Sunday, November 6, 2011

Love Triangle!

Oh Anna, Seth and Summer! I really miss The O.C..

Today as I was reading this great tell-all book on life, Dish and Tell:  The Miami Bombshells, a episode from our lure just stuck out.  Literally from out of nowhere.  And all I could do was just laugh...there are so many stories, and I'm not a person who isn't one to be trust and tell everything about everybody or our life.  There are so many crazy episodes that I've experienced from so many sectors that I feel I have a RIGHT to share them because I've learned so much and others have influenced my being in ways I cannot describe.  We used to have Austino's Excerpts as a segment relating to our love life.  That's no longer, but today's a diary entry as usual and at the moment this is what's saturating our mind.  One day these stories will become legendary of sort.  Today's a treat...three for 1.  Let's explain....oh boy, here we go again.

When I first came to this melting pot of a city of Miami, I knew absolutely no one.  Heck, the only things I really knew about the city came from sports and TV shows.  Not just Miami Vice, but classic episodes of Eve, Cops when they were down here tackling folks in Florida.  And how can I forget those memorable episodes of Animal Police Miami...those were some wild stuff, alligators in people's backyards, wild stuff as I was witnessing as I sat at the crib in Indiana.  Did I really want to go down here?  But, one reason that led me down here was to go back to school and get another degree.  That led us to Miami International Univ. of Art and Design.   A very artsy type of school with students from all over the world.  Ok, ok, enough with the admissions plug, get to the good stuff.  Alright, here we go...

My major was Fashion Merchandising, and as you could imagine, it was an eclectic mix of boys (few) and girls (mostly) in my classes.  So the first day of classes, I noticed this one young lady who in a way, I was like "huh"...Now let's be honest old and young, everybody knows that the first weeks of school, yeah, you're trying to get ur education on (boy, Dave Koz is playing some great music as I write this.  Love his show!!), but in reality you're trying to check out who's in your class.  Call it what u may, girls are doing their possible "hubby" watch, while dudes are "checking out the talent" as if they're an agent of sorts.  Everybody does it, especially down in the M.I.A.  So anyhow's, the talent pool was Ford Agency worthy (Can I tell the story like I wanna?!), but there was this one girl who kind of stuck out.  So as the class was introducing themselves, you know I kind of Hulk Hogan'd my ear as she told her name and story.  For the sake of this, I'll call her Sheila.  She said that she was Venezuela, fashion...yada, yada, yada.  Mental note, move on.  Now time passed and I kept hearing the answers she gave in class, very intellectual.  And how she dressed.  I like a gal who can dress well, and she represented herself well whether she was in an Abercrombie polo or in something more luxurious to go with her Louis V bag.  (It seems every gal at MIU has one.)  The combination of South American swag with a California beach gal look, said she's someone to know.  No Doubt.  So I'm thinking what to do to get this gal's a-tent-shon-on-kneey.  Hit us to get her a goofy gift of sorts, but one that looks just like her.  Literally, so after thoughts and prayers, went on a voyage ALL over town looking for this "it" item.  I like to have fun, and I literally went to toy stores everywhere from Toys 'R' Us to the  A to Z store in Miami Beach to find "it".  If I remember correctly talked with the owner there, he was cool, but...nothing.  So I chalked it up to not being meant to be.  I would see Shelia around a lot, have her in some more of my classes.  Even in one memorable class where I was literally 1 of only 2 guys in the class filled with girls from Nuestra Belleza Latina .  In that class during a speech in front of the class, we called her out by saying a "beautiful" innuendo at her.  (We don't care!)  Think that got some cool points with her, but still nothing on the horizon.

Months past, and I noticed this other girl was like in every one of our classes.  Like a lot of them.  And from talking with her consistently me and her had a lot in common.  Both striving to get another degree, liked the city...she talked of Coral Gables, for I think she lived over there.  I described our "beach" life.  But it was wild.  She was short in stature, black hair, but very stylish and had some Cuban spunk that every once in while showed that she don't play.  I'm like, girl I like it when you get mad. (Ne-Yo sing my song boy!)  So there was a "break" in the action so to speak and I'll always say, if things are meant to be, there will come a moment where you are one-on-one with that person to "interact"...just you two.  Always remember that...the time occurred and I wrote her a little note bout "what's talk...what u doing..." all in a Sly Stallone type voice, just on paper! Lol!  But, what made it different was that it was written backwards.  Like Nas' "Rewind" song.  I do stuff differently, that's who we are.  She sat right next to us on our left, so I slid it over to her like R.Kelly did in Jay-Z's "Guilty Until Proven Innocent" video, and just chilled.  I could tell she was initially trying 2 figure out what the hecky-poo was it all about.  Then I saw that light come upon her face, like, "ok...ok".  Then after reading our crazy note, she stated that she was just too "busy" and has no time for relationship or anything really.  Interesting.  So we both sat through the second half of class, I was good really, I don't lust over it ya home dude (the teacher) dismissed class.  And she Flo Jo'd out...and as I got my stuff together and a thought hit us as I saw her walking.  The girl still has my letter...which led me to believe that it did touch her and she wasn't lying.  Sometimes actions do speak louder than words.  We love to touch hearts...u never know how things work.

So one of my final quarters at MIU occurred.  I forgot what it was.  Anyhow, if my memory stands correct, I walked into class and was chilling.  I looked around and low and behold to an astonishment in the back corner of class is sitting Sheila and homegirl sitting down.  And...they're sitting right next to each other!!  Evidently, they are friends.  So how do we handle this one with both of them being in our class, sitting next to each other, and being seemingly friends of sorts.  Whatever. The teacher then goes on to discuss the class and how the class is going to be broken down in groups of 4 in each group.  I knew a lot of people in the class.  My homegirl, Zoila, was in there and we were sexy cool with each other. On top of that, the teacher said we could pick our groups, by listing names on a piece of paper, like 4 names, and he'll do his best to hook us up. So me and Zoila, Miss Thug Beauty herself, were like we HAVE to be in a group together.  We both listed each other #1, so it wouldn't be any doubt to this cat that he should put us in a group together.  So my guy gets the papers from all the students.  Think we took a break as he broke the groups down.  We come back and he was like here are the groups.  He read off the 1st group, and Zoila was in it, but not us.  Both of us like "What tha ..." for real. I was kinda hot.   Then he goes on to like the next group and he's like, "Sheila, this other guy, the homegirl I slid the letter too, and Austin."  All I could do is be like, "this cannot be happening can it?" What?  So the teach says get into ur groups, so I get my stuff, look at Zoila, then walk the craziest steps in a classroom ever to my new group.  I sit down and at the table and am like what's up!  I'm feeling like A-Rod first comin' to the Yankees, like this is awkward.  But then Sheila tells us, that her and the homegirl "HAD" to have me in their group. we talk all four of us.  Exchanged numbers to stay in contact.  Ain't it something how a person can work to make things work, when if you're patient, things can fall into your hands...unexpectantly at that!

So after the class was over, I was basically just giggling to ourself, like God, Dude u're a trip.  I gotta work with 2 girls who I had a serious interest in, which BOTH are friends and BOTH wanted us to be with them in their group.  Wonder what happened next...let's just say things work itself out and I had a lot of fun.  That's when I really knew that our life was unique and life was playing a joke on us! A Love Triangle indeed...what is a man to do?!  God winks too.  Still brings a smile to our face when I think about it.  You just never know. Never!


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