it comes to giving out tickets in that 15 mph.  I know in North Miami...Brickell, heck for this one school off of Brickell Ave., the cops just be out there like, "I wish u would go over the speed limit.  If u even think about going 16, I'm gonna hit u up for $250...just for tha thought!!"  But I guess it was the first day of school, so...Ok.  I got a real, real quick story...

Did you know...that ur's truly had...and I once again don't know why I'm telling this stuff, but...for like 2 years and perhaps three years running...I hope ur not eating as ur reading this...but for like 2 plus years I had a Michael Phelps streak of throwing up every single first day of school.  And I wasn't of Fraggle Rock age either...I don't know what it was about it.  Either I was nervous about getting that front row seat next to the door...or maybe it was those tator tot patties that might have been sitting unfrozen in the cafeteria all Summer Sanders and now they gals in the hairnets decided to throw them out to the wolves!  (That's actually pretty funny cuz the mascot of my High School is nicknamed the Wolves!!  Ah...I really need my on AM radio talk show, I really do!!)  But maybe it was that...I remember vividly actually eating lunch, and then knowing what was about to go down.  I promise u, I'm not making this stuff up....I ate...and then it was as if my whole body knew what the next 7 minutes was about to bring.  It was like an old episode of Quantum Leap or when u used to watch The Apprentice and u see someone talk back to "The Donald" and u just knew who the first person was to get that "U're Fired" directed towards them.  But believe u me, it's nothing to be proud of...hurling every first day of school.  But I guess u gotta get it outta of ur system.  And better on the first day, than when ur on stage dressed up as a Christmas Tree, right?!!

Back to today, so I finally get to the library.  And I walk in knowing that I have to renew my library card.  I'm bee-bopping in like this is going to be a In-n-Out Burger for sure...with extra pickles!  Not dude when I gave him the 411 as to why I was in there, asked to see my old card, which I have on my keychain, and asked for some photo ID.  Bam!  I got u playa!  Then he threw a Justin Verlander fastball at me by telling ur boy, that "Before u can check out material, u have to pay ur fine."  I'm thinking...while basically squinting..."How much?"...He says, "$13" and some change..I then tell him to hold on, and I begin to pull money out my pocket like a guy looking for quarters at a "Girls, Girls, Girls" viewing machine on Broadway, to see if I have enough to pay this fine.  I usually don't carry small bills, cough, cough, and after recounting the $8 cash I had on me, homeboy said I could check out one time but the next time, I'll have to ante up.  Me being me, had to ask if that meant I could only check out one item...he said, "One time."...meaning, I walked away wondering what's the record in this joint cuz if I'm going to get one shot then I"m gonna break 'em like a crap game on Saturday night!

I picked up four books...all autobiographies, of course:

- Shaq Uncut by Shaquille O'Neal
- One Day It'll Make Sense by Common
- Bossypants by Tina Fey
- Everything About Me is Fake....and I'm Perfect! by Janice Dickinson

So I got books written by crazy, story-telling hoop legend, and gangsta yet intellectual styled rapper, and ultra-hilarious comedic writer and actress and a former model who preaches constantly that "Beauty is Pain."....No wonder I'm single!! Ha ha!...I then go up to the guy at the front desk and ask him what the largest fine he's seen since working at the library.  He was like..." the hundreds!"  I'm thinking, "Wow!"  And he told me of some woman having a fine for like $500 over losing some expensive books...Dang!!  That's like what it costs me to take a baby girl to go see Timbo at the Fontainebleau on Labor Day weekend!  He said somebody was trippin' over 30 cents...I really wasn't too suprise cuz I almost dag gone near got arrested at the Coral Gables Police Station over 75 cents!!  My car got into an accident and  I had to go up there to pick up the police report and I go inside, tell them my name and stuff, and the guy gives me my report and then tells me, "That'll be 75 cents."  And I know that ghetto-fab came out and I shouted, "75 CENTS??"  My guy looked at his fellow policewoman, and I know they was thinking, "Get this El Cheapo looking cat out of my precinct before I throw the book at 'em!"  He told me, "Just go..."  And I walked outta there thinking that I can at least get one chicken wing from Miami Subs on Wednesdays!  Wild...

Ok.  Crazy day.  And I got a little more...our life is wild, keep saying that.

I was walking, just thinking this is why I love Miami.  I saw two cars blatantly run two stop signs like they were playing Grand Theft Auto.   What else?  Where else do guys stand shirtless in front of the grocery store like they parking lot pimpin or something.  Just out there...chillin'.  Not really though cuz it was mad hot around that Holy Hour of Power of 3pm.  It was hot dude.  How hot?  This is what I witnessed besides the aforementioned Baywatch guy....I saw a girl riding a scooter (My type of babe!) and coming to a stoplight...reach into her bag of groceries, while at the red light mind you, and grab some Ice Breakers and put some in her mouth.  See, u might think that her breath smelled like she just drunk some garbage truck juice, but no...u see, it was mad hot outside, and she needed something to cool her off, so the nearest thing she had was the ice u get it right!!  Movin' on....

Next, it was so scorching that I Lebron witnessed a woman rush a kiddo from the inside of day-care and then dragged him in the parking lot like a three-legged race, and literally slid the side door open and then  threw this rugrat into the back seat of her Odyssey mini-van.  And I didn't Blink 182 cuz I already knew what the deal was hot and when it's hot u do what u gotta do to get into that A/C air waiting for u in tha ride!  I may not agree...but I understand....How hot u ask?  This guy was just sitting in front of the laundromat with no shirtless of course...on top of a Painter's bucket.  Where was tha paint?  And he was at the main entrance....Only in South Beach, bro...and to top it all off...I came inside my apartment from walking in tha heat, slipped off my kicks for a second or two, and next thing I know it, I put my shoes back on, and they are burning hot!  Not kidding!  I'm like, "My feet are actually on fire!"  Never seen that before...but with this weather, who knows what to expect...I rather have my feet on fire, than some other body parts, if u know what I mean!!  (Wink, wink!)

I'm done.  Still stuff to say...but...being led to wrap it up like a teen on Prom night, so we're out...
And  always remember...

Have fun...And Luv!

Austino Galaxia.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Word From Our Sponsor.

Please click below for a word from Austino Galaxia...The Zen Master of Fun!

*Editor's Note - Our newly addition grey tab is found on the right side of our homepage, not the left side as aforementioned in our video.  Sorry for any confusion.

Austino Galaxia.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Summer Kleaning.

Rosie The Riveter...Iconic image from the 1940's

First off, u have to admit, that Summer Kleaning will be one heck of a name for a beautiful girl!  I may just date her just off of her name!!  I like that one..I just had to say that, don't mind me fantazing about her mop, and how she uses those sponges of hers and how she can use a broom stick!  As u can see this is gonna be a wild one tonight!

There's nothing like some good ol' Summer cleaning, is there?!!  Getting that broom out...soaping and spraying down ur bathroom...keeping things so fresh, and so clean...just brings a glow upon ur face doesn't it?  Having ur own place/house/dorm room/street corner, takes a lot of responsibility just in tha up keep of it all.  If u have the pleasure of ownership, u have to really take care of things cuz it's yours and if something happens u have nobody to look to but in the UK Daily Mirror.  Same thing goes with having a ride...u have to take care of it.  I think we've been forced to, just how we were raised.  My Pops didn't play when it came to cleanness and stuff.  

I'll be sleep on a Saturday morning, and it'll be early as heck, and u still recovering from the night before whether that be staying up all night watching a West Coast basketball game or that could include coming in a little later than usual from a bon fire party on the beach or something...but when ur where I'm from, the fast lanes of Indiana where all we do is shuck corn and flirt with farm girls (No wonder I love straw hats on a babe!), Saturday mornings can mean only one thing...cutting the grass.  So I would be in my lovely bedroom  abode inside the crib surrounded by Gabby Reese Niketown boxes (Talking about a crush!), Starting Lineup toy figures and San Francisco Giant teddy bears...we would be sound asleep away in our own fantasy world when we would be awaken by the omnipresent sound of the lawnmower going off.  We would Joey Crack open our eyes and would cringe when we would look up for the time.  7:15 am!!!!  "What tha...?!!!"  And we would then lay our head back down knowing deep inside, Pops is setting us (my bro included) up big time for the waka flocka flame!  Here's why....

Once u hear that sound u have two options, really only one but since I'm telling this story, I guess I'll spruce it up some.  Option #1 is to put on some clothes, maybe brush ur teeth, and go outside and help with our now developed family lawn care company.  Option #2...I still have to look over my shoulder just to write this, cuz it's the unthinkable option, so I'll just whisper it...the other option is...gulp! stay in bed and not go outside, and just close ur eyes acting like u didn't hear a thang!!...Is it safe for me to continue....Ok... But u don't wanna do that...believe u me.  If u do that...Pops would a) Wake u up and yell for you to come outside.  b)  That back to school shopping trip u've been looking forward to all summer will be completely hand tossed out the window like a Tombstone Pizza, which is fitting to say cuz u might as well be dead!  So there wasn't any option.  And then when u finally get urself together knowing that u have to start ur day with the rest of the American Farmers Association, u open up the door to go use the bathroom and u might fall over cuz there would be a trash can RIGHT outside ur bedroom door just screaming at u like teenage girl at a Justin Bieber concert, "Take me out!"  Crazy lifestyle...

But when it comes to being responsible, we've been forced fed into it.  We've had to wash our old car...In the dark!  Just because...Being a beach boy by day didn't mean a thing...U still had to get that Turtle Wax out and soak it up in the driveway.  At least I hope it was my ride that I was washing, once again, it was at night so if not, somebody just saved themselves $15...excuse me...$20 if u live in South Beach for a ride 'n' shine special from Galaxia himself.  Wow...that would be a great phrase for a special for a Honeymoon suite at a hotel, wouldn't it!!! I know nobody gets that joke but me...But u see, on ur honeymoon...and it's ur wifey...and instead of rising and shining...u ride and...once again, the Freaks of the World fan club is shrieking so...I should become a spokesperson, like Mickey is for his club!  He had like JT and Christina  in his club...How proud I would be to have the FF's (Future Freaks) of the Galaxia grow and....let me stop!

It's crazy...Earlier today, we was talking and I was talking about how I'm a mini-germaphobe or whatever u call it when a guy doesn't want to touch anything and eats his food through cyber-connection just because a waiter holds the plate and u don't know where his hands have been!  Yeah...that's us a little bit...Let me get this out the way...Wash ur freakin' hands after u use the bathroom.  With us guys it's becoming an epidemic...I be in the public bathroom doing my thing with the Christmas catalog from  JC Penney in my hands...Flush...and come out...wash my hands, and check out the mirror and all...Next thang I know it, another guy finishes his #1, and walks out the door.  Grabbing the handle and all...And I get a look my face like Jerry in that classic scene from Seinfeld, like "Did I just see what I saw?"  And I'm seeing it everywhere...And it puts u in a weird position cuz now u have decide how to get outta the bathroom without touching the door handle.  There usually aren't any shoops or ducks to climb out of like Catwoman so, u have to decide as u hear the background music from Jaws get louder...I usually ALWAYS grab a paper towel to grab the handle...but what if u're somewhere where they don't have paper towels.  Soap with nothing to wipe ur hands...Blasphemous!! ...It gets so scientific then, cuz u have to rewind ur memory to try to remember where this dude touch his hands and what spot, according to compubox numbers (Still can't believe they robbed Manny Pacquiao in that last fight.), is the most likely to be clean.  Usually it's the upper inside of the top handle, but how do u grab it.  Use ur not!!!  I ain't germing up my Goodwill red dot special for nobody...So u just have 2 a quick whip, pull, and walk...which is the new Stop, Drop and Roll of the 21st century.  See all this drama that coulda been avoided...Wash ur puppies ladies and gents...

But before I got into all that...u have to watch what u touch.  Talking about gas pumps and stuff...small kids coughing on u...If I had a choice between an ex-flame hacking my Facebook wall or sending a sick kid over to my place, with the only sole purpose of me opening the door and him coughing on my 7 times, I may just choose the Facebook thang!  It's not that bad, u may get some interesting photos of chick u don't even know...and ur Fcbook friends all my get personal messages to try some new diet weight loss vitamin developed in India, but I'll take that over having Charlie Brown's play cousin, Linus, coming over with his mukus's m-u-c-u-s...ok..coming over with his mucus filled blue blanket getting his sneeze attack on tha kid just because Kristina bribed him with a pack of Now 'n' Laters and a Spiderman Halloween costume.  I can't take that bro...Did I just call out a name?!!  Hey if it wasn't for the old cell towers of PrimeCo we woulda still been together!  Aw man...I need to stop....

Ok.  It's a Friday night.  I need to get ready to enjoy my evening.

Have fun, and We'll holla!
Austino Galaxia.