Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Soul Food.

Miss Vanessa Williams...What Up!

Boy, am I ready to go to sleep, not now...but RIGHT now!!!  But at the moment have the water boiling to cook my dinner for tonight.  Just been a wild few hours as usual right.  Last night, my building had no electricity in certain spots.  You would think that...whatever.  So, I didn't get any sleep really, like 2-3 hours, couldn't go to sleep.  Enough about that catastrophe, the CNN Bottom Line is we made it through, and now am anticipating some fun.  Still waiting for my bathroom to get fix, so when this whole ordeal is over with I'll be happier than Santa @ Christmas.

You know what I'm realizing...the more you kick it up a notch, the more you have to put up with.  It's like as soon as you turn from being the huntee into the hunter, you should know that the game has changed.  So when things go "hey, hey, hey" wire, maybe it's because you're doing something RIGHT!  "No pain, no gain" right?!!  That just don't work for "The Biggest Loser" show u know...I guess you can revel in the fact...I love to workout and get my grind on.  It clears your mind in so many ways.  Am I vain?  "Bleep" naw, but as I always believe, I want to be able to play 48 mins of NBA basketball without getting tired.  That's the goal.  Right now on this David Beckham abs-Pacquiao cardio type workout along with some of our favorite athletes tossed in:  Kobe, D Wade, LeBron.  Stealing some of their stuff so to speak.  Why do I say this?  When u working out with weights or even running for fun and you start to hit that moment when you have to dig down deep, u gotta push through it.  You may not feel like it...it may even be early in the morning, but u gotta keep going, right when it hurts the most, that's when afterwards u're the most satisfied.  Oh shoot, just said something there!  As in life, things go crazy on the gig, dude or gal u're dating or have in interest in starts tripping out of Left Field, just get through it.  Its tough, trust me, I can write it all day, but when life gives u lemons, squash them with ur foot!! Wow, there gotta be a Farmer's Market joke in there somewhere!!

Been up in Broward County as of late.  The Fort Laudy area (Amy thanks for the nickname, I haven't forgotten!) as well as Hollywood, Dania Beach, Hallendale Beach, don't ask no questions, just know I've enjoyed myself.  Starting to enjoy South Florida.  Been down here for 6 years or so, and it's just so much to see and do.  I still have a special place in my heart for Los Angeles, but for the first time, suprisingly, I felt like I could make this area my home.  Everyone talks about my hood South Beach, but there's SOOOO much more, not just in the MIA , but in the entire region of South Florida.  I love finding new hidden spots, from goofy spots to eat, hang out, whatever.  There's a lot.  I'm gonna let u in on a secret.  In my whisper voice....Miami is becoming the place to be, especially this Fall and Winter.  I already see it.  Visitors from Europe, Asia, Canada and Latin and South America are hitting up the area as I speak.  It's getting packed down here, now the Winter Birds are coming too.  Plus, all these events that are happening, it's going to be fun for the next few months, real fun!  Come down, if u haven't been, I hope u're ready!!

Small tidbits...PSU, don't let Joe go out like this, pleeze...Kayne/Jay-Z or Black Eyed Peas, which concert would you go to in the next few weeks...Always love peps selling Giant Pixy Sticks at stoplights (brotha off of Flagler today)...Prince's Rainbow Children Album is a masterpiece...things aren't always what they seem....things are sometimes what they seem....when is this blog gonna blow up?...Libraries Rock!....Everybody who enters our lives is their for a reason.  To help u, or even propel you....Negative energy can get you there...Positive energy is what keeps you there.

Some Soul Food for the night!

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