Saturday, November 5, 2011

Storms...then Roses.

We are back!  "Did u miss me?!" is what comes to mind.  I used to work with this cool woman who ALWAYS used to say, "Did u miss me?" whenever I talked to her in person or via telephone.  Hope she's doing alright.  Been awhile since I wrote in our diary but so much has transpired, so much.  A part of me doesn't even want to hash brown up what has happened cuz...well, let's just tell tha story.

Been on vacation (and still am...dedicating myself to a lifelong vacation really).  Had a chance to see family, which is always awesome.  Get some real cooking and love u know.  Also, to interact with friends (what up C Hagg!) and folks we haven't heard from in a while is truly good stuff.  Blessed to celebrate a birthday on the 30th, thanks to so many for their birthday wishes and greetings.  Feel good....and feel different at the same time.   Just do.  I can write about so much but gonna make this as short as possible.

The other day, I took a flight and what would ensue I'll never forget. First off, my flight times got twisted so I ended up being at the airport longer than I would have liked.  No problem, I'll just relax and put on some music through my phone and check out CNN on the flat screen.  I get on the plane, which was packed like a box of Cuban cigars.  I mean, jokes aside, I thought I was going to be by myself and able to lay down in the seats like a scene from "Weekend at Bernie's"...but instead it turned into packed overheads and really felt like I was an extra on some kind of Amazonian voyage.  3rd World feel in the air, just felt weird.  So then the plane had a delay on the runway and we're driving around the joint waiting to take off.  The guy next to me (one day I'll tell the story of this time I flew to Miami next to this local tv starlet...can u say "Golddiggerish", and that's how SHE described herself, or at least kept on singing!)...the guy next to me kept telling me all these Mile High tips on flying which was cool.  But I was cool then all of a sudden this dude in front of me dropped his seat back to the Fat Joe "lean back" position.  And I'm like dude c'mon, he dropped it all the way back too.  I had this idea, I'm gonna eat my Mickey D snack wraps (grilled, with NO sauce, and added pickles) pop in a dvd and be chill.  "First the Fat Boys break up and now this!!"  So later I get my dvd out and put in my movie of choice, Alfie.  I've been dying to see this movie because I know I can relate.  Dude having interesting interactions with the opposite sex all while driving on a Vespa...story of my life.  So fighting the urge to do this, and I'm cool buy I really wanted to pull out some Old Coloniel white gloves and slap this guy as I'm watching his head right in my lap.  I held back. Popped in Alfie didn't work.  Dag, this trip is getting wild.  So I pop in a dvd of the singer Joe who was flowing especially when he sung this.  That helped and I thought I was on my way to get some late night rest.

On my way home I was plotting in the air what the most inexpensive way to get home would be.  I can take a taxi from the airport with the flat rate to South Beach being $32 or I can take a bus.  The flight was late so I couldn't take the airport flyer bus for $2.35.  So a brother had to improvise.  Let's take the J bus to Indian Creek on the beach and then the S beach south to Alton Road.  I suggest if u want to see the "real" Miami, take the J bus late at night.  Its a trip.  As I got on the S bus, this chick was standing talking to the bus driver, me and her spoke, her asking where I was coming from this and that.  So throughout the trip she was turning around looking at us.  I'm like its like 1am in the morning, I don't feel like interacting right now on that level.  So before she gets off on Lincoln Road she turns to us and begins to stick her tongue out at us.  Now we've had that happen before on several occasions, matter of fact this one blond/pepper haired beauty used to do it to us all the time, Kat if you reading holla at me at 786.263.38...let me stop.  Any way, this girl was dropping that KISS Gene Simmons action on us!  Lots of folks on the bus late night, definitely a lot of girls riding solo.  Interesting from a safety standpoint....

Get off on Alton Road and drag my bag down 8th street to my spot.  Smelling the Miami Beach scent in the air.  All the while hoping that no one did anything to my car while I was away.  As I turned the corner, in a "Nah-Jee Ram-bah" state of mind preparing for if our car was damaged or stolen.  Whew!!!  The car was still there, Praise the Lord!  But, what is that on our ride?...Looks like a postcard advertising for a party at a club.  But as I walk closer, it's a parking ticket.  What?  I got my neighborhood prking pass...oh c'mon dude gave me a ticket for an expired parking tag.  Wow, so now I'm parking dirty?  Crazy!...

My World Is Crashing...Literally.
To be honest, I'm cool cuz, the Lord's gonna work it out, so I get inside the apt. building and get to our door. Open it up and I'm like "it smells like rain" in here.  I walk further and look into my bathroom and my whole ceiling is basically collapsed on the ground.  My jaw dropped like...this cannot be happening to me can it?  I just wanna go to sleep.  But after having a staring contest with the walls I call the crib and tell my Pops about my crazy situation.  I decide that I'm gonna R. Kelly-ing this thing tonight. And furiously look at places to move to and it was just crazy til about 3 a.m. in the morning.  As I slept with my contacts in, which is a rarity, that night.

So I get up the next day, check my bank statements and find out the State Farm jacked up my car insurance to $132, which is exceeding my budget.  What is going on dude?   Already trying to support my illicit habits and now everything is falling hey wire. Some folks came to check out the bathroom thang, and my guy just basically debo'd the ceiling into the bathroom tile.  And I'm like this is turning into a Nelly loooong night (mare).  So as I look back things get blurry.  I just know that it just kept getting wilder.  I checked my mailbox and found a toll booth violation bill from months ago.  I still haven't gotten paid for one of my gigs.  And on top of all that, I find a summons for me to serve Jury Duty later this month in November.  Talking about getting slammed.  It's like the world's spotlight has hit 734 Jefferson and it's getting too hot.  I didn't eat basically cuz my fridge been empty due to my vacation and with all this drama, I haven't even been to the store.  While talking to the fam late one night, I basically was breaking down as I holding the phone.  When I hung up, it was 'cry me a river' just due to all "this".  So basically , I'm literally praying to God for a miracle.  I know all this is happening for a reason.  Its tough beyond any comprehension but that may mean that a "breakthrough" is on the horizon.  And all this is a test.  A big one.  So I go to sleep and it was like the good Lord was saying it was going to be alright and EVERYTHING that happened HAD to happen.  A day u must go through, just stay calm.

The next day comes, and I'm in a daze like never before.  I planned on working out, only ate some almonds which is unusual before a workout of our nature.  I'm walking through the beach area with like a gazillion questions.  Thinking about the workout cuz its our first in awhile.  I literally took like 1.5/2 weeks off, eating differently just relaxing.  The only time this year we've done that.  Heck, I had some spaghetti with beef from Publix which is the first time I ate that kind of meat in forever.  Just our lifestyle.  So we hoping tha workout would be ok (It was).  Got a big time financial blessing which I won't get into, just that it was on time and allowed us to take care of some things.  God answers!  Finding out that our ceiling is going to get fixed in the next few days, and I feel stronger and better than ever.

This is our diary so it's personal, can be long whatever, just write to capture our thoughts of the moment.  But when things happen in such a weird way, we all must maintain poise and believe that everything is gonna work itself out.  I'm gonna add this too.  When things are at its darkest point and u're crying (guys do cry, heck!) and no one is around who can help u and u think u're by urself, just realize that all hope is not gone.  I was at my lowest point on the real, thought about just getting plastered, to make up for that which was missing on my bathroom roof!  Or let me smoke me something, I'm dead serious, this is Miami and it ain't too hard to get ur hands on some "ew wee".  But if we all just hang in there for just a little bit, the tides will turn if u believe in urself and the good Lord above.  Just telling it like it is, cuz things can get beyond wild.  The storms do rise but after they pass look out.  Roses baby! Roses!


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