Sunday, November 27, 2011

Rat Pack Swag.

The Rat Pack. 

Today's been an interesting day, and I'm gonna take u through our life as usual.  Has God ever surprised you?  I know on several occasions it has happened to us.  How about this one, have you ever felt embarrassed trying to follow God's lead?  Today was one of those days, when the Lord led me to attempt to contact someone that I haven't spoken too in awhile, and really have been blown off by, but YET and still being led to attempt to contact...her.  Now, this is where my diary really gets personal, and I don't really care cuz all of us go through these things, and I'm gonna write because either today or in the year 2015, one day some1 is gonna read these posts and be like this was a once in a lifetime thang going on with Galaxia.  I promise day.  But God leading you can sometimes be like, "C'mon not now".  Giving money to a quote unquote bum, knowing they gonna use it for a hit.  Or Saying "hi" to somebody who has just done you wrong.  Today was just weird, I have the best life in the world in many aspects but in other aspects I just wonder why I do what I do, when I do, to whom I do it to.  I'm in no way just wondering aimlessly and desperate, its quite the opposite, but God knows what's best.  All I'm saying is that if the Lord leads you to do something, whether you believe in him or not, just Nike it, and figure that He has something up his sleeve.  (Wonder if God's a Armani or Calvin guy?)  No matter how crazy or silly you feel, do it...and move on.

The Rat Pack.  These guys had that ultimate swag which resonates many decades later.  When u look back on them characters they had not only skill but smarts and...a presence.  If I had a choice between having money or having a presence, I'd chose a presence.  I think that can change and affect more lives.  Quick story:  So I'm walking over in Kendall's Town and Country Mall, and these high school looking kiddos are making out on the bench.  I quickly glance and the girl is looking dead at me like trying to turn me on or something.  I kind of quench cuz I'm like, does this dude know his girl is checking us out while he's trying to get his Melrose Place on with ol' girl!  Interesting...but getting back, I want folks to read about our life and be like, I may not like him, but there's something different about his lifestyle, and I wouldn't mind being a part of it.  Boy some stories are about to be released...its our diary so tell it.

The other day, I ran into this girl over in Coral Gables.  Now I was actually trying to get the attention of one of my guys I used to work with, but she popped out of nowhere and was like "Hey...and how u doin'??" and all this and all that. She seemed so happy to see us, really surprised.  But as I walked away from our run-in, I thought about our "past".  It all got started with me asking about this Heat game.  She said she was down to go with us, since I had season tickets, but she never called me.  Ok, like the next day one of the dimes she used to work with, whom I thought was cool, asked me about the game.  I told her, that shorty beehop didn't call...The other girl couldn't believe it and call her some kind of name I can't recall or repeat.  So I used to run into the girl quite frequently.  (R.Kelly and Biggie on background cue.) And she used to do her best to avoid us.  It was so awkward cuz I was like I don't have a problem with this chick, a part of me wanted to know what happened, then another part of me was like I don't really care, let's just move on.  So it took awhile of all this game of  personal space tag, and then she finally told her what was up.  That she had to work and stuff, I was fine, u gotta get them Donald Ducketts.  But its interesting how people from ur past, who may have done you wrong, later come back to you.  I'm just letting the diary speak tonight, we got a million stories and here's another one...

U guys know I talk about everything, tonite is girl story night (isn't it always?!)  But now do u believe me when I say I'm gonna write a book one day.  There was this girl, who I noticed every once and a while here and there.  She was from...where was she from...some South American country, maybe Italy, ain't that South American?!  Anyhow, she ended up working with me at the job I was at.  I learned that she was...actually more than I expected, exceeded the hype which is a rarity for us.  She had mad persona, she was smart, had a kind heart, absolutely loved music...when I hear Raphel Saadiq's "100 Yard Dash", I think sometimes bout her cuz she loved that cd.  She also had a love of Eyrkah Badu.  Which is really crazy from a girl who looks like Monica Bellucci.  Just never know.

I remember us talking...a lot about Miami, Coral Gables in particular, music, relationships, life...both of us really started to get our Seal/Heidi Klum on.  She left a note for us on time, and I was like "this is interesting".  She was having a tough time in that period of her life.  I gave her a small gift, I had a hookup a little bit, so I gave her a spa treatment or something over in Coconut Grove at the Mayfair shops.  That's the type of person we are, I REFUSE to let someone feel down and out when I have some resources whether financially or just by listening to a 10 minute vent,  that can make everything better.  C'mon now!  She called me at work and shouted over the phone after she opened her gift, "AUS-TIN WILL-IAMS!!" and still no one's said our name in that vocal manner.  Kinda sexy really... but anyway, she said she couldn't take it....we was cool though.  So a few days past and she lets me know, she's not gonna be working with us anymore she found another job.  We exchanged numbers, personal this time, if I recall correctly, and promised to stay in touch. On our final goodbye, it felt just like the last episode of a soap or novela, where we hugged and u know when your about to kiss (be4 I continue she always gave us this international cheek to cheek kissed backwards, like opposite cheeks, throwing herself on us sometimes), anyhow, when u're about to kiss its little slow (kids skip this part if u're reading), but she moved to give us a kiss and was going for our mouth and then at the very, very last moment turned away for a cheek kiss.  But I know, after she walked away, she wanted to her visible lips on ours.  We were close but that woulda been a little scary.

After all this Young and the Restless drama, we fell out of touch.  Does every seemingly good friendship or romance have to end with a kiss?  Had a few of them...We fell out of touch, and then this one night I'm over in the Gables off of Coral Way about to get our KFC 7-Piece grill chicken special on.  Now at the time, I was actually driving a rental car cuz our ride was getting fixed.  I was in this low-riding Mitsubishi Eclipse convertible, with the top up.  So I circle by that Walgreen's and I'll be Screech Powers if ol' girl walks out right in front of us with this other guy dressed in a blue nurse's outfit on.  I stop from not hitting them, and as they walked by the girl looked in at us, and gave us that "I recognize u but I don't want to" look, and hurried, and with shame on her face (not joking) went by me and into the car.  I was...I was laughing really cuz it was like cockroaches when the lights come on.  'Fume-fume!!'  So I got my chicken, I'm gonna do that no matter what, shoulda asked for some honey as well, and drove back over to the Beach like, right when u think u've seen it all...

So why did I tell all this?  I have no idea, this ain't no preordained script.  Just speak from the heart.  I don't kiss and tell with girls either.  Just the episodes are so bizarre and I've been forced to slam shut so many chapters of our life, I have to tell the lessons.  I guess today's lesson is 'closure'.  You may not get it in life, and you have to be willing to accept that, and not take it out on people.  Hate people or such.  That's why today was so weird, I close books like an old librarian sometimes weekly it seems, when many times  I shouldn't have to be the one to.  Communication is the basis of all walks of life, and especially with friendships and relationships. Think as we are relaying to the world, I've seen a lot, so a "no" surely won't hurt us.  I gotta say this, then I'm gonna get in this kitchen and cook my "It's turkey, fool!!" dish. ...

How should I say this...I feel like....(huge blow)...feel like we possess one of the most underrated and slept-on lifestyles walking this earth.  All the experiences and amount of fun and pain we've had, its amazing.  Met Presidents of countries, been on tv shows, it's amazing.  But I want to stay humble, cuz it's not about me.  What we'll find out in the next 32 hours, is should I change and act South Beachy and be snobby and stuff or will I remain patient and say sooner or later the world will REALLY get to see how we do things.  I still believe our actions, words and joy of life will speak for its self.  The cream always rises to the matter what.  Do our thang and watch the world turn to us...that's the definition of true Rat Pack Swag.


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